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The Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) is employed in this paper for the numerical analysis of three-dimensional solids tinder nonlinear behavior. A brief summary of the GFEM as well as a description of the formulation of the hexahedral element based oil the proposed enrichment strategy are initially presented. Next, in order to introduce the nonlinear analysis of solids, two constitutive models are briefly reviewed: Lemaitre`s model, in which damage and plasticity are coupled, and Mazars`s damage model suitable for concrete tinder increased loading. Both models are employed in the framework of a nonlocal approach to ensure solution objectivity. In the numerical analyses carried out, a selective enrichment of approximation at regions of concern in the domain (mainly those with high strain and damage gradients) is exploited. Such a possibility makes the three-dimensional analysis less expensive and practicable since re-meshing resources, characteristic of h-adaptivity, can be minimized. Moreover, a combination of three-dimensional analysis and the selective enrichment presents a valuable good tool for a better description of both damage and plastic strain scatterings.
A modeling study was completed to develop a methodology that combines the sequencing and finite difference methods for the simulation of a heterogeneous model of a tubular reactor applied in the treatment of wastewater. The system included a liquid phase (convection diffusion transport) and a solid phase (diffusion reaction) that was obtained by completing a mass balance in the reactor and in the particle, respectively. The model was solved using a pilot-scale horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor to treat domestic sewage, with the concentration results compared with the experimental data. A comparison of the behavior of the liquid phase concentration profile and the experimental results indicated that both the numerical methods offer a good description of the behavior of the concentration along the reactor. The advantage of the sequencing method over the finite difference method is that it is easier to apply and requires less computational time to model the dynamic simulation of outlet response of HAIB.
Multifunctional structures are pointed out as an important technology for the design of aircraft with volume, mass, and energy source limitations such as unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and micro air vehicles (MAVs). In addition to its primary function of bearing aerodynamic loads, the wing/spar structure of an UAV or a MAV with embedded piezoceramics can provide an extra electrical energy source based on the concept of vibration energy harvesting to power small and wireless electronic components. Aeroelastic vibrations of a lifting surface can be converted into electricity using piezoelectric transduction. In this paper, frequency-domain piezoaeroelastic modeling and analysis of a canti-levered platelike wing with embedded piezoceramics is presented for energy harvesting. The electromechanical finite-element plate model is based on the thin-plate (Kirchhoff) assumptions while the unsteady aerodynamic model uses the doublet-lattice method. The electromechanical and aerodynamic models are combined to obtain the piezoaeroelastic equations, which are solved using a p-k scheme that accounts for the electromechanical coupling. The evolution of the aerodynamic damping and the frequency of each mode are obtained with changing airflow speed for a given electrical circuit. Expressions for piezoaeroelastically coupled frequency response functions (voltage, current, and electrical power as well the vibratory motion) are also defined by combining flow excitation with harmonic base excitation. Hence, piezoaeroelastic evolution can be investigated in frequency domain for different airflow speeds and electrical boundary conditions. [DOI:10.1115/1.4002785]
Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and micro air vehicles (MAVs) constitute unique application platforms for vibration-based energy harvesting. Generating usable electrical energy during their mission has the important practical value of providing an additional energy source to run small electronic components. Electrical energy can be harvested from aeroelastic vibrations of lifting surfaces of UAVs and MAVs as they tend to have relatively flexible wings compared to their larger counterparts. In this work, an electromechanically coupled finite element model is combined with an unsteady aerodynamic model to develop a piezoaeroelastic model for airflow excitation of cantilevered plates representing wing-like structures. The electrical power output and the displacement of the wing tip are investigated for several airflow speeds and two different electrode configurations (continuous and segmented). Cancelation of electrical output occurs for typical coupled bending-torsion aeroelastic modes of a cantilevered generator wing when continuous electrodes are used. Torsional motions of the coupled modes become relatively significant when segmented electrodes are used, improving the broadband performance and altering the flutter speed. Although the focus is placed on the electrical power that can be harvested for a given airflow speed, shunt damping effect of piezoelectric power generation is also investigated for both electrode configurations.
Vibration-based energy harvesting has been investigated by several researchers over the last decade. The goal in this research field is to power small electronic components by converting the waste vibration energy available in their environment into electrical energy. Recent literature shows that piezoelectric transduction has received the most attention for vibration-to-electricity conversion. In practice, cantilevered beams and plates with piezoceramic layers are employed as piezoelectric energy harvesters. The existing piezoelectric energy harvester models are beam-type lumped parameter, approximate distributed parameter and analytical distributed parameter solutions. However, aspect ratios of piezoelectric energy harvesters in several cases are plate-like and predicting the power output to general (symmetric and asymmetric) excitations requires a plate-type formulation which has not been covered in the energy harvesting literature. In this paper. an electromechanically coupled finite element (FE) plate model is presented for predicting the electrical power output of piezoelectric energy harvester plates. Generalized Hamilton`s principle for electroelastic bodies is reviewed and the FE model is derived based on the Kirchhoff plate assumptions as typical piezoelectric energy harvesters are thin structures. Presence of conductive electrodes is taken into account in the FE model. The predictions of the FE model are verified against the analytical solution for a unimorph cantilever and then against the experimental and analytical results of a bimorph cantilever with a tip mass reported in the literature. Finally, an optimization problem is solved where the aluminum wing spar of an unmanned air vehicle (UAV) is modified to obtain a generator spar by embedding piezoceramics for the maximum electrical power without exceeding a prescribed mass addition limit. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents results of research into the use of the Bellman-Zadeh approach to decision making in a fuzzy environment for solving multicriteria power engineering problems. The application of the approach conforms to the principle of guaranteed result and provides constructive lines in computationally effective obtaining harmonious solutions on the basis of solving associated maxmin problems. The presented results are universally applicable and are already being used to solve diverse classes of power engineering problems. It is illustrated by considering problems of power and energy shortage allocation, power system operation, optimization of network configuration in distribution systems, and energetically effective voltage control in distribution systems. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We describe a one-time signature scheme based on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem, and prove it secure in the random oracle model. Our proposal can be instantiated on general linear error correcting codes, rather than restricted families like alternant codes for which a decoding trapdoor is known to exist. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved,
In this paper, a framework for detection of human skin in digital images is proposed. This framework is composed of a training phase and a detection phase. A skin class model is learned during the training phase by processing several training images in a hybrid and incremental fuzzy learning scheme. This scheme combines unsupervised-and supervised-learning: unsupervised, by fuzzy clustering, to obtain clusters of color groups from training images; and supervised to select groups that represent skin color. At the end of the training phase, aggregation operators are used to provide combinations of selected groups into a skin model. In the detection phase, the learned skin model is used to detect human skin in an efficient way. Experimental results show robust and accurate human skin detection performed by the proposed framework.
For the last decade, elliptic curve cryptography has gained increasing interest in industry and in the academic community. This is especially due to the high level of security it provides with relatively small keys and to its ability to create very efficient and multifunctional cryptographic schemes by means of bilinear pairings. Pairings require pairing-friendly elliptic curves and among the possible choices, Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curves arguably constitute one of the most versatile families. In this paper, we further expand the potential of the BN curve family. We describe BN curves that are not only computationally very simple to generate, but also specially suitable for efficient implementation on a very broad range of scenarios. We also present implementation results of the optimal ate pairing using such a curve defined over a 254-bit prime field. (C) 2001 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The 3D flow around a circular cylinder free to oscillate transversely to the free stream was simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the Spalart-Allmaras Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) turbulence model for a Reynolds number Re = 10(4). Simulations were carried out for a small mass-damping parameter m*zeta = 0.00858, where m* = 3.3 and zeta = 0.0026. We found good agreement between the numerical results and experimental data. The simulations predicted the high observed amplitudes of the upper branch of vortex-induced vibrations for low mass-damping parameters.
Hydrodynamic journal bearings are susceptible to static angular misalignment, resulting from improper assemblage, elastic and thermal distortion of the shaft and bearing housing, and also manufacturing errors. Several previous works on the theme, both theoretical and experimental, focused on the determination of the static properties of angular misaligned bearings. Although some reports show agreement between theoretical and experimental results, the increasingly severe operating conditions of hydrodynamic bearings (heavy loads and high rotational speeds) require more reliable theoretical formulations for the evaluation of the journal performance during the design process. The consideration of the angular misalignment in the derivation of the Reynolds equation is presented here in detail, showing that properly conducted geometric and magnitude-order analyses lead to the inclusion of an axial wedge effect term that influences the velocity and pressure fields in the lubricant film. Numerical results evidence that this axial wedge effect more significantly affects the hydrodynamic forces and static operational properties of tilted short journal bearings.
Sensors and actuators based on piezoelectric plates have shown increasing demand in the field of smart structures, including the development of actuators for cooling and fluid-pumping applications and transducers for novel energy-harvesting devices. This project involves the development of a topology optimization formulation for dynamic design of piezoelectric laminated plates aiming at piezoelectric sensors, actuators and energy-harvesting applications. It distributes piezoelectric material over a metallic plate in order to achieve a desired dynamic behavior with specified resonance frequencies, modes, and enhanced electromechanical coupling factor (EMCC). The finite element employs a piezoelectric plate based on the MITC formulation, which is reliable, efficient and avoids the shear locking problem. The topology optimization formulation is based on the PEMAP-P model combined with the RAMP model, where the design variables are the pseudo-densities that describe the amount of piezoelectric material at each finite element and its polarization sign. The design problem formulated aims at designing simultaneously an eigenshape, i.e., maximizing and minimizing vibration amplitudes at certain points of the structure in a given eigenmode, while tuning the eigenvalue to a desired value and also maximizing its EMCC, so that the energy conversion is maximized for that mode. The optimization problem is solved by using sequential linear programming. Through this formulation, a design with enhancing energy conversion in the low-frequency spectrum is obtained, by minimizing a set of first eigenvalues, enhancing their corresponding eigenshapes while maximizing their EMCCs, which can be considered an approach to the design of energy-harvesting devices. The implementation of the topology optimization algorithm and some results are presented to illustrate the method.
Tungsten carbide has a wide range of applications, mainly cemented carbides made of WC and Co, as wear resistant materials. However, the high cost of WC-Co powders encourages the use of a substrate to manufacture a functionally graded material (FGM) tool made of WC-Co and a tool steel. These materials join the high wear resistance of the cemented carbide and the toughness of the steel. This work deals with the study interaction of the WC-Co and H13 steel to design a functionally graded material by means of spark plasma sintering (SPS). The SPS, a novel sintering technique reaching the consolidation of the powders at relatively low temperatures and short dwell times, is a promising technique in processing materials. In this study, WC, H13 steel, WC-Co, WC-H13 steel and WC-Co-H13 steel bulk samples were investigated using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques to evaluate the phase transformations involved during SPS consolidation process. The W(2)C and W(3)Fe(3)C precipitation were identified after the SPS consolidation of the WC and WC-H13 steel samples, respectively. The precipitation Of W(4)Co(2)C was also identified in the WC-Co and WC-Co-H13 steel samples. The WC-H 13 steel and WC-Co-H13 steel were also evaluated after heat treatments at 1100 degrees C for 9 h, which enhanced the chemical interaction and the precipitation of W(3)Fe(3)C and W(4)Co(2)C, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The influence of Sri in Fe(2)O(3) thin films is addressed. The presence of the tin ions decreases the Fe(2)O(3) particle sizes and surface roughness decreasing of the films` surface is observed as a consequence. X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy measurements together with literature results support this phenomenon to be related to the segregation of the additive onto the surface and consequently surface energy decrease, which constitutes the driving force for the microstructure modification, similarly to results previously obtained for powders with same compositions. The effect of the anions introduced in the system as counter-ions of the precursors is also discussed.
The cost of a new ship design heavily depends on the principal dimensions of the ship; however, dimensions minimization often conflicts with the minimum oil outflow (in the event of an accidental spill). This study demonstrates one rational methodology for selecting the optimal dimensions and coefficients of form of tankers via the use of a genetic algorithm. Therein, a multi-objective optimization problem was formulated by using two objective attributes in the evaluation of each design, specifically, total cost and mean oil outflow. In addition, a procedure that can be used to balance the designs in terms of weight and useful space is proposed. A genetic algorithm was implemented to search for optimal design parameters and to identify the nondominated Pareto frontier. At the end of this study, three real ships are used as case studies. [DOI:10.1115/1.4002740]