995 resultados para pacemaker, defibrillatore, cuore, evoluzione, dispositivi
Lo studio ha valutato le emissioni atmosferiche in Regione Lombardia dallo smaltimento di rifiuti solidi in discariche controllate nell'anno 2001, proiettandone i quantitativi attesi a medio e lungo termine sulla base degli scenari di evoluzione più attendibili per le caratteristiche qualitative dei fifiuti, le modalità di smaltimento e le tecnologie adottabili per il controllo delle emissioni stesse. La valutazione è stata condotta acquisendo i dati base degli impianti attualmente presenti sul territorio lombardo per quanto riguarda i rifiuti smaltiti e le modalità di captazione e di combustione del biogas. Sono stati quindi definiti alcuni scenari alternativi ragionevolmente ipotizzabili nel medio e lungo periodo per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti, sulla base dell'evoluzione imposta dalla normativa nazionale e dagli strumenti della pianificazione regionale. L'individuazione delle migliori tecnologie applicabili per la captazione ed il trattamento del gas prodotto e per il controllo delle corrispondenti emissioni atmosferiche ha permesso di stimare l'evoluzione temporale, in corrispondenza dei diversi scenari, della produzione di gas e delle emissioni dei principali inquinanti di interesse. I risultati mostrano la possibilità di ottenere una consistente riduzione delle emissioni di metano, tale da comportare a scala regionale una corrispondente diminuzione del 2% delle emissioni complessive di C02 equivalente. [Autore]
Ce travail n'a pas pour but d'établir une histoire du choeur tragique pour ainsi dire 'd'anthologie', mais bien plutôt de tracer un parcours sélectif et dynamique, en suivant l'évolution de ses formes et de ses fonctions dans la tragédie italienne, à partir du début du XVIe siècle jusqu' à la production alfiérienne et au retour du choeur dans le théâtre de Manzoni ; à cela s'ajoute un exercice en dehors du genre dramatique tel que le Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie dans les Operette morali di Giacomo Leopardi. Dans la première partie - la plus ample et complexe, portant sur l'emploi du choeur dans la tragédie de la Renaissance - on essaye de cerner le contexte qui favorise la persistance d'un espace choral en examinant plusieurs commentaires de la Poétique aristotélicienne, et des essais de théorie dramaturgique comme Della poesia rappresentativa de Angelo Ingegneri, ou le Discorso intorno al comporre de Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio. À côté de la discussion sur le rôle du choeur on envisage aussi le profil formel des sections chorales, en s'appuyant sur l'analyse métrique, dans le cadre plus général du 'petrarchismo metrico', et en particulier de la réception de la chanson pétrarquesque. Interroger la présence de trois constantes thématiques - par exemple la forme de l'hymne à Éros - signifie en suite relever l'importance de Sophocle pour le théâtre de la Renaissance dans la perspective du choeur. Cette première section est complétée par un chapitre entièrement consacré à Torquato Tasso et à son Re Torrismondo, qui présente un troisième chant choral de grande épaisseur philosophique, central dans l'économie du drame et analysé ici à travers un exercice de lecture qui utilise à la fois les instruments de la stylistique, de l'intertextualité, et de l'intratextualité concernant l'entier corpus poétique et philosophique tassien, de ses Rime aux Dialoghi. La deuxième section, qui commence par une exploration théorique de la question du choeur, conduite par exemple sur les textes de Paolo Beni e Tommaso Campanella, a pour cible principale de expliquer comment le choeur assume le rôle d'un vrai 'personnage collectif' dans le théâtre de Federico Della Valle : un choeur bien installé dans l'action tragique, mais conservant au même temps les qualités lyriques et philosophiques d'un chant riche de mémoire culturelle et intertextuelle, de la Phaedra de Sénèque à la Commedia dantesque dans la Reina di Scozia, centre principal de l'analyse et coeur du catholicisme contreréformiste dellavallien. Dans la troisième partie le discours se concentre sur les formes de la métamorphose, pour ainsi dire, du choeur : par exemple la figure du confident, conçu comme un substitut du groupe choral dans les discussions des théoriciens et des auteurs français - voir Corneille, D'Aubignac, Dacier - et italiens, de Riccoboni à Calepio et Maffei. Cependant dans cette section il est surtout question de la définition de l'aria mélodramatique compris comme le 'nouveau choeur' des Modernes, formulée par Ranieri Calzabigi et par Metastasio. Il s'agit donc ici de mettre en relation l'élaboration théorique contenue dans la Dissertazione de Calzabigi et dans l'Estratto de l'Arte poetica de Metastasio avec le premier et unique essai tragique de jeunesse de ce dernier, le Giustino, et le livret de son Artaserse. On essaye de montrer le profond lien entre l'aria et l'action dramatique : donc c'est le dramma musicale qui est capable d'accueillir la seule forme de choeur - l'aria - encore possible dans le théâtre moderne, tandis que le choeur proprement tragique est désormais considéré inutilisable et pour ainsi dire hors-contexte (sans toutefois oublier qu'à la fin du siècle Vittorio Alfieri essayait de ne pas renoncer au choeur dans sa traduction des Perses d'Eschyle ; et surtout dans un essai tragique comme l'Alceste seconda ou dans sa tramelogedia, l'Abele). Comme conclusion une section contenant des remarques qui voudrait juste indiquer trois possibles directions de recherche ultérieure : une comparaison entre Manzoni et Leopardi - dans la perspective de leur intérêt pour le choeur et de la différence entre le sujet lyrique manzonien et celui léopardien ; une incursion dans le livret du mélodrame verdien, afin de comprendre la fonction du choeur manzonien et sa persistance dans le texte pour l'opéra ; et enfin quelque note sur la réception du choeur manzonien et du Coro di morti léopardien dans le XXe siècle, en assumant comme point d'observation la poésie de Carlo Michelstaedter, Andrea Zanzotto et Franco Fortini. Il lavoro non intende tracciare una storia 'da manuale' del coro tragico, ma piuttosto indicare un percorso selettivo e dinamico, seguendo l'evoluzione delle sue forme e delle sue funzioni nella tragedia italiana, a partire dall'inizio del sedicesimo secolo per arrivare alla produzione alfieriana e al ritorno del coro nel teatro di Manzoni; a ciò si aggiunge una prova estranea al genere drammatico come il Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie nelle Operette morali di Giacomo Leopardi. Nella prima parte - la più ampia e complessa, riguardante l'impiego del coro nella tragedia rinascimentale - si cerca di ricostruire il contesto che favorisce la persistenza dello spazio corale attraverso l'esame di diversi commenti alla Poetica aristotelica, e di alcuni saggi di teoria drammaturgica come Della poesia rappresentativa di Angelo Ingegneri, o il Discorso intorno al comporre di Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio. La discussione sul ruolo del coro è affiancata dall'esame del profilo formale delle sezioni corali, grazie a un'indagine metrica nel quadro del più ampio petrarchismo metrico cinquecentesco, e in particolare nel quadro della ricezione della formacanzone petrarchesca. Interrogare la presenza di tre costanti tematiche - per esempio la forma dell'inno a Eros - significherà in seguito rilevare l'importanza di Sofocle per il teatro rinascimentale anche nella prospettiva angolata del coro. Questa prima sezione è completata da un capitolo interamente dedicato a Torquato Tasso e al suo Re Torrismondo, che presenta un terzo canto corale di grande spessore stilistico e filosofico, centrale nell'economia del dramma e analizzato qui attraverso un esercizio di lettura che si serve degli strumenti della stilistica e dell'intertestualità, oltre che del rapporto intratestuale fra i vari luoghi del corpus tassiano, dalle Rime ai suoi Dialoghi. La seconda sezione, che si avvia con un'esplorazione teorica della questione del coro nel Seicento - condotta per esempio sui testi di Paolo Beni e Tommaso Campanella - ha per fulcro la descrizione di un coro quale 'personaggio collettivo' nelle tragedie di Federico Della Valle: un coro ben inserito nell'azione tragica, ma che conserva allo stesso tempo le qualità liriche e filosofiche di un canto ricco di memoria culturale e intertestuale, dalla Fedra di Seneca alla Commedia dantesca, nella sua Reina di Scozia, centro dell'analisi e cardine del cattolicesimo controriformista dellavalliano. Nella terza sezione il discorso si concentra sulle forme della metamorfosi, per così dire, del coro: per esempio la figura del confidente, interpretato come un sostituto del gruppo corale nelle discussioni di teorici e autori francesi - Corneille, D'Aubignac, Dacier - e italiani, da Riccoboni a Calepio e Maffei. Ma qui ci si rivolge anzitutto alla definizione dell'aria melodrammatica, sentita quale 'nuovo coro' dei Moderni da Ranieri Calzabigi e Pietro Metastasio. Si tratterà dunque di mettere in relazione l'elaborazione teorica svolta nella Dissertazione di Calzabigi e nell'Estratto dell'arte poetica di Metastasio con il primo e unico - e giovanile - tentativo tragico di quest'ultimo, il Giustino, e con il libretto del suo Artaserse. L'intenzione è quella di mostrare il profondo legame tra l'aria e l'azione drammatica: è perciò il dramma musicale che è capace di accogliere la sola forma di coro - l'aria - ancora possibile nel teatro moderno, mentre il vero e proprio coro tragico si rassegna ormai a essere considerato inutile e per così dire fuori contesto (senza dimenticare, tuttavia, che al chiudersi del secolo Vittorio Alfieri tentava di non rinunciare al coro nella sua traduzione dei Persiani di Eschilo; e soprattutto in un tentativo tragico come la sua Alceste seconda o nella tramelogedia Abele). In conclusione una più veloce sezione che vorrebbe semplicemente indicare qualche altra possibile direzione di ricerca: un confronto fra Manzoni e Leopardi - nella prospettiva del coro interesse per il coro, e della differenza fra il soggetto lirico manzoniano e quello leopardiano; un'incursione nel libretto del melodramma verdiano, per misurarvi la funzione del coro manzoniano e la sua persistenza nel testo operistico; e infine qualche appunto sulla ricezione del coro manzoniano e del Coro di morti di Leopardi nel Novecento, assumendo quale punto d'osservazione la poesia di Carlo Michelstaedter, Andrea Zanzotto e Franco Fortini.
OBJECTIVE: Atrial fibrillation is a very common heart arrhythmia, associated with a five-fold increase in the risk of embolic strokes. Treatment strategies encompass palliative drugs or surgical procedures all of which can restore sinus rhythm. Unfortunately, atria often fail to recover their mechanical function and patients therefore require lifelong anticoagulation therapy. A motorless volume displacing device (Atripump) based on artificial muscle technology, positioned on the external surface of atrium could avoid the need of oral anticoagulation and its haemorrhagic complications. An animal study was conducted in order to assess the haemodynamic effects that such a pump could provide. METHODS: Atripump is a dome-shape siliconecoated nitinol actuator sewn on the external surface of the atrium. It is driven by a pacemaker-like control unit. Five non-anticoagulated sheep were selected for this experiment. The right atrium was surgically exposed, the device sutured and connected. Haemodynamic parameters and intracardiac ultrasound (ICUS) data were recorded in each animal and under three conditions; baseline; atrial fibrillation (AF); atripump assisted AF (aaAF). RESULTS: In two animals, after 20 min of AF, small thrombi appeared in the right atrial appendix and were washed out once the pump was turned on. Assistance also enhanced atrial ejection fraction. 31% baseline; 5% during AF; 20% under aaAF. Right atrial systolic surfaces (cm2) were; 5.2 +/- 0.3 baseline; 6.2 +/- 0.1 AF; 5.4 +/- 0.3 aaAF. CONCLUSION: This compact and reliable pump seems to restore the atrial "kick" and prevents embolic events. It could avoid long-term anticoagulation therapy and open new hopes in the care of end-stage heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: We aim to explore how health surrogates of patients with dementia proceed in decision making, which considerations are decisive, and whether family surrogates and professional guardians decide differently. METHODS: We conducted an experimental vignette study using think aloud protocol analysis. Thirty-two family surrogates and professional guardians were asked to decide on two hypothetical case vignettes, concerning a feeding tube placement and a cardiac pacemaker implantation in patients with end-stage dementia. They had to verbalize their thoughts while deciding. Verbalizations were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed according to content analysis. By experimentally changing variables in the vignettes, the impact of these variables on the outcome of decision making was calculated. RESULTS: Although only 25% and 31% of the relatives gave their consent to the feeding tube and pacemaker placement, respectively, 56% and 81% of the professional guardians consented to these life-sustaining measures. Relatives decided intuitively, referred to their own preferences, and focused on the patient's age, state of wellbeing, and suffering. Professional guardians showed a deliberative approach, relied on medical and legal authorities, and emphasized patient autonomy. Situational variables such as the patient's current behavior and the views of health care professionals and family members had higher impacts on decisions than the patient's prior statements or life attitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Both the process and outcome of surrogate decision making depend heavily on whether the surrogate is a relative or not. These findings have implications for the physician-surrogate relationship and legal frameworks regarding surrogacy. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
BACKGROUND: Electrophysiological cardiac devices are increasingly used. The frequency of subclinical infection is unknown. We investigated all explanted devices using sonication, a method for detection of microbial biofilms on foreign bodies. METHODS AND RESULTS: Consecutive patients in whom cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter/defibrillators were removed at our institution between October 2007 and December 2008 were prospectively included. Devices (generator and/or leads) were aseptically removed and sonicated, and the resulting sonication fluid was cultured. In parallel, conventional swabs of the generator pouch were performed. A total of 121 removed devices (68 pacemakers, 53 implantable cardioverter/defibrillators) were included. The reasons for removal were insufficient battery charge (n=102), device upgrading (n=9), device dysfunction (n=4), or infection (n=6). In 115 episodes (95%) without clinical evidence of infection, 44 (38%) grew bacteria in sonication fluid, including Propionibacterium acnes (n=27), coagulase-negative staphylococci (n=11), Gram-positive anaerobe cocci (n=3), Gram-positive anaerobe rods (n=1), Gram-negative rods (n=1), and mixed bacteria (n=1). In 21 of 44 sonication-positive episodes, bacterial counts were significant (>or=10 colony-forming units/mL of sonication fluid). In 26 sterilized controls, sonication cultures remained negative in 25 cases (96%). In 112 cases without clinical infection, conventional swab cultures were performed: 30 cultures (27%) were positive, and 18 (60%) were concordant with sonication fluid cultures. Six devices and leads were removed because of infection, growing Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mitis, and coagulase-negative staphylococci in 6 sonication fluid cultures and 4 conventional swab cultures. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteria can colonize cardiac electrophysiological devices without clinical signs of infection.
Background- An elevated resting heart rate is associated with rehospitalization for heart failure and is a modifiable risk factor in heart failure patients. We aimed to examine the association between resting heart rate and incident heart failure in a population-based cohort study of healthy adults without pre-existing overt heart disease. Methods and Results- We studied 4768 men and women aged ≥55 years from the population-based Rotterdam Study. We excluded participants with prevalent heart failure, coronary heart disease, pacemaker, atrial fibrillation, atrioventricular block, and those using β-blockers or calcium channel blockers. We used extended Cox models allowing for time-dependent variation of resting heart rate along follow-up. During a median of 14.6 years of follow-up, 656 participants developed heart failure. The risk of heart failure was higher in men with higher resting heart rate. For each increment of 10 beats per minute, the multivariable adjusted hazard ratios in men were 1.16 (95% confidence interval, 1.05-1.28; P=0.005) in the time-fixed heart rate model and 1.13 (95% confidence interval, 1.02-1.25; P=0.017) in the time-dependent heart rate model. The association could not be demonstrated in women (P for interaction=0.004). Censoring participants for incident coronary heart disease or using time-dependent models to account for the use of β-blockers or calcium channel blockers during follow-up did not alter the results. Conclusions- Baseline or persistent higher resting heart rate is an independent risk factor for the development of heart failure in healthy older men in the general population.
A pacemaker, regularly emitting chemical waves, is created out of noise when an excitable photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium, strictly unable to autonomously initiate autowaves, is forced with a spatiotemporal patterned random illumination. These experimental observations are also reproduced numerically by using a set of reaction-diffusion equations for an activator-inhibitor model, and further analytically interpreted in terms of genuine coupling effects arising from parametric fluctuations. Within the same framework we also address situations of noise-sustained propagation in subexcitable media.
We study the interaction between two independent nonlinear oscillators competing through a neutral excitable element. The first oscillator, completely deterministic, acts as a normal pacemaker sending pulses to the neutral element which fires when it is excited by these pulses. The second oscillator, endowed with some randomness, though unable to make the excitable element to beat, leads to the occasional suppression of its firing. The missing beats or errors are registered and their statistics analyzed in terms of the noise intensity and the periods of both oscillators. This study is inspired in some complex rhythms such as a particular class of heart arrhythmia.
Objective To determine the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of patients with paroxysmal palpitations and neck pounding during sinus rhythm. Methods Clinical, electrocardiographic, and electrophysiological characteristics of six patients with paroxysmal palpitations and neck pounding during sinus rhythm were studied in basal conditions and when symptomatic. Response to treatment was observed. Results Baseline ECGs were normal (four patients) or had first degree atrioventricular block with intermittent PR shortening. During symptoms, narrow QRS rhythms were seen without visible P waves (three patients) or with P waves partially hidden in the QRS complex (three patients). Dual atrioventricular nodal pathways were found in all five patients who had electrophysiological studies. In these patients the slow pathway conduction time was long enough (mean (SD), 425 (121)¿ms) for ventricular activation after slow pathway conduction during sinus rhythm to coincide with the next atrial depolarisation, causing neck pounding during exercise (four patients) or at rest (two patients). Tachycardia was not induced in any patient. Medical treatment aggravated symptoms in three patients. A pacemaker was successfully used in two. Conclusions Neck pounding during sinus rhythm is a clinical manifestation of dual atrioventricular nodal pathways. Medical treatment may aggravate symptoms but a pacemaker may offer definitive relief.
A pacemaker, regularly emitting chemical waves, is created out of noise when an excitable photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium, strictly unable to autonomously initiate autowaves, is forced with a spatiotemporal patterned random illumination. These experimental observations are also reproduced numerically by using a set of reaction-diffusion equations for an activator-inhibitor model, and further analytically interpreted in terms of genuine coupling effects arising from parametric fluctuations. Within the same framework we also address situations of noise-sustained propagation in subexcitable media.
[spa] El presente estudio tiene como finalidad realizar un análisis descriptivo de la litigiosidad observada en los tribunales italianos que conocen de la materia tributaria.
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is strongly and transiently expressed in the developing heart but its function is not well documented. This work examined the role, either protective or detrimental, that endogenous and exogenous NO could play in the functioning of the embryonic heart submitted to hypoxia and reoxygenation. Spontaneously beating hearts isolated from 4-day-old chick embryos were either homogenized to determine basal inducible NOS (iNOS) expression and activity or submitted to 30 min anoxia followed by 100 min reoxygenation. The chrono-, dromo- and inotropic responses to anoxia/reoxygenation were determined in the presence of NOS substrate (L-arginine 10 mM), NOS inhibitor L-NIO (1-5 mM), or NO donor (DETA NONOate 10-100 microM). Myocardial iNOS was detectable by immunoblotting and its activity was specifically decreased by 53% in the presence of 5 mM L-NIO. L-Arginine, L-NIO and DETA NONOate at 10 microM had no significant effect on the investigated functional parameters during anoxia/reoxygenation. However, irrespective of anoxia/reoxygenation, DETA NONOate at 100 microM decreased ventricular shortening velocity by about 70%, and reduced atrio-ventricular propagation by 23%. None of the used drugs affected atrial activity and hearts of all experimental groups fully recovered at the end of reoxygenation. These findings indicate that (1) by contrast with adult heart, endogenously released NO plays a minor role in the early response of the embryonic heart to reoxygenation, (2) exogenous NO has to be provided at high concentration to delay postanoxic functional recovery, and (3) sinoatrial pacemaker cells are the less responsive to NO.
Heart failure and atrial fibrillation are the main problems in general cardiology. Our therapeutic reflections summarize new ideas in the treatment of theses pathologies but we will not forget importance of PCI. All these therapies have proven now the clinical benefit but also reduction in more morbidity and mortality. Cardiac resynchronisation therapy has shown promising results. The art of medicine to develop will be to better identify the patients benefiting from this therapy. Interventional cardiology is focusing on the acute coronary syndrome. Not only rapid intervention but also the stent technology allow significant modification of endothelial tissue reaction and therefore improve the general benefit for the patient.
Many physiological processes in organisms from bacteria to man are rhythmic, and some of these are controlled by self-sustained oscillators that persist in the absence of external time cues. Circadian clocks are perhaps the best characterized biological oscillators and they exist in virtually all light-sensitive organisms. In mammals, they influence nearly all aspects of physiology and behavior, including sleep-wake cycles, cardiovascular activity, endocrinology, body temperature, renal activity, physiology of the gastro-intestinal tract, and hepatic metabolism. The master pacemaker is located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, two small groups of neurons in the ventral part of the hypothalamus. However, most peripheral body cells contain self-sustained circadian oscillators with a molecular makeup similar to that of SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) neurons. This organization implies that the SCN must synchronize countless subsidiary oscillators in peripheral tissues, in order to coordinate cyclic physiology. In this review, we will discuss some recent studies on the structure and putative functions of the mammalian circadian timing system, but we will also point out some apparent inconsistencies in the currently publicized model for rhythm generation.
We describe a device made of artificial muscle for the treatment of end-stage heart failure as an alternative to current heart assist devices. The key component is a matrix of nitinol wires and aramidic fibers called Biometal muscle (BM). When heated electrically, it produces a motorless, smooth, and lifelike motion. The BM is connected to a carbon fiber scaffold, tightening the heart and providing simultaneous assistance to the left and right ventricles. A pacemaker-like microprocessor drives the contraction of the BM. We tested the device in a dedicated bench model of diseased heart. It generated a systolic pressure of 75 mm Hg and ejected a maximum of 330 ml/min, with an ejection fraction of 12%. The device required a power supply of 6 V, 250 mA. This could be the beginning of an era in which BMs integrate or replace the mechanical function of natural muscles.