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In a global and increasingly competitive fresh produce market, more attention is being given to fruit quality traits and consumer satisfaction. Kiwifruit occupies a niche position in the worldwide market, when compared to apples, oranges or bananas. It is a fruit with extraordinarily good nutritional traits, and its benefits to human health have been widely described. Until recently, international trade in kiwifruit was restricted to a single cultivar, but different types of kiwifruit are now becoming available in the market. Effective programmes of kiwifruit improvement start by considering the requirements of consumers, and recent surveys indicate that sweeter fruit with better flavour are generally preferred. There is a strong correlation between at-harvest dry matter and starch content, and soluble solid concentration and flavour when fruit are eating ripe. This suggests that carbon accumulation strongly influences the development of kiwifruit taste. The overall aim of the present study was to determine what factors affect carbon accumulation during Actinidia deliciosa berry development. One way of doing this is by comparing kiwifruit genotypes that differ greatly in their ability to accumulate dry matter in their fruit. Starch is the major component of dry matter content. It was hypothesized that genotypes were different in sink strength. Sink strength, by definition, is the effect of sink size and sink activity. Chapter 1 reviews fruit growth, kiwifruit growth and development and carbon metabolism. Chapter 2 describes the materials and methods used. Chapter 3, 4, 5 and 6 describes different types of experimental work. Chapter 7 contains the final discussions and the conclusions Three Actinidia deliciosa breeding populations were analysed in detail to confirm that observed differences in dry matter content were genetically determined. Fruit of the different genotypes differed in dry matter content mainly because of differences in starch concentrations and dry weight accumulation rates, irrespective of fruit size. More detailed experiments were therefore carried out on genotypes which varied most in fruit starch concentrations to determine why sink strengths were so different. The kiwifruit berry comprises three tissues which differ in dry matter content. It was initially hypothesised that observed differences in starch content could be due to a larger proportion of one or other of these tissues, for example, of the central core which is highest in dry matter content. The study results showed that this was not the case. Sink size, intended as cell number or cell size, was then investigated. The outer pericarp makes up about 60% of berry weight in ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit. The outer pericarp contains two types of parenchyma cells: large cells with low starch concentration, and small cells with high starch concentration. Large cell, small cell and total cell densities in the outer pericarp were shown to be not correlated with either dry matter content or fruit size but further investigation of volume proportion among cell types seemed justified. It was then shown that genotypes with fruit having higher dry matter contents also had a higher proportion of small cells. However, the higher proportion of small cell volume could only explain half of the observed differences in starch content. So, sink activity, intended as sucrose to starch metabolism, was investigated. In transiently starch storing sinks, such as tomato fruit and potato tubers, a pivotal role in carbon metabolism has been attributed to sucrose cleaving enzymes (mainly sucrose synthase and cell wall invertase) and to ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (the committed step in starch synthesis). Studies on tomato and potato genotypes differing in starch content or in final fruit soluble solid concentrations have demonstrated a strong link with either sucrose synthase or ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, at both enzyme activity and gene expression levels, depending on the case. Little is known about sucrose cleaving enzyme and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoforms. The HortResearch Actinidia EST database was then screened to identify sequences putatively encoding for sucrose synthase, invertase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoforms and specific primers were designed. Sucrose synthase, invertase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoform transcript levels were anlayzed throughout fruit development of a selection of four genotypes (two high dry matter and two low dry matter). High dry matter genotypes showed higher amounts of sucrose synthase transcripts (SUS1, SUS2 or both) and higher ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPL4, large subunit 4) gene expression, mainly early in fruit development. SUS1- like gene expression has been linked with starch biosynthesis in several crop (tomato, potato and maize). An enhancement of its transcript level early in fruit development of high dry matter genotypes means that more activated glucose (UDP-glucose) is available for starch synthesis. This can be then correlated to the higher starch observed since soon after the onset of net starch accumulation. The higher expression level of AGPL4 observed in high dry matter genotypes suggests an involvement of this subunit in drive carbon flux into starch. Changes in both enzymes (SUSY and AGPse) are then responsible of higher starch concentrations. Low dry matter genotypes showed generally higher vacuolar invertase gene expression (and also enzyme activity), early in fruit development. This alternative cleavage strategy can possibly contribute to energy loss, in that invertases’ products are not adenylated, and further reactions and transport are needed to convert carbon into starch. Although these elements match well with observed differences in starch contents, other factors could be involved in carbon metabolism control. From the microarray experiment, in fact, several kinases and transcription factors have been found to be differentially expressed. Sink strength is known to be modified by application of regulators. In ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit, the synthetic cytokinin CPPU (N-(2-Chloro-4-Pyridyl)-N-Phenylurea) promotes a dramatic increase in fruit size, whereas dry matter content decreases. The behaviour of CPPU-treated ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit was similar to that of fruit from low dry matter genotypes: dry matter and starch concentrations were lower. However, the CPPU effect was strongly source limited, whereas in genotype variation it was not. Moreover, CPPU-treated fruit gene expression (at sucrose cleavage and AGPase levels) was similar to that in high dry matter genotypes. It was therefore concluded that CPPU promotes both sink size and sink activity, but at different “speeds” and this ends in the observed decrease in dry matter content and starch concentration. The lower “speed” in sink activity is probably due to a differential partitioning of activated glucose between starch storage and cell wall synthesis to sustain cell expansion. Starch is the main carbohydrate accumulated in growing Actinidia deliciosa fruit. Results obtained in the present study suggest that sucrose synthase and AGPase enzymes contribute to sucrose to starch conversion, and differences in their gene expression levels, mainly early in fruit development, strongly affect the rate at which starch is therefore accumulated. This results are interesting in that starch and Actinidia deliciosa fruit quality are tightly connected.


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With their accession to the European Union, twelve new countries - Romania among them - (re)entered the international community of international donors. In the history of development aid this can be seen as a unique event: it is for the first time in history that such a large number of countries become international donors, with such short notice and in such a particular context that sees some scholars announcing the ‘death’ of development. But in spite of what might be claimed regarding the ‘end’ of the development era, development discourse seems to be rather vigorous and in good health: it is able to extert an undeniable force of attraction over the twelve countries that, in a matter of years, have already convinced themselves of its validity and adhered to its main tenets. This thesis collects evidence for improving our understanding of this process that sees the co-optation of twelve new countries to the dominant theory and practice of development cooperation. The evidence collected seems to show that one of the tools employed by the promoters of this co-optation process is that of constructing the ‘new’ Member States as ‘new’, inexpert donors that need to learn from the ‘old’ ones. By taking a case-study approach, this thesis gathers data that suggests that conceiving of the ‘twelve’ as ‘new’ donors is both historically inaccurate and value-ladden. On one hand, Romania’s case-study illustrates how in the (socialist) past at least one in the group of the twelve was particularly conversant in the discourse of international development. On the other hand, the process of co-optation, while being presented as a knowledgeproducing process, can also be seen as an ignorance-producing procedure: Romania, along with its fellow new Member States, takes the opportunity of ‘building its capacity’ and ‘raising its awareness’ of development cooperation along the line drawn by the European Union, but at the same time it seems to un-learn and ‘lower’ its awareness of development experience in the (socialist) past. This is one possible reading of this thesis. At a different level, this thesis can also be seen as an attempt to account of almost five decades of international development discourse in one specific country – Romania – in three different socio-political contexts: the socialist years (up to the year 1989), the ‘transition years’ (from 1989 to the pre-accession years) and the membership to the European Union. In this second reading, the thesis seeks to illustrate how – contrary to widespread beliefs – before 1989 Romania’s international development discourse was particularly vivid: in the most varied national and international settings President Ceausescu unfolded an extensive discursive activity on issues pertaining to international development; generous media coverage of affairs concerning the developing countries and their fight for development was the rule rather than the exception; the political leadership wanted the Romanians not only to be familiarized with (or ‘aware of’ to use current terminology) matters of underdevelopment, but also to prove a sense of solidarity with these countries, as well as a sense of pride for the relations of ‘mutual help’ that were being built with them; finally, international development was object of academic attention and the Romanian scholars were able not only to reflect on major developments, but could also formulate critical positions towards the practices of development aid. Very little remains of all this during the transition years, while in the present those who are engaged in matters pertaining to international development do so with a view of building Romania as an EU-compliant donor.


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La tesi affronta le questioni processuali connesse alla verifica dei reati di guida in stato di ebbrezza e di alterazione da droghe. La ricerca si sviluppa in tre direzioni. La prima parte studia la disciplina tedesca. L’analisi parte dalle norme sostanziali che definiscono le fattispecie incriminatrici contemplate dall’ordinamento osservato; s’interessa, poi, degli equilibri tra gli strumenti di captazione della prova utili ai reati in discorso ed il principio nemo tenetur se detegere (l’ estensione del diritto di difesa tedesco copre anche le prove reali e non prevede obblighi di collaborazione all’alcoltest). Prosegue, infine, con l’esame delle metodologie di acquisizione della prova, dall’etilometro agli screening per le droghe, sino al prelievo ematico coattivo, indispensabile per l’accertamento penale. La seconda sezione esamina gli artt. 186 e 187 del codice della strada italiano, alla luce del principio di libertà personale e del diritto a non autoincriminarsi. Particolarmente delicati gli equilibri rispetto a quest’ultimo: l’obbligatorietà di un atto potenzialmente autoaccusatorio è evitabile solo a pena di una severa sanzione. Occorre definire se il diritto di difesa copra anche il mero facere o garantisca il solo silenzio. Se si ammette, infatti, che il nemo tenetur sia applicabile anche alle prove reali, la collaborazione obbligatoria imposta al conducente è scelta incompatibile con il diritto di difesa: la disciplina italiana presenta, dunque, profili d’illegittimità costituzionale. La terza parte riguarda le problematiche processuali poste dai controlli stradali che emergono dall’analisi della giurisprudenza. Si affrontano, così, le diverse vicende della formazione della prova: ci si interroga sull’istituto processuale cui ricondurre gli accertamenti, sulle garanzie di cui goda il guidatore durante e dopo l’espletamento dell’atto, sulle eventuali sanzioni processuali derivanti da una violazione delle predette garanzie. Si esaminano, infine, le regole di apprezzamento della prova che guidano il giudice nella delicata fase valutativa.


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Die Mitglieder der Neurotrophin-Familie (NGF, BDNF, NT-3 und NT-4) sind sekretierte Neuropeptide, die eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Nervenzellen und bei der Modulation der synaptischen Transmission spielen. Wenngleich eine aktivitätsabhängige Sekretion von BDNF bereits gezeigt werden konnte, wurden die subzelluläre Expression und die Ausschüttung der anderen Neurotrophine bislang nur unzureichend charakterisiert. Um die Expression und die Ausschüttung aller Neurotrophine unter identischen Bedingungen untersuchen zu können, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Expressionsmuster und die synaptische Ausschüttung GFP-markierter Neurotrophine in dissoziierten hippokampalen Neuronen mit Hilfe der konfokalen Fluoreszenz-Videomikroskopie zeitaufgelöst untersucht. Zwei Phänotypen konnten unterschieden werden: der distale vesikuläre Expressionstyp mit Neurotrophin-beinhaltenden Vesikeln in distalen Neuriten, und der proximale Expressionstyp mit einer diffusen Neurotrophin-Verteilung in den Neuriten und Neurotrophin-beinhaltenden Vesikeln im Soma des Neurons und in den proximalen Dendriten. Der distale vesikuläre Phänotyp entsprach einer Verteilung des entsprechenden Neurotrophins in die sekretorischen Granula des aktivitätsabhängigen Sekretionsweges, während der proximale Phänotyp den Transport eines Neurotrophins in den konstitutiven Sekretionsweg widerspiegelte. Alle Neurotrophine erreichten in hippokampalen Neuronen prinzipiell beide Sekretionswege. Jedoch gelangten BDNF und NT-3 mit einer größeren Effizienz in den regulierten Sekretionsweg als NT-4 und NGF (BDNF: in 98% aller Zellen, NT-3: 85%, NT-4: 23% und NGF: 46%). Neurotrophine besitzen, wie es für sekretorische Peptide üblich ist, eine Vorläufersequenz, die während der Reifung des Proteins proteolytisch abgespalten wird. Die Fusion dieser Präpro-Sequenz von BDNF mit der Sequenz des maturen NT-4 bewirkte einen effizienteren Transport von NT-4 in die sekretorischen Granula des regulierten Sekretionsweges, und zeigte die große Bedeutung der Präpro-Sequenz für das zelluläre Verteilungsmuster von Neurotrophinen. In Neuronen, in denen die Neurotrophine in den regulierten Sekretionsweg transportiert wurden, konnte eine aktivitätsabhängige Sekretion der Neurotrophine an postsynaptische Strukturen glutamaterger Synapsen beobachtet werden. Die aktivitätsabhängige postsynaptische Ausschüttung der Neurotrophine zeigte eine Heterogenität in der Kinetik der Sekretion (exponentieller Abfall des Neurotrophin-Signals mit Zeitkonstanten von tau = 121 bis 307s). Die Präinkubtion mit dem Protonen-Ionophor Monensin, welcher die Neutralisation des intragranulären pH-Wertes und somit die Solubilisierung der dicht gepackten Proteinstrukturen in den Vesikeln erzwingt, erhöhte die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung auf den Wert des unter physiologischen Bedingungen schnellsten Neurotrophins NT-4. Dennoch blieb die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung im Vergleich zur Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung langsam (tau = 13 ± 2 s). Diese Daten belegen eindeutig, dass die Neutralisation der sekretorischen Granula die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung kritisch determiniert und die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung im Vergleich zur konventionellen Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung langsam erfolgt. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Neurotrophin BDNF effizient in distale vesikuläre Strukturen von CA1 Pyramidenzellen organotypischer Schnittkulturen des Hippokampus sortiert wird. Die basalen elektrischen Eigenschaften von CA1 Pyramidenzellen BDNF-defizienter Mäuse sind vergleichbar zu den Eigenschaften von Wildtyp Mäusen. Sowohl das Eigenpotential der CA1 Pyramidenzellen, die Form der Aktionspotentiale als auch die evozierten Antworten der CA1 Pyramdenzellen auf eine gepaarte präsynaptische Stimulation der Schaffer-Kollateralen zeigten bei BDNF-/- -, BDNF+/- - und BDNF+/+ -Mäusen keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Die Fähigkeit der CA1 Pyramidenzellen auf eine hochfrequente Reizung mit einer Langzeitpotenzierung (LTP) der postsynaptischen Ströme zu reagieren ist jedoch bei den BDNF-defizienten Mäusen beinträchtigt. Eine verminderte Induktion von LTP war in den BDNF-defizienten Mäusen nach tetanischer Stimulation der präsynaptischen Schaffer-Kollateralen und simultaner postsynaptischer Depolarisation der CA1 Pyramidenzelle zu beobachten.


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Il presente lavoro trae origine dagli obiettivi e dalle relative misure applicative della riforma dell’OCM zucchero del 2006 e nello specifico dal Piano nazionale per la razionalizzazione e riconversione della produzione bieticolo-saccarifera approvato dal MIPAF nel 2007. Lo studio riguarda la riconversione dello zuccherificio di Finale Emilia (MO), di appartenenza del Gruppo bieticolo-saccarifero Co.Pro.B, in un impianto di generazione di energia elettrica e termica che utilizza biomassa di origine agricola per la combustione diretta. L'alimentazione avviene principalmente dalla coltivazione dedicata del sorgo da fibra (Sorghum bicolor), integrata con risorse agro-forestali. Lo studio mostra la necessità di coltivazione di 4.400 ettari di sorgo da fibra con una produzione annua di circa 97.000 t di prodotto al 75% di sostanza secca necessari per l’alimentazione della centrale a biomassa. L’obiettivo é quello di valutare l’impatto della nuova coltura energetica sul comprensorio agricolo e sulla economia dell’impresa agricola. La metodologia adottata si basa sulla simulazione di modelli aziendali di programmazione lineare che prevedono l’inserimento del sorgo da fibra come coltura energetica nel piano ottimo delle aziende considerate. I modelli predisposti sono stati calibrati su aziende RICA al fine di riprodurre riparti medi reali su tre tipologie dimensionali rappresentative: azienda piccola entro i 20 ha, media da 20 a 50 ha e grande oltre i 50 ha. La superficie di entrata a livello aziendale, se rapportata alla rappresentatività delle aziende dell’area di studio, risulta insufficiente per soddisfare la richiesta di approvvigionamento dell’impianto a biomassa. Infatti con tale incremento la superficie di coltivazione nel comprensorio si attesta sui 2.500 ettari circa contro i 4.400 necessari alla centrale. Lo studio mostra pertanto che occorre un incentivo superiore, di circa 80-90 €/ha, per soddisfare la richiesta della superficie colturale a livello di territorio. A questi livelli, la disponibilità della coltura energetica sul comprensorio risulta circa 9.500 ettari.


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The lattice Boltzmann method is a popular approach for simulating hydrodynamic interactions in soft matter and complex fluids. The solvent is represented on a discrete lattice whose nodes are populated by particle distributions that propagate on the discrete links between the nodes and undergo local collisions. On large length and time scales, the microdynamics leads to a hydrodynamic flow field that satisfies the Navier-Stokes equation. In this thesis, several extensions to the lattice Boltzmann method are developed. In complex fluids, for example suspensions, Brownian motion of the solutes is of paramount importance. However, it can not be simulated with the original lattice Boltzmann method because the dynamics is completely deterministic. It is possible, though, to introduce thermal fluctuations in order to reproduce the equations of fluctuating hydrodynamics. In this work, a generalized lattice gas model is used to systematically derive the fluctuating lattice Boltzmann equation from statistical mechanics principles. The stochastic part of the dynamics is interpreted as a Monte Carlo process, which is then required to satisfy the condition of detailed balance. This leads to an expression for the thermal fluctuations which implies that it is essential to thermalize all degrees of freedom of the system, including the kinetic modes. The new formalism guarantees that the fluctuating lattice Boltzmann equation is simultaneously consistent with both fluctuating hydrodynamics and statistical mechanics. This establishes a foundation for future extensions, such as the treatment of multi-phase and thermal flows. An important range of applications for the lattice Boltzmann method is formed by microfluidics. Fostered by the "lab-on-a-chip" paradigm, there is an increasing need for computer simulations which are able to complement the achievements of theory and experiment. Microfluidic systems are characterized by a large surface-to-volume ratio and, therefore, boundary conditions are of special relevance. On the microscale, the standard no-slip boundary condition used in hydrodynamics has to be replaced by a slip boundary condition. In this work, a boundary condition for lattice Boltzmann is constructed that allows the slip length to be tuned by a single model parameter. Furthermore, a conceptually new approach for constructing boundary conditions is explored, where the reduced symmetry at the boundary is explicitly incorporated into the lattice model. The lattice Boltzmann method is systematically extended to the reduced symmetry model. In the case of a Poiseuille flow in a plane channel, it is shown that a special choice of the collision operator is required to reproduce the correct flow profile. This systematic approach sheds light on the consequences of the reduced symmetry at the boundary and leads to a deeper understanding of boundary conditions in the lattice Boltzmann method. This can help to develop improved boundary conditions that lead to more accurate simulation results.


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X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful means of investigation of structural and electronic properties in condensed -matter physics. Analysis of the near edge part of the XAS spectrum, the so – called X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES), can typically provide the following information on the photoexcited atom: - Oxidation state and coordination environment. - Speciation of transition metal compounds. - Conduction band DOS projected on the excited atomic species (PDOS). Analysis of XANES spectra is greatly aided by simulations; in the most common scheme the multiple scattering framework is used with the muffin tin approximation for the scattering potential and the spectral simulation is based on a hypothetical, reference structure. This approach has the advantage of requiring relatively little computing power but in many cases the assumed structure is quite different from the actual system measured and the muffin tin approximation is not adequate for low symmetry structures or highly directional bonds. It is therefore very interesting and justified to develop alternative methods. In one approach, the spectral simulation is based on atomic coordinates obtained from a DFT (Density Functional Theory) optimized structure. In another approach, which is the object of this thesis, the XANES spectrum is calculated directly based on an ab – initio DFT calculation of the atomic and electronic structure. This method takes full advantage of the real many-electron final wavefunction that can be computed with DFT algorithms that include a core-hole in the absorbing atom to compute the final cross section. To calculate the many-electron final wavefunction the Projector Augmented Wave method (PAW) is used. In this scheme, the absorption cross section is written in function of several contributions as the many-electrons function of the finale state; it is calculated starting from pseudo-wavefunction and performing a reconstruction of the real-wavefunction by using a transform operator which contains some parameters, called partial waves and projector waves. The aim of my thesis is to apply and test the PAW methodology to the calculation of the XANES cross section. I have focused on iron and silicon structures and on some biological molecules target (myoglobin and cytochrome c). Finally other inorganic and biological systems could be taken into account for future applications of this methodology, which could become an important improvement with respect to the multiscattering approach.


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La presente ricerca si fonda su un’attenta ed approfondita analisi della normativa vigente in Italia in materia di procreazione medicalmente assistita (P.M.A.), con particolare riferimento al divieto assoluto di P.M.A. eterologa, di cui all’art. 4, comma 3, L. 19 febbraio 2004, n. 40, consentita invece – sia pure con la previsione di limitazioni differenti – nella quasi totalità dei paesi europei. Dopo aver esaminato la “questione etica” del ricorso alle tecniche di fecondazione assistita e le normative vigenti in Europa in materia di P.M.A. eterologa, il presente lavoro analizza i profili civilistici della L. n. 40/2004 ed i conseguenti dubbi interpretativi che la normativa italiana pone in materia di fecondazione eterologa, con specifico riguardo al consenso prestato dai coniugi o conviventi, al divieto di disconoscimento di paternità e di anonimato della madre ed, infine, al diritto del nato da fecondazione eterologa di conoscere le proprie origini biologiche. Ne consegue che, in una materia che coinvolge la sfera più intima e personale della vita privata e familiare, quale quella della P.M.A., il legislatore avrebbe dovuto intervenire con misura, individuando soluzioni ragionevoli ed equilibrate nel rispetto della pluralità di etiche contrapposte ed interessi in conflitto. Attraverso una capillare analisi della recente giurisprudenza nazionale ed europea, la presente ricerca mira, dunque, a valutare possibili prospettive di superamento del divieto assoluto di P.M.A. eterologa previsto dalla L. n. 40/2004. I risultati a cui la presente indagine ha consentito di pervenire dimostrano quanto sia opportuna l’adozione in Italia di un “modello liberale”, in cui sia lecita anche la fecondazione eterologa (con la previsione di limiti e condizioni volti a tutelare primariamente il superiore interesse del nascituro), onde consentire l’adeguamento al nuovo concetto di “genitorialità” ormai prevalente e l’arresto del cd. “turismo procreativo”.


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L’armonizzazione fiscale è una importante sfida che l’Unione Europea si trova ad affrontare per la completa realizzazione del mercato interno. Le istituzioni comunitarie, tuttavia, non dispongono delle competenze legislative per intervenire direttamente negli ordinamenti tributari degli Stati membri. Svolgendo una analisi del contesto legislativo vigente, ed esaminando le prospettive de iure condendo della materia fiscale dell’Unione, il presente lavoro cerca di comprendere le prospettive di evoluzione del sistema, sia dal punto di vista della normativa fiscale sostanziale, che procedimentale. Mediante la disciplina elaborata a livello comunitario che regola la cooperazione amministrativa in materia fiscale, con particolare riferimento alle direttive relative allo scambio di informazioni e all’assistenza alla riscossione (dir. 2011/16/UE e dir. 2010/24/UE) si permette alle Amministrazioni degli Stati membri di avere accesso ai reciproci ordinamenti giuridici, e conoscerne i meccanismi. L’attuazione di tali norme fa sì che ciascun ordinamento abbia l’opportunità di importare le best practices implementate dagli altri Stati. L’obiettivo sarà quello di migliorare il proprio procedimento amministrativo tributario, da un lato, e di rendere più immediati gli scambi di informazione e la cooperazione alla riscossione, dall’altro. L’armonizzazione fiscale all’interno dell’Unione verrebbe perseguita, anziché mediante un intervento a livello europeo, attraverso un coordinamento “dal basso” degli ordinamenti fiscali, realizzato attraverso l’attività di cooperazione delle amministrazioni che opereranno su un substrato di regole condivise. La maggiore apertura delle amministrazioni fiscali dei Paesi membri e la maggiore spontaneità degli scambi di informazioni, ha una efficacia deterrente di fenomeni di evasione e di sottrazione di imposta posti in essere al fine di avvantaggiarsi delle differenze dei sistemi impositivi dei vari paesi. Nel lungo periodo ciò porterà verosimilmente, gli Stati membri a livellare i sistemi impositivi, dal momento che i medesimi non avranno più interesse ad utilizzare la leva fiscale per generare una concorrenza tra gli ordinamenti.


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Die Metalloprotease Ovastacin, ein Vertreter der Astacin-Familie, wurde erstmals 2004 beschrieben. Im Ovar von Säugetieren ist Ovastacin-mRNA im Zeitfenster vom Stadium der Sekundärfollikel bis kurz nach der Befruchtung der Eizelle zu finden. Der Expressionsort und -zeitpunkt sowie die Sequenzähnlichkeit von über 60% mit sogenannten „Schlüpfenzymen“ (engl. hatching enzymes), die man in den Eizellen und Zygoten niederer Wirbeltiere und Wirbelloser gefunden hatte, ließen die Vermutung aufkommen, es könnte sich hier um das Säugerhomolog dieser Proteasen handeln. Generell lösen hatching Enzyme die derben embryonalen Hüllstrukturen (bei Säugern die Zona pellucida, ZP) beim Schlüpfvorgang auf. Die essentielle Bedeutung des Ovastacins für die Befruchtung wird durch die um ca. 30% reduzierte Fruchtbarkeit von Ovastacin defizienten Mäusen belegt. Hochinteressant war in diesem Zusammenhang die Entdeckung des Ovastacins in den Cortikalgranula der Oocyten sowie seine Fähigkeit, das Zona pellucida Protein 2 zu schneiden. Die dadurch bewirkte Verhärtung der Zona pellucida verhindert das Eindringen weiterer Spermien, das heißt sie baut eine Barriere gegen Polyspermie auf. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Belege für die physiologische Funktion des Ovastacins zu finden. Vor allem galt es, potentielle Aktivatoren zu identifizieren, da das Enzym wie alle Astacine als inaktive Vorstufe gebildet wird, die proteolytisch aktiviert werden muss. Zu diesem Zweck exprimierte ich rekombinantes Pro-Ovastacin in Insektenzellen. Aktivierungsstudien in vitro zeigten, dass ein saures Milieu zu einer Aktivierung führt, ohne die Abspaltung des Propeptids zu bewirken. Sequenzalignments und ein homologes Strukturmodell des Ovastacins wiesen auf Trypsin- oder Elastase-ähnliche Serinproteasen als potentielle Aktivierungsenzyme hin. Tatsächlich konnte mit diesen beiden Proteasetypen zum ersten Mal aktives Ovastacin aus Pro-Ovastacin erzeugt werden. Trypsin kommt als physiologischer Aktivator allerdings nicht in Betracht, da es bisher in keinem der Gewebe nachgewiesen werden konnte, in dem Ovastacin exprimiert wird. Die neutrophile Elastase dagegen konnte in der Leber, im Herz sowie im Blutplasma nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe spezifischer Antikörper konnte das Herz als Expressionsort für Ovastacin bestätigt werden. Somit wäre Elastase ein potentieller physiologischer Aktivator von Ovastacin. Die Identifikation des Ovastacins in Geweben wie Leber, Herz, Nabelschnur und im Blutplasma weist auf eine Rolle der Protease in proteolytischen Netzwerken außerhalb der Spermien-Ei-Interaktion hin. Die Bedeutung der biologischen Kontrolle des Ovastacins bei der Befruchtung der Säugereizelle wird durch die Beobachtung untermauert, dass das Leberprotein Fetuin B als physiologischer Ovastacininhibitor fungiert und dadurch eine vorzeitige Verhärtung der Zona pellucida verhindert, die andernfalls die Penetration von Spermien prinzipiell verhindern würde.


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Investigations of gray matter changes in relation with auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) have reported conflicting results. Assuming that alterations in gray matter might be related to certain symptoms in schizophrenia this study aimed to investigate changes in cortical thickness specific to AVH. It was hypothesized that schizophrenia patients suffering from persistent AVH would show significant differences in cortical thickness in regions involved in language-production and perception when compared to schizophrenia patients which had never experienced any hallucinations.


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Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is used clinically as a rapid-acting vasodilator and in experimental models as donor of nitric oxide (NO). High concentrations of NO have been reported to induce cardiotoxic effects including apoptosis by the formation of reactive oxygen species. We have therefore investigated effects of SNP on the myofibrillar cytoskeleton, contractility and cell death in long-term cultured adult rat cardiomyocytes at different time points after treatment. Our results show, that SNP treatment at first results in a gradual increase of cytoskeleton degradation marked by the loss of actin labeling and fragmentation of sarcomeric structure, followed by the appearance of TUNEL-positive nuclei. Already lower doses of SNP decreased contractility of cardiomyocytes paced at 2 Hz without changes of intracellular calcium concentration. Ultrastructural analysis of the cultured cells demonstrated mitochondrial changes and disintegration of sarcomeric alignment. These adverse effects of SNP in cardiomyocytes were reminiscent of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity, which also involves a dysregulation of NO with the consequence of myofibrillar degradation and ultimately cell death. An inhibition of the pathways leading to the generation of reactive NO products, or their neutralization, may be of significant therapeutic benefit for both SNP and anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity.


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BACKGROUND: The role of the language network in the pathophysiology of formal thought disorder has yet to be elucidated. AIMS: To investigate whether specific grey-matter deficits in schizophrenic formal thought disorder correlate with resting perfusion in the left-sided language network. METHOD: We investigated 13 right-handed patients with schizophrenia and formal thought disorder of varying severity and 13 matched healthy controls, using voxel-based morphometry and magnetic resonance imaging perfusion measurement (arterial spin labelling). RESULTS: We found positive correlations between perfusion and the severity of formal thought disorder in the left frontal and left temporoparietal language areas. We also observed bilateral deficits in grey-matter volume, positively correlated with the severity of thought disorder in temporoparietal areas and other brain regions. The results of the voxel-based morphometry and the arterial spin labelling measurements overlapped in the left posterior superior temporal gyrus and left angular gyrus. CONCLUSIONS: Specific grey-matter deficits may be a risk factor for state-related dysfunctions of the left-sided language system, leading to local hyperperfusion and formal thought disorder.