415 resultados para transgression


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The selection and proposed cortazarian image in multimodal speech, a poetic moving as a doctoral thesis title, is the result of a process that forms several progressive stages. more than satisfy our curiosity and literary artistic concerns, the questions multiply increases our desire to bring more creative Cortazarian the colossus, that not only ruins a way of making literature , but in its revolutionary labyrinth gives a turn of the screw to the already tangled world of artistic writing , breaking in 1967 with the first of four hybrids books, La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos through which converts the traditional plastic unitextual and unimodal space in a palempsesto inexhaustible generator senses and meanings. Far from appeasing the wrath of conservative critics, caused by his narrative masterpiece, Hopscotch (1963), sparked the debate to denounce the regression of the classic molds of writing, proposing the imagination as the setting for creative freedom, it is not as arbitrary and nonsense, but as a process of higher state of consciousness in which it operates an underlying logic. Hence, our objective is to crawl into the underworld and plastics other multisígnicas border spaces, fleeting and ephemeral alliances that relate not just as complementary and similar texts which may be the same speech and can transmit the same, but quite the contrary, the oft-repeated notion of analogy is the first victim, fortunately, this kind of creative-artistic operations that raise the creative act to a sublime state capable of converting the inexhaustible multitextuales constellations in different ways: opposition, confrontation, invasion, dialogue, shadow, duplication, theft, etc. However this multiple transgression pushed to the limit by Julio Cortazar and his friend Julio Silva through four books proposed for analysis often does not translate into jobs and research in literature departments of the universities of the world, nor the critics are echoes the striking abundance and clarity of expression multimodal phenomenon as is the case with other works of Cortazar unimodal type, which makes it impassable fences mysterious worlds...


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Interiores, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Propõe-se uma reflexão sobre imagens que habitam a margem enquanto lugar menor ou secundário de representação. Este trabalho parte de exemplos encontrados em manuscritos medievais e em graffitis contemporâneos e centra-se nas relações que estas imagens marginais (marginália) estabelecem com o texto central e oficial, tratando-se do texto escrito medievo ou da própria cidade contemporânea. Consideramos que a marginália tende a transgredir esse texto oficial, questionando a sua autoridade e imutabilidade através de uma expansão ou mesmo inversão das suas significações. Nestes fenómenos, a paródia e o humor desempenham um papel relevante. No entanto, a transgressividade da marginália surge como ambígua, facto decorrente da indefinição própria da imagem e da margem onde se inscreve. ABSTRACT: The dissertation explores the issue of images that inhabit the margin as a minor or secondary place of representation. Using examples from medieval manuscripts and contemporary graffiti’s, this work focuses on the connections established between this marginal imagery (marginalia) and the official and central 'text ', whether a written medieval one or one relating more closely with our experience of the contemporary city. lt is considered that marginalia tend to transgress this official text by questioning its authority and immutability through an expansion or even inversion of its original meaning. Parody and humor often play a part in these phenomena. However, the described transgression is filled with ambiguity, which finds its origins within the indefiniteness of the image and the margin where it is inscribed.


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Le succès écologique des organismes dépend principalement de leur phénotype. Une composante important du phénotype est la morphologie fonctionnelle car elle influence la performance d’un organisme donné dans un milieu donné et donc reflète son écologie. Des disparités dans la morphologie fonctionnelle ou dans le développement entre espèces peuvent donc mener à des différences écologiques. Ce projet évalue le rôle des mécanismes de variation morphologique dans la production de différences écologiques entre espèces au sein des poissons hybrides du complexe Chrosomus eos-neogaeus. En utilisant la microtomodensitométrie à rayons X et la morphométrie géométrique 3D, la forme des éléments des mâchoires est décrite pour comparer la variation morphologique et les différences développementales entre les membres du complexe C. eos neogaeus. Les hybrides présentent autant de variation phénotypique que les espèces parentales et présentent des phénotypes nouveaux, dit transgressifs. Les hybrides présentent aussi des différences marquées avec les espèces parentales dans leur allométrie et dans leur intégration phénotypique. Finalement, ceux-ci semblent être plastiques et en mesure de modifier leur phénotype pour occuper plusieurs environnements. L’entièreté de ces résultats suggère que des changements dans le développement des hybrides entraînent une différenciation phénotypique et écologique avec les espèces parentales.


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An important episode of carbon sequestration, Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (OAE-1a), characterizes the Lower Aptian worldwide, and is mostly known from deeper-water settings. The present work of two Lower Aptian deposits, Madotz (N Spain) and Curití Quarry (Colombia), is a multiproxy study that includes fossil assemblages, microfacies, X-ray diffraction bulk and clay mineralogy, elemental analyses (major, minor, trace elements), Rock-Eval pyrolysis, biomarkers, inorganic and organic carbon content, and stable carbon isotopes. The results provide baseline evidence of the local and global controlling environmental factors influencing OAE-1a in shallow-water settings. The data also improve our general understanding of the conditions under which organic-carbon-rich deposits accumulate. The sequence at Madotz includes four intervals (Unit 1; Subunits 2a, 2b and 2c) that overlap the times prior to, during and after the occurrence of OAE-1a. The Lower Unit 1(3m thick) is essentially siliciclastic, and Subunit 2a (20m) contains Urgonian carbonate facies that document abruptly changing platform conditions prior to OAE-1a. Subunit 2b (24.4 m) is a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic facies with orbitolinid-rich levels that coincides with OAE-1a δ13C stages C4-C6, and is coeval with the upper part of the Deshayesites forbesi ammonite zone. Levels with pyrite and the highest TOC values (0.4-0.97%), interpreted as accumulating under suboxic conditions, and are restricted to δ13C stages C4 and C5. The best development of the suboxic facies is at the level representing the peak of the transgression. Subunit 2c, within δ13C stage C7, shows a return of the Urgonian facies. The 23.35-m section at Curití includes a 6.3-m interval at the base of the Paja Formation dominated by organic-rich marlstones and shales lacking benthic fossils and bioturbation, with TOC values as high as 8.84%. The interval overlies a level containing reworked and phosphatized assemblages of middle Barremian to lowest Aptian ammonites. The range of values and the overall pattern of the δ13Corg (-22.05‰ to -20.47‰) in the 6.3m-interval is comparable with Lower Aptian δ13C stage C7. Thus, conditions of oxygen depletion at this site also occurred after Oceanic Anoxic Event-1a, which developed between carbon isotope stages C3 and C6. Both sites, Madotz and Curití, attest to the importance of terrigenous and nutrient fluxes in increasing OM productivity that led to episodic oxygen deficiency.


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Le succès écologique des organismes dépend principalement de leur phénotype. Une composante important du phénotype est la morphologie fonctionnelle car elle influence la performance d’un organisme donné dans un milieu donné et donc reflète son écologie. Des disparités dans la morphologie fonctionnelle ou dans le développement entre espèces peuvent donc mener à des différences écologiques. Ce projet évalue le rôle des mécanismes de variation morphologique dans la production de différences écologiques entre espèces au sein des poissons hybrides du complexe Chrosomus eos-neogaeus. En utilisant la microtomodensitométrie à rayons X et la morphométrie géométrique 3D, la forme des éléments des mâchoires est décrite pour comparer la variation morphologique et les différences développementales entre les membres du complexe C. eos neogaeus. Les hybrides présentent autant de variation phénotypique que les espèces parentales et présentent des phénotypes nouveaux, dit transgressifs. Les hybrides présentent aussi des différences marquées avec les espèces parentales dans leur allométrie et dans leur intégration phénotypique. Finalement, ceux-ci semblent être plastiques et en mesure de modifier leur phénotype pour occuper plusieurs environnements. L’entièreté de ces résultats suggère que des changements dans le développement des hybrides entraînent une différenciation phénotypique et écologique avec les espèces parentales.


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A partir de uma conceção de currículo em sentido lato, e tendo como referência acontecimentos recentes ocorridos em Portugal, o artigo discute a impossibilidade de o currículo poder constituir-se em fonte de transgressão, assumindo-se, pelo contrário, como fonte de mesmice e de ortodoxia. Além disso, rejeita também a possibilidade de inovação curricular e inovação pedagógica serem expressões sinónimas e de que a operacionalização do currículo na escola através das práticas (docentes) de desenvolvimento curricular possa equivaler ou conduzir a inovação curricular. Em oposição, relaciona inovação pedagógica e heterodoxia, cuja probabilidade é muito maior fora do espaço colonizado pelo currículo da escola.


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Elite athletes can reach a level of notoriety where media and fans are interested in various aspects of their lives beyond that of their on-field success or failure. By receiving this level of attention, these sporting celebrities attract sponsorships from commercial, fee-paying corporations. With considered alignment, manufacturers can enhance the visibility of their product with target audiences that consume every aspect of the lives of celebrity endorsers. While this form of commodification has been explored from the perspective of the private sector, there is limited research that reflects on the ambassador relationship between sport celebrities and charitable organisations.While a charity ambassador role omits financial support, a win-win outcome can be achieved. Enhanced visibility can benefit both parties: the sports celebrity adds another dimension to their personal brand portfolio, and the charitable organisation broadens awareness of their social issue. Retired athletes continue to harbour desirable brand equity; they have ongoing potential to reach to multiple stakeholders and act as important catalysts for social change.Whilst heightened visibility of an issue is desired, the immense stakeholder interest in the life of a successful athlete has a downside if the celebrity transgresses. Minor transgressions may pass with little impact, yet what constitutes a minor transgression for one set of stakeholders may result in reputational damage for both athlete and brand. Adopting a case study approach, this chapter investigates the construction of the sports celebrity persona at various stages of their career and the response by all actors to transgressions.Findings reveal that media framing of successful sports personalities can exacerbate future failings and heighten the impact on stakeholders, thus lessening their viability and longevity as positive social catalysts. Replicating actions adopted by the private sector, charitable​ organisations may respond to scandals by immediately severing the relationship, or at the other extreme, provide visible support as the celebrity seeks to repair and restore their image. The cases lead to a cohesive set of risk assessment considerations.


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A partir de uma conceção de currículo em sentido lato, e tendo como referência acontecimentos recentes ocorridos em Portugal, o artigo discute a impossibilidade de o currículo poder constituir-se em fonte de transgressão, assumindo-se, pelo contrário, como fonte de mesmice e de ortodoxia. Além disso, rejeita também a possibilidade de inovação curricular e inovação pedagógica serem expressões sinónimas e de que a operacionalização do currículo na escola através das práticas (docentes) de desenvolvimento curricular possa equivaler ou conduzir a inovação curricular. Em oposição, relaciona inovação pedagógica e heterodoxia, cuja probabilidade é muito maior fora do espaço colonizado pelo currículo da escola.


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Recibido 17 de mayo de 2011 • Aceptado 26 de agosto de 2011 • Corregido 9 de octubre de 2011   La escritura femenina, como todas las formas de producción simbólica desde las mujeres, ha existido y se ha desarrollado a pesar del mandato patriarcal de obedecer y callar que pesa sobre el género femenino. No es objetivo en esta reflexión, ahondar en las acciones y las obras de las mujeres transgresoras quienes, a lo largo de la historia y a pesar de, han ejercido esa forma de hacerse presente y afirmarse ante los otros que es la escritura. Mi propósito es identificar a las mujeres, quienes desde el oficio de maestras ejercitaron su escritura, combinaron su rol docente con el de escritoras y en la elaboración de sus discursos cívicos cuestionaron, precisamente, las concepciones de patriotismo y sentimiento cívico dentro del mismo proceso de construcción de una ciudadanía de la cual ellas no disfrutaban.