983 resultados para unified framework
Strategic Framework and Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Hepatitis C in NI (PDF 182 KB)
2004 - 2007
This document sets out a guidance framework for undertaking an EQIA, and has been approved by the Equality Steering Group and the Regional Equality Liaison Panel. The framework is designed to assist practitioners or managers having to undertake an EQIA for the first time. The framework will: - Introduce policy makers to an effective EQIA approach, setting out a recognised need for specific requirements and guidance on how to fulfil equality requirements; - Steer policy makers to where to seek help, including key documents and additional information sources. åÊ
Northern Ireland Framework Specification for the Degree in Social Work
In the PhD thesis “Sound Texture Modeling” we deal with statistical modelling or textural sounds like water, wind, rain, etc. For synthesis and classification. Our initial model is based on a wavelet tree signal decomposition and the modeling of the resulting sequence by means of a parametric probabilistic model, that can be situated within the family of models trainable via expectation maximization (hidden Markov tree model ). Our model is able to capture key characteristics of the source textures (water, rain, fire, applause, crowd chatter ), and faithfully reproduces some of the sound classes. In terms of a more general taxonomy of natural events proposed by Graver, we worked on models for natural event classification and segmentation. While the event labels comprise physical interactions between materials that do not have textural propierties in their enterity, those segmentation models can help in identifying textural portions of an audio recording useful for analysis and resynthesis. Following our work on concatenative synthesis of musical instruments, we have developed a pattern-based synthesis system, that allows to sonically explore a database of units by means of their representation in a perceptual feature space. Concatenative syntyhesis with “molecules” built from sparse atomic representations also allows capture low-level correlations in perceptual audio features, while facilitating the manipulation of textural sounds based on their physical and perceptual properties. We have approached the problem of sound texture modelling for synthesis from different directions, namely a low-level signal-theoretic point of view through a wavelet transform, and a more high-level point of view driven by perceptual audio features in the concatenative synthesis setting. The developed framework provides unified approach to the high-quality resynthesis of natural texture sounds. Our research is embedded within the Metaverse 1 European project (2008-2011), where our models are contributting as low level building blocks within a semi-automated soundscape generation system.
"Making Life Better" is the public health strategy for Northern Ireland 2013-2023. It is designed to provide direction for policies and actions to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Northern Ireland and to reduce inequalities in health.
The Service Framework for Respiratory Health and Wellbeing was originally launched in June 2009. It has recently been subject to a fundamental review and also to an independent review by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA). The revised Framework includes 56 standards, which relate to a number of specific conditions, as well as communication and patient and public involvement, health improvement and protection, social emotional support, information, training, medicines management, and palliative and end of life care. åÊ
The National Council on Ageing and Older People has long been concerned about the quality of long-term residential care for older people in Ireland. In 1986, its predecessor, the National Council for the Aged published “It’s Our Home”. The Quality of Life in Private and Voluntary Nursing Homes. In 1999 the Council commissioned a postal survey of all long-term residential care facilities in the country to determine whether facilities had quality initiatives in operation; providers’ views and aspirations for future provision of long-term care; providers’ views on the introduction of a national quality monitoring policy Download the Report here
The report contains Background to the commissioning of the Report â?~â?~Towards a Standardised Framework for Intercountry Adoption Assessment Proceduresâ?Tâ?T; the Government decision arising; and the principal findings and recommendations of the Report (Chapter 1); Detailed information on progress made in relation to the recommendations contained in the Report (Chapters 2-5); Statistical data in relation to intercountry adoption services at June, 2000 (Chapter 6); A summary of key findings of the Implementation Group (Chapter 7); and The Implementation Groupâ?Ts recommendations regarding the future of intercountry adoption services (Chapter 8). Download the Report here
In the first part the background on inter-country adoption and assessment of prospective adopters are considered in general terms in Chapters Two and Three respectively. The second chapter places the objectives of the research into context. Due to the declining numbers of children being put forward for domestic adoption, there is increasing recourse to inter-country adoption. An overview of the situation is outlined. The legislation section outlines both Irish legislation and the pivotal international agreement relevant to inter-country adoption, namely the Hague Convention. The implications for inter-country adoption processes are described Download the Report here
Major emergency management is a key challenge and a priority issue for Government. Clearly, the world in which we live is constantly changing and we need to develop our major emergency management architecture to enable us to deal effectively with the possibility of new risks and threats. In the last few years most European Countries have engaged in review and development of their major emergency or civil protection arrangements. This new Framework for Major Emergency Management moves in line with international trends in this field. Read the document (PDF, 1.9mb) Read the Appendices document (PDF, 1.3mb) A series of additional Framework Guidance Documents designed to support specific areas of major emergency management are currently under development. These documents will initially be posted here as Working Drafts for comment by practitioners involved in the implementation process. The first two guides: A Guide to Risk Assessment in Major Emergency Management and A Guide to Preparing a Major Emergency Plan are now available and further guides will emerge at intervals during the development programme. A Guide to Risk Assessment in Major Emergency Management (PDF, 387kb) A Guide to Preparing a Major Emergency Plan (PDF, 158kb)
The document should be read as supplementary to existing requirements as set out both in statute â?" particularly legislation specific to your organisation, the Health Acts 1947-2004, Ombudsman Act, 1980, Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003, Freedom of Information Acts 1997-2003, Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 & 2001, Ombudsman for Children Act, 2002 and the Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act, 1993 – and in Government approved guidelines, including the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2001), Public Financial Procedures, The Role and Responsibilities of Accounting Officers (2003) and Risk Management Guidance for Government Departments and Offices (2004). Read the report (PDF, 1.4mb) Â
Corporate governance is the system by which organisations direct and control their functions and relate to their stakeholders in order to manage their business, achieve their mission and objectives and meet the necessary standards of accountability, integrity and propriety. It is a key element in improving efficiency and accountability as well as enhancing openness and transparency. A significant element of the Governmentâ?Ts programme for health service reform is the strengthening of governance and accountability arrangements across the health system. Read the Report (PDF, 1mb)
Tackling Chronic Disease – A Policy Framework for the Management of Chronic Diseases Chronic diseases are recognised as a major health challenge. In the healthcare system, they represent the major component of service activity and expenditure, as well as the major contributor to mortality and ill-health in this country. Given the population projections which predict a doubling of the elderly population over the next 30 years, this will give rise to a significant increase in chronic diseases with the consequent burden on society, the healthcare system and individuals. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb