813 resultados para reflection in creative disciplines


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We calculate tangential momentum coefficients for the exchange of momentum between molecules in transport and the internal surface of a membrane pore, modelled as a simple atomic structure. We introduce a local specular reflection (LSR) hypothesis, which states that impinging molecules undergo mirror-like reflection in a plane tangent to a surface atom at the point of impact. As a consequence, the components of the velocity, parallel to the direction of flow will (in general) change on impact. The overall effect is a loss of tangential momentum, since more is lost in the upstream direction than is gained in the downstream direction. The loss of tangential momentum is greater when the size ratio of fluid to solid atom is small, allowing more steeply inclined impact planes to become accessible to the fluid phase molecules. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Culture is a central but debated concept in many disciplines and its complexity may become an even bigger source of argument in Suicidology. In spite of the intricacy of the study of this construct, the paper illustrates that various scholars have recognised the relevance of culture and ethnicity in the understanding of suicidal behaviour. The author provides evidence of the need to pay more attention to the meaning and interpretation of suicide in cross-cultural research and underlines the necessity to establish cultural-sensitive prevention strategies. The paper closes by providing methodological considerations and suggestions for future research on cultural aspects of suicidal behaviour.


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A ocupação principal deste trabalho residiu no diálogo entre a teologia e a literatura, primordialmente no interior do romance machadiano Dom Casmurro. Esta dissertação preconizou a antropologia emergente no romance machadiano em questão, como lugar das reflexões de cunho teológico. Para pauta de discussões, foram trazidas obras referenciais, que se apresentaram como o estado atual da questão acerca do diálogo entre teologia e literatura. A sustentação teórica deste trabalho se deu com apropriações conceituais de Paul Ricoeur, Antonio Carlos de Melo Magalhães e Gerard Genette. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho se delimitou na demonstração das relações entre o Deus que se revela e o humano machadiano, a partir do caráter antropológico do romance Dom Casmurro. A promessa e o caráter paratextual do capítulo em que ela é narrada, conduziram todas as análises realizadas, que culminaram na observação do antropológico como tema central do romance. Defendemos que a quebra das relações estabelecidas entre o humano machadiano e o Deus da promessa estabeleceu a instalação de um mundo desencantado diante da existência e da realidade do protagonista do romance, Bento Santiago.(AU)


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O presente estudo consiste numa pesquisa processual, de natureza qualitativa, expresso na modalidade narrativa. Tem como pressuposto que o papel do professor implica uma tal responsabilidade que resulta em exigência de aperfeiçoamento constante, para que este profissional possa apresentar-se capaz de uma ação pedagógica bem-sucedida. Um professor, assim caracterizado, corresponde ao profissional efetivamente engajado na prática docente, manifestando atitude de reflexão sobre esta mesma prática, não apenas antes, em sua preparação, mas durante o seu desenrolar e mesmo depois desta, procurando extrair da própria ação elementos que ajudem a constantemente melhorá-la. Sob tais aspectos, destaco a prática reflexiva de Professoras do Ensino Fundamental, nos anos iniciais de escolaridade, especialmente relativa a suas ações pedagógicas bem-sucedidas em aulas, que busco enfocar como objeto de estudo e de investigação nesta dissertação. A coleta de dados da pesquisa deu-se por meio de 1) entrevistas semi-estruturadas, 2) relatos orais, 3) observação de aulas e 4) notas de campo. A análise dos dados, a discussão dos resultados e os encaminhamentos possíveis para a formação de professores foram construídos e expressos levando em conta princípios e critérios da Investigação Narrativa. Das conclusões, tecidas à luz do que resulta desta investigação, destacam-se as que são assim enunciadas: a) as Professoras realizam práticas reflexivas de tipos e níveis diferentes, contudo, tais reflexões ocorrem visivelmente atreladas às suas dificuldades e aos seus conflitos didático-pedagógicos, cada qual em seu contexto específico de ação; b) As Professoras conseguem realizar reflexões na sua ação, bem como reflexões sobre a sua ação com aproximações à literatura pedagógica, ainda que com ausência de explicitação de aspectos sociológicos, filosóficos, políticos, antropológicos, epistemológicos, enfim, dos aspectos que conferem maior criticidade e critério à reflexão, ou seja, atributos de reflexividade. Em função disso, ressalto a importância do progresso da escola em consonância com o progresso e a profissionalização do trabalho docente, através da consideração de cada contexto específico num movimento de busca de sentido para o ensino e para a aprendizagem. Nas considerações finais, propugno para o professor reflexivo compromissos evidentes com o futuro, no presente de suas salas de aula, para que possa ter maior capacidade de resposta pedagógica às necessidades educativas dos seus alunos, que se inserem e vivem na complexa sociedade deste século XXI.


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National guidance and clinical guidelines recommended multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) for cancer services in order to bring specialists in relevant disciplines together, ensure clinical decisions are fully informed, and to coordinate care effectively. However, the effectiveness of cancer teams was not previously evaluated systematically. A random sample of 72 breast cancer teams in England was studied (548 members in six core disciplines), stratified by region and caseload. Information about team constitution, processes, effectiveness, clinical performance, and members' mental well-being was gathered using appropriate instruments. Two input variables, team workload (P=0.009) and the proportion of breast care nurses (P=0.003), positively predicted overall clinical performance in multivariate analysis using a two-stage regression model. There were significant correlations between individual team inputs, team composition variables, and clinical performance. Some disciplines consistently perceived their team's effectiveness differently from the mean. Teams with shared leadership of their clinical decision-making were most effective. The mental well-being of team members appeared significantly better than in previous studies of cancer clinicians, the NHS, and the general population. This study established that team composition, working methods, and workloads are related to measures of effectiveness, including the quality of clinical care. © 2003 Cancer Research UK.


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Translation is a regular phenomenon for news production, even if this is not always explicitly indicated. It is quite common that journalists themselves perform translations in their text production processes. Online media have added new possibilties to these processes. This paper looks at the transfer between print and online media texts from the point of view of translation. On the basis of case studies of English translations made available online by Spiegel International, the text production practice and its reflection in the linguistic structure of the translations is illustrated. The declared aim of putting English translations on the Spiegel website is to bring its 'unique voice' to English-speaking readers. This paper argues that this 'unique voice' will not be seen by the readers in the actual linguistic make-up of the texts, but that it is as a result of the text selection process that English-speaking readers can get access to a different point of view.


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Requirements are sensitive to the context in which the system-to-be must operate. Where such context is well-understood and is static or evolves slowly, existing RE techniques can be made to work well. Increasingly, however, development projects are being challenged to build systems to operate in contexts that are volatile over short periods in ways that are imperfectly understood. Such systems need to be able to adapt to new environmental contexts dynamically, but the contextual uncertainty that demands this self-adaptive ability makes it hard to formulate, validate and manage their requirements. Different contexts may demand different requirements trade-offs. Unanticipated contexts may even lead to entirely new requirements. To help counter this uncertainty, we argue that requirements for self-adaptive systems should be run-time entities that can be reasoned over in order to understand the extent to which they are being satisfied and to support adaptation decisions that can take advantage of the systems' self-adaptive machinery. We take our inspiration from the fact that explicit, abstract representations of software architectures used to be considered design-time-only entities but computational reflection showed that architectural concerns could be represented at run-time too, helping systems to dynamically reconfigure themselves according to changing context. We propose to use analogous mechanisms to achieve requirements reflection. In this paper we discuss the ideas that support requirements reflection as a means to articulate some of the outstanding research challenges.


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Increasingly software systems are required to survive variations in their execution environment without or with only little human intervention. Such systems are called "eternal software systems". In contrast to the traditional view of development and execution as separate cycles, these modern software systems should not present such a separation. Research in MDE has been primarily concerned with the use of models during the first cycle or development (i.e. during the design, implementation, and deployment) and has shown excellent results. In this paper the author argues that an eternal software system must have a first-class representation of itself available to enable change. These runtime representations (or runtime models) will depend on the kind of dynamic changes that we want to make available during execution or on the kind of analysis we want the system to support. Hence, different models can be conceived. Self-representation inevitably implies the use of reflection. In this paper the author briefly summarizes research that supports the use of runtime models, and points out different issues and research questions. © 2009 IEEE.


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Intercultural communication in the global environment frequently involves recourse to translation. This generates new phenomena which, in turn, raise new questions for translation theory and practice. This issue is concerned with the concept of the hybrid text as one of these phenomena. In this introductory chapter, a hybrid text is defined as: „a text that results from a translation process. It shows features that somehow seem ‘out of place'/‘strange'/‘unusual' for the receiving culture, i.e. the target culture”. It is important, however, to differentiate between the true hybrid, which is the result of positive authorial and/or translatorial decisions, and the inadequate text which exhibits features of translationese, resulting from a lack of competence. Textual, contextual and social features of hybrid texts are postulated (see discussion paper). These are the object of critical reflection in sub-sequent chapters, in relation to different genres. The potential of the hybrid text for translation research is explored.


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Over the centuries, women have always played a significant part in translation practice, training, and theoretical reflection. In fact, translation (and interpreting) have often been characterized as a feminine occupation. This chapter looks at these three aspects predominantly from a quantitative perspective. In terms of the profession, it investigates the distribution of male and female translators and interpreters in the United Kingdom and the subject areas they are working in. For women's contribution to the academic discipline of Translation Studies, it investigates the amount of female authors who contributed to the discipline with their publications and asks whether female scholars focus on specific topics. Finally, it investigates leadership roles of women in professional associations. The paper concludes by reflecting on the potential significance of such studies. © 2013.


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Mathematical Subject Classification 2010:26A33, 33E99, 15A52, 62E15.