954 resultados para software-defined network
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) systems have become more and more popular in our modern life. They have been widely used in many areas, such as smart homes/buildings, context-aware devices, military applications, etc. Despite the increasing usage, there is a lack of formal description and automated verification for WSN system design. In this paper, we present an approach to support the rigorous verification of WSN modeling using the Semantic Web technology We use Web Ontology Language (OWL) and Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) to define a meta-ontology for the modeling of WSN systems. Furthermore, we apply ontology reasoners to perform automated verification on customized WSN models and their instances. We demonstrate and evaluate our approach through a Light Control System (LCS) as the case study.
This research traces the implementation of an information system in the form of ERP modules covering tenant and contract management in a Chinese service company. Misalignments between the ERP system specification and user needs led to the adoption of informal processes within the organisation. These processes are facilitated within an informal organisational structure and are based on human interactions undertaken within the formal organisation. Rather than to attempt to suppress the emergence of the informal organisation the company decided to channel the energies of staff involved in informal processes towards organisational goals. The company achieved this by harnessing the capabilities of what we term a hybrid ERP system, combining the functionality of a traditional (formal) ERP installation with the capabilities of Enterprise Social Software (ESS). However the company recognised that the successful operation of the hybrid ERP system would require a number of changes in organisational design in areas such as reporting structures and communication channels. A narrative provided by interviews with company personnel is thematised around the formal and informal characteristics of the organisation as defined in the literature. This leads to a definition of the characteristics of the hybrid organisation and strategies for enabling a hybrid organisation, facilitated by a hybrid ERP system, which directs formal and informal behaviour towards organisational goals and provides a template for future hybrid implementations.
A tanulmány célja, hogy értelmezze a globális gazdaság alapvető fontosságú építőelemét, az üzleti hálózatot, majd megvizsgálja annak felépítését és működésének főbb vezérlőelveit. Először az alapfogalmak – üzleti hálózat, ellátási lánc és ellátási háló – meghatározására és azok felépítésének bemutatására kerül sor. Ezt követően a cikk röviden ismerteti, hogy melyek voltak azok a vállalati gazdálkodás környezetében végbement változások, melyek a gazdaság hálózatosodását elősegítették és ennek kapcsán elvezettek az üzleti hálózatok versenyképességben játszott szerepének erősödéséhez. A szerző ugyanakkor bemutatja a kialakuló új gazdasági modell, az ún. hálózati gazdaság működési modelljének lényeges új tulajdonságait. A tanulmány ezután ismerteti az üzleti hálózat – s ezen belül az ellátási lánc – működtetésében meghatározó koordinációs mechanizmusokban megfigyelhető markáns változásokat. Végül részletesen ismerteti az üzleti hálózat két fő építőelemét: a hálózatot alkotó üzleti egységeknek, illetve a közöttük kialakuló kapcsolatoknak az alapvető típusait. ________ The aim of the paper is to present and interpret the basic building element of global business: the business network, its structure and operation. First basic terms – network, supply chain, supply network – are defined and described, than those changes are introduced that played significant role in increasing their importance. Characteristics of the new network economy are presented; especially changes in the coordination mechanism between cooperating parties in the network are demonstrated. Finally the two building blocks of global business networks: (i) nodes (business units) and (ii) threads (partnerships) are described in details.
A minőségügy egyik kulcsfeladata, hogy azonosítsa az értékteremtés szempontjából kritikus tényezőket, meghatározza ezek értékét, valamint intézkedjen negatív hatásuk megelőzése és csökkentése érdekében. Az értékteremtés sok esetben folyamatokon keresztül történik, amelyek tevékenységekből, elvégzendő feladatokból állnak. Ezekhez megfelelő munkatársak kellenek, akiknek az egyik legfontosabb jellemzője az általuk birtokolt tudás. Mindezek alapján a feladat-tudás-erőforrás kapcsolatrendszer ismerete és kezelése minőségügyi feladat is. A komplex rendszerek elemzésével foglalkozó hálózatkutatás eszközt biztosíthat ehhez, ezért indokolt a minőségügyi területen történő alkalmazhatóságának vizsgálata. Az alkalmazási lehetőségek rendszerezése érdekében a szerzők kategorizálták a minőségügyi hálózatokat az élek (kapcsolatok) és a csúcsok (hálózati pontok) típusai alapján. Ezt követően definiálták a multimodális (több különböző csúcstípusból álló) tudáshálózatot, amely a feladatokból, az erőforrásokból, a tudáselemekből és a közöttük lévő kapcsolatokból épül fel. A hálózat segítségével kategóriákba sorolták a tudáselemeket, valamint a fokszámok alapján meghatározták értéküket. A multimodális hálózatból képzett tudáselem-hálózatban megadták az összefüggő csoportok jelentését, majd megfogalmaztak egy összefüggést a tudáselem-elvesztés kockázatának meghatározására. _______ The aims of quality management are to identify those factors that have significant influence on value production, qualify or quantify them, and make preventive and corrective actions in order to reduce their negative effects. The core elements of value production are processes and tasks, along with workforce having the necessary knowledge to work. For that reason the task-resource-knowledge structure is pertinent to quality management. Network science provides methods to analyze complex systems; therefore it seems reasonable to study the use of tools of network analysis in association with quality management issues. First of all the authors categorized quality networks according to the types of nodes (vertices) and links (edges or arcs). Focusing on knowledge management, they defined the multimodal knowledge network, consisting of tasks, resources, knowledge items and their interconnections. Based on their degree, network nodes can be categorized and their value can be quantified. Derived from the multimodal network knowledge-item network is to be created, where the meaning of cohesive subgroups is defined. Eventually they proposed a formula for determining the risk of knowledge loss.
The phenomenonal growth of the Internet has connected us to a vast amount of computation and information resources around the world. However, making use of these resources is difficult due to the unparalleled massiveness, high communication latency, share-nothing architecture and unreliable connection of the Internet. In this dissertation, we present a distributed software agent approach, which brings a new distributed problem-solving paradigm to the Internet computing researches with enhanced client-server scheme, inherent scalability and heterogeneity. Our study discusses the role of a distributed software agent in Internet computing and classifies it into three major categories by the objects it interacts with: computation agent, information agent and interface agent. The discussion of the problem domain and the deployment of the computation agent and the information agent are presented with the analysis, design and implementation of the experimental systems in high performance Internet computing and in scalable Web searching. ^ In the computation agent study, high performance Internet computing can be achieved with our proposed Java massive computation agent (JAM) model. We analyzed the JAM computing scheme and built a brutal force cipher text decryption prototype. In the information agent study, we discuss the scalability problem of the existing Web search engines and designed the approach of Web searching with distributed collaborative index agent. This approach can be used for constructing a more accurate, reusable and scalable solution to deal with the growth of the Web and of the information on the Web. ^ Our research reveals that with the deployment of the distributed software agent in Internet computing, we can have a more cost effective approach to make better use of the gigantic scale network of computation and information resources on the Internet. The case studies in our research show that we are now able to solve many practically hard or previously unsolvable problems caused by the inherent difficulties of Internet computing. ^
A methodology for formally modeling and analyzing software architecture of mobile agent systems provides a solid basis to develop high quality mobile agent systems, and the methodology is helpful to study other distributed and concurrent systems as well. However, it is a challenge to provide the methodology because of the agent mobility in mobile agent systems.^ The methodology was defined from two essential parts of software architecture: a formalism to define the architectural models and an analysis method to formally verify system properties. The formalism is two-layer Predicate/Transition (PrT) nets extended with dynamic channels, and the analysis method is a hierarchical approach to verify models on different levels. The two-layer modeling formalism smoothly transforms physical models of mobile agent systems into their architectural models. Dynamic channels facilitate the synchronous communication between nets, and they naturally capture the dynamic architecture configuration and agent mobility of mobile agent systems. Component properties are verified based on transformed individual components, system properties are checked in a simplified system model, and interaction properties are analyzed on models composing from involved nets. Based on the formalism and the analysis method, this researcher formally modeled and analyzed a software architecture of mobile agent systems, and designed an architectural model of a medical information processing system based on mobile agents. The model checking tool SPIN was used to verify system properties such as reachability, concurrency and safety of the medical information processing system. ^ From successful modeling and analyzing the software architecture of mobile agent systems, the conclusion is that PrT nets extended with channels are a powerful tool to model mobile agent systems, and the hierarchical analysis method provides a rigorous foundation for the modeling tool. The hierarchical analysis method not only reduces the complexity of the analysis, but also expands the application scope of model checking techniques. The results of formally modeling and analyzing the software architecture of the medical information processing system show that model checking is an effective and an efficient way to verify software architecture. Moreover, this system shows a high level of flexibility, efficiency and low cost of mobile agent technologies. ^
Ensuring the correctness of software has been the major motivation in software research, constituting a Grand Challenge. Due to its impact in the final implementation, one critical aspect of software is its architectural design. By guaranteeing a correct architectural design, major and costly flaws can be caught early on in the development cycle. Software architecture design has received a lot of attention in the past years, with several methods, techniques and tools developed. However, there is still more to be done, such as providing adequate formal analysis of software architectures. On these regards, a framework to ensure system dependability from design to implementation has been developed at FIU (Florida International University). This framework is based on SAM (Software Architecture Model), an ADL (Architecture Description Language), that allows hierarchical compositions of components and connectors, defines an architectural modeling language for the behavior of components and connectors, and provides a specification language for the behavioral properties. The behavioral model of a SAM model is expressed in the form of Petri nets and the properties in first order linear temporal logic.^ This dissertation presents a formal verification and testing approach to guarantee the correctness of Software Architectures. The Software Architectures studied are expressed in SAM. For the formal verification approach, the technique applied was model checking and the model checker of choice was Spin. As part of the approach, a SAM model is formally translated to a model in the input language of Spin and verified for its correctness with respect to temporal properties. In terms of testing, a testing approach for SAM architectures was defined which includes the evaluation of test cases based on Petri net testing theory to be used in the testing process at the design level. Additionally, the information at the design level is used to derive test cases for the implementation level. Finally, a modeling and analysis tool (SAM tool) was implemented to help support the design and analysis of SAM models. The results show the applicability of the approach to testing and verification of SAM models with the aid of the SAM tool.^
The development of 3G (the 3rd generation telecommunication) value-added services brings higher requirements of Quality of Service (QoS). Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) is one of three 3G standards, and enhancement of QoS for WCDMA Core Network (CN) becomes more and more important for users and carriers. The dissertation focuses on enhancement of QoS for WCDMA CN. The purpose is to realize the DiffServ (Differentiated Services) model of QoS for WCDMA CN. Based on the parallelism characteristic of Network Processors (NPs), the NP programming model is classified as Pool of Threads (POTs) and Hyper Task Chaining (HTC). In this study, an integrated programming model that combines both of the two models was designed. This model has highly efficient and flexible features, and also solves the problems of sharing conflicts and packet ordering. We used this model as the programming model to realize DiffServ QoS for WCDMA CN. ^ The realization mechanism of the DiffServ model mainly consists of buffer management, packet scheduling and packet classification algorithms based on NPs. First, we proposed an adaptive buffer management algorithm called Packet Adaptive Fair Dropping (PAFD), which takes into consideration of both fairness and throughput, and has smooth service curves. Then, an improved packet scheduling algorithm called Priority-based Weighted Fair Queuing (PWFQ) was introduced to ensure the fairness of packet scheduling and reduce queue time of data packets. At the same time, the delay and jitter are also maintained in a small range. Thirdly, a multi-dimensional packet classification algorithm called Classification Based on Network Processors (CBNPs) was designed. It effectively reduces the memory access and storage space, and provides less time and space complexity. ^ Lastly, an integrated hardware and software system of the DiffServ model of QoS for WCDMA CN was proposed. It was implemented on the NP IXP2400. According to the corresponding experiment results, the proposed system significantly enhanced QoS for WCDMA CN. It extensively improves consistent response time, display distortion and sound image synchronization, and thus increases network efficiency and saves network resource.^
Ensuring the correctness of software has been the major motivation in software research, constituting a Grand Challenge. Due to its impact in the final implementation, one critical aspect of software is its architectural design. By guaranteeing a correct architectural design, major and costly flaws can be caught early on in the development cycle. Software architecture design has received a lot of attention in the past years, with several methods, techniques and tools developed. However, there is still more to be done, such as providing adequate formal analysis of software architectures. On these regards, a framework to ensure system dependability from design to implementation has been developed at FIU (Florida International University). This framework is based on SAM (Software Architecture Model), an ADL (Architecture Description Language), that allows hierarchical compositions of components and connectors, defines an architectural modeling language for the behavior of components and connectors, and provides a specification language for the behavioral properties. The behavioral model of a SAM model is expressed in the form of Petri nets and the properties in first order linear temporal logic. This dissertation presents a formal verification and testing approach to guarantee the correctness of Software Architectures. The Software Architectures studied are expressed in SAM. For the formal verification approach, the technique applied was model checking and the model checker of choice was Spin. As part of the approach, a SAM model is formally translated to a model in the input language of Spin and verified for its correctness with respect to temporal properties. In terms of testing, a testing approach for SAM architectures was defined which includes the evaluation of test cases based on Petri net testing theory to be used in the testing process at the design level. Additionally, the information at the design level is used to derive test cases for the implementation level. Finally, a modeling and analysis tool (SAM tool) was implemented to help support the design and analysis of SAM models. The results show the applicability of the approach to testing and verification of SAM models with the aid of the SAM tool.
This study arose from an interest in knowing the reality of mental health care in Rio Grande do Norte (RN) on the advances and challenges in the intersectoral agreements paths and consolidation of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) from the state. Considering problematic and concerns were defined as objectives: Identify the knowledge of managers of Rio Grande do Norte on the National Mental Health Policy (PNSM) in the RN State; Describe the activities developed by health professionals in the individual service offered in the CAPS from RN; Understanding the relationship of managers’ knowledge on national mental health policy in professionals’ practice working in the the CAPS from the countryside. It is a descriptive study with a quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out in 30 CAPS from RN’s countryside, where 183 professionals answered a structured questionnaire with closed questions about the activities they do in individual care; and 19 mental health coordinators of municipalities and the state coordinator of RAPS were interviewed about their knowledge on the Mental Health Policy. Data were collected after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, with the number 508.430 CAAE: 25851913.7.0000.5537 from August through October of 2014 in 26 municipalities with CAPS from the state. Quantitative data were tabulated and analyzed using a descriptive statistics aided by the software Statistical Package for the Social Scienses (SPSS) version 20.0. The qualitative data were prepared in a corpus and analyzed through software Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d’um Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) that allow to perform textual statistical analysis and categorization from their comments, submitted to Bardin content analysis. Five categories were generated approaching the managers’ knowledge, namely: Back to society: leadership and users’ role and autonomy; The gap between policy and practice; Barriers that affect the service; Structuring the Psychosocial Care Network; Multidisciplinary team: attribuitios and activities. The CAPS professionals’ ages ranged from 20 to 58 years, prevailing females, with 76.5% of the total, the majority were social workers (16.8%), psychologists (15.3%), nurses (14.8%) and nursing technicians (14.8%). The results showed precariousness in care associated with physical workload regard to high workload and low wages of the CAPS professionals' and, also, it was possible to observe a large involvement of professionals in care delivery, despite the difficulties encountered in services. It was found little knowledge in managers regarding the National Mental Health Policy having as causes of this reality the poor education and training of these professionals. The responses of professionals working in care reveals strong consistency with what is expected of a psychosocial care service. Points up as a thesis of this study that the psychiatric reform and mental health policy in Rio Grande do Norte is following a structural expansion process, but with precariousness of services from a still unprepared management to act in a psychosocial context.
A manutenção e evolução de sistemas de software tornou-se uma tarefa bastante crítica ao longo dos últimos anos devido à diversidade e alta demanda de funcionalidades, dispositivos e usuários. Entender e analisar como novas mudanças impactam os atributos de qualidade da arquitetura de tais sistemas é um pré-requisito essencial para evitar a deterioração de sua qualidade durante sua evolução. Esta tese propõe uma abordagem automatizada para a análise de variação do atributo de qualidade de desempenho em termos de tempo de execução (tempo de resposta). Ela é implementada por um framework que adota técnicas de análise dinâmica e mineração de repositório de software para fornecer uma forma automatizada de revelar fontes potenciais – commits e issues – de variação de desempenho em cenários durante a evolução de sistemas de software. A abordagem define quatro fases: (i) preparação – escolher os cenários e preparar os releases alvos; (ii) análise dinâmica – determinar o desempenho de cenários e métodos calculando seus tempos de execução; (iii) análise de variação – processar e comparar os resultados da análise dinâmica para releases diferentes; e (iv) mineração de repositório – identificar issues e commits associados com a variação de desempenho detectada. Estudos empíricos foram realizados para avaliar a abordagem de diferentes perspectivas. Um estudo exploratório analisou a viabilidade de se aplicar a abordagem em sistemas de diferentes domínios para identificar automaticamente elementos de código fonte com variação de desempenho e as mudanças que afetaram tais elementos durante uma evolução. Esse estudo analisou três sistemas: (i) SIGAA – um sistema web para gerência acadêmica; (ii) ArgoUML – uma ferramenta de modelagem UML; e (iii) Netty – um framework para aplicações de rede. Outro estudo realizou uma análise evolucionária ao aplicar a abordagem em múltiplos releases do Netty, e dos frameworks web Wicket e Jetty. Nesse estudo foram analisados 21 releases (sete de cada sistema), totalizando 57 cenários. Em resumo, foram encontrados 14 cenários com variação significante de desempenho para Netty, 13 para Wicket e 9 para Jetty. Adicionalmente, foi obtido feedback de oito desenvolvedores desses sistemas através de um formulário online. Finalmente, no último estudo, um modelo de regressão para desempenho foi desenvolvido visando indicar propriedades de commits que são mais prováveis a causar degradação de desempenho. No geral, 997 commits foram minerados, sendo 103 recuperados de elementos de código fonte degradados e 19 de otimizados, enquanto 875 não tiveram impacto no tempo de execução. O número de dias antes de disponibilizar o release e o dia da semana se mostraram como as variáveis mais relevantes dos commits que degradam desempenho no nosso modelo. A área de característica de operação do receptor (ROC – Receiver Operating Characteristic) do modelo de regressão é 60%, o que significa que usar o modelo para decidir se um commit causará degradação ou não é 10% melhor do que uma decisão aleatória.
A manutenção e evolução de sistemas de software tornou-se uma tarefa bastante crítica ao longo dos últimos anos devido à diversidade e alta demanda de funcionalidades, dispositivos e usuários. Entender e analisar como novas mudanças impactam os atributos de qualidade da arquitetura de tais sistemas é um pré-requisito essencial para evitar a deterioração de sua qualidade durante sua evolução. Esta tese propõe uma abordagem automatizada para a análise de variação do atributo de qualidade de desempenho em termos de tempo de execução (tempo de resposta). Ela é implementada por um framework que adota técnicas de análise dinâmica e mineração de repositório de software para fornecer uma forma automatizada de revelar fontes potenciais – commits e issues – de variação de desempenho em cenários durante a evolução de sistemas de software. A abordagem define quatro fases: (i) preparação – escolher os cenários e preparar os releases alvos; (ii) análise dinâmica – determinar o desempenho de cenários e métodos calculando seus tempos de execução; (iii) análise de variação – processar e comparar os resultados da análise dinâmica para releases diferentes; e (iv) mineração de repositório – identificar issues e commits associados com a variação de desempenho detectada. Estudos empíricos foram realizados para avaliar a abordagem de diferentes perspectivas. Um estudo exploratório analisou a viabilidade de se aplicar a abordagem em sistemas de diferentes domínios para identificar automaticamente elementos de código fonte com variação de desempenho e as mudanças que afetaram tais elementos durante uma evolução. Esse estudo analisou três sistemas: (i) SIGAA – um sistema web para gerência acadêmica; (ii) ArgoUML – uma ferramenta de modelagem UML; e (iii) Netty – um framework para aplicações de rede. Outro estudo realizou uma análise evolucionária ao aplicar a abordagem em múltiplos releases do Netty, e dos frameworks web Wicket e Jetty. Nesse estudo foram analisados 21 releases (sete de cada sistema), totalizando 57 cenários. Em resumo, foram encontrados 14 cenários com variação significante de desempenho para Netty, 13 para Wicket e 9 para Jetty. Adicionalmente, foi obtido feedback de oito desenvolvedores desses sistemas através de um formulário online. Finalmente, no último estudo, um modelo de regressão para desempenho foi desenvolvido visando indicar propriedades de commits que são mais prováveis a causar degradação de desempenho. No geral, 997 commits foram minerados, sendo 103 recuperados de elementos de código fonte degradados e 19 de otimizados, enquanto 875 não tiveram impacto no tempo de execução. O número de dias antes de disponibilizar o release e o dia da semana se mostraram como as variáveis mais relevantes dos commits que degradam desempenho no nosso modelo. A área de característica de operação do receptor (ROC – Receiver Operating Characteristic) do modelo de regressão é 60%, o que significa que usar o modelo para decidir se um commit causará degradação ou não é 10% melhor do que uma decisão aleatória.
Negli ultimi anni la teoria dei network è stata applicata agli ambiti più diversi, mostrando proprietà caratterizzanti tutti i network reali. In questo lavoro abbiamo applicato gli strumenti della teoria dei network a dati cerebrali ottenuti tramite MRI funzionale “resting”, provenienti da due esperimenti. I dati di fMRI sono particolarmente adatti ad essere studiati tramite reti complesse, poiché in un esperimento si ottengono tipicamente più di centomila serie temporali per ogni individuo, da più di 100 valori ciascuna. I dati cerebrali negli umani sono molto variabili e ogni operazione di acquisizione dati, così come ogni passo della costruzione del network, richiede particolare attenzione. Per ottenere un network dai dati grezzi, ogni passo nel preprocessamento è stato effettuato tramite software appositi, e anche con nuovi metodi da noi implementati. Il primo set di dati analizzati è stato usato come riferimento per la caratterizzazione delle proprietà del network, in particolare delle misure di centralità, dal momento che pochi studi a riguardo sono stati condotti finora. Alcune delle misure usate indicano valori di centralità significativi, quando confrontati con un modello nullo. Questo comportamento `e stato investigato anche a istanti di tempo diversi, usando un approccio sliding window, applicando un test statistico basato su un modello nullo pi`u complesso. Il secondo set di dati analizzato riguarda individui in quattro diversi stati di riposo, da un livello di completa coscienza a uno di profonda incoscienza. E' stato quindi investigato il potere che queste misure di centralità hanno nel discriminare tra diversi stati, risultando essere dei potenziali bio-marcatori di stati di coscienza. E’ stato riscontrato inoltre che non tutte le misure hanno lo stesso potere discriminante. Secondo i lavori a noi noti, questo `e il primo studio che caratterizza differenze tra stati di coscienza nel cervello di individui sani per mezzo della teoria dei network.
This paper determines the capability of two photogrammetric systems in terms of their measurement uncertainty in an industrial context. The first system – V-STARS inca3 from Geodetic Systems Inc. – is a commercially available measurement solution. The second system comprises an off-the-shelf Nikon D700 digital camera fitted with a 28 mm Nikkor lens and the research-based Vision Measurement Software (VMS). The uncertainty estimate of these two systems is determined with reference to a calibrated constellation of points determined by a Leica AT401 laser tracker. The calibrated points have an average associated standard uncertainty of 12·4 μm, spanning a maximum distance of approximately 14·5 m. Subsequently, the two systems’ uncertainty was determined. V-STARS inca3 had an estimated standard uncertainty of 43·1 μm, thus outperforming its manufacturer's specification; the D700/VMS combination achieved a standard uncertainty of 187 μm.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown wide applicability to many fields including monitoring of environmental, civil, and industrial settings. WSNs however are resource constrained by many competing factors that span their hardware, software, and networking. One of the central resource constrains is the charge consumption of WSN nodes. With finite energy supplies, low charge consumption is needed to ensure long lifetimes and success of WSNs. This thesis details the design of a power system to support long-term operation of WSNs. The power system’s development occurs in parallel with a custom WSN from the Queen’s MEMS Lab (QML-WSN), with the goal of supporting a 1+ year lifetime without sacrificing functionality. The final power system design utilizes a TPS62740 DC-DC converter with AA alkaline batteries to efficiently supply the nodes while providing battery monitoring functionality and an expansion slot for future development. Testing tools for measuring current draw and charge consumption were created along with analysis and processing software. Through their use charge consumption of the power system was drastically lowered and issues in QML-WSN were identified and resolved including the proper shutdown of accelerometers, and incorrect microcontroller unit (MCU) power pin connection. Controlled current profiling revealed unexpected behaviour of nodes and detailed current-voltage relationships. These relationships were utilized with a lifetime projection model to estimate a lifetime between 521-551 days, depending on the mode of operation. The power system and QML-WSN were tested over a long term trial lasting 272+ days in an industrial testbed to monitor an air compressor pump. Environmental factors were found to influence the behaviour of nodes leading to increased charge consumption, while a node in an office setting was still operating at the conclusion of the trail. This agrees with the lifetime projection and gives a strong indication that a 1+ year lifetime is achievable. Additionally, a light-weight charge consumption model was developed which allows charge consumption information of nodes in a distributed WSN to be monitored. This model was tested in a laboratory setting demonstrating +95% accuracy for high packet reception rate WSNs across varying data rates, battery supply capacities, and runtimes up to full battery depletion.