900 resultados para spinal cord injury


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Background: A promising therapeutic strategy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the use of cell-based therapies that can protect motor neurons and thereby retard disease progression. We recently showed that a single large dose (25x10(6) cells) of mononuclear cells from human umbilical cord blood (MNC hUCB) administered intravenously to pre-symptomatic G93A SOD1 mice is optimal in delaying disease progression and increasing lifespan. However, this single high cell dose is impractical for clinical use. The aim of the present pre-clinical translation study was therefore to evaluate the effects of multiple low dose systemic injections of MNC hUCB cell into G93A SOD1 mice at different disease stages. Methodology/Principal Findings: Mice received weekly intravenous injections of MNC hUCB or media. Symptomatic mice received 10(6) or 2.5x10(6) cells from 13 weeks of age. A third, pre-symptomatic, group received 10(6) cells from 9 weeks of age. Control groups were media-injected G93A and mice carrying the normal hSOD1 gene. Motor function tests and various assays determined cell effects. Administered cell distribution, motor neuron counts, and glial cell densities were analyzed in mouse spinal cords. Results showed that mice receiving 10(6) cells pre-symptomatically or 2.5x10(6) cells symptomatically significantly delayed functional deterioration, increased lifespan and had higher motor neuron counts than media mice. Astrocytes and microglia were significantly reduced in all cell-treated groups. Conclusions/Significance: These results demonstrate that multiple injections of MNC hUCB cells, even beginning at the symptomatic disease stage, could benefit disease outcomes by protecting motor neurons from inflammatory effectors. This multiple cell infusion approach may promote future clinical studies.


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Objective: To analyze the efficiency of high voltage pulsed current (HVPC) with early application in three different sites, in the regeneration of the sciatic nerve in rats submitted to crush injury, the sciatic functional index (SFI) was used to assess the functional recovery. Methods: After crushing of the nerve, 57 animals were submitted to cathodal HVPC at frequency of 50Hz and voltage of 100V, 20 minutes per day, 5 days per week. The rats were divided into five groups: control group; ganglion group; ganglion + muscle group; muscle group; and sham group. The SFI was determined weekly for seven weeks, from the preoperative period to the 6th postoperative week. Results: Compared with the control group, the results showed a significantly better performance of group 2 for the first 3 weeks; group 3 showed significantly better performance in the third week; and group 4 showed a significantly negative performance during the 481 and 6th weeks. Conclusion: Early application of HVPC had a positive effect in the treatment of the spinal cord region and the sciatic nerve root ganglion with a dispersive electrode on the contralateral lumbar region or on the gastrocnemius. However, HVPC had a negative effect in the treatment with an active electrode on the gastrocnemius and a dispersive electrode on the contralateral thigh. Level of evidence II, Prospective comparative study.


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The authors present a prospective study on the coexistence of spinal injury (SI) and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in patients who were involved in traffic accidents and arrived at the Emergency Department of Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Sao Paulo between September 1, 2003 and December 31, 2009. A whole-body computed tomography was the diagnostic method employed in all cases. Both lesions were observed simultaneously in 69 cases (19.4%), predominantly in males (57 individuals, 82.6%). Cranial injuries included epidural hematoma, acute subdural hematoma, brain contusion, ventricular hemorrhage and traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. The transverse processes were the most fragile portion of the vertebrae and were more susceptible to fractures. The seventh cervical vertebra was the most commonly affected segment, with 24 cases (34.78%). The distribution of fractures was similar among the other cervical vertebrae, the first four thoracic vertebrae and the lumbar spine. Neurological deficit secondary to SI was detected in eight individuals (11.59%) and two individuals (2.89%) died. Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage was the most common intracranial finding (82.6%). Spinal surgery was necessary in 24 patients (34.78%) and brain surgery in 18 (26%). Four patients (5.79%) underwent cranial and spinal surgeries. The authors conclude that it is necessary a judicious assessment of the entire spine of individuals who presented in coma after suffering a brain injury associated to multisystemic trauma and whole-body CT scan may play a major role in this scenario.


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This study evaluated the functional and quantitative differences between the early and delayed use of phototherapy in crushed median nerves. After a crush injury, low-level laser therapy (GaAs) was applied transcutaneously at the injury site, 3 min daily, with a frequency of five treatments per week for 2 weeks. In the early group, the first laser treatment started immediately after surgery, and in the delayed group, after 7 days. The grasping test was used for functional evaluation of the median nerve, before, 10, and 21 days after surgery, when the rats were killed. Three segments of the median nerve were analyzed histomorphometrically by light microscopy and computer analysis. The following features were observed: myelinated fiber and axon diameters, myelin sheath area, g-ratio, density and number of myelinated fibers, and area and number of capillaries. In the proximal segment (site of crush), the nerves of animals submitted to early and delayed treatment showed myelinated fiber diameter and myelin sheath area significantly larger compared to the untreated group. In the distal segment, the myelin sheath area was significantly smaller in the untreated animals compared to the delayed group. The untreated, early, and delayed groups presented a 50, 57, and 81% degree of functional recovery, respectively, at 21 days after injury, with a significant difference between the untreated and delayed groups. The results suggest that the nerves irradiated with low-power laser exhibit myelinated fibers of greater diameter and a better recovery of function.


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Background: Ventral root avulsion is an experimental model of proximal axonal injury at the central/peripheral nervous system interface that results in paralysis and poor clinical outcome after restorative surgery. Root reimplantation may decrease neuronal degeneration in such cases. We describe the use of a snake venom-derived fibrin sealant during surgical reconnection of avulsed roots at the spinal cord surface. The present work investigates the effects of this fibrin sealant on functional recovery, neuronal survival, synaptic plasticity, and glial reaction in the spinal motoneuron microenvironment after ventral root reimplantation. Methodology/Principal Findings: Female Lewis rats (7 weeks old) were subjected to VRA and root replantation. The animals were divided into two groups: 1) avulsion only and 2) replanted roots with fibrin sealant derived from snake venom. Post-surgical motor performance was evaluated using the CatWalk system twice a week for 12 weeks. The rats were sacrificed 12 weeks after surgery, and their lumbar intumescences were processed for motoneuron counting and immunohistochemistry (GFAP, Iba-1 and synaptophysin antisera). Array based qRT-PCR was used to evaluate gene regulation of several neurotrophic factors and receptors as well as inflammatory related molecules. The results indicated that the root reimplantation with fibrin sealant enhanced motor recovery, preserved the synaptic covering of the motoneurons and improved neuronal survival. The replanted group did not show significant changes in microglial response compared to VRA-only. However, the astroglial reaction was significantly reduced in this group. Conclusions/Significance: In conclusion, the present data suggest that the repair of avulsed roots with snake venom fibrin glue at the exact point of detachment results in neuroprotection and preservation of the synaptic network at the microenvironment of the lesioned motoneurons. Also such procedure reduced the astroglial reaction and increased mRNA levels to neurotrophins and anti-inflammatory cytokines that may in turn, contribute to improving recovery of motor function.


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OBJETIVO: Os pacientes lesado-medulares passam a se submeter a uma nova conformação de forças sobre as articulações. O quadril é uma das mais afetadas, por utilizarem a cadeira de rodas como meio de locomoção. Alterações osteoarticulares, como ossificação heterotópica, podem ser encontradas nesses pacientes, sendo evidenciadas por estudos radiográficos. Este estudo visa identificar a incidência das alterações radiográficas em quadris de paciente lesados medulares. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 15 pacientes (30 quadris) acompanhados no Laboratório de Reabilitação Biomecânica do Aparelho Locomotor do HC-Unicamp, analisando-se radiografias da bacia em posições antero-posterior e lowenstein. RESULTADOS: Dos quadris avaliados, apenas sete (23%) não possuíam alguma evidência de dano à superfície articular. A prevalência de ossificação heterotópica encontrada (16,6%) aproximou-se a da literatura. CONCLUSÃO: Devido à prevalência de alterações articulares encontradas, justifica-se o acompanhamento radiográfico dos quadris destes pacientes. Nível de Evidência II. Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivo. (com padrão de referência "ouro" aplicado).


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a eficiência do tratamento com a estimulação elétrica de alta voltagem (EEAV) em três diferentes locais, aplicada precocemente na regeneração do nervo ciático submetido à lesão por esmagamento, e avaliada através do índice funcional do ciático (IFC), em ratos. MÉTODO: Após o esmagamento, 57 ratos foram submetidos à EEAV catódica nos parâmetros: frequência de 50Hz, 100V de tensão, 20 minutos diários, 5 dias por semana. Os ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em: grupo controle; grupo gânglio; grupo gânglio + músculo; grupo músculo e; grupo simulado. O IFC foi avaliado semanalmente durante sete semanas, partindo do pré-operatório até a 6ª semana pós-operatória. RESULTADOS: Em comparação ao grupo controle, os resultados mostraram desempenho significativamente superior do grupo gânglio nas três primeiras semanas, e do grupo gânglio + músculo na 3ª semana, enquanto o grupo músculo teve desempenho significativamente negativo na 4ª e 6ª semanas. CONCLUSÃO: a EEAV aplicada precocemente, foi positiva no tratamento da região da medula e gânglio da raiz nervosa do ciático com o eletrodo dispersivo na região lombar contralateral ou no músculo gastrocnêmio. Porém, proporcionou efeitos negativos no tratamento com eletrodo ativo no músculo gastrocnêmio e dispersivo na coxa contralateral. Nível de evidência II, Estudo prospectivo comparativo.


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Hemangioblastomas of the central nervous system (CNS) are low-grade highly vascularized tumors that may be sporadic or associated with Von Hippel-Lindau disease. Extradural hemangioblastomas are uncommon and those located extra and intradurally are even rarer. This study uses an illustrative case and literature review to discuss the difficulties to consider the correct diagnosis and to select the best surgical approach. A 57 years-old white male patient presented with myelopathy and right C5 radiculopathy. The images showed a lobulated, hourglass shaped, highly enhanced extra/intradural lesion that occupied the spinal canal and widened the C4-C5 right intervertebral foramen. Total resection of the intradural lesion was achieved through a posterior approach, but the extradural part could only be partially removed. Complete improvement was observed after four months of follow-up and the residual tumor has been followed up clinically and radiologically. Even though the preoperative impression was of a spinal schwannoma, the histopathological examination revealed grade I hemangioblastoma as per WHO. Despite their rarity, current complementary exams allow considering the diagnosis of hemangioblastoma preoperatively. That is essential to a better surgical planning in view of the particular surgical features of this lesion.


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Chronic pain affects one in five adults, reducing quality of life and increasing risk of developing co-morbidities such as depression. Neuropathic pain results by lesions to the nervous system that alter its structure and function leading to spontaneous pain and amplified responses to noxious and innocuous stimuli. The Opioid System is probably the most important system involved in control of nociceptive transmission. Dynorphin and nociceptin systems have been suggested key mediators of some neuropathic pain aspects. An important role also for BDNF has been recently suggested since its involvement in the peripheral and central sensitization phenomena is known. We studied neuroplastic alterations occurring in chronic pain in mice subjected to the chronic constriction injury (CCI). We investigated gene expression alterations of both BDNF and Opioid System at spinal level at different intervals of time. A transient upregulation of pBDNF and pDYN was observed in spinal cord, while increasing upregulation of ppN/OFQ was found in the DRGs of injured mice. Development of neuropathic behavioral signs has been observed in ICR/CD-1 and BDNF+/+ mice, subjected to CCI. A different development of these signs was observed in BDNF+/-. We also studied gene expression changes of investigated systems in different brain areas fourteen days after surgery. We found pBDNF, pDYN, pKOP, ppN/OFQ and pNOP gene expression alterations in several areas of CCI mice. In the same brain regions we also determined bioactive nociceptin peptide levels, and elevated N/OFQ levels were observed in the amygdala area. Histone modifications studies have been performed in BDNF and DYN gene promoters of CCI animal spinal cord showing selected alterations in pDYN gene promoter. In addition, a preliminary characterization of the innovative NOP-EGFP mice was performed. Overall, our results could be useful to understand which and how neuropeptidergic systems are involved in neuroplastic mechanism occurring in neuropathic pain.


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In Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), the SMN1 gene is deleted or inactivated. Because of a splicing problem, the second copy gene, SMN2, generates insufficient amounts of functional SMN protein, leading to the death of spinal cord motoneurons. For a "severe" mouse SMA model (Smn -/-, hSMN2 +/+; with affected pups dying at 5-7 days), which most closely mimicks the genetic set-up in human SMA patients, we characterise SMA-related ultrastructural changes in neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) of two striated muscles with discrete functions. In the diaphragm, but not the soleus muscle of 4-days old SMA mice, mitochondria on both sides of the NMJs degenerate, and perisynaptic Schwann cells as well as endoneurial fibroblasts show striking changes in morphology. Importantly, NMJs of SMA mice in which a modified U7 snRNA corrects SMN2 splicing and delays or prevents SMA symptoms are normal. This ultrastructural study reveals novel features of NMJ alterations - in particular the involvement of perisynaptic Schwann cells - that may be relevant for human SMA pathogenesis.


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Preoperative mapping of the arterial spinal supply prior to thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair is highly relevant because of high risk for postoperative ischemic spinal cord injuries such as paraparesis or paraplegia.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate causes of the lack of clinical improvement after thoracolumbar disc surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Case-control magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study. ANIMALS: Chondrodystrophic dogs with acute thoracolumbar disc disease treated by hemilaminectomy: 10 that had no short-term clinical improvement and 12 with "normal" clinical improvement. METHODS: Dogs that had surgery for treatment of intervertebral disc extrusion (2003-2008) where thoracolumbar disc disease was confirmed by MRI were evaluated to identify dogs that had lack of clinical improvement after surgery. Ten dogs with delayed recovery or clinical deterioration were reexamined with MRI and compared with 12 dogs with normal recovery and MRI reexamination after 6 weeks (control group). RESULTS: Of 173 dogs, 10 (5.8%) had clinical deterioration within 1-10 days after surgery. In 8 dogs, residual spinal cord compression was identified on MRI. Bleeding was present in 1 dog. In 3 dogs, the cause was an incorrect approach and insufficient disc material removal. In 3 dogs, recurrence occurred at the surgical site. In 1 dog, the centrally located extruded material was shifted to the contralateral side during surgery. These 8 dogs had repeat surgery and recovery was uneventful. In 2 dogs, deterioration could not be associated with a compressive disc lesion. Hemorrhagic myelomalacia was confirmed by pathologic examination in 1 dog. The other dog recovered after 6 months of conservative management. CONCLUSION: Delayed postsurgical recovery or deterioration is commonly associated with newly developed and/or remaining compressive disc lesion. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: We recommend early MRI reexamination to assess the postsurgical spinal canal and cord, and to plan further therapeutic measures in chondrodystrophic dogs with delayed recovery after decompressive hemilaminectomy for thoracolumbar disc disease.


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We previously showed in dissociated cultures of fetal rat spinal cord that disinhibition-induced bursting is based on intrinsic spiking, network recruitment, and a network refractory period after the bursts. A persistent sodium current (I(NaP)) underlies intrinsic spiking, which, by recurrent excitation, generates the bursting activity. Although full blockade of I(NaP) with riluzole disrupts such bursting, the present study shows that partial blockade of I(NaP) with low doses of riluzole maintains bursting activity with unchanged burst rate and burst duration. More important, low doses of riluzole turned bursts composed of persistent activity into bursts composed of oscillatory activity at around 5 Hz. In a search for the mechanisms underlying the generation of such intraburst oscillations, we found that activity-dependent synaptic depression was not changed with low doses of riluzole. On the other hand, low doses of riluzole strongly increased spike-frequency adaptation and led to early depolarization block when bursts were simulated by injecting long current pulses into single neurons in the absence of fast synaptic transmission. Phenytoin is another I(NaP) blocker. When applied in doses that reduced intrinsic activity by 80-90%, as did low doses of riluzole, it had no effect either on spike-frequency adaptation or on depolarization block. Nor did phenytoin induce intraburst oscillations after disinhibition. A theoretical model incorporating a depolarization block mechanism could reproduce the generation of intraburst oscillations at the network level. From these findings we conclude that riluzole-induced intraburst oscillations are a network-driven phenomenon whose major accommodation mechanism is depolarization block arising from strong sodium channel inactivation.


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We report two patients with subjectively progressive sensory symptoms and gait disturbance due to cobalamin deficiency, but only slight or absent abnormalities on neurological examination. In both patients, spinal MRI provided evidence for a myelopathic origin of the symptoms, disclosing characteristic T(2) hyperintense signal alterations confined to the posterior columns of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord. The patients illustrate the early clinical presentation of subacute combined degeneration (SCD) with a sensory neuropathy starting with acroparesthesia and Lhermitte's sign. Furthermore, the diagnostic value of spinal MRI for early diagnosis of SCD with characteristic findings is highlighted.


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AIM To report a rare case of a spinal WHO grade I meningioma extending through intervertebral foramina C7 to D4 with an extensive mediastinal mass and infiltration of the vertebrae, and to discuss the malignant behavior of a tumor classified as benign. METHODS (Clinical Presentation, Histology, and Imaging): A 54-year-old man suffered from increasing lower back pain with gait difficulties, weakness and numbness of the lower extremities, as well as urge incontinence. CT scan of the thorax and MRI scan of the spine revealed a large prevertebral tumor, which extended to the spinal canal and caused compression of the spinal cord at the levels of C7 to D4 leading to myelopathy with hyperintense signal alteration on T2-weighted MRI images. The signal constellation (T1 with and without contrast, T2, TIR) was highly suspicious for infiltration of vertebrae C7 to D5. Somatostatin receptor SPECT/CT with (111)In-DTPA-D: -Phe-1-octreotide detected a somatostatin receptor-positive mediastinal tumor with infiltration of multiple vertebrae, dura, and intervertebral foramina C7-D4, partially with Krenning score >2. Percutaneous biopsies of the mediastinal mass led to histopathological findings of WHO grade I meningioma of meningothelial subtype. RESULTS (Therapy): C7 to D4 laminoplasty was performed, and the intraspinal, extradural part of the tumor was microsurgically removed. Postoperative stereotactic radiation therapy was done using the volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) technique (RapidArc). No PRRNT with (90)Y-DOTA-TOC was done. CONCLUSIONS Due to the rare incidence and complex presentation of this disease not amenable to complete surgical resection, an individualized treatment approach should be worked out interdisciplinarily. The treatment approach should be based not only on histology but also on clinical and imaging findings. Close clinical and radiological follow-up may be mandatory even for benign tumors.