453 resultados para válvula de bola
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Tendo em conta a importância assumida das bolas paradas (BP), como elementos decisivos no desenvolvimento e decisão nos jogos de futebol, o objetivo do estudo foi construir e validar um Sistema de Observação em Competição no Futebol de Bolas Paradas (SOCFutBP), de acordo com a metodologia observacional e suportado por um software de análise de jogo (VideObserver). O estudo foi constituído por uma amostra de 80 ações de bolas paradas observadas numa das partes de um jogo de futebol do Campeonato Nacional de Juvenis de Sub-17. A metodologia de desenvolvimento do sistema de observação adotou os seguintes passos: definição de critérios (e respetivas categorias); seleção e adequação do instrumento; aperfeiçoamento e validação facial do sistema; validação propriamente dita do sistema (intra e inter-observadores) e aplicação do estudo piloto. O Sistema de Observação em Competição de Futebol de Bola Paradas (SOCFutBP) foi construído e validado apresentando dez critérios adequados e ajustados para a recolha e análise de dados no âmbito da investigação focada nas bolas paradas no Futebol, uma vez que todos os critérios apresentaram valores de K superiores a 0,75 na fiabilidade intra-observador e inter-observadores.
Os jornais desportivos são objetos de leitura dos amantes do desporto, que todos os dias levam aos leitores as últimas notícias e informações relacionado com desporto, sendo o futebol a modalidade protagonista em todos os cenários. No âmbito do meu estágio curricular no jornal Record, achei pertinente realizar um estudo de nove jornais desportivos da Península Ibérica, fazendo a análise e a comparação entre eles. Cinco deles são nacionais (diários e semanários) e quatro são espanhóis (apenas diários). Os jornais nacionais analisados foram: Record, A Bola, O Jogo, O Sporting e O Benfica e, de entre os jornais espanhóis, analisei A Marca, As, Mundo Deportivo, e o Sport. Com esse estudo investiguei o aspeto gráfico dos jornais, como a sua capa, grelha, tipografia e o seu tratamento de imagem, assim como o seu público-alvo e a sua relação tiragem/venda. Palavras-chave:
Os recentes desenvolvimentos na saúde, sociedade e tecnologia, têm conduzido a novas formas de estar. Encarar hoje a doença oncológica (DO) é enfrentar um desafio. A comunicação, também sofreu evolução e a Internet assume um espaço crescente na sociedade. O blogue revolucionou a partilha de experiências, como é o caso da vivência da DO, podendo ser gerador de um processo de construção de ajuda mútua. Emergiu a questão: Quais os bloguitas mais ativos e dominantes numa rede de pessoas com doença oncológica com blogue? Este artigo tem como objetivos: Identificar as pessoas com DO com blogue; Identificar as pessoas mais ativas e as pessoas dominantes na rede, recorrendo à Análise Estrutural da Rede Social. Para selecionar a amostra recorreu-se ao método de amostragem não probabilística, intencional, em bola de neve. A rede encontrada constitui-se por 32 blogues, com 1602 ligações (720 com pessoas com DO e 434 na rede), dos quais foram selecionados 17 blogues. A rede estudada tem uma boa densidade (0,438), pelo que a informação se difunde com facilidade entre os nós, cujos atores têm altos níveis de capital social.
A opção de futuro incide sobre os processos de combustão em regime pobre e com baixos índices de formação de poluentes. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho estuda um ejetor de um queimador de gás propano, que equipa uma marmita utilizada para confeção de alimentos no Exército Português, para compreender o mecanismo de arrastamento de ar, com vista a identificar as causas que possam contribuir para uma diminuição da razão de equivalência da mistura ar/combustível. Estes queimadores são dispositivos de funcionamento estritamente mecânico e de conceção simples que permitem uma gama de potências caloríficas compreendidas entre 8 e 22 kW. Permitem uma boa estabilidade de chama que é um requisito fundamental de segurança. A regulação de potência é executada através de uma válvula de ajuste, contendo três posições, uma em que a alimentação se encontra cortada e as outras duas permitindo funcionar na potência mínima e máxima. De modo a efetuar o estudo do ejetor, numa primeira fase, submeteu-se o sistema a uma caracterização experimental do campo de escoamentos à entrada de ar do ejetor, a partir da técnica de diagnóstico Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Assim avalia-se de que forma o escoamento de ar exterior influencia o comportamento do escoamento da mistura de ar/combustível à saída do queimador. Numa segunda fase, recorre-se à técnica de diagnóstico Quimiluminescência para medição de espécies químicas, para avaliar o comportamento do ejetor a alterações de vários parâmetros, tais como caudal de combustível, área de entrada de ar e área de saída da mistura do difusor. Conclui-se que o ejetor mostrase "insensível" a alterações da área de saída e de entrada de ar, em relação ao valor médio da razão de equivalência. Porém observa-se que as misturas de ar/combustível são mais homogéneas quando as áreas de entrada, da saída e da garganta têm valores próximos.
Contiene: Dedicatoria. -- Prólogo. -- Viage de Hernan Cortés desde la antigua Vera-Cruz a México, para la inteligencia de los pueblos, que expresa en sus cartas, y se ponen en el mapa. -- Advertencias para la inteligencia de las cartas de Hernan Cortes(notas sobre la historia del antiguo Mexico incluyendocalendario y listas de emperadores). -- Gobierno político de Nueva España... (lista de virreyes desde Cortés al Marques de Croix). -- Carta [segunda] de relación de Cortés. -- Hojas de grabado. -- Carta tercera de relacion... -- Viage de Hernan Cortés a la peninsula de Californias y noticia de todas las expediciones que a ella se han hecho hasta el presente año de 1769. -- Carta [cuarta] de Cortés. -- Indice.
Mode of access: Internet.
El presente trabajo es parte de una investigación más amplia, en la cual se aborda el tema de la violencia en las escuelas en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La estrategia metodológica implementada fue de corte cualitativo, basado en la aplicación de entrevistas semi-estructuradas a Supervisores, Directivos e integrantes de Equipos de Orientación Escolar (EOE), a fin de captar las percepciones de dichos sujetos sobre la temática a abordar. Para la selección de entrevistados se aplicó la técnica de bola de nieve. Además, para este punto específico, se consultaron otras investigaciones que daban cuenta de lo que sucedía en las escuelas en épocas anteriores con respecto a situaciones de violencia al interior de las mismas. Si bien el trabajo es de índole exploratoria y, por ende, más orientado a avanzar en un plano asertórico antes que apodíctico, la información recolectada nos permite presentar ciertos aspectos de interés, como, por ejemplo, qué hechos perciben los sujetos como posibles de caer bajo el rótulo de "violencia"; qué tipo de fenómenos son percibidos como "nuevos" en el ámbito escolar; qué cambios se han operado en las modalidades para establecer un marco normativo que regule las relaciones sociales en las instituciones escolares; qué tipos de respuesta se han dado a situaciones de violencia en la escuela; en qué términos se desarrolla hoy la relación entre familia y escuela. Por último, cabe agregar que la población mayoritariamente afectada por estos fenómenos es la del grupo etario de 13 a 17 ó 18 años, es decir, la que concurre a las escuelas de Nivel Secundario
Purpose: Alcohol consumption is inversely correlated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease. It is thought that red wine is specifically responsible for these cardiovascular benefits, due to its ability to reduce vascular inflammation, facilitate vasorelaxation, and inhibit angiogenesis. This is because of its high polyphenolic content. Resveratrol is the main biologically active polyphenol within red wine. Owing to its vascular-enhancing properties, resveratrol may be effective in the microcirculation of the eye, thereby helping prevent ocular diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Such conditions are accountable for worldwide prevalence of visual loss. Method: A review of the relevant literature was conducted on the ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and PubMed databases. Key words used to carry out the searches included 'red wine', 'polyphenols', 'resveratrol', 'eye' and 'ocular'. Articles relating to the effects of resveratrol on the eye were reviewed. Results: The protective effects of resveratrol within the eye are extensive. It has been demonstrated to have anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumourogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic and vasorelaxant properties. There are potential benefits of resveratrol supplementation across a wide range of ocular diseases. The molecular mechanisms underlying these protective actions are diverse. Conclusion: Evidence suggests that resveratrol may have potential in the treatment of several ocular diseases. However, while there are many studies indicating plausible biological mechanisms using animal models and in-vitro retinal cells there is a paucity of human research. The evidence base for the use of resveratrol in the management of ocular diseases needs to be increased before recommendations can be made for the use of resveratrol as an ocular supplement. © 2014 Springer-Verlag.
Nanoparticles offer an ideal platform for the delivery of small molecule drugs, subunit vaccines and genetic constructs. Besides the necessity of a homogenous size distribution, defined loading efficiencies and reasonable production and development costs, one of the major bottlenecks in translating nanoparticles into clinical application is the need for rapid, robust and reproducible development techniques. Within this thesis, microfluidic methods were investigated for the manufacturing, drug or protein loading and purification of pharmaceutically relevant nanoparticles. Initially, methods to prepare small liposomes were evaluated and compared to a microfluidics-directed nanoprecipitation method. To support the implementation of statistical process control, design of experiment models aided the process robustness and validation for the methods investigated and gave an initial overview of the size ranges obtainable in each method whilst evaluating advantages and disadvantages of each method. The lab-on-a-chip system resulted in a high-throughput vesicle manufacturing, enabling a rapid process and a high degree of process control. To further investigate this method, cationic low transition temperature lipids, cationic bola-amphiphiles with delocalized charge centers, neutral lipids and polymers were used in the microfluidics-directed nanoprecipitation method to formulate vesicles. Whereas the total flow rate (TFR) and the ratio of solvent to aqueous stream (flow rate ratio, FRR) was shown to be influential for controlling the vesicle size in high transition temperature lipids, the factor FRR was found the most influential factor controlling the size of vesicles consisting of low transition temperature lipids and polymer-based nanoparticles. The biological activity of the resulting constructs was confirmed by an invitro transfection of pDNA constructs using cationic nanoprecipitated vesicles. Design of experiments and multivariate data analysis revealed the mathematical relationship and significance of the factors TFR and FRR in the microfluidics process to the liposome size, polydispersity and transfection efficiency. Multivariate tools were used to cluster and predict specific in-vivo immune responses dependent on key liposome adjuvant characteristics upon delivery a tuberculosis antigen in a vaccine candidate. The addition of a low solubility model drug (propofol) in the nanoprecipitation method resulted in a significantly higher solubilisation of the drug within the liposomal bilayer, compared to the control method. The microfluidics method underwent scale-up work by increasing the channel diameter and parallelisation of the mixers in a planar way, resulting in an overall 40-fold increase in throughput. Furthermore, microfluidic tools were developed based on a microfluidics-directed tangential flow filtration, which allowed for a continuous manufacturing, purification and concentration of liposomal drug products.
Valve stiction, or static friction, in control loops is a common problem in modern industrial processes. Recently, many studies have been developed to understand, reproduce and detect such problem, but quantification still remains a challenge. Since the valve position (mv) is normally unknown in an industrial process, the main challenge is to diagnose stiction knowing only the output signals of the process (pv) and the control signal (op). This paper presents an Artificial Neural Network approach in order to detect and quantify the amount of static friction using only the pv and op information. Different methods for preprocessing the training set of the neural network are presented. Those methods are based on the calculation of centroid and Fourier Transform. The proposal is validated using a simulated process and the results show a satisfactory measurement of stiction.
Magnetic multilayers are the support for the production of spintronic devices, representing great possibilities for miniaturized electronics industry. having the control to produce devices as well as their physical properties from simple multilayer films to highly complex at the atomic scale is a fundamental need for progress in this area, in recent years has highlighted the production of organic and flexible spintronic devices. Because of this trend, the objective of this work was to produce magnetic multilayers deposited on flexible substrate using magnetron sputtering dc technique. Three sets of samples were prepared. The first set composed of the trilayer type CoFe=Cu(t)=CoFe with different thickness of the metallic spacer. The second set consists of two multilayer subgroups, CoFe=Cu in the presence of IrMn layer as a buffer and the next multilayer as cap layer. The third set consisting of non-magnetostrictive multilayer permalloy (Py=Ta and Py=Ag) on flexible substrate and glass. The magnetic properties, were investigated by magnetometry measurements, ferromagnetic resonance and magnetoimpedance (MI), measurements were carried out at room temperature with the magnetic field always applied on the sample plane. For structural analysis, the diffraction X-ray was used. The results of the trilayer showed a high uniaxial anisotropy field for the sample with a spacer of 4.2 nm. For the multilayer in the presence of IrMn layer as the buffer, the study of static and dynamic magnetic properties showed isotropic behavior. For the multilayer in the presence of IrMn layer as a cap, the results of static magnetic properties of the magnetic behavior exhibited a spin valve structure type. However there was a disagreement with results of ferromagnetic resonance measurements, which was justified by the contribution of the unstable and stable grain to the rotatable anisotropy and Exchange bias in ferromagneticantiferromagnetic interface. The third serie of samples showed similar results behavior for the MI Ag multilayers spacer in both substrates. There are also significant MI changes with the Ta spacer, possible associated with the compressive stress on the flexible substrate sample.
In control loops valve stiction is a very common problem. Generally, it is one of main causes of poor performance of industrial systems. Its most commonly observed effect is oscillation in the process variables. To circumvent the undesirable effects, friction compensators have been proposed in order to reduce the variability in the output. This work analyzes the friction compensation in pneumatic control valves by using feedback linearization technique. The valve model includes both dead zone and jump. Simulations show that the use of this more complete model results in controllers with superior performance. The method is also compared through simulations with the method known as Constant Reinforcement (CR), widely used in this problem.
In our first chapter was recorded the perception of fishermen and gatherers of Patané about the absence of local forests, was collected a list of species considered locally as strategic use, the ethnoknowledge associated with those, and identify which of these plants are already perceived as scarce in the region. In the second chapter, was studied all species of plants known by the community, the associated knowledge and the various uses. Were used individual interviews, formal and semi-structured, that have been consecutively applied to sampled respondents not probabilistically by snowball. Were collected socioeconomic data of informants. A adequacy test was performed. Guided tours were conducted to gather photographs and samples witnesses of plants, all identified by the usual methods of botany. Excerpts of the interviews on perceptions appear by looking for consensual information. Some data were presented by descriptive statistics. Were mounted two lists of plants, one with the strategic use and one with all the species listed in the study. It was shown that knowledge about plants remains resilient despite the forest resources now no longer be available.
In our first chapter was recorded the perception of fishermen and gatherers of Patané about the absence of local forests, was collected a list of species considered locally as strategic use, the ethnoknowledge associated with those, and identify which of these plants are already perceived as scarce in the region. In the second chapter, was studied all species of plants known by the community, the associated knowledge and the various uses. Were used individual interviews, formal and semi-structured, that have been consecutively applied to sampled respondents not probabilistically by snowball. Were collected socioeconomic data of informants. A adequacy test was performed. Guided tours were conducted to gather photographs and samples witnesses of plants, all identified by the usual methods of botany. Excerpts of the interviews on perceptions appear by looking for consensual information. Some data were presented by descriptive statistics. Were mounted two lists of plants, one with the strategic use and one with all the species listed in the study. It was shown that knowledge about plants remains resilient despite the forest resources now no longer be available.