535 resultados para ulcerações aftosas recorrentes
The novel As intermitências da morte, by José Saramago (2005a), presents an imaginary narrative that treats one of the most classical themes of universal literature. Besides that, the novel discusses the question of fictional discourse construction, showing the potentialities (and limits) of language as an intermediation between life and art.
In this paper we analyze how the symbols of land and woman are articulated in the lyric from Ana Paula Tavares. Such motifs, applicants at O lago da lua (1999), will take on a structuring in the poetic universe from this Angolan writer, because architect his being in the world at an existential level and political. Paula Tavares gives her voice to express, with defiance and tenderness, the bitter cry of women prisoners in their own silence. The symbiosis between land and woman works as formative and empowering element of identity
A tradição do novo conservadorismo nos EUA foi determinante para a ampliação do debate político durante as últimas décadas, uma vez que, a partir da década de 1950 inseriu e fomentou uma série de ideias que, até então, pareciam excluídas e marginalizadas da discussão política devido ao grande sucesso eleitoral do modelo liberal creditado ao Partido Democrata. Para aprofundar esse debate, o artigo discute a importância da campanha eleitoral de Barry Goldwater, em 1964, e sua relação com a consolidação do movimento conservador no país, compreendendo como a partir dela amarrou-se uma aliança entre variadas correntes que compunham o espectro conservador, o que possibilitou ao Partido Republicano disputar novamente as eleições em um patamar de igualdade com o partido rival. Para realizar essa análise, em um primeiro momento, partimos de uma abordagem sobre o sistema federalista, com o intuito de compreender alguns de seus princípios básicos e sua influência na formação dos EUA como nação. Esse debate serve como base para uma releitura melhor contextualizada em torno de temas presentes na campanha de 1964, principalmente, no que se refere as propostas em torno do papel do Estado e relacionadas ao discurso em defesa dos interesses dos estados e da defesa da Constituição recorrentes no pleito eleitoral estadunidense. Junto a isso, aprofundamos a análise sobre as correntes que compunham o conservadorismo no país, demonstrando como elas, embora fossem muitas vezes antagônicas, se acomodaram em um projeto político conservador.
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is a periodontal disease which suddenly appears and presents an acute clinical course, characterized by patients' pain, discomfort and halitosis. Ulceration on papilla and marginal gingiva can be observed. For this reason, patients presenting this condition may seek dental assistance in Health Units or Graduation Institutions, being the dentist responsible for the adoption of a clinical treatment that minimizes symptomatology. The purpose of this case report is to expose and discuss aspects of clinical treatment for this disease applied to the reality of this service.
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is a periodontal disease which suddenly appears and presents an acute clinical course, characterized by patients' pain, discomfort and halitosis. Ulceration on papilla and marginal gingiva can be observed. For this reason, patients presenting this condition may seek dental assistance in Health Units or Graduation Institutions, being the dentist responsible for the adoption of a clinical treatment that minimizes symptomatology. The purpose of this case report is to expose and discuss aspects of clinical treatment for this disease applied to the reality of this service.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
The education is a fundamental part of a human life, extrapolating formal aspects and can be experienced in different existence activities. When the education is analyzed under a cultural context, it's noticed the influence of the education on docent and students formation, being the reproduction of this context. Thus, three aims were stablished: a) revise Marx literature about alienation; b) analyze and compare the understanding of alienation in Bauman's and Castoriadis' theory; c) suggest, from the theoretical readings, a search path in education area. For this purpose, a simple theoretical research was performed, showing the recurrent categories found in a literature review. Besides, the current context is discussed from a sociological and pedagogical point of view, focusing on raise important questioning for the educational area. The results pointed out that in a society characterized by liquid pragmatism, the students turn out to reflect their current society. It is expected - inside the limit of this study - to contributing to the formation of an education more aware of its culture that surrounds them
This work discusses some of the most representative poems of Uruguayan writer Cristina Peri Rossi (1941 -), compiled in the book Poesía reunida (2005), by analyzing the exploration of recurring themes, like love and eroticism. The proposed analysis will feature the theoretical support of the works of Georges Bataille (1987) and Octavio Paz (1993).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Childhood is a theme that has attracted many controversies and discussions, and winning approaches to the increasingly large over time: biological, psychological, educational, welfare and, more recently, sociological. It is known that the movement, play and game activities are important recurrent and integral development of children, and should be present prominently in early childhood institutions. Based on these assumptions is that this study aimed to analyze the didactic-pedagogical principles postulated by the law, official guidelines didactic teaching and literature, with regard to meeting the needs of children in early childhood education. Unveiling the expectations of the families responsible for children in relation to early childhood education, especially with regard to movement, and play games and compare to what extent these expectations turn away or close to the guidelines on teaching and pedagogical movement, games and postulated in official documents, legislation and literature. To this end, we carried out literature search, selection and analysis of texts relevant to the understanding of the theme. Fieldwork was conducted in a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education Full-time (Emei) of Bauru/SP, and involved the analysis of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the institution, semi-structured interviews with five teachers and five children in the family responsible for Garden II (ages 5 to 6 years). Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis of Bardin and triangulated by the confrontation of literature/legislation, the Pedagogical Political Project of the institution and the expectations of families/guardians. We also realize that the Pedagogical Political Project of EMEI is in routine activities with the children, movement, and play the game are covered and are worked. According to teachers interviewed they assist in learning other areas of work (Oral and Written Language, Nature and Society, etc.) learning of moral...
Internationally there are validated instruments that are used on a large scale to verify the information literacy of individuals in different contexts. Their results serve as a diagnostic for the planning and implementation of information literacy activities. In Brazil there is no validated assessment tools of information literacy. An analysis of contents of four international instruments attached to the upper level educational institutions duly recognized in the literature of the field and validated. The results will be presented related to information literacy addressed in these instruments. It was found that the instruments analyzed the skills focused on the identification of terms of the informational needs, the preparation and construction of search strategies available in parameter two of the Association of College and Research Libraries; differentiation of information sources (parameter one); evaluation and selection of informational sources and selection of the theme searched information (parameter three); and, finally, the abilities of the ethical issue related to use of the information (parameter five). The parameter four, which is facing the communication of information, was not addressed by the instruments. It was concluded that there is a concern of those responsible for preparing the instruments covered with more traditional technical aspects of training users and aspects of information literacy at the expense of ethical and aesthetic aspects.