992 resultados para twisted canonical homomorphism


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An angle invariance property based on Hertz's principle of particle dynamics is employed to facilitate the surface-ray tracing on nondevelopable hybrid quadric surfaces of revolution (h-QUASOR's). This property, when used in conjunction with a Geodesic Constant Method, yields analytical expressions for all the ray-parameters required in the UTD formulation. Differential geometrical considerations require that some of the ray-parameters (defined heuristically in the UTD for the canonical convex surfaces) be modified before the UTD can be applied to such hybrid surfaces. Mutual coupling results for finite-dimensional slots have been presented as an example on a satellite launch vehicle modeled by general paraboloid of revolution and right circular cylinder.


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It is shown that the asymmetric chiral gauging of the WZW models give rise to consistent string backgrounds. The target space structure of the chiral gauged SL(2,R) WZW model, with the gauging of subgroups SO(1, 1) in the left and U(1) in the right moving sector, is obtained. We then analyze the symmetries of the background and show the presence of a non-trivial isometry in the canonical parametrization of the WZW model. Using these results, the equivalence of the asymmetric models with the symmetric ones is demonstrated.


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We study the boundedness of Toeplitz operators on Segal-Bargmann spaces in various contexts. Using Gutzmer's formula as the main tool we identify symbols for which the Toeplitz operators correspond to Fourier multipliers on the underlying groups. The spaces considered include Fock spaces, Hermite and twisted Bergman spaces and Segal-Bargmann spaces associated to Riemannian symmetric spaces of compact type.


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We present a complete solution to the problem of coherent-mode decomposition of the most general anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model (AGSM) beams, which constitute a ten-parameter family. Our approach is based on symmetry considerations. Concepts and techniques familiar from the context of quantum mechanics in the two-dimensional plane are used to exploit the Sp(4, R) dynamical symmetry underlying the AGSM problem. We take advantage of the fact that the symplectic group of first-order optical system acts unitarily through the metaplectic operators on the Hilbert space of wave amplitudes over the transverse plane, and, using the Iwasawa decomposition for the metaplectic operator and the classic theorem of Williamson on the normal forms of positive definite symmetric matrices under linear canonical transformations, we demonstrate the unitary equivalence of the AGSM problem to a separable problem earlier studied by Li and Wolf [Opt. Lett. 7, 256 (1982)] and Gori and Guattari [Opt. Commun. 48, 7 (1983)]. This conn ction enables one to write down, almost by inspection, the coherent-mode decomposition of the general AGSM beam. A universal feature of the eigenvalue spectrum of the AGSM family is noted.


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Bonding in buckminsterfullerene, C60, can be described in terms of a unique canonical representation in which all six membered rings have a benzenoid Kekule structure while the pentagons are all made of exclusively single bonds. The corresponding valence bond structure reflects the full symmetry of the molecule and is consistent with the observed bond length variations. Computational support for the bonding description is provided using localized MO's obtained at the MNDO level. The requirement of benzenoid structures for all the hexagons can be used as a criterion of stability of fullerenes which complements the pentagon isolation rule. A convenient two-dimensional representation of the fullerene structures incorporating the above bonding description is suggested, especially for use in mechanistic discussions.


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In order to gain access to the heptacyclic tetraone 3, efforts were directed towards the utilisation of the major 'unwanted' [4 + 2]-adduct 11 of tetrachlorodimethoxycyclopentadiene and norbornenobenzoquinone. Epoxides derived from the diol and dimethoxy derivatives of the adduct 11 undergo facile Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement resulting in the required endo, syn, endo stereochemistry as well as methano-bridge functionalisation to deliver 18 and 24, respectively. However, intramolecular ether formation, occurring via the capture of carbocation intermediate with the transannularly poised oxygen functionality, is a more facile process. Attempts to cleave the ether linkage resulted in the formation of a novel transannularly cyclised twisted bowl shape heptacyclic compound 30 and its structure has been established through X-ray crystallography.


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For d >= 2, Walkup's class K (d) consists of the d-dimensional simplicial complexes all whose vertex-links are stacked (d - 1)-spheres. Kalai showed that for d >= 4, all connected members of K (d) are obtained from stacked d-spheres by finitely many elementary handle additions. According to a result of Walkup, the face vector of any triangulated 4-manifold X with Euler characteristic chi satisfies f(1) >= 5f(0) - 15/2 chi, with equality only for X is an element of K(4). Kuhnel observed that this implies f(0)(f(0) - 11) >= -15 chi, with equality only for 2-neighborly members of K(4). Kuhnel also asked if there is a triangulated 4-manifold with f(0) = 15, chi = -4 (attaining equality in his lower bound). In this paper, guided by Kalai's theorem, we show that indeed there is such a triangulation. It triangulates the connected sum of three copies of the twisted sphere product S-3 (sic) S-1. Because of Kuhnel's inequality, the given triangulation of this manifold is a vertex-minimal triangulation. By a recent result of Effenberger, the triangulation constructed here is tight. Apart from the neighborly 2-manifolds and the infinite family of (2d + 3)-vertex sphere products Sd-1 X S-1 (twisted for d odd), only fourteen tight triangulated manifolds were known so far. The present construction yields a new member of this sporadic family. We also present a self-contained proof of Kalai's result. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using a lattice model for adsorption in microporous materials, pure component adsorption isotherms are obtained within a mean field approximation for methane at 300 K and xenon at 300 and 360 K in zeolite NaA. It is argued that the increased repulsive adsorbate-adsorbate interactions at high coverages must play an important role in determining the adsorption behavior. Therefore, this feature is incorporated through a "coverage-dependent interaction'' model, which introduces a free, adjustable parameter. Another important feature, the site volume reduction, has been treated in two ways: a van der Waal model and a 1D hard-rod theory [van Tassel et al., AIChE J. 40, 925 (1994)]; we have also generalized the latter to include all possible adsorbate overlap scenarios. In particular, the 1D hard-rod model, with our coverage-dependent interaction model, is shown to be in best quantitative agreement with the previous grand canonical Monte Carlo isotherms. The expressions for the isosteric heats of adsorption indicate that attractive and repulsive adsorbate-adsorbate interactions increase and decrease the heats of adsorption, respectively. It is concluded that within the mean field approximation, our simple model for repulsive interactions and the 1D hard-rod model for site volume reduction are able to capture most of the important features of adsorption in confined regions. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)70515-5].


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The statistical thermodynamics of adsorption in caged zeolites is developed by treating the zeolite as an ensemble of M identical cages or subsystems. Within each cage adsorption is assumed to occur onto a lattice of n identical sites. Expressions for the average occupancy per cage are obtained by minimizing the Helmholtz free energy in the canonical ensemble subject to the constraints of constant M and constant number of adsorbates N. Adsorbate-adsorbate interactions in the Brag-Williams or mean field approximation are treated in two ways. The local mean field approximation (LMFA) is based on the local cage occupancy and the global mean field approximation (GMFA) is based on the average coverage of the ensemble. The GMFA is shown to be equivalent in formulation to treating the zeolite as a collection of interacting single site subsystems. In contrast, the treatment in the LMFA retains the description of the zeolite as an ensemble of identical cages, whose thermodynamic properties are conveniently derived in the grand canonical ensemble. For a z coordinated lattice within the zeolite cage, with epsilon(aa) as the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction parameter, the comparisons for different values of epsilon(aa)(*)=epsilon(aa)z/2kT, and number of sites per cage, n, illustrate that for -1 0. We compare the isotherms predicted with the LMFA with previous GMFA predictions [K. G. Ayappa, C. R. Kamala, and T. A. Abinandanan, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 8714 (1999)] (which incorporates both the site volume reduction and a coverage-dependent epsilon(aa)) for xenon and methane in zeolite NaA. In all cases the predicted isotherms are very similar, with the exception of a small steplike feature present in the LMFA for xenon at higher coverages. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)70333-8].


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The structure of ordered phases that are formed when nitrogen is confined in slit graphite pores of height h is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. The pore wall consists of a single-structured graphite sheet. Canonical ensemble simulations are carried out for temperatures ranging from 15 to 70Kwith layer density distributions, in-plane, out-of-plane angular distributions and snapshots evaluated at different temperatures. At each pore height the pore densities are obtained from independent grand ensemble simulations. At the smallest pore height studied (h)7 Å), where a single layer of molecules is accommodated at the center of the pore, the orientations are predominantly wall parallel, forming a biaxially incommensurate herringbone structure.Whentwo or more fluid layers are formed in the slit pore, the orientation of molecules adsorbed next to the wall can exist in either the herringbone or hexagonal phases. In all the multilayered cases studied, with the exception of the h ) 10 Å pore, where both wall layers form a commensurate herringbone structure, the low-temperature wall structures are incommensurate, possessing 6-fold hexagonal symmetry. The presence of the pinwheel structures, which were observed at low temperatures in the h ) 12 Å and h ) 14 Å pores, is determined by the pore height or the proximity and/or density of the adjacent fluid layers when inner layers are present.


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We present an extensive study on magnetic and transport properties of La(0.85)Sr(0.15)CoO(3) single crystals grown by a float zone method to address the issue of phase separation versus spin-glass (SG) behavior. The dc magnetization study reveals a kink in field-cooled magnetization, and the peak in the zero-field-cooling curve shifts to lower temperature at modest dc fields, indicating the SG magnetic phase. The ac susceptibility study exhibits a considerable frequency-dependent peak shift (similar to 4 K) and a time-dependent memory effect below the freezing temperature. In addition, the characteristic time scale tau(0) estimated from the frequency-dependent ac susceptibility measurement is found to be similar to 10(-13) s, which matches well with typical values observed in canonical SG systems. The transport relaxation study evidently demonstrates the time-dependent glassy phenomena. In essence, all our experimental results corroborate the existence of SG behavior in La(0.85)Sr(0.15)CoO(3) single crystals.


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The objective of this work is to develop a systematic methodology for describing hand postures and grasps which is independent of the kinematics and geometry of the hand model which in turn can be used for developing a universal referencing scheme. It is therefore necessary that the scheme be general enough to describe the continuum of hand poses. Indian traditional classical dance form, “Bharathanatyam”, uses 28 single handed gestures, called “mudras”. A Mudra can be perceived as a hand posture with a specific pattern of finger configurations. Using modifiers, complex mudras could be constructed from relatively simple mudras. An adjacency matrix is constructed to describe the relationship among mudras. Various mudra transitions can be obtained from the graph associated with this matrix. Using this matrix, a hierarchy of the mudras is formed. A set of base mudras and modifiers are used for describing how one simple posture of hand can be transformed into another relatively complex one. A canonical set of predefined hand postures and modifiers can be used in digital human modeling to develop standard hand posture libraries.


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This work intends to demonstrate the importance of geometrically nonlinear crosssectional analysis of certain composite beam-based four-bar mechanisms in predicting system dynamic characteristics. All component bars of the mechanism are made of fiber reinforced laminates and have thin rectangular cross-sections. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. They are linked to each other by means of revolute joints. We restrict ourselves to linear materials with small strains within each elastic body (beam). Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on geometrically nonlinear 3-D elasticity theory. The component problems are thus split into 2-D analyses of reference beam cross-sections and nonlinear 1-D analyses along the four beam reference curves. For thin rectangular cross-sections considered here, the 2-D cross-sectional nonlinearity is overwhelming. This can be perceived from the fact that such sections constitute a limiting case between thin-walled open and closed sections, thus inviting the nonlinear phenomena observed in both. The strong elastic couplings of anisotropic composite laminates complicate the model further. However, a powerful mathematical tool called the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) not only enables such a dimensional reduction, but also provides asymptotically correct analytical solutions to the nonlinear cross-sectional analysis. Such closed-form solutions are used here in conjunction with numerical techniques for the rest of the problem to predict multi-body dynamic responses, more quickly and accurately than would otherwise be possible. The analysis methodology can be viewed as a three-step procedure: First, the cross-sectional properties of each bar of the mechanism is determined analytically based on an asymptotic procedure, starting from Classical Laminated Shell Theory (CLST) and taking advantage of its thin strip geometry. Second, the dynamic response of the nonlinear, flexible fourbar mechanism is simulated by treating each bar as a 1-D beam, discretized using finite elements, and employing energy-preserving and -decaying time integration schemes for unconditional stability. Finally, local 3-D deformations and stresses in the entire system are recovered, based on the 1-D responses predicted in the previous step. With the model, tools and procedure in place, we shall attempt to identify and investigate a few problems where the cross-sectional nonlinearities are significant. This will be carried out by varying stacking sequences and material properties, and speculating on the dominating diagonal and coupling terms in the closed-form nonlinear beam stiffness matrix. Numerical examples will be presented and results from this analysis will be compared with those available in the literature, for linear cross-sectional analysis and isotropic materials as special cases.


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Using the fact the BTZ black hole is a quotient of AdS(3) we show that classical string propagation in the BTZ background is integrable. We construct the flat connection and its monodromy matrix which generates the non-local charges. From examining the general behaviour of the eigen values of the monodromy matrix we determine the set of integral equations which constrain them. These equations imply that each classical solution is characterized by a density function in the complex plane. For classical solutions which correspond to geodesics and winding strings we solve for the eigen values of the monodromy matrix explicitly and show that geodesics correspond to zero density in the complex plane. We solve the integral equations for BMN and magnon like solutions and obtain their dispersion relation. We show that the set of integral equations which constrain the eigen values of the monodromy matrix can be identified with the continuum limit of the Bethe equations of a twisted SL(2, R) spin chain at one loop. The Landau-Lifshitz equations from the spin chain can also be identified with the sigma model equations of motion.


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We describe here a minimal theory of tight-binding electrons moving on the square planar Cu lattice of the hole-doped cuprates and mixed quantum mechanically with their own Cooper pairs. The superconductivity occurring at the transition temperature T(c) is the long-range, d-wave symmetry phase coherence of these Cooper pairs. Fluctuations, necessarily associated with incipient long-range superconducting order, have a generic large-distance behavior near T(c). We calculate the spectral density of electrons coupled to such Cooper-pair fluctuations and show that features observed in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments on different cuprates above T(c) as a function of doping and temperature emerge naturally in this description. These include ``Fermi arcs'' with temperature-dependent length and an antinodal pseudogap, which fills up linearly as the temperature increases toward the pseudogap temperature. Our results agree quantitatively with experiment. Below T(c), the effects of nonzero superfluid density and thermal fluctuations are calculated and compared successfully with some recent ARPES experiments, especially the observed bending or deviation of the superconducting gap from the canonical d-wave form.