411 resultados para rape


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It is a widely acknowledged and often unquestioned fact that patriarchy and its modes of behaviour and social organization favour the appearance of trauma on the weakest (and defenceless) members of society: women. In the last decades, trauma seems to have taken the baton of typically female maladies such as 19th c. hysteria or 20th c. madness. Feminists in the 20th c. have long worked to prove the connection between the latter affections (and their reflection in literary texts) and patriarchal oppression or expectations of feminine behaviour and accordance to roles and rules. With Trauma Studies on the rise, the approach to the idea of the untold as related to femininity is manifold: on the one hand, is not trauma, which precludes telling about one’s own experience and keeps it locked not only from the others, but also from ourselves, the ultimate secrecy? On the other hand, when analyzing works that reflect trauma, one is astounded by the high number of them with a female protagonist and an almost all-female cast: in this sense, a ‘feminist’ reading is almost compulsory, in the sense that it is usually the author’s assumption that patriarchal systems of exploitation and expectations favour traumatic events and their outcome (silence and secrets) on the powerless, usually women. Often, traumatic texts combine feminism with other analytical discourses (one of the topics proposed for this panel): Toni Morrison’s study of traumatic responses in The Bluest Eye and Beloved cannot be untangled from her critique of slavery; just as much of Chicana feminism and its representations of rape and abuse (two main agents of trauma) analyze the nexus of patriarchy, new forms of post-colonialism, and the dynamics of power and powerlessness in ethnic contexts. Within this tradition that establishes the secrecies of trauma as an almost exclusively feminine characteristic, one is however faced with texts which have traumatized males as protagonists: curiously enough, most of these characters have suffered trauma through a typically masculine experience: that of war and its aftermath. By analyzing novels dealing with war veterans from Vietnam or the Second World War, the astounding findings are the frequent mixture of masculine or even ‘macho’ values and the denial of any kind of ‘feminine’ characteristics, combined with a very strict set of rules of power and hierarchy that clearly establish who is empowered and who is powerless. It is our argument that this replication of patriarchal modes of domination, which place the lowest ranks of the army in a ‘feminine’ situation, blended with the compulsory ‘macho’ stance soldiers are forced to adopt as army men (as seen, for example, in Philip Caputo’s Indian Country, Larry Heinemann’s Paco’s Story or Ed Dodge’s DAU: A Novel of Vietnam) furthers the onset and seriousness of ulterior trauma. In this sense, we can also analyze this kind of writing from a ‘feminist’ point of view, since the dynamics of über-patriarchal power established at the front at war-time deny any display of elements traditionally viewed as ‘feminine’ (such as grief, guilt or emotions) in soldiers. If trauma is the result of a game of patriarchal empowerment, how can feminist works, not only theoretical, but also fictional, overthrow it? Are ‘feminine’ characteristics necessary to escape trauma, even in male victims? How can feminist readings of trauma enhance our understanding of its dynamics and help produce new modes of interaction that transcend power and gender division as the basis for the organization of society?


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Newly recognised as a threat to global peace and security, sexual violence in conflict is now a fixed item on international security agendas. This marks significant progress for women, gender equality and the integrity of peace programmes. Our aim here, however, is to reflect upon the risks that inhere in this accomplishment. Through the concept of ‘sexurity’, a tripartite amalgam of the securitisation of sexual violence, the sexualisation of security, and the language of crisis, we outline the adverse effects of tethering sexual violence to security. This article concerns itself with the material and symbolic effects of ‘sexurity’ for eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It first outlines ‘sexurity’ and the context of its emergence before, drawing on fieldwork in eastern DRC, the second part underlines the effects of ‘sexurity’ for the country.


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Recent high-profile rape cases in Australia involving Muslim and Indigenous minority groups have heightened contention around issues of culture, gender and justice. The article critically examines the culturalising of rape as an ethnic minority issue in the public and legal discourse associated with these cases. This examination problematises the western-driven narratives about minority women that undergird and make possible this culturalising and foregrounds Muslim and Indigenous feminist priorities concerning issues of gender equity and justice. Against this backdrop, the article draws parallels between the inferiorising of ethnic minority culture in dominant legal and public discourse and the reductionism of culture in education discourse. Towards realising the equity mandates of national schooling policy, the article outlines key frames of reference and understanding about culture, gender and justice necessary for enhancing educators’ support for ethnic minority women and girls.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et Sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître des Sciences (M. Sc.) en Criminologie, Option Stage en Intervention


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Ce mémoire porte sur la réception par des hommes de publicités sociales développées dans le cadre de la campagne My Strength is Not for Hurting par l’organisme américain Men Can Stop Rape. Le but était de comprendre le sens qu’ils donnent à des messages publicitaires conçus pour les interpeller par une caractéristique traditionnellement associée au masculin afin qu’ils se mobilisent dans la prévention des agressions sexuelles. Le concept de genre, élaboré en référence au système normatif qui crée les sexes et les hiérarchise, les notions de masculinité hégémonique et de masculinités plurielles ont servi de cadre théorique à cette étude féministe, tout comme la réception médiatique. Les propos de sept hommes engagés politiquement ou socialement ont été analysés avec l’approche de la psychologie discursive en analyse de discours. L’analyse qualitative réalisée montre que les participants articulent une réception négociée du message publicitaire. Ils en captent le sens sans s’y identifier, critiquent le discours hégémonique sur la masculinité perçu dans le message publicitaire, et s’engagent dans un processus d’altérisation pour résoudre leur malaise à l’égard du viol en construisant une subjectivité masculine spécifique et opposée à celle d’hommes qu’ils considèrent à risque de commettre ce crime. Les rapports de pouvoir femmes-hommes sont évacués de la discussion, bien que les participants tiennent, hors de la discussion sur My Strength, un propos avisé sur la mobilisation des hommes pour prévenir les agressions sexuelles. Cette analyse qualitative met au jour le caractère pluriel et hiérarchique de la masculinité et l’obligation d’en tenir compte dans un processus de persuasion visant à mobiliser les hommes pour prévenir les agressions sexuelles. Elle souligne également la nécessité d’éviter la reconduction de la masculinité hégémonique dans les messages pour que soient mis au jour les rapports de pouvoir qui forgent l’agression sexuelle, enjeu dévoilé par le mouvement féministe.


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La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar las implicaciones humanitarias de la participación de las Compañías Militares Privadas (PMC) contratadas por los Estados en escenarios de conflicto, a partir del caso de Blackwater y Estados Unidos en Irak (2003-2007), con el fin de mostrar a través de algunos hechos específicos como el acaecido en la plaza Al Nisour los vacíos existentes en la regulación de sus actividades. Frente a estos hechos se muestra como la Comunidad Internacional ha tratado de avanzar en la creación de un régimen internacional que las controle, sin embargo, como se evidencia a lo largo de este escrito la falta de compromiso por parte de los Estados ha hecho que esta tarea se vea obstaculizada y por lo tanto la actuación de estas compañías se encuentra aún en una zona jurídica gris.