920 resultados para research methods - non-active role-playing method


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Este estudo de caso tem como objetivo investigar quais são os fatores que influenciam a implementação das boas práticas da governança corporativa nas empresas familiares. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, adotou-se como método o estudo de caso único. Como instrumento de pesquisa recorreu-se a utilização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com membros da família proprietária da segunda e terceira geração, representantes do Conselho de administração, sócios atuantes e não atuantes. Para o tratamento dos dados, recorreu-se à análise do conteúdo das entrevistas. Para fundamentar a pesquisa, houve a necessidade de uma revisão bibliográfica envolvendo governança corporativa; empresas familiares e suas particularidades; governança corporativa em empresas familiares e fatores que influenciam e dificultam o processo de implementação das boas práticas de governança corporativa à luz da literatura. A pesquisa aqui apresentada foi realizada na empresa Casa do Alemão Indústria e Comércio de Lanches LTDA, do setor alimentício, que se encontra sob comando da segunda e terceira geração da família fundadora, tendo como dominante a segunda geração. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa apontam que as boas práticas de governança corporativa estão parcialmente presentes na Organização e que para uma implementação por completa, é necessário reformular os elementos já existentes e a criação de novas medidas de governança para melhorar a objetividade nos processos de qualificação, gestão, decisão e sucessão. Os fatores considerados como influentes e positivos para a implementação por completa das boas práticas de governança corporativa nesta Organização são: cultura de transparência; separação do patrimônio pessoal e empresa; predisposição de todos os sócios pela aceitação a utilização de processos mais formais na forma de trabalho. Dentre outros motivos ainda não implementados e que poderiam ser elementos influentes para a implantação são: necessidade de enfrentar os conflitos familiares; custos (investimento); resistência das pessoas (interesses divergentes dos sócios, família, executivos) e mais monitoramento (pessoas não gostam de ser monitoradas e avaliadas). Apesar de carregar a experiência que o tempo atribui aos sexagenários, a empresa também demonstra a agilidade da juventude para se manter com um visual moderno e iniciar uma nova política de expansão.


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The current paper aims at analyzing customer retention in Internet provider services. For this study, we sought to understand what are the client's expectations regarding the services available and compare them with management perception in relation to the use of those services. Identifying the coherence level between the two points of view, management and client, it is possible to pinpoint how service is assessed in real conditions. Then, from this point on, a new vision can be implemented on available services, and new customer service strategies aiming at best serving to their expectation and need, can be rethought. The exploratory research was utilized. It was based on case study, and quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The quantitative method was done by applying the cluster technique with six variables of control derived from the six main services, whose definition was done through qualitative survey of the internal management team. Then, an structured interview with 443 clients, from a probabilistic sample of 800 costumers. The total number of active clients of the internet provider is of 10.677. Client perception in relation to services varied, if compared with the four services that were under the managerial metric method, this comparison showed a more positive evaluation than the real use of the service. Thus, it was observed that the value of each service available for the client depends on his/her perception of it, regardless of using or not the offered service. As a result, it is possible to understand which services offered by the company under study effectively contribute to a good client-company relationship, and the upkeep of those clients


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This thesis aims to investigating the cantadores and the toadas in the Boi Bumbá, debating questions which put together around the construction and performance of amo s and cantador s role in the Boi Bumbá Caprichoso of Belém-PA city and exploring the extent of toadas its characteristics, functions, the uses that are made of theirs and the relations that establishes between them and the cantadores. The problematic of the research consisted on analysing what the amos, cantadores and toadas represent in the whole context of boi-bumbá plays in Belém, nowadays. Considering this perspective, I tried to identify on Boi Caprichoso the most meaningful expressions which were related to toadas and how the roles of amo and cantador were performed. Participative observation, ethnical research, open and semistructured interviews were used as research methods. The role performances on Boi Caprichoso plays an essential part on the playing realization, highlighting themselves as pivotal characters. These performances, characterized by the vocal presence, also highlighted the size that toadas occupy in the whole play, and pointed the way for an emerging model of presentation, in which both toada and cantador appear as central figures


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Many discussions about the role of the school are on the agenda, in an increasingly complex society. Sociologists, educators, anthropologists, researchers of different areas seek that role. The objective of this dissertation is to contribute what we can consider the central role for the physics teaching, citizenship training. We have elaborated a didactic proposal to increase the interest of high school students on issues of social relevance and, throughout it, to promote the formation of attitudes of social responsibility, enhancing the formation of a more politically and socially active citizen. For the preparation of the proposal, studies were made on education for citizenship and on attitudes change, using as its main theoretical foundation the researches on the Science, Technology and Society curricular emphasis. The teaching of Nuclear Physics was integrated to our proposal, due to its pedagogical potential for the discussion of social, political and economic subjects related to scientific concepts and associated technologies. The educational proposal we have produced was applied on a high school class of a private school at Natal-RN. It was composed from the controversial issue involving the installation of nuclear power plants in Brazilian northeast. The methodology of role playing, in which students assumed social roles and produced specific subsidies for a public hearing and a later referendum, both simulated. In the analysis of the implementation of the proposal, we highlighted the difficulties but also the possibilities and the relevance of exercising skills such as reasoning, finding information, and arguing about of social problems. The results of the research showed the possibility of meaningful learning on Nuclear Physics contents, through this social, political, economic, scientific and technological contextualization using a controversial and real issue together with mechanisms that trigger for greater popular participation, as public hearing. It has also been identified changes in attitude by some students about issues related to Nuclear Physics. We hope, through this dissertation, to contribute to the formation of future citizens as well as to the initiative of teachers-researchers with pedagogical aims similar to those in the present work


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In the tropical Atlantic Forest, 42 canopy gaps had their areas estimated using four different field methods of measurement: Runkle, Brokaw and Green [Runkle, J.R., 1981. Gap formation in some old-growth forests of the eastern United States. Ecology 62, 1041-1051; Brokaw, N.V.L., 1982. The definition of treefall gap and its effect on measures of forest dynamics. Biotropica 14, 158-160; Green, P.T., 1996. Canopy Gaps in rain forest on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean: size distribution and methods of measurement. J. Trop. Ecol. 12, 427-434] and a new method proposed in this work. It was found that within the same gap delimitation, average gap size varied from 56.0 up to 88.3 m(3) while total sum of gap area varied from 2351.3 to 3707.9 m(3) Differences among all methods and between pairs of method proved to be statistically significant. As a consequence, gap size-class distribution was also different between methods. When one method is held as a standard, deviation on average values of gap size ranged between 11.8 and 59.7% as deviations on single gap size can reach 172.8%. Implications on forest dynamics were expressed by the forest turnover rate that was 24% faster or 15% slower depending on the method adopted for gap measurement. Based on my results and on methods' evaluation, the use of a new method is proposed here for future research involving the measure of gap size in forest ecosystems. Finally, it is concluded that forest comparisons disregarding the influence of different methods of gap measurement should be reconsidered. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND. Stroma plays an essential role in glandular function in different systems. In the prostate, it is responsible for the development and maintenance of the differentiated state of the epithelium. The marked reduction in the epithelial compartment of the prostate gland following castration is followed by a similarly important reorganization of the stroma. In this work, we characterized the reorganization of collagen fibers in the ventral prostate of castrated rats. METHODS. Histochemical tests and immunohistochemistry for type I and III collagens plus confocal microscopy of triple-labeled (collagen III, actin, and DNA) tissue sections were employed. RESULTS. We showed that collagen fibers are composed of type I and type III collagens and that they are progressively concentrated around the epithelial structures (ducts and acini) and become increasingly undulated and folded. Double-labeling of collagen fibers and F-actin demonstrated that smooth muscle cells (SMC) are intimately associated with collagen fibers. CONCLUSIONS. The results demonstrated a marked reorganization of the collagen fibers, and suggest an active role of the SMC in the reorganization of the fibrillar components of the stroma. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This paper describes research on a simple low-temperature synthesis route to prepare bismuth ferrite nanopowders by the polymeric precursor method using bismuth and iron nitrates. BiFeO 3 (BFO) nanopowders were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction analyses, (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy (Raman), thermogravimnetric analyses (TG-DTA), ultra-violet/vis (UV/Vis) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). XRD patterns confirmed that a pure perovskite BiFeO 3 structure with a rhombohedral distorted perovskite structure was obtained by heating at 850 °C for 4 hours. Typical FT-IR spectra for BFO powders revealed the formation of a perovskite structure at high temperatures due to a metal-oxygen bond while Raman modes indicated oxygen octahedral tilts induced by structural distortion. A homogeneous size distribution of BFO powders obtained at 850 °C for 4 hours was verified by FE-SEM analyses. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Vespas sociais destacam-se pela complexidade da organização social, pela arquitetura dos ninhos e pela importância na cadeia alimentar, como predadores de outros insetos e artrópodes. Os levantamentos faunísticos no Brasil ainda são considerados reduzidos e há carência de padronização entre protocolos de coleta, o que dificulta a comparação dos resultados obtidos. O presente trabalho consiste em estudo da fauna de vespas sociais numa parcela de floresta de terra firme em Caxiuanã, Melgaço, PA, um quadrado de 25 km² previamente demarcado com trilhas de 5000 m entrecruzadas, em formato de grade. A coleta consistiu na busca ativa por indivíduos e colônias de vespas sociais ao longo das trilhas e na instalação de armadilhas de Malaise em alguns cruzamentos de trilhas. Foram percorridas 60 trilhas e instaladas 26 armadilhas, ao longo de 44 dias descontínuos de campo. Foram registradas 65 espécies de vespas sociais pertencentes a 12 gêneros. Polybia e Mischocyttarus destacaram-se como os principais gêneros em número de espécies. Agelaia fulvofasciata e Angiopolybia pallens foram as espécies mais freqüentes. Busca ativa apresentou um melhor desempenho quanto à descoberta de espécies de vespas sociais (63) do que armadilha de Malaise (26). Dois subconjuntos de 25 amostras, cujas respectivas acumulações também resultam em totais de 63 espécies, foram obtidos através do programa DIVA-GIS, demonstrando que o resultado geral do inventário poderia em tese ser alcançado com um esforço consideravelmente menor, distribuído por toda a extensão da grade. O levantamento representou um incremento de 21 espécies à lista obtida anteriormente para Caxiuanã, totalizando 100 espécies para a região, e de dois novos registros para o estado do Pará (Polybia brunnea e Mischocyttarus vaqueroi).


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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On the grounds of the great advances achieved over recent years, the process HF/ERW (High-Frequency/Electric Resistance Welding)welded pipe have played an active role in the oil and gas industry for deep water applications, at high and extremely low temperatures, under high pressure and in highly corrosive environments, gradually replacing manufactured pipes by other processes. However, studies have shown that defects in the welded joints are a the leading causes of pipelines failures, which has required the determination of toughness values in this region, in compliance with the strict recommendations of the codes and standards with manufacturers and construction companies, on the oil and gas sector. As part of the validation process required toughness values, this research project focuses on a microstructural analysis in HF / ERW tubes microalloyed, steel grade API 5CT N80, designed to explore oil and gas in deep waters, the subject of strategic relevance to the country because of the recent discoveries in the Santos mega fields: Tupi and Libra (pre-salt). In this scientific work will be presented and discussed the results of mechanical tensile and Charpy, a few CTOD tests curves (showing the trend of toughness values to be obtained), and the microstructures of the base material obtained by optical microscopy, with special emphasis on the formation of non-metallic inclusions in the welded joint


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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O presente trabalho, eminentemente voltado à metodologia de pesquisa em psicologia social, organiza-se em torno de três objetivos: definir em maiores detalhes algumas das principais características da etnografia, realizar um breve percurso histórico acerca das suas origens como prática cientificamente legitimada e, finalmente, discutir a sua atual utilização. De maneira conclusiva, enfatiza não apenas os limites, mas também as possibilidades da prática etnográfica, sustentando que a experiência de estranhamento que tradicionalmente a caracterizou continua trazendo em si mesma tanto o dinamismo quanto o potencial crítico necessários para manter em movimento o pensamento sobre ou, se preferirmos, com a diferença.