955 resultados para pseudo-haletos


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Os autores estudam as micoses produzidas principalmente por microsifonados em homens e animais, no Estado de Minas Gerais. Estudam as seguintes espécies: I - "Actinomyces bovis". II - "Actinomyces brasiliensis". III - "Proactinomyces asteroides var. decolor". Descrevem também um caso de micetoma podal, por "Monosporium apiospermum" e dois casos de pseudo micetoma: O primeiro, na face, pelo "Rhinocladium Beurmanni eo segundo, nos braços, pelos sáis de cálcio. Relatam as noções fundamentais sôbre granulomas actinomicóticos e descrevem as propriedades culturais das espécies. Dão um resumo das observações clínicas com as respectivas origens.


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A study of the Adolpho Lutz Collection of Tabanidae at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and of additional Lutz material at the Instituto Butantan in São Paulo is reported. Of the ninety-four species of Tabanidae validly described by Lutz, type material of eighty-four was recognized, either holotypes, allotypes or syntypes. Lectotypes were selected from among syntype series or remaining specimens and all type material was labelled. Of the ten species of which no type material could be found, neotypes were designated in the case of two species, Erephosis nigricans and Erephosis pseudo-aurimaculata. Types of three species, Chrysops ecuadoriensis, Dichelacera salvadorensis and Esenbeckia nigricorpus are believed to have been in Hamburg and destroyed during the last war. Types of two species, Esenbeckia biscutellata and E. dubia, and additional type material of several others are believed to have been in Montevideo. A request for information about them remains unanswered. Types of the remaining three species, Dichelacera intermedia, Dichelacera laceriascia and Esenbeckia distinguenda could not be found, and it is believed that at least the type of the last species was accidentally destroyed. Three specific of subspecific names proposed by Lutz but palaced by others in synonymy have been revalidated, Acanthocera intermedia, Erephosis brevistria and Esenbeckia fenestrata. Generic placement of two names has been changed, Esenbeckia arcuata ricardoae to Proboscoides, and Selasoma giganteum to Stibasoma. Seven specific names proposed by Lutz appear to be synonyms of earlier names, as follows: Bombylopsis juxtaleonina Lutz and Castro, 1936 = B. leonina Lutz, 1909. Bombylopsis pseudoanalis Lutz, 1909 = B. erythronotata (Bigot, 1892). Esenbeckia fuscipennis var. flavescens Lutz, 1909 = Esenbeckia fuscipennis Wied., 1828. Fidena chrysopyga Lutz and Castro, 1936 = F. atra Lutz and Castro, 1936. Laphriomyia longipalpis Lutz and Castro, 1937 = L. mirabilis Lutz, 1911. Stibasoma semiflavum Lutz, 1915 = St. bicolor Bigot, 1892. Tabanus hesperus Lutz, 1912 = Chlorotabanus (Cryptolylus) innotescens (Walker, 1854). Four Lutz names appear to antedate names proposed by others, viz.: Diachlorus angustifrons Kröber, 1930 and D. ochraceus Kröb., 1928 not Macquart, 1850 = Diachlorus fuscistigma Lutz, 1913. Psalidia fairchildi Barretto, 1950 = dicladocera conspicua Lutz and Neiva, 1914. Fidena pseudo-fulvithorax Kröb., 1931 = Erephopsis flavicrinis Lutz, 1909. Esenbeckia lemniscata Enderlein, 1925 = Esenbeckia clari Lutz, 1909. Some comments on Lutz' system of classification are given together with notes on the genotypes and included species of his genera as revaled by his collection and notes.


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Variational steepest descent approximation schemes for the modified Patlak-Keller-Segel equation with a logarithmic interaction kernel in any dimension are considered. We prove the convergence of the suitably interpolated in time implicit Euler scheme, defined in terms of the Euclidean Wasserstein distance, associated to this equation for sub-critical masses. As a consequence, we recover the recent result about the global in time existence of weak-solutions to the modified Patlak-Keller-Segel equation for the logarithmic interaction kernel in any dimension in the sub-critical case. Moreover, we show how this method performs numerically in one dimension. In this particular case, this numerical scheme corresponds to a standard implicit Euler method for the pseudo-inverse of the cumulative distribution function. We demonstrate its capabilities to reproduce easily without the need of mesh-refinement the blow-up of solutions for super-critical masses.


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Oitenta e uma macaubeiras (A. sclerocarpa) foram derrubadas e dissecadas na periferia de Belo Horizonte, no período de abril/ 1979 a julho/1980. Foram capturados 463 exemplares de Rhodnius neglectus, com uma taxa de infestação das palmeiras de 60,5% e uma média de 9,45% triatomineos/palmeira positiva. O R. neglectus nesta região parece apresentar uma unica geração anual, com possibilidade de duas, sendo que o periodo de oviposição se relaciona com os meses quentes do ano, coincidindo com a predominância de formas jovens sobre os adultos. A observação sugere que a densidade populacional do R. neglectus no seu ecotopo natural possa estar relacionada com a disponibilidade de alimento e com a presença de predadores como o Telenomus sp., formigas, aranhas, hemipteros, escorpiões e pseudo-escorpiões. O indice global de infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi foi de 15,9%, indicando o R. neglectus como um importante vetor silvestre deste tripanosomatídeo cuja principal fonte e constituída por marsupiais. O R. neglectus na regiao encontra-se estreitamente associado a palmeira de macaúba, e as aves que as frequentam constituem sua principal fonte alimentar. As observações não sugerem o R.neglectus como uma espécie transmissora do T. cruzi ao homem nesta região.


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Utilizando a microscopia ótica (MO) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV) procurou-se fornecer dados a taxionomia através da estrutura dos ovos e morfologia das ninfas, destes vetores da doença de Chagas. Os ovos em MO apresentam a superfície exocorial do opérculo e do corpo dividida em áreas poligonais com ornamentação própria; em T. maculata o exocório do corpo tem áreas indefinidas. Em MEV o exocório dos opérculos apresenta áreas poligonais de superfície estofada com pequena sulcos irregulares e perfurações distribuídas aleatoriamente nas duas espécies. O exocório do corpo apresenta: em T. maculata áreas acolchoadas com perfurações mais numerosas nos bordos, visualizando-se a borda corial, goteira espermática, aerópilas e micrópilas; em T. pseudomaculata as áreas são planas com numerosas perfurações. Nas ninfas o sulco estridulatório e o rostro apresentam diferenças significativas. O sulco estridulatórios em MO possibilitou diferenciar ninfas de 1º, 2º e 3º estádios, os 4º e 5º estádios apresentam-se semelhantes. Em MEV a diferenciação é acentuada. O rostro em MO apresenta pilosidade característica a partir do 3º estádio. T. maculata apresenta pêlos curtos e esparsos no 1º e 2º artículos e longos e numerosos no 3º, em T. pseudo-maculata semelhantes, porém mais curtos no 3º artículo.


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We study homotopy limits for 2-categories using the theory of Quillen model categories. In order to do so, we establish the existence of projective and injective model structures on diagram 2-categories. Using these results, we describe the homotopical behaviour not only of conical limits but also of weighted limits. Finally, pseudo-limits are related to homotopy limits.


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Résumé. Mon travail s'articule en deux parties, chacune formée de deux chapitres, consacrées successivement au faire et à l'être, pour passer sans cesse du medicus faber au medicus sapiens, deux identités en interaction constante, pour une médecine des confins de la vie qui se veut responsable. I. La question du faire pour la médecine des confins de la vie. -Le premier chapitre sera dédié à la démesure, l'hybris de notre médecine moderne. L'action de Prométhée, par le feu donné, me permettra d'acquérir le savoir, la science nécessaire à un artisanat d'honnête homme. Il s'agit de faire juste car, sans cela, la médecine est une imposture. Inverser les priorités, privilégier la culture de l'être au détriment des compétences du faire, risque bien de déboucher sur la tromperie d'un pseudo être qui recouvre une incompétence coupable. Mais la foi dans le faire seul, dans une action détachée d'une réflexion critique prenant en compte l'être, mène à l'hybris, à la démesure de l'homme qui se croit et se proclame Dieu. Et nous voici ainsi menés face à Némésis, la vengeance qui punit l'hybris. -Dans le deuxième chapitre, cette action, y compris dans sa tendance à la démesure, l'hybris, se verra plongée dans l'utilitarisme qui imprègne la pensée occidentale moderne et oriente tout notre contexte moral objectif, ce bruissement ambiant d'idées qui baigne et infléchit notre réflexion quotidienne. Nous verrons, dans le chapitre dédié à cette grammaire éthique, que lorsqu'il s'agit de donner au plus grand nombre le plus de bonheur possible, les patients des confins de la vie se trouvent toujours du côté des perdants, des sacrifiés du bonheur. Cette part de mon travail me permettra de poser les principes de l'utilitarisme et d'en critiquer tant les fondements que les applications dans le cadre de la médecine des confins de la vie. Puis la politique, qui gère les affaires de la Cité, entrera en jeu et l'étai de pénurie, de différence entre les besoins réels ou ressentis et les ressources, donnera un cadre contraignant à cette réflexion communautaire. J'examinerai de manière critique diverses facettes des solutions proposées par la pensée utilitariste puis chercherai avec John Rawls et Antigone la manière la plus sage d'atteindre, selon le mot de Ricoeur, «une vie bonne avec et pour les autres dans une société juste. » II : La question de l'être pour la médecine des confins de la vie -Dans le troisième chapitre, consacré à la dignité, je tenterai de cerner cette idée pour le patient des confins de la vie, et j'aborderai cette notion par deux chemins complémentaires et convergents : le temps congelé et le trou de dignité. Je m'interrogerai tout d'abord, réfléchissant quelque instant à propos de l'embryon congelé, sur le temps figé de celui qui, dans la démence, n'a plus ni hier ni demain. Suspendu dans un présent qui s'éternise, il échappe à la mortalité et à l'humaine condition jusqu'à ce que la mort le surprenne, de l'extérieur de lui-même. Pour réinscrire le patient dans sa temporalité, pour lui rendre sa mortalité propre et reconstruire ainsi son statut d'être humain, sa dignité, il nous faudra faire appel à ce que je nomme la contagion temporelle. Elle est le fait de l'entourage du patient, de celles et ceux qui forment son contexte, la famille et les proches comme les professionnels. Puis j'examinerai plusieurs significations du mot dignité, en particulier la dignité dite ontologique, liée à l'être, et celle que l'on peut dire conditionnelle, relative à divers attributs, comme le paraître ou la raison, dont l'homme peut être ou non pourvu. Entre ces deux dignités se creuse le trou de dignité toujours menaçant car il comporte l'idée d'une brisure, d'une frontière entre les hommes, qui distingue et sépare entre les humains, leur attribuant une valeur. Cette valeur réifie l'homme et menace ainsi la dignité de chacun. Le patient des confins de la vie, qu'il soit égaré dans l'intemporalité ou dans le trou de dignité, doit être impérativement maintenu dans la communauté comme dans la continuité de sa propre vie jusqu'à ce que sa propre mort marque l'achèvement de son propre chemin. Ce devoir, pour celles et ceux qui cheminent avec lui, de près ou de loin, échappe au particulier et au circonstanciel pour acquérir un statut normatif, catégorique et universel. -Dans le quatrième chapitre, deux philosophes nous permettront d'aspirer le trou de dignité jusqu'à le rendre virtuel. Avec Martin Buber, nous examinerons le rapport Je-Cela et la relation Je-Tu dans le contexte particulier des interactions qui unissent le patient des confins de sa vie et son médecin. Puis il nous faudra bien réaliser que cette relation se trouve mise en danger dans les Je-Tu brisés par la démence ou l'état confusionnel. Comment, dans les confins de la vie, maintenir la relation lorsque Tu n'en veut ou n'en peut plus ? Emmanuel Levinas, et le visage de l'autre qui m'oblige et m'en rend responsable absolument, viendra à la rescousse, nous permettant ainsi d'éviter au patient des confins la perte de son ultime dignité dans la Shoah intime qui le menace dans ce temps de la vie. Cette thèse va donc parcourir un chemin qui partant du faire ne pourra que me mener à un questionnement sur l'être. Il s'agit d'un travail d'homme actif qui a pour but, dans ma trajectoire de vie, de donner un sens à mon artisanat du soin. Nous verrons donc que le faire, l'acte, ne pourra que se montrer complémentaire de l'être, de la dignité et que ces deux approches tisseront et entremêleront leurs brins dans ce tapis chatoyant de la vie, de celle, de celui, qu'r en atteint les confins, comme de la mienne.


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The objective of this paper is to analyse to what extent the use of cross-section data will distort the estimated elasticities for car ownership demand when the observed variables do not correspond to a state equilibrium for some individuals in the sample. Our proposal consists of approximating the equilibrium values of the observed variables by constructing a pseudo-panel data set which entails averaging individuals observed at different points of time into cohorts. The results show that individual and aggregate data lead to almost the same value for income elasticity, whereas with respect to working adult elasticity the similarity is less pronounced.


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1. Model-based approaches have been used increasingly in conservation biology over recent years. Species presence data used for predictive species distribution modelling are abundant in natural history collections, whereas reliable absence data are sparse, most notably for vagrant species such as butterflies and snakes. As predictive methods such as generalized linear models (GLM) require absence data, various strategies have been proposed to select pseudo-absence data. However, only a few studies exist that compare different approaches to generating these pseudo-absence data. 2. Natural history collection data are usually available for long periods of time (decades or even centuries), thus allowing historical considerations. However, this historical dimension has rarely been assessed in studies of species distribution, although there is great potential for understanding current patterns, i.e. the past is the key to the present. 3. We used GLM to model the distributions of three 'target' butterfly species, Melitaea didyma, Coenonympha tullia and Maculinea teleius, in Switzerland. We developed and compared four strategies for defining pools of pseudo-absence data and applied them to natural history collection data from the last 10, 30 and 100 years. Pools included: (i) sites without target species records; (ii) sites where butterfly species other than the target species were present; (iii) sites without butterfly species but with habitat characteristics similar to those required by the target species; and (iv) a combination of the second and third strategies. Models were evaluated and compared by the total deviance explained, the maximized Kappa and the area under the curve (AUC). 4. Among the four strategies, model performance was best for strategy 3. Contrary to expectations, strategy 2 resulted in even lower model performance compared with models with pseudo-absence data simulated totally at random (strategy 1). 5. Independent of the strategy model, performance was enhanced when sites with historical species presence data were not considered as pseudo-absence data. Therefore, the combination of strategy 3 with species records from the last 100 years achieved the highest model performance. 6. Synthesis and applications. The protection of suitable habitat for species survival or reintroduction in rapidly changing landscapes is a high priority among conservationists. Model-based approaches offer planning authorities the possibility of delimiting priority areas for species detection or habitat protection. The performance of these models can be enhanced by fitting them with pseudo-absence data relying on large archives of natural history collection species presence data rather than using randomly sampled pseudo-absence data.


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Este trabajo presenta una metodología para detectar y realizar el seguimiento de características faciales. En el primer paso del procedimiento se detectan caras mediante Adaboost con cascadas de clasificadores débiles. El segundo paso busca las características internas de la cara mediante el CSR, detectando zonas de interés. Una vez que estas características se capturan, un proceso de tracking basado en el descriptor SIFT, que hemos llamado pseudo-SIFT, es capaz de guardar información sobre la evolución de movimiento en las regiones detectadas. Además, un conjunto de datos públicos ha sido desarrollado con el propósito de compartirlo con otras investigaciones sobre detección, clasificación y tracking. Experimentos reales muestran la robustez de este trabajo y su adaptabilidad para trabajos futuros.


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This study addresses the issue of the presence of a unit root on the growth rate estimation by the least-squares approach. We argue that when the log of a variable contains a unit root, i.e., it is not stationary then the growth rate estimate from the log-linear trend model is not a valid representation of the actual growth of the series. In fact, under such a situation, we show that the growth of the series is the cumulative impact of a stochastic process. As such the growth estimate from such a model is just a spurious representation of the actual growth of the series, which we refer to as a “pseudo growth rate”. Hence such an estimate should be interpreted with caution. On the other hand, we highlight that the statistical representation of a series as containing a unit root is not easy to separate from an alternative description which represents the series as fundamentally deterministic (no unit root) but containing a structural break. In search of a way around this, our study presents a survey of both the theoretical and empirical literature on unit root tests that takes into account possible structural breaks. We show that when a series is trendstationary with breaks, it is possible to use the log-linear trend model to obtain well defined estimates of growth rates for sub-periods which are valid representations of the actual growth of the series. Finally, to highlight the above issues, we carry out an empirical application whereby we estimate meaningful growth rates of real wages per worker for 51 industries from the organised manufacturing sector in India for the period 1973-2003, which are not only unbiased but also asymptotically efficient. We use these growth rate estimates to highlight the evolving inter-industry wage structure in India.


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El projecte se centra en la fabricació de nanomaterials 1D mitjançant una estratègia sintètica, basada en la combinació de metodologies top-down i bottom-up: la deposició de materials diversos a l’interior de l’estructura porosa de l’alúmina anòdica. En una primera etapa del treball, es desenvolupa el procés de fabricació de les membranes poroses, conegut com anoditzat de l’alumini. S’analitzen diversos aspectes del procés per tal d’optimitzar-lo i aconseguir la fabricació de capes poroses d’elevada qualitat de manera controlada, reproduïble i utilitzant un alumini de baixa puresa. Posteriorment, s’avalua la versatilitat de les membranes com a plantilla per a l’obtenció de nanomaterials amb geometria 1D (nanofils i nanotubs) mitjançant tècniques diverses. D’una banda es fabriquen nanofils de níquel magnètics mitjançant tècniques electroquímiques de deposició, amb la novetat que la formació del dipòsit té lloc directament a través del sistema alumini – alúmina. D’altra banda, s’obtenen nanotubs d’òxid de ferro magnètic (Fe3O4) mitjançant la tècnica de deposició per capes atòmiques. Les dues tècniques permeten un alt control de tots els paràmetres estructurals. Finalment, s’inclou un estudi sobre la preparació de membranes poroses d’alúmina anòdica avançades. La principal característica d’aquestes membranes és la modulació a voluntat del diàmetre de porus, resultant en pseudo-nanoestructures 1D.


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Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of high-magnetic-field MRI magnets. However, the exact effect of a high magnetic field strength (B0 ) on diffusion-weighted MR signals is not yet fully understood. The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of different high magnetic field strengths (9.4 T and 14.1 T) and diffusion times (9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 24 ms) on the diffusion-weighted signal in rat brain white matter. At a short diffusion time (9 ms), fractional anisotropy values were found to be lower at 14.1 T than at 9.4 T, but this difference disappeared at longer diffusion times. A simple two-pool model was used to explain these findings. The model describes the white matter as a first hindered compartment (often associated with the extra-axonal space), characterized by a faster orthogonal diffusion and a lower fractional anisotropy, and a second restricted compartment (often associated with the intra-axonal space), characterized by a slower orthogonal diffusion (i.e. orthogonal to the axon direction) and a higher fractional anisotropy. Apparent T2 relaxation time measurements of the hindered and restricted pools were performed. The shortening of the pseudo-T2 value from the restricted compartment with B0 is likely to be more pronounced than the apparent T2 changes in the hindered compartment. This study suggests that the observed differences in diffusion tensor imaging parameters between the two magnetic field strengths at short diffusion time may be related to differences in the apparent T2 values between the pools. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The radicality of wound debridement is an important feature of the surgical treatment of pressure sores. Several methods such as injection of methylene blue or hydrogen peroxide have been proposed to facilitate and optimise the surgical debridement technique, but none of them proved to be sufficient. We present an innovative modification of the pseudo-tumour technique consisting in the injection of fluid silicone. Vulcanisation of the silicone leads to pressure-sore moulding, permitting a more radical and sterile excision. In a series of 10 paraplegic patients presenting with ischial pressure sores, silicone moulding was used to facilitate debridement. Radical en bloc debridement was achieved in all patients. After a minimal follow-up of 2 years, no complications and recurrences occurred. A three-dimensional (3D) analysis of the silicone prints objectified the pyramidal shape of ischial pressure sores. Our study showed that complete resection without capsular lesion can be easily achieved. Further, it allows the surgeon to analyse the shape and size of the resected defect, which might be helpful to select the appropriate defect coverage technique.


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A systematic search for solasodine, an important staring material for the partial synthesis of steroidal hormones as well as other potentially bioactive constituents of various Solanum species of Brazil has been undertaken. Thus, the fruits of S. paludosum, S. asperum, S. sessiliforum and Solanum sp. were found to contain significant amounts of solasodine. The root bark of S. paludosum which showe durare like activity yelded tomatidenol and another yet unidentified alkaloid responsible for the biological activity. The fruits of S. asperum yelded a new spirosolane alkaloid, solaparnaine. The stem bark of S. pseudo-quina showed convulsive and exitatory activity from which (25S)-isosolafloridine was identified as the active principle. In addition, the latter alkaloid was also found to show antimicrobial activity.