964 resultados para pal signaling pathway


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Summary The Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role during development and also for maintaining tissue homeostasis due to its function in proliferation, differentiation and cell fate decisions. Wnt ligands bind to Frizzled receptors and activate a signaling cascade that results in the stabilization of β-Catenin, a key component of the pathway. β-Catenin translocates to the nucleus, where, together with a transcription factor of the Tcf/Lef family, it activates the expression of target genes. Legless and Pygopus are two recently discovered essential components of the Wnt pathway in Drosophila, which may mediate the nuclear import and retention of beta-Catenin and/or contribute directly to the activation of Wnt target genes. To address the function of Legless in the mouse, we have generated compound constitutive and conditional knockout alleles of the two homologues legless 'I (bc1-9) and 2. We have induced the deletion of legless in self-renewing tissues such as the gastrointestinal tract, the mammary gland and the skin during adulthood and constitutively in the embryo. The present thesis focused on the consequences of the inactivation of legless in epithelial homeostasis as well as in a regeneration model and its comparison to pygopus. Deletion of neither legless nor pygopus in the adult small intestine resulted in any apparent anomaly, contrasting expectations from the phenotype caused by over-expression of Dickkopf, a Wnt inhibitor (Pinto et al., 2003). These observations indicate that canonical Wnt signaling might not be indispensable for normal gastrointestinal epithelium homeostasis, or that, in this context, Legless and Pygopus are not essential components of the Wnt pathway. However, the regeneration of the colonic epithelium after DSS induced damage was markedly impaired in legless, but not in pygopus deficient mice. Thus, unlike in Drosophila, deletion of mammalian legless and pygopus resulted in different phenotypes, suggesting that Legless might interact with as yet unidentified partners in addition to Pygopus. Resumé La voie de signalisation Wnt joue un rôle important au cours du développement ainsi que pour le maintien de l' homéostase tissulaire due à sa fonction durant la prolifération, la différentiation et les décisions sur l'avenir des cellules. Les ligands de Wnt se lient aux récepteurs Frizzled et activent une cascade de signalisation résultant en la stabilisation de β-Catenin, un composant central de cette voie. β-Catenin est transloquée dans le noyau ou, avec l'aide des facteurs de transcription de la famille Tcf/lef, elle active la transcription des gènes cibles. Legless et Pygopus sont deux composants récemment découverts et essentiels de la voie de signalisation Wnt chez la Drosophile qui pourraient être des médiateurs de l'import et de la rétention nucléaire de bêta-catenin et/ou contribuer directement a l'activation des gènes cibles. Afin de comprendre la fonction de Legless chez la souris, nous avons généré simultanément les allèles « knock-out » constitutifs et conditionnels des deux homologues legless 1 (bc1-9) et 2. Nous avons induit la délétion de legless dans des tissus capables de s'auto renouveler comme le tract gastro-intestinal, la glande mammaire et la peau chez l'adulte et nous avons supprimé constitutivement legless chez l'embryon. La présente thèse est concentrée sur les conséquences de l'inactivation de legless au cours de l' homéostase épithéliale ainsi que dans un modèle de régénération et sur sa comparaison avec pygopus. Ni la délétion de legless ni celle de pygopus dans l'intestin adulte n'ont résulté en quelque anomalie, contrastant nos attentes provenant des phénotypes causes par la surexpression de Dickkpof, un inhibiteur de Wnt (Pinto et al., 2003). Ces observations indiquent que la voie de signalisation Wnt/β-Catenin pourrait ne pas être indispensable à l' homéostase normale du tract gastro-intestinal, ou que, dans ce contexte, Legless et Pygopus ne sont pas des composants essentiels de la vole Wnt. Cependant, la régénération de l'épithélium du colon après induction de son endommagement au DSS fut dramatiquement diminuée chez legless mais pas chez les souris mutantes pour pygopus. Ainsi, a la différence de chez la Drosophile, la délétion de legless et pygopus chez les mammifères a résulté en des phénotypes différents, suggérant que Legless pourrait interagir avec d'autres partenaires, encore non identifies, que Pygopus.


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Ischemic acute renal failure is characterized by damages to the proximal straight tubule in the outer medulla. Lesions include loss of polarity, shedding into the tubule lumen, and eventually necrotic or apoptotic death of epithelial cells. It was recently shown that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) increases keratinocyte survival after an inflammatory reaction. Therefore, whether PPARbeta/delta could contribute also to the control of tubular epithelium death after renal ischemia/reperfusion was tested. It was found that PPARbeta/delta+/- and PPARbeta/delta-/- mutant mice exhibited much greater kidney dysfunction and injury than wild-type counterparts after a 30-min renal ischemia followed by a 36-h reperfusion. Conversely, wild-type mice that were given the specific PPARbeta/delta ligand L-165041 before renal ischemia were completely protected against renal dysfunction, as indicated by the lack of rise in serum creatinine and fractional excretion of Na+. This protective effect was accompanied by a significant reduction in medullary necrosis, apoptosis, and inflammation. On the basis of in vitro studies, PPARbeta/delta ligands seem to exert their role by activating the antiapoptotic Akt signaling pathway and, unexpectedly, by increasing the spreading of tubular epithelial cells, thus limiting potentially their shedding and anoikis. These results point to PPARbeta/delta as a remarkable new target for preconditioning strategies.


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In specific cell types like keratinocytes, Notch signaling plays an important pro-differentiation and tumor suppressing function, with down-modulation of the Notch1 gene being associated with cancer development. Besides being controlled by p53, little else is known on regulation of Notch1 gene expression in this context. We report here that transcription of this gene is driven by a TATA-less "sharp peak" promoter and that the minimal functional region of this promoter, which extends from the -342 bp position to the initiation codon, is differentially active in normal versus cancer cells. This GC rich region lacks p53 binding sites, but binds Klf4 and Sp3. This finding is likely to be of biological significance, as Klf4 and, to a lesser extent, Sp3 are up-regulated in a number of cancer cells where Notch1 expression is down-modulated, and Klf4 over-expression in normal cells is sufficient to down-modulate Notch1 gene transcription. The combined knock-down of Klf4 and Sp3 was necessary for the reverse effect of increasing Notch1 transcription, consistent with the two factors exerting an overlapping repressor function through their binding to the Notch1 promoter.


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The signaling pathway that regulates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion depends on glucose metabolism, which is itself controlled by glucokinase. In a recent issue of Cell, show that altering N-glycosylation of the GLUT2 glucose transporter prevents its anchoring and retention at the cell surface; this impairs glucose uptake and insulin secretion.


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Hematopietic stem cells (HSCs) maintain life-long hematopoiesis in the bone marrow via their ability to self-renew and to differentiate into all blood lineages. Although a central role for the canonical wnt signaling pathway has been suggested in HSC self-renewal as well as in the development of B and T cells, conditional deletion of beta-catenin (which is considered to be essential for Wnt signaling) has no effect on hematopoiesis or lymphopoiesis. Here, we address whether this discrepancy can be explained by a redundant and compensatory function of gamma-catenin, a close homolog of beta-catenin. Unexpectedly, we find that combined deficiency of beta- and gamma-catenin in hematopoietic progenitors does not impair their ability to self-renew and to reconstitute all myeloid, erythroid, and lymphoid lineages, even in competitive mixed chimeras and serial transplantations. These results exclude an essential role for canonical Wnt signaling (as mediated by beta- and/or gamma-catenin) during hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis.


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Initiation and progression of most colorectal cancers (CRCs) are driven by hyper-activation of the canonical Wnt/ß-catenin/TCF signaling pathway. However, a basal level of activation of this pathway is necessary for intestinal cell homeostasis; thus only CRC-specific effectors of this pathway could be exploited as potential clinical targets. PROX1 is an evolutionary conserved transcription factor with multiple roles in several tissues in embryogenesis, and increasing relevance in cancer. PROX1 is a colon cancer-specific Wnt target in the intestine, thus it might represent a therapeutic target. The role of PROX1 in promoting the transition from early to highly-dysplastic adenoma was previously described [1], Importantly, tumor metastasis is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Frequently, micrometastases are already present in patients at the time of diagnosis, therefore better understanding of the mechanisms regulating growth of macrometastatic lesions is important for the development of novel treatment approaches. In this study we showed that PROX1 is expressed in colon cancer stem cell and promotes the outgrowth of metastatic lesions. Firstly, we analyzed the expression of PROX1 in advanced CRCs and their metastases. We found that PROX1 over-expression is a feature of microsatellite stable tumors (~85% of microsatellite stable (MSS) CRCs), which generally have worse prognosis in comparison to microsatellite unstable CRCs. Analysis of primary CRCs and corresponding metastatic lesions showed that PROX1 expression is conserved, or increased in metastases. Further bioinformatics analysis of tumor and metastases gene expression profiles showed that PROX1 is co- expressed with stem cell and progenitor markers. Moreover, in inducible ApcmLgr5-EGFP-lres-CreERT2 model, Prox1+ cells marked a sub-population of Lgr5+ stem cells and subsequent transient amplifying cell population. Orthotopic model of CRC and lung colonization assays in mice demonstrated that PROX1 promotes tumor cell outgrowth in metastatic lesions, while it has no effect on primary tumor growth, invasion, and survival in circulation or cell extravasation. In vitro, PROX1 expressing tumor cells demonstrated strongly increased capacity to form spheroids, and increased survival and proliferation under hypoxic or nutrient-deprivation conditions. By monitoring cellular respiration under these conditions, we found that PROX1 expressing cells exhibit a better metabolic adaptation to changes in fuel source. Autophagy inhibitors, prevented growth both in vitro and in vivo of PROX1 expressing cells. Importantly, conditional inactivation of PROX1 after the establishment of metastases prevented further growth of macroscopic lesions resulting in stable disease. In summary, we identified a novel mechanism underlying the ability of metastatic colon cancer stem and progenitor cells to survive and grow in target organs through metabolic adaptation. Our results establish PROX1 as a key factor of CRC metastatic disease where it promotes survival of metastatic colon cancer stem-like cells, through their metabolic adaptation in sub-optimal microenvironments - L'initiation et la progression de la plupart des cancers colorectaux (CRC) sont entraînées par une hyper-activation de la voie métabolique Wnt/ß- caténine/TCF. Toutefois, un niveau d'activation minimal de Wnt est nécessaire pour l'homéostasie des cellules intestinales ; ainsi seuls des effecteurs spécifiques du CRC- de cette voie pourraient être exploités comme des cibles cliniques potentielles. PROX1 est un facteur de transcription évolutif conservé avec de multiples rôles dans plusieurs tissus durant l'embryogenèse et une pertinence croissante dans le cancer. PROX1 est une cible Wnt spécifique dans le cancer de l'intestin, donc il pourrait représenter une cible thérapeutique. Le rôle de PROX1 durant l'évolution de la maladie d'un stade précoce jusqu'à l'adénome hautement dysplasique a été décrit précédemment. Surtout, la métastase des tumeurs est une cause majeure de mortalité liée au cancer. Souvent, les micro-métastases sont déjà présentes chez les patients au moment du diagnostic, c'est pourquoi une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes régulant la croissance des lésions macrométastatiques est importante pour le développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons prouvé que PROX1 est exprimé dans les cellules souches du cancer du côlon et favorise l'apparition de lésions métastatiques. Nous avons d'abord analysé l'expression de PROX1 dans des CRC avancés ainsi que dans leurs métastases. Nous avons constaté que la surexpression de PROX1 est une caractéristique des tumeurs stables microsatellites (~85% du MSS CRC), qui ont généralement un pronostic défavorable par rapport aux microsatellites CRC instables. L'analyse des CRC primaires et de leurs métastases liées a montré que l'expression de PROX1 est conservée, voire augmentée dans les métastases. A l'aide d'une base de données de tumeurs et métastases, nous avons observé une co- régulation de PROX1 entre cellules souches et marqueurs de progéniteurs mais pas avec des cellules différenciées. De plus, en utilisant un modèle Apcm Lgr5-EGFP-IRES-CreERT2 inductible, les cellules Prox1+ ont marqué une sous-population de cellules LGR& capable de produire une lignée. Un modèle orthotopique de cancer colorectal et des essais de colonisation du poumon chez la souris ont démontré que PROX1 favorise l'excroissance des cellules tumorales dans les lésions métastatiques, alors qu'il n'a aucun effet sur la croissance tumorale primaire, l'invasion ou une extravasation des cellules. In vitro, les cellules tumorales exprimant PROX1 ont démontré une forte augmentation de leur capacité à former des sphéroïdes, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la survie et de la prolifération dans des conditions hypoxiques ou lors de privation de nutriments. En contrôlant la respiration cellulaire dans ces conditions, nous avons constaté que les cellules exprimant PROX1 présentent une meilleure adaptation métabolique à l'évolution des sources de carburant. Des inhibiteurs de l'autophagie, suggérant une approche thérapeutique potentielle, ont tué à la fois in vitro et in vivo les cellules exprimant PROX1. Surtout, l'inactivation conditionnelle de PROX1 après l'apparition de métastases a empêché la croissance des lésions macroscopiques résultant en une maladie stable. En résumé, nous avons identifié un nouveau mécanisme mettant en évidence la capacité des cellules souches du cancer du côlon métastatique à survivre et à se développer dans les organes cibles grâce à l'adaptation métabolique. Nos résultats définissent PROX1 comme un facteur clé du cancer colorectal métastatique en favorisant la survie des cellules souches métastatiques apparentées au cancer du colon grâce à leur adaptation métabolique aux microenvironnements défavorables.


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In response to chronic stress the heart undergoes an adverse remodeling process associated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, increased cellular apoptosis and fibrosis, which ultimately causes cardiac dysfunction and heart failure. Increasing evidence suggest the role of scaffolding and anchoring proteins in coordinating different signaling pathways that mediate the hypertrophic response of the heart. In this context, the family of Α-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) emerged as important regulators of the cardiac function. During my thesis work I have conducted two independent projects, both of them aiming at elucidating the role of AKAPs in the heart. It has been shown that AKAP-Lbc, an anchoring protein that possesses an intrinsic Rho- specific exchange factor activity, organizes a signaling complex that links AKAP-Lbc- dependent activation of RhoA with the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38. The first aim of my thesis was to study the role of this novel transduction pathway in the context of cardiac hypertrophy. Here we show that transgenic mice overexpressing in cardiomyocytes a competitor fragment of AKAP-Lbc, which specifically disrupts endogenous AKAP-Lbc / p38 complexes, developed early dilated cardiomyopathy in response to two weeks of transverse aortic constriction (TAC) as compared to controls. Interestingly, inhibition of the AKAP-Lbc / p38 transduction pathway significantly reduced the hypertrophic growth of single cardiomyocytes induced by pressure overload. Therefore, it appears that the AKAP- Lbc / p38 complex is crucially involved in the regulation of stress-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and that disruption of this signaling pathway is detrimental for the heart under conditions of sustained hemodynamic stress. Secondly, in order to identify new AKAPs involved in the regulation of cardiac function, we followed a proteomic approach which allowed us to characterize AKAP2 as a major AKAP in the heart. Importantly, here we show that AKAP2 interacts with several proteins known to be involved in the control of gene transcription, such as the nuclear receptor coactivator 3 (NCoA3) or the ATP-dependent SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex. Thus, we propose AKAP2 as a novel mediator of cardiac gene expression through its interaction with these transcriptional regulators.


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The TNF ligand family member BAFF (B cell activating factor belonging to the TNF family, also called Blys, TALL-1, zTNF-4, or THANK) is an important survival factor for B cells [corrected]. In this study, we show that BAFF is able to regulate T cell activation. rBAFF induced responses (thymidine incorporation and cytokine secretion) of T cells, suboptimally stimulated through their TCR. BAFF activity was observed on naive, as well as on effector/memory T cells (both CD4+ and CD8+ subsets), indicating that BAFF has a wide function on T cell responses. Analysis of the signal transduced by BAFF into T cells shows that BAFF has no obvious effect on T cell survival upon activation, but is able to deliver a complete costimulation signal into T cells. Indeed, BAFF is sufficient to induce IL-2 secretion and T cell division, when added to an anti-TCR stimulation. This highlights some differences in the BAFF signaling pathway in T and B cells. In conclusion, our results indicate that BAFF may play a role in the development of T cell responses, in addition to its role in B cell homeostasis.


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OBJECTIVE: The gluco-incretin hormones glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 and gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) protect beta-cells against cytokine-induced apoptosis. Their action is initiated by binding to specific receptors that activate the cAMP signaling pathway, but the downstream events are not fully elucidated. Here we searched for mechanisms that may underlie this protective effect. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We performed comparative transcriptomic analysis of islets from control and GipR(-/-);Glp-1-R(-/-) mice, which have increased sensitivity to cytokine-induced apoptosis. We found that IGF-1 receptor expression was markedly reduced in the mutant islets. Because the IGF-1 receptor signaling pathway is known for its antiapoptotic effect, we explored the relationship between gluco-incretin action, IGF-1 receptor expression and signaling, and apoptosis. RESULTS: We found that GLP-1 robustly stimulated IGF-1 receptor expression and Akt phosphorylation and that increased Akt phosphorylation was dependent on IGF-1 but not insulin receptor expression. We demonstrated that GLP-1-induced Akt phosphorylation required active secretion, indicating the presence of an autocrine activation mechanism; we showed that activation of IGF-1 receptor signaling was dependent on the secretion of IGF-2. We demonstrated, both in MIN6 cell line and primary beta-cells, that reducing IGF-1 receptor or IGF-2 expression or neutralizing secreted IGF-2 suppressed GLP-1-induced protection against apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: An IGF-2/IGF-1 receptor autocrine loop operates in beta-cells. GLP-1 increases its activity by augmenting IGF-1 receptor expression and by stimulating secretion; this mechanism is required for GLP-1-induced protection against apoptosis. These findings may lead to novel ways of preventing beta-cell loss in the pathogenesis of diabetes.


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T-cell receptor (TCR) engagement induces the maturation of thymocytes and the activation and proliferation of peripheral T cells through signaling pathways that target several transcription factors. The transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) has an essential role in the activation of mature T cells but the signaling pathway leading from TCR stimulation to NF-κB activation is not well defined. Carma1, Bcl10 and MALT1 are recently identified proteins that have an important and previously unexpected role in antigen receptor-induced NF-κB activation and the control of lymphocyte proliferation. We believe that the recent advances in this field could stimulate research for the development of new immunomodulatory drugs and could lead to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of lymphomas and potentially of other immune disorders.


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The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays key roles in stem-cell maintenance, progenitor cell expansion, and lineage decisions. Transcriptional responses induced by Wnt depend on the association of either beta-catenin or gamma-catenin with lymphoid enhancer factor/T cell factor transcription factors. Here we show that hematopoiesis, including thymopoiesis, is normal in the combined absence of beta- and gamma-catenin. Double-deficient hematopoietic stem cells maintain long-term repopulation capacity and multilineage differentiation potential. Unexpectedly, 2 independent ex vivo reporter gene assays show that Wnt signal transmission is maintained in double-deficient hematopoietic stem cells, thymocytes, or peripheral T cells. In contrast, Wnt signaling is strongly reduced in thymocytes lacking TCF-1 or in nonhematopoietic cells devoid of beta-catenin. These data provide the first evidence that hematopoietic cells can transduce canonical Wnt signals in the combined absence of beta- and gamma-catenin


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Craniopharyngiomas (CP) are benign epithelial tumors of the sellar region and can be clinicopathologically distinguished into adamantinomatous (adaCP) and papillary (papCP) variants. Both subtypes are classified according to the World Health Organization grade I, but their irregular digitate brain infiltration makes any complete surgical resection difficult to obtain. Herein, we characterized the cellular interface between the tumor and the surrounding brain tissue in 48 CP (41 adaCP and seven papCP) compared to non-neuroepithelial tumors, i.e., 12 cavernous hemangiomas, 10 meningiomas, and 14 metastases using antibodies directed against glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), vimentin, nestin, microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) splice variants, and tenascin-C. We identified a specific cell population characterized by the coexpression of nestin, MAP2, and GFAP within the invasion niche of the adamantinomatous subtype. This was especially prominent along the finger-like protrusions. A similar population of presumably astroglial precursors was not visible in other lesions under study, which characterize them as distinct histopathological feature of adaCP. Furthermore, the outer tumor cell layer of adaCP showed a distinct expression of MAP2, a novel finding helpful in the differential diagnosis of epithelial tumors in the sellar region. Our data support the hypothesis that adaCP, unlike other non-neuroepithelial tumors of the central nervous system, create a tumor-specific cellular environment at the tumor-brain junction. Whether this facilitates the characteristic infiltrative growth pattern or is the consequence of an activated Wnt signaling pathway, detectable in 90% of these tumors, will need further consideration.


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Résumé : La découverte que des mutations du gène humain Jagged 1 (JAG1) sont la cause du Syndrome d'Alagille, indique que la voie de signalisation Notch joue un rôle prépondérant dans l'homéostasie des canaux biliaires. L'analyse fonctionnelle de cette voie de signalisation est rendue difficile par le fait que les mutations ciblées des gènes : Jagged1, Notch1 ou Notch2 présentent un phénotype létal. Dans un précédent travail, nous avions généré une souris permettant l'inactivation de Notch1 de manière inductible en combinant un transgéne inductible par l'interféron de la Cre-recombinase et le gène Notch1 flanqué de deux séquence loxP. Nous avons utilisé cette souris knock-out conditionnelle afin d'étudier le rôle de la voie de signalisation de Notch1 dans la prolifération et la différentiation cellulaire hépatique. La délétion de Notch1 ne conduit pas à une diminution du nombre des canaux biliaires, mais de manière surprenante, l'absence de Notch1 induit une prolifération continue des hépatocytes. En conclusion, en quelques semaines après l'inactivation de Notch1 les souris développent une hyperplasie nodulaire régénérative, sans modification vasculaire dans le foie. Abstract: The discovery that the human Jagged1 gene (JAG1) is the Alagille syndrome disease gene indicated that Notch signaling has an important role in bile duct homeostasis. The functional study of this signaling pathway has been difficult because mice with targeted mutations in Jagged1, Notch1, or Notch2 have an embryonic lethal phenotype. We have previously generated mice with inducible Notch1 disruption using an interferon-inducible Cre-recombinase transgene in combination with the loxP flanked Notch1 gene. We used this conditional Notch1 knockout mouse model to investigate the role of Notch1 signaling in liver cell proliferation and differentiation. Deletion of Notch1 did not result in bile duct paucity, but, surprisingly, resulted in a continuous proliferation of hepatocytes. In conclusion, within weeks after Notch1 inactivation, the mice developed nodular regenerative hyperplasia without vascular changes in the liver.


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The identification of novel transcription factors associated with antifungal response may allow the discovery of fungus-specific targets for new therapeutic strategies. A collection of 241 Candida albicans transcriptional regulator mutants was screened for altered susceptibility to fluconazole, caspofungin, amphotericin B, and 5-fluorocytosine. Thirteen of these mutants not yet identified in terms of their role in antifungal response were further investigated, and the function of one of them, a mutant of orf19.6102 (RCA1), was characterized by transcriptome analysis. Strand-specific RNA sequencing and phenotypic tests assigned Rca1 as the regulator of hyphal formation through the cyclic AMP/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) signaling pathway and the transcription factor Efg1, but also probably through its interaction with a transcriptional repressor, most likely Tup1. The mechanisms responsible for the high level of resistance to caspofungin and fluconazole observed resulting from RCA1 deletion were investigated. From our observations, we propose that caspofungin resistance was the consequence of the deregulation of cell wall gene expression and that fluconazole resistance was linked to the modulation of the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway activity. In conclusion, our large-scale screening of a C. albicans transcription factor mutant collection allowed the identification of new effectors of the response to antifungals. The functional characterization of Rca1 assigned this transcription factor and its downstream targets as promising candidates for the development of new therapeutic strategies, as Rca1 influences host sensing, hyphal development, and antifungal response.


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Obesity and insulin resistance represent a problem of utmost clinical significance worldwide. Insulin-resistant states are characterized by the inability of insulin to induce proper signal transduction leading to defective glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and impaired insulin-induced vasodilation. In various pathophysiological models, melatonin interacts with crucial molecules of the insulin signaling pathway, but its effects on glucose homeostasis are not known. In a diet-induced mouse model of insulin resistance and normal chow-fed control mice, we sought to assess the effects of an 8-wk oral treatment with melatonin on insulin and glucose tolerance and to understand underlying mechanisms. In high-fat diet-fed mice, but not in normal chow-fed control mice, melatonin significantly improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, as evidenced by a higher rate of glucose infusion to maintain euglycemia during hyperinsulinemic clamp studies and an attenuated hyperglycemic response to an ip glucose challenge. Regarding underlying mechanisms, we found that melatonin restored insulin-induced vasodilation to skeletal muscle, a major site of glucose utilization. This was due, at least in part, to the improvement of insulin signal transduction in the vasculature, as evidenced by increased insulin-induced phosphorylation of Akt and endoethelial nitric oxide synthase in aortas harvested from melatonin-treated high-fat diet-fed mice. In contrast, melatonin had no effect on the ability of insulin to promote glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue in vitro. These data demonstrate for the first time that in a diet-induced rodent model of insulin resistance, melatonin improves glucose homeostasis by restoring the vascular action of insulin.