953 resultados para pupil filter
In this paper a microwave photonic filter using superstructured fiber Bragg grating and dispersive fiber is investigated. A theoretical model to describe the transfer function of the filter taking into consideration the spectral width of light source is established. Experiments are carried out to verify the theoretical analysis. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that due to chromatic dispersion the source spectral width introduces an additional power penalty to the microwave photonic response of the filter.
A Bragg grating fast tunable filter prototype working over a linear tuning range of 45 nm with a maximum tuning speed of 21 nm/ms has been realized. The tunable filter system is based on two piezoelectric stack actuators moving a mechanical device thus compressing an apodized fiber Bragg grating. The filter allows both traction and compression and can work in transmission and in reflection. It is designed to work with a channel spacing of 100 GHz according to the ITU specifications for wavelength division multiplexing systems.
We describe how an acousto-optic tunable filter can be used to both demultiplex the signals from multiple fibre Bragg grating sensors and simultaneously provide wide bandwidth signal demodulation in a system using interferometric wavelength shift detection. In an experimental demonstration, the approach provided a noise limited strain resolution of 24.9 nε Hz -1/2 at 15 Hz. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.
We present a thorough study on the development of a polymer optical fibre-based tuneable filter utilizing an intra-core Bragg grating that is electrically tuneable, operating at 1.55 νm. The Bragg grating is made tuneable using a thin-film resistive heater deposited on the surface of the fibre. The polymer fibre was coated via the photochemical deposition of a Pd/Cu metallic layer with the procedure induced by VUV radiation at room temperature. The resulting device, when wavelength tuned via Joule heating, underwent a wavelength shift of 2 nm for a moderate input power of 160 mW, a wavelength to input power coefficient of -13.4 pm mW-1 and time constant of 1.7 s-1. A basic theoretical study verified that for this fibre type one can treat the device as a one-dimensional system. The model was extended to include the effect of input electrical power changes on the refractive index of the fibre and subsequently to changes in the Bragg wavelength of the grating, showing excellent agreement with the experimental measurements. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.
We have proposed and demonstrated a multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR). The mechanism for stable room-temperature multiwavelength operation contributes to the ability of the intensity-dependent loss in NPR to effectively alleviate mode competition. In addition, through tuning the birefringence fiber filter, the lasing wavelength can be accurately tuned in the free spectrum range of the in-line periodic filter.
A novel all-fiber bipolar delay line filter is realized in a single-line cascaded high birefringence fiber structure. Optically coherent operation is achieved with suppression of interference noise. Complementary filter outputs give simultaneous lowpass and highpass responses.
Purpose: It is widely accepted that pupil responses to visual stimuli are determined by the ambient illuminance, and recently it has been shown that changes in stimulus color also contributes to a pupillary control mechanism. However, the role of pupillary responses to chromatic stimuli is not clear. The aim of this study was to investigate how color and luminance signals contribute to the pupillary control mechanism. Methods: We measured pupillary iso-response contours in M-and L-cone contrast space. The iso-response contours in cone-contrast space have been determined to examine what mechanisms contribute to the pupillary pathway. The shapes of the iso-response contour change when different mechanisms determine the response. Results: It was shown that for all subjects, the pupillary iso-response contours form an ellipse with positive slope in cone-contrast space, indicating that the sensitivities to the chromatic stimuli are higher than those for the luminance stimuli. The pupil responds maximally to a grating that has a stronger L-cone modulation than the red-green isoluminant grating. Conclusions: The sensitivity of the chromatic pathway, in terms of pupillary response, is three times larger than that of the luminance pathway, a property that might have utility in clinical applications. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
We demonstrate experimentally a novel and simple tunable all-optical incoherent negative-tap fiber-optic transversal filter based on a distribution feedback laser diode and high reflection fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs). In this filter, variable time delay is provided by cascaded high reflection fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), and the tuning of the filter is realized by tuning different FBG to match the fixed carrier wavelength, or adjusting the carrier wavelength to fit different FBG. The incoherent negative tapping is realized by using the carrier depletion effect in a distribution feedback laser diode.
This paper proposes a novel design of optical filters based on a cascade of tailored fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) operating in the transmission regime. As an example of the application of the proposed general technique, ultranarrow optical vestigial sideband (VSB) filtering based on two FBGs operating in the transmission regime was examined. This design can be easily implemented by writing FBG-based filters for each wavelengthdivision-multiplexing channel before multiplexing. © 2006 IEEE.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of the portable Grand Seiko FR-5000 autorefractor to allow objective, continuous, open-field measurement of accommodation and pupil size for the investigation of the visual response to real-world environments and changes in the optical components of the eye. METHODS. The FR-5000 projects a pair of infrared horizontal and vertical lines on either side of fixation, analyzing the separation of the bars in the reflected image. The measurement bars were turned on permanently and the video output of the FR-5000 fed into a PC for real-time analysis. The calibration between infrared bar separation and the refractive error was assessed over a range of 10.0 D with a model eye. Tolerance to longitudinal instrument head shift was investigated over a ±15 mm range and to eye alignment away from the visual axis over eccentricities up to 25.0°. The minimum pupil size for measurement was determined with a model eye. RESULTS. The separation of the measurement bars changed linearly (r = 0.99), allowing continuous online analysis of the refractive state at 60 Hz temporal and approximately 0.01 D system resolution with pupils >2 mm. The pupil edge could be analyzed on the diagonal axes at the same rate with a system resolution of approximately 0.05 mm. The measurement of accommodation and pupil size were affected by eccentricity of viewing and instrument focusing inaccuracies. CONCLUSIONS. The small size of the instrument together with its resolution and temporal properties and ability to measure through a 2 mm pupil make it useful for the measurement of dynamic accommodation and pupil responses in confined environments, although good eye alignment is important. Copyright © 2006 American Academy of Optometry.
This paper examines a method for locating within a scene a distribution of an absorbing gas using a passive imaging technique. An oscillatory modulation of the angle of a narrowband dielectric filter located in front of a camera imaging a scene, gives rise to an intensity modulation that differs in regions occupied by the absorbing gas. A preliminary low cost system has been constructed from readily available components which demonstrates how the location of gas within a scene can be implemented. Modelling of the system has been carried out, especially highlighting the transmission effects of the dielectric filter upon different regions of the image.
We propose a novel approach to ultra-narrow optical filtering based on a specially designed slightly asymmetric filter, which can be fabricated using fibre Bragg gratings. A feasibility of 8×40 Gbit/s DWDM RZ transmission with 0.8 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency (without polarisation multiplexing) over 1280 km of SMF/DCF link without FEC has been confirmed by numerical modelling. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To determine the effect of coloured light filter overlays on reading rates for people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Method: Using a prospective clinical trial design, we examined the null hypothesis that coloured light filter overlays do not improve reading rates in AMD when compared to a clear filter. Reading rates for 12 subjects with non-exudative AMD, associated with a relative scotoma and central fixation (mean age 81 years, SD 5.07 years) were determined using the Rate of Reading Test® (printed, nonsense, lower case sans serif, stationary text) with 10 different, coloured light filter overlays (Intuitive Overlays®; figures in brackets are percentage transmission values); rose (78%), pink (78%), purple (67%), aqua (81%), blue (74%), lime-green (86%), mint-green (85%), yellow (93%), orange (83%) and grey (71%). A clear overlay (Roscolene # 00) (360 cdm-2) with 100% transmittance was used as a control. Results: ANOVA indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in reading rates with the coloured light filter overlays compared to the clear filter. Furthermore, chi-squared analysis indicated that the rose, purple and blue filters had a significantly poorer overall ranking in terms of reading rates compared to the other coloured and clear light filters. Conclusion: Coloured light filter overlays are unlikely to provide a clinically significant improvement in reading rates for people with non-exudative AMD associated with a relative scotoma and central fixation. Copyright © Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2004.
The internal optics of the recent models of the Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 autorefractor (also marketed as the Grand Seiko WV-500) have been modified by the manufacturer so that the infrared measurement ring has been replaced by pairs of horizontal and vertical infrared bars, on either side of fixation. The binocular, open field-of-view, allowing the accommodative state to be objectively monitored while a natural environment is viewed, has made the SRW-5000 a valuable tool in further understanding the nature of the oculomotor response. It is shown that the root-mean-square of model eye measures was least (0.017 ± 0.002D) when the separation of the horizontal measurement bars were averaged twice. The separation of the horizontal bars changes by 3.59 pixels/dioptre (r2 = 0.99), allowing continuous on-line analysis of the refractive state at up to 60 Hz temporal resolution to an accuracy of <0.001D, with pupils >3 mm. The pupil edge is not obscured in the diagonal axis by the measurement bars, unlike the ring of the original optics, so in the newer model pupil size can be measured simultaneously at the same rate with a resolution of <0.001 mm. The measurements of accommodation and pupil size are relatively unaffected by eccentricity of viewing up to ±10° from the visual axis and instrument focusing inaccuracies over a range of 10 mm towards the eye and 5 mm away from the eye. The resolution and temporal properties of the analysis are therefore ideal for the simultaneous measurement of dynamic accommodation and pupil responses. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
Multiwavelength lasing in the random distributed feedback fiber laser is demonstrated by employing an all fiber Lyot filter. Stable multiwavelength generation is obtained, with each line exhibiting subnanometer line-widths. A flat power distribution over multiple lines is obtained, which indicates that the power between lines is redistributed in nonlinear mixing processes. The multiwavelength generation is observed both in first and second Stokes waves. © 2014 Optical Society of America.