921 resultados para post-paid service plans
Public Service Motivation in Public and Nonprofit Service Providers: The Cases of Belarus and Poland
The work motivation construct is central to the theory and practice of many social science disciplines. Yet, due to the novelty of validated measures appropriate for a deep cross-national comparison, studies that contrast different administrative regimes remain scarce. This study represents an initial empirical effort to validate the Public Service Motivation (PSM) instrument proposed by Kim and colleagues (2013) in a previously unstudied context. The two former communist countries analyzed in this dissertation—Belarus and Poland— followed diametrically opposite development strategies: a fully decentralized administrative regime in Poland and a highly centralized regime in Belarus. The employees (n = 677) of public and nonprofit organizations in the border regions of Podlaskie Wojewodstwo (Poland) and Hrodna Voblasc (Belarus) are the subjects of study. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed three dimensions of public service motivation in the two regions: compassion, self-sacrifice, and attraction to public service. The statistical models tested in this dissertation suggest that nonprofit sector employees exhibit higher levels of PSM than their public sector counterparts. Nonprofit sector employees also reveal a similar set of values and work attitudes across the countries. Thus, the study concludes that in terms of PSM, employees of nonprofit organizations constitute a homogenous group that exists atop the administrative regimes. However, the findings propose significant differences between public sector agencies across the two countries. Contrary to expectations, data suggest that organization centralization in Poland is equal to—or for some items even higher than—that of Belarus. We can conclude that the absence of administrative decentralization of service provision in a country does not necessarily undermine decentralized practices within organizations. Further analysis reveals strong correlations between organization centralization and PSM for the Polish sample. Meanwhile, in Belarus, correlations between organization centralization items and PSM are weak and mostly insignificant. The analysis indicates other factors beyond organization centralization that significantly impact PSM in both sectors. PSM of the employees in the studied region is highly correlated with their participation in religious practices, political parties, or labor unions as well as location of their organization in a capital and type of social service provided.
Abimbola Ayorinde’s PhD funded by the Medical Research Council. This study was funded by the British Pain Society (Mildred Clulow Award) and preparatory work by National Health Service Grampian.
Background: The burden of mental health is increased in humanitarian settings, and needs to be addressed in emergency situations. The World Health Organization has recently released the mental health Global Action Programme Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG) in order to scale up mental health service delivery in humanitarian settings through task-shifting. This study aims to evaluate, contextualize and identify possible barriers and challenges to mhGAP-HIG manual content, training and implementation in post-earthquake Nepal.
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in Kathmandu, Nepal. Key informant interviews were conducted with fourteen psychiatrists involved in a mhGAP-HIG Training of Trainers and Supervisors (ToTS) in order to assess the mhGAP-HIG, ToTS training, and the potential challenges and barriers to mhGAP-HIG implementation. Themes identified by informants were supplemented by process notes taken by the researcher during observed training sessions and meetings.
Results: Key themes emerging from key informant interviews include the need to take three factors into account in manual contextualization: culture, health systems and the humanitarian setting. This includes translation of the manual into the local language, adding or expanding upon conditions prevalent in Nepal, and more consideration to improving feasibility of manual use by non-specialists.
Conclusion: The mhGAP-HIG must be tailored to specific humanitarian settings for effective implementation. This study shows the importance of conducting a manual contextualization workshop prior to training in order to maximize the feasibility and success in training health care workers in mhGAP.
Care has come to dominate much feminist research on globalized migrations and the transfer of labor from the South to the North, while the older concept of reproduction had been pushed into the background but is now becoming the subject of debates on the commodification of care in the household and changes in welfare state policies. This article argues that we could achieve a better understanding of the different modalities and trajectories of care in the reproduction of individuals, families, and communities, both of migrant and nonmigrant populations by articulating the diverse circuits of migration, in particular that of labor and the family. In doing this, I go back to the earlier North American writing on racialized minorities and migrants and stratified social reproduction. I also explore insights from current Asian studies of gendered circuits of migration connecting labor and marriage migrations as well as the notion of global householding that highlights the gender politics of social reproduction operating within and beyond households in institutional and welfare architectures. In contrast to Asia, there has relatively been little exploration in European studies of the articulation of labor and family migrations through the lens of social reproduction. However, connecting the different types of migration enables us to achieve a more complex understanding of care trajectories and their contribution to social reproduction.
Paid reproductive work, especially in the case of cleaning and home-care for elderly people, is an important sector for foreign women in Italy. For this reason, since the beginning of the current economic crisis, scholars have wondered about the impact of the recession on migrant domestic workers. They have looked particularly at possible competition with Italian women entering the sector for lack of better alternatives. Our paper takes this discussion a step further by assessing the overall changes affecting migrant women in the Italian labour market, 2007-2012. We will look at how their position has been transformed, by taking both an ethnic perspective, in relation to Italian women, and a gender perspective, in relation to migrant men. By way of a conclusion, the argument will be made that there is a substantial lack of competition between Italian and foreign women in the care and domestic sector due to differences in their earnings, hours of work and activities.
This report presents a metric called FRESH (for Foodservice Impact Rating for Environmentally Sustainable Hospitality Events). FRESH can be used to evaluate the performance of any foodservice meal period or event in the hospitality sector with regards to its sustainability, based on seven measurements. These measures are: a (post-consumer) food-waste indicator, a no-show indicator (when unexpectedly few people show up), an over-show measure (when too many people show up), a planning indicator (measuring intentional overproduction), a portion-size indicator (measuring per-guest consumption against expectations), an economies of scale indicator, and a post-event indicator (which depends on disposal approaches). FRESH can help managers, authorities, and potential guests evaluate the sustainability of food production in any establishment.
Using two-year longitudinal data from a large sample of US employees from a service-related organization, the present study investigates the relative effects of three forms of pay-for-performance plans on employees’ job performance (incentive effects) and voluntary turnover (sorting effects). The study differentiates between three forms of pay: merit pay, individual-based bonuses, and long-term incentives. By definition, these PFP plans have different structural elements that distinguish them from each other (i.e., pay plan form) and different characteristics (functionality), such as the degree to which pay and performance are linked and the size of the rewards, which can vary both within and across plan types. Our results provide evidence that merit raises have larger incentive and sorting effects than bonuses and long-term incentives in multi-PFP plan environments where the three PFP plans are operating simultaneously. Only merit pay has both incentive and sorting effects among the three PFP plans. The implications for the PFP-related theory, as well as for the design and implementation of PFP plans, are discussed.
INTRODUCTION Young people with psychosis typically have higher rates of premature cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders compared to non-psychotic peers. This has been primarily due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet composition, misuse of harmful substances and higher rates of obesity and smoking. When prescribed obesogenic antipsychotic medication, a weight gain of >12 kg within 2 years is typical. PURPOSE: To examine the benefits of a 12 wk exercise and lifestyle intervention entitled ‘Supporting Health and Promoting Exercise’ (SHAPE) for young people recently diagnosed with psychosis. METHODS Participants (n=26; 8 females; mean age 27.7 ± 5.1) engaged in weekly 45’ education sessions on healthy lifestyle behaviors, including: managing anxiety and depression, mindfulness and relaxation training, substance misuse, smoking cessation, healthy eating and nutritional advice, dental and sexual health care. This was followed by a 45’ exercise session including activities such as circuit and resistance training, yoga, and badminton, led by qualified exercise instructors. Anthropometric data were measured at baseline, 12 wk and 12 month post-intervention. Lifestyle behaviors and clinical measurements, including resting heart rate, blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HbA1c and prolactin, were assessed at baseline and 12 months post-intervention as part of their routine clinical care plan. Significant differences over time were assessed using Paired Sample t-tests. RESULTS SHAPE participants (n=26) presented with first episode psychosis (n=11), schizophrenia (n=11), bipolar disorder (n=2), at risk mental state (n=1), and persistent delusion disorder (n=1) of which 52% were prescribed highly obesogenic antipsychotic medications (Clozapine and Olanzepine). Mean baseline data suggests participants were at an increased health risk due to elevated values in mean BMI (70% were overweight or obese), waist circumference, resting heart rate, and triglycerides (see Table 1 & 2). Over 50% reported smoking daily and 85% had elevated resting blood pressure (>120/80 mm Hg). At 12 wk post-intervention, no changes were observed in mean BMI or waist circumference (see Table 1); 19 participants either maintained (mean 0.5 kg: range ± 2 kg) or decreased (mean -5.7 kg: range 2-7 kg) weight; 7 participants increased weight (mean 4.9 kg: range 2.0-9.6 kg). At 12 month post-intervention (n=16), no change was evident in mean BMI, waist circumference, or any other clinical variable (see Table 2). Positive impacts on lifestyle behaviors included 7 participants eating ~400g of fruit/vegetables daily, 2 ceased substance use, 2 ceased alcohol use, 4 ceased smoking and 5 were less sedentary. CONCLUSION At the start of the programme, participants were already at an increased risk for cardiometabolic disorders. Findings suggest that SHAPE supported young people with psychosis to: -attenuate their physical health risk following a 12 wk exercise and lifestyle intervention which were sustained at 12 months follow up. -make positive lifestyle behavior changes leading to sustained improvements in weight maintenance and physical health.
La situation du marché de l'emploi a subi ces dernières années, des changements de structure en profondeur. Le résultat est qu'au Québec, le taux réel d'inactivité révèle que près d'un adulte sur quatre est sans emploi. Parmi les personnes les plus touchées par ces changements on retrouve celles qui sont sans formation spécifique, sans diplôme ou bien sans expérience de travail. Pour rendre apte au travail cette mam d'oeuvre inactive, le Ministère de l'éducation a mis sur pied au milieu des années 90, une mesure d'aide à l'insertion appelée Services d'Intégration Socioprofessionnelle ou S.I.S. Dans le présent essai, nous avons cherché à évaluer le développement de l'employabilité de participants aux S.I.S. Selon les objectifs visés par le Service, on suppose que chaque personne aura acquis certaines attitudes et aptitudes au travail, susceptible de l'aider à retrouver du travail et de le conserver. Nous avons utilisé la structure de recherche test-retest sur le même échantillon. En effet, chaque participant s'est vu administrer le même questionnaire, au début et à la fin des S.I.S. Nous avons ainsi pu suivre l'évolution des facteurs en causes dans une insertion professionnelle. À cela s'ajoutent des données recueillies dans un journal de bord par l'évaluateur/animateur. Celles-ci sont reprises pour donner un sens dans l'analyse des résultats. La mesure utilisée est le questionnaire informatisé Copilote Insertion version 2.20. Celui-ci fut administré une première fois, à seize personnes présentes en amorce des S.LS. Pour la mesure post, nous avions plus que 8 personnes toujours disponibles et respectant le devis de recherche. Pour ces sujets, nous avons comparé chacun des vingt facteurs de Copilote, ainsi que l'évolution des stratégies d'insertion. Pour chacun d'eux, nous avons pu déterminer lesquels des facteurs d'employabilité évalué par le logiciel, démontraient une progression. Il a été démontré que l'ensemble des participants s'accordait beaucoup de difficulté à surmonter l'image de dépendance et d'incapacité, intériorisé avec l'expérience du chômage. Comme quoi, cette clientèle a à faire face à un certain nombre de deuil non résolu. À ce niveau, la structure des S.I.S semble permettre ce nécessaire recadrage de l'expérience chômage. Nous avons aussi observé que la composition du groupe n'a pas été réalisée en respectant le développement de l'employabilité de chacun des participants. Par conséquent, les plus enthousiasmes ont eu à subir l'inconfort de devoir faire face aux discours démotivant des personnes non-prêtes à s'insérer en emploi. La difficulté de sélectionner des personnes dont les besoins en matière de développement de l'employabilité ne seraient pas homogènes pourrait être surmontée si des activités individuelles personnalisées, sont présentées en alternance avec le travail de groupe. Autre constat réalisé est que malgré le temps passé à l'intérieur des SIS, des participants s'accordent plus de difficultés à la fin qu'au début, pour des facteurs d'employabilités. C'est le cas des facteurs du thème Communication de Copilote. La difficulté de mettre en branle une campagne visant la mise en marché de son potentiel de travail, cela vient confirmer que le participant, bien qu'il ait réalisé un bout du trajet le séparant du monde du travail, qu'il n'est pas parvenu à destination.
This paper describes an audit of prevention and management of violence and aggression care plans and incident reporting forms which aimed to: (i) report the compliance rate of completion of care plans; (ii) identify the extent to which patients contribute to and agree with their care plan; (iii) describe de-escalation methods documented in care plans; and (iv) ascertain the extent to which the de-escalation methods described in the care plan are recorded as having been attempted in the event of an incident. Care plans and incident report forms were examined for all patients in men's and women's mental health care pathways who were involved in aggressive incidents between May and October 2012. In total, 539 incidents were examined, involving 147 patients and 121 care plans. There was no care plan in place at the time of 151 incidents giving a compliance rate of 72%. It was documented that 40% of patients had contributed to their care plans. Thematic analysis of de-escalation methods documented in the care plans revealed five de-escalation themes: staff interventions, interactions, space/quiet, activities and patient strategies/skills. A sixth category, coercive strategies, was also documented. Evidence of adherence to de-escalation elements of the care plan was documented in 58% of incidents. The reasons for the low compliance rate and very low documentation of patient involvement need further investigation. The inclusion of coercive strategies within de-escalation documentation suggests that some staff fundamentally misunderstand de-escalation.
Data mining, as a heatedly discussed term, has been studied in various fields. Its possibilities in refining the decision-making process, realizing potential patterns and creating valuable knowledge have won attention of scholars and practitioners. However, there are less studies intending to combine data mining and libraries where data generation occurs all the time. Therefore, this thesis plans to fill such a gap. Meanwhile, potential opportunities created by data mining are explored to enhance one of the most important elements of libraries: reference service. In order to thoroughly demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of data mining, literature is reviewed to establish a critical understanding of data mining in libraries and attain the current status of library reference service. The result of the literature review indicates that free online data resources other than data generated on social media are rarely considered to be applied in current library data mining mandates. Therefore, the result of the literature review motivates the presented study to utilize online free resources. Furthermore, the natural match between data mining and libraries is established. The natural match is explained by emphasizing the data richness reality and considering data mining as one kind of knowledge, an easy choice for libraries, and a wise method to overcome reference service challenges. The natural match, especially the aspect that data mining could be helpful for library reference service, lays the main theoretical foundation for the empirical work in this study. Turku Main Library was selected as the case to answer the research question: whether data mining is feasible and applicable for reference service improvement. In this case, the daily visit from 2009 to 2015 in Turku Main Library is considered as the resource for data mining. In addition, corresponding weather conditions are collected from Weather Underground, which is totally free online. Before officially being analyzed, the collected dataset is cleansed and preprocessed in order to ensure the quality of data mining. Multiple regression analysis is employed to mine the final dataset. Hourly visits are the independent variable and weather conditions, Discomfort Index and seven days in a week are dependent variables. In the end, four models in different seasons are established to predict visiting situations in each season. Patterns are realized in different seasons and implications are created based on the discovered patterns. In addition, library-climate points are generated by a clustering method, which simplifies the process for librarians using weather data to forecast library visiting situation. Then the data mining result is interpreted from the perspective of improving reference service. After this data mining work, the result of the case study is presented to librarians so as to collect professional opinions regarding the possibility of employing data mining to improve reference services. In the end, positive opinions are collected, which implies that it is feasible to utilizing data mining as a tool to enhance library reference service.
In this dissertation, I demonstrate how improvisations within the structures of performance during Montserrat’s annual festivals produce “rhythms of change” that contribute to the formation of cultural identities. Montserrat is a small island of 39.5 square miles in the Caribbean’s Leeward Islands, and a volcanic disaster in the 1990s led to the loss of villages, homes, and material possessions. The crisis resulted in mass displacement and emigration, and today’s remaining population of 5,000 is now in a stage of post-volcano redevelopment. The reliability of written archives for establishing cultural knowledge is tenuous, and the community is faced with re-energizing cherished cultural traditions. This ethnographic research traces my embodied search for Montserrat’s history through an archive that is itself intangible and performative. Festivals produce some of the island’s most visible and culturally political events, and music and dance performances prompt on- and off-stage discussions about the island’s multifaceted heritage. The festival cycle provides the structure for ongoing renegotiations of what it means to be “Montserratian.” I focus especially on the island’s often-discussed and debated “triangular” heritage of Irishness, Africanness, and Montserratianness as it is performed during the festivals. Through my meanderings along the winding hilly roads of Montserrat, I explored reconfigurations of cultural memory through the island’s masquerade dance tradition and other festival celebrations. In this work, I introduce a “Cast of Characters,” each of whose scholarly, artistic, and public service work on Montserrat contributes to the shape and transformation of the island’s post-volcano cultural identities today. This dissertation is about the kinesthetic transmission of shared (and sometimes unshared) cultural knowledge, the substance of which echoes in the rhythms of Montserrat’s music and dance practices today.
Critical infrastructures are based on complex systems that provide vital services to the nation. The complexities of the interconnected networks, each managed by individual organisations, if not properly secured, could offer vulnerabilities that threaten other organisations’ systems that depend on their services. This thesis argues that the awareness of interdependencies among critical sectors needs to be increased. Managing and securing critical infrastructure is not isolated responsibility of a government or an individual organisation. There is a need for a strong collaboration among critical service providers of public and private organisations in protecting critical information infrastructure. Cyber exercises have been incorporated in national cyber security strategies as part of critical information infrastructure protection. However, organising a cyber exercise involved multi sectors is challenging due to the diversity of participants’ background, working environments and incidents response policies. How well the lessons learned from the cyber exercise and how it can be transferred to the participating organisations is still a looming question. In order to understand the implications of cyber exercises on what participants have learnt and how it benefits participants’ organisation, a Cyber Exercise Post Assessment (CEPA) framework was proposed in this research. The CEPA framework consists of two parts. The first part aims to investigate the lessons learnt by participants from a cyber exercise using the four levels of the Kirkpatrick Training Model to identify their perceptions on reaction, learning, behaviour and results of the exercise. The second part investigates the Organisation Cyber Resilience (OCR) of participating sectors. The framework was used to study the impact of the cyber exercise called X Maya in Malaysia. Data collected through interviews with X Maya 5 participants were coded and categorised based on four levels according to the Kirkpatrick Training Model, while online surveys distributed to ten Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) sectors participated in the exercise. The survey used the C-Suite Executive Checklist developed by World Economic Forum in 2012. To ensure the suitability of the tool used to investigate the OCR, a reliability test conducted on the survey items showed high internal consistency results. Finally, individual OCR scores were used to develop the OCR Maturity Model to provide the organisation cyber resilience perspectives of the ten CNII sectors.
Scale ca. 1:650,000.
The focus of this study is an in-service training program rooted in routines-based early intervention and designed to improve the quality of goals and objectives on individualized plans. Participants were local intervention team members and other professionals who worked closely with each team. This training program involved a small number of trainees per group, providing multiple learning experiences across time and various opportunities for self-assessment and monitoring. We investigated (a) the perceptions of the participants about the strengths and weaknesses of the training program, (b) medium-term outcomes of the training with a comparison group, (c) and variables associated with the quality of goals and objectives. This study involved training more than 200 professionals, and results support the effectiveness of the program in improving the quality of goals and objectives, showing the importance of the routines-based interview in producing that improvement.