998 resultados para trachea mucosa


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Aim: The aim of this study was to characterize the bacterial community adhering to the mucosa of the terminal ileum, and proximal and distal colon of the human digestive tract. Methods and Results: Pinch samples of the terminal ileum, proximal and distal colon were taken from a healthy 35-year-old, and a 68-year-old subject with mild diverticulosis. The 16S rDNA genes were amplified using a low number of PCR cycles, cloned, and sequenced. In total, 361 sequences were obtained comprising 70 operational taxonomic units (OTU), with a calculated coverage of 82.6%. Twenty-three per cent of OTU were common to the terminal ileum, proximal colon and distal colon, but 14% OTU were only found in the terminal ileum, and 43% were only associated with the proximal or distal colon. The most frequently represented clones were from the Clostridium group XIVa (24.7%), and the Bacteroidetes (Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides ) cluster (27.7%). Conclusion: Comparison of 16S rDNA clone libraries of the hindgut across mammalian species confirms that the distribution of phylogenetic groups is similar irrespective of the host species. Lesser site-related differences within groups or clusters of organisms, are probable. Significance and Impact: This study provides further evidence of the distribution of the bacteria on the mucosal surfaces of the human hindgut. Data contribute to the benchmarking of the microbial composition of the human digestive tract.


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This study investigated host-related factors that influence intestinal colonization by Shiga-toxigenic E. coli (STEC). A quantitative colonization assay was developed to comparatively measure attachment of STEC to bovine colonic tissues maintained in vitro. No differences were determined in colonization susceptibility between tissues derived from weaning calves and adult cattle, or for tissues from cattle fed grain and forage-based rations. Substrate conditions designed to represent various intra-enteric environments were tested for their effect on STEC/mucosal interaction. Under conditions corresponding to a well-fed ruminant (high volatile fatty acid and lactate concentrations, low pH), significantly less STEC colonized the mucosal surface of colonic biopsies. These results may help explain why fasted. poorly or intermittently fed cattle and pre-ruminant calves excrete STEC to a greater degree. Studies on the ecology of STEC within the ruminant gut help identify mechanisms to reduce their threat to public health.


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Protective roles for protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) in the airways including activation of epithelial chloride (Cl-) secretion are based on the use of presumably PAR(2)-selective peptide agonists. To determine whether PAR(2) peptide-activated Cl- secretion from mouse tracheal epithelium is dependent on PAR(2), changes in ion conductance across the epithelium [short-circuit current (I-SC)] to PAR(2) peptides were measured in Ussing chambers under voltage clamp. In addition, epithelium and endothelium-dependent relaxations to these peptides were measured in two established PAR(2) bioassays, isolated ring segments of mouse trachea and rat thoracic aorta, respectively. Apical application of the PAR(2) peptide SLIGRL caused increases in I-SC, which were inhibited by three structurally different neurokinin receptor-1 (NK1R) antagonists and inhibitors of Cl- channels but not by capsaicin, the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist CGRP(8-37), or the nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Only high concentrations of trypsin caused an increase in I-SC but did not affect the responses to SLIGRL. Relaxations to SLIGRL in the trachea and aorta were unaffected by the NK1R antagonist nolpitantium (SR 140333) but were abolished by trypsin desensitization. The rank order of potency for a range of peptides in the trachea I-SC assay was 2-furoyl-LIGRL > SLCGRL > SLIGRL > SLIGRT > LSIGRL compared with 2-furoyl-LIGRL > SLIGRL > SLIGRT > SLCGRL (LSIGRL inactive) in the aorta relaxation assay. In the mouse trachea, PAR(2) peptides activate both epithelial NK1R coupled to Cl- secretion and PAR(2) coupled to prostaglandin E-2-mediated smooth muscle relaxation. Such a potential lack of specificity of these commonly used peptides needs to be considered when roles for PAR(2) in airway function in health and disease are determined.


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Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD), is generally caused by excess gastric reflux back to the oesophagus where damage to the mucosa results in injury. GORD is a very common disease in western countries, more than a quarter of western people are suffering from this disease and there is a trend that the percentage population in eastern countries who are diagnosed as GORD is increasing. GORD and its complications damage the quality of life and can lead to serious oesophageal diseases including Barrett’s disease and oesophageal carcinoma. Sodium alginate dissolved in water forms a viscous liquid and can coat on oesophageal mucosa for a period of time. In this study the ability of the liquid alginate to adhere to the oesophageal mucosa was investigated and the factors that affect this retention were examined. The potential of this liquid alginate as a drug delivery vehicle to extend the duration of contact with the oesophageal mucosa was confirmed by this study. The capacity of an alginate coating to retard acid and pepsin diffusion, the two main aggressive factors in gastric reflux, was investigated. A significant reduction in acid and pepsin diffusion by alginate gel layer was demonstrated in this project, indicating that alginate has great potential to protect against damage caused by acidic reflux. A novel method was introduced using an independent score system to assess the protection of oesophageal tissue by a coating of liquid alginate using microscopy as a technique. This technique demonstrated that alginate can protect the oesophageal epithelial tissue from the damage caused by gastric acid and pepsin. Many techniques were used in this study. The experimental results suggested that liquid sodium alginate is a very promising candidate in treating local oesophageal diseases through forming a coating on the oesophageal mucosal surface, retarding the diffusion of components of gastric refluxate and thus reducing the contact of these noxious factors with the epithelium and minimising injury.


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     This study was undertaken to further understanding of the mechanisms which regulate mucus secretion by rat stomach cells. Particular objectives were: (i) to develop and use a radiochemical assay to estimate the secretion of mucin by a suspension of gastric mucosal cells in vitro, (ii) to develop and use a solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (EIA) to study the regulation of the release of bulk gastric mucin from the isolated cells and (iii) to compare the results obtained with the two procedures.      Cells were isolated by exposure of gastric mucosa to pronase and EDTA. Cell suspensions were preincubated with D-[6-3H]glucosamine. [3H]-labelled material of high molecular mass released into the incubation medium, was purified by Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography, and appeared to be gastric mucin. Some unidentified [3H]-labelled material of lower molecular mass was also found in the medium. Release of [3H]-labelled high molecular mass material was essentially linearly related to time. Secretin, isoprenaline and carbachol stimulated release of [3H]-labelled high molecular mass material. The half-maximally effective concentrations of secretin and isoprenaline were 2.3nM and 34nM respectively. Histamine, gastrin and epidermal growth factor were without effect.      A rabbit polyclonal antibody was raised by using purified 'native' rat gastric mucin as immunogen. The antibody preparation appeared specific for rat gastric mucin and was used to establish a quantitative solid-phase EIA. Release of bulk mucin was essentially linearly related to time. Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), forskolin and A23187 dose-dependently stimulated bulk mucin release. Synergistic interactions were observed between PMA and forskolin, and PMA and A23187. Secretin and isoprenaline were confirmed as mucin secretogogues.      In conclusion gastric mucin release was investigated for the first time by using a suspension of gastric mucosal cells. Two different assay procedures were developed. Some pathways and agents responsible for controlling mucin secretion were identified.


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This study concerns the production and action of the local mediators nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the rat gastric mucosa. The major objectives were: (i) to determine which mucosal cell type(s) contained NO synthase activity, (ii) to establish the functional role(s) of NO in the gastric mucosa and (iii) to investigate regulation of gastric PGE2 production. Gastric mucosal cells were isolated by pronase digestion coupled with intermittent calcium chelation and were separated by either density-gradient centrifugation or by counterflow elutriation. The distribution of Ca2+ -dependent NO synthase activity, measured via the conversion of [14C]-L-arginine to [14C]-L- citrulline, paralleled the distribution of mucous cells in elutriated fractions. Pre-treatment of rats with lipopolysaccharide caused the induction of Ca2+ -independent NO synthase in the elutriator fractions enriched with mucous cells. Incubation of isolated cells with the NO donor isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) produced a concentration-dependent increase in the guanosine 3',-5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) content which was accompanied by a concentration-dependent increase in release of immunoreactive mucin. Intragastric administration of ISDN of dibutyryl cGMP in vivo increased the thickness of the mucus layer overlying the gastric mucosa. The NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) produced a concentration-dependent inhibition (IC50 247 μM) of histamine-stimulated aminopyrine accumulation, a measure of secretory activity, in cell suspensions containing > 80% parietal cells. SNAP increased the cGMP content of the suspension but did not decrease cellular viability, glucose oxidation or adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate content. The inhibitory effect of SNAP was observed in permeabilised cells stimulated with ATP and was stereospecifically blocked by preincubation with Rp-8-bromoguanosine 3'-5'-monophosphorothioate, which inhibits activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Stimulation of PGE2 release by bradykinin in a low density cell fraction, enriched with parietal cells and devoid of vascular endothelial cells and macrophages, involved a bradykinin B1 receptor. In summary, NO synthase activity is probably present in gastric mucous epithelial cells. NO may promote mucus secretion by elevation of cGMP. NO donors inhibit acid secretion at a specific site and their action may involve cGMP. The bradykinin B1 receptor is involved with PGE2 production in the gastric mucosa.


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Existe uma grande quantidade de fármacos que provocam reacções adversas na mucosa oral. Os efeitos que causam são variados, nomeadamente angioedema, língua pilosa nigra, bruxismo, síndrome da boca ardente, candidose, queilite, xerostomia, eritema multiforme, hiperplasia gengival, glossite, halitose, hiperpigmentação das mucosas, hipersalivação, reações liquenóides, lupóides, penfigóides e tipo pênfigo, osteonecrose, tumefação das glandulas salivares, alterações do paladar, ulcerações, mucosite e lesões potencialmente malignas, entre outras. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se criar uma base de dados que facilite a pesquisa dos diferentes efeitos adversos e relação com a terapêutica prescrita ao paciente, de modo a auxiliar a vida ao Médico Dentista no contexto da prestação de serviços aos seus Utentes.


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La mucosa oral ha desarrollado un Sistema inmune único y distinto desde los primeros pasos de vida extrauterina, profundamente inmerso en un entorno nuevo y cambiante. En ese momento se produce la delección de células T autorreactivas en el timo. Se crean células nuevas, llamadas células tolerogénicas o Tregs. Con el fin de evitar la autoinmunidad y la inflamación crónica, moléculas coestimuladoras, interleucinas, factores transformantes y células dendríticas, son marcadores ayudadores a analizar. Actualmente se reconoce la cavidad oral como una región de tolerancia inmunológica. Hoy en día existen muchas definiciones de Pérdida de Tolerancia Inmune, las cuales son consultadas en esta presentación. Han sido seleccionadas las más relevantes, con el fin de asociar y explicar los tres problemas más cruciales de este proceso patológico: las úlceras aftosas recidivantes o RAU. Ellos son: dolor, vulnerabilidad y recurrencia.


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Introdução: O melanoma maligno da mucosa (MMM) é uma doença rara com mau prognóstico. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de 32 doentes do Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil de Lisboa com MMM da cabeça e pescoço, no período de 1998 a 2012. Resultados: Dos 32 casos analisados a idade média foi de 70 anos. O tumor primário localizou-se na cavidade nasal e seios peri-nasais em 24 doentes e na cavidade oral em 8 casos. A maioria dos doentes (23) foi submetida a tratamento cirúrgico. Destes, 16 foram propostos para terapêutica complementar com Radioterapia. O tempo de seguimento variou de 26 dias a 10 anos. A sobrevida aos 5 anos foi de 18%. Conclusões: A maioria dos doentes apresentou um estadio avançado na altura do diagnóstico e, apesar dos tratamentos instituídos, verificou-se uma elevada mortalidade. O tratamento de escolha é a cirurgia. O papel da radioterapia continua a ser controverso.


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Introduction: Formaldehyde is a compound with a wide range and is commonly used in anatomy and pathology laboratories. At room temperature is quickly volatilized to a pungent and suffocating gas and its inhalation has been correlated to nuclear alterations in different tissues. We aimed to investigate whether exposure to this compound was correlated with the appearance of cytotoxic and genotoxic features in the nasal epithelial cells of students enrolled in a human anatomy course. Material and Methods: This prospective study collected periodically nasal cells from mucosa of 17 volunteers from two different undergraduate programs with different workloads of practical lessons in an anatomy laboratory, 30 and 90 hours per semester. Cells were staining according to Feulgen method and nuclear morphology was analyzed to detect possible damage. Dunn's post hoc test was used in the statistical analysis. Pearson's correlation was performed for gender, age and questionnaire responses. Results: Epithelial cells showed indicators of cytotoxicity and mutagenicity. Students with a more extensive workload in anatomy laboratory displayed a more severe profile with an increase in karyorrhexis (p < 0.05) over time. The micronucleus analysis showed difference between first and second collection (p < 0.01), although it was not maintained over the time. Students with a less extensive workload display no differences in most of cytological features. Despite karyorrhexis was present in a greater number of cells, for this group no significant difference was observed between any range. The same was observed to karyolysis and micronucleus (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Individuals exposed for short periods of time to formaldehyde are subject to the toxic action of this gas. Karyorrhexis was the most frequently observed cytotoxic feature and micronucleus showed an increase between the first time point. The patterns observed between the student's groups suggest a negative effect due to exposure time.


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Em um estudo retrospectivo, indivíduos com a forma mucosa da leishmaniose foram pareados (sexo, idade e ocupação) a outros pacientes com a forma cutânea em atividade, não demonstrando-se diferença significante da freqüência nos grupos raciais. Do mesmo modo, o teste intradérmico de Montenegro não se mostrou diferente nos diversos grupos raciais, entre os 96 pares de pacientes estudados. Uma maior enduração foi observada em pacientes com o acometimento mucoso quando comparado aos cutâneos. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Se ha realizado una revisión de teorías de pérdida de tolerancia inmune publicadas tratando de encontrar aquellos conceptos modernos. Las mismas se refieren a la predisposición genética, influencia de la epigenética en la modelación de un fenotipo vulnerable, las hipótesis de higiene y de microbiota, síndrome de sensibilidad química múltiple, stress crónico, cortisol, el eje hipófisis, hipotálamo y páncreas, óxido nítrico, ataque a la membrana celular, e injuria por reperfusión. Aplicando los principios básicos de las teorías consultadas se demuestra la pérdida de homeostasis, general o parcial, que podría llegar a explicar tres características fundamentales de las úlceras recurrentes orales: dolor, vulnerabilidad y recurrencia.