989 resultados para oxygen reduction


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Comprehensive isotopic studies based on data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project have elucidated numerous details of the low- and high-temperature mechanisms of interaction between water and rocks of ocean crustal seismic Layers 1 and 2. These isotopic studies have also identified climatic changes during the Meso-Cenozoic history of oceans. Data on the abundance and isotopic composition of sulfur in the sedimentary layer as well as in rocks of the volcanic basement are more fragmentary than are oxygen and carbon data. In this chapter we specifically concentrate upon isotopic data related to specific features of the mechanisms of low-temperature interaction of water with sedimentary and volcanogenic rocks. The Leg 59 data provide a good opportunity for such lithologic and isotopic studies, because almost 600 meters of basalt flows and sills interbedded with tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias were cored during the drilling of Hole 448A. Moreover, rocks supposedly exposed to hydrothermal alteration play an important role at the deepest horizons of that mass. Sulfur isotopic studies of the character of possible biogenic processes of sulfate reduction in sediments are another focus, as well as the nature and origin of sulfide mineralization in Layer-2 rocks of remnant island arcs. Finally, oxygen and carbon istopic analyses of biogenic carbonates in the cores also enabled us to investigate the effects of changing climatic conditions during the Cenozoic. These results are compared with previous data from adjacent regions of the Pacific Ocean. Thus this chapter describes results of isotopic analyses of: oxygen and sulfur of interstitial water; oxygen and carbon of sedimentary carbonates and of calcite intercalations and inclusions in tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias interbedded with basalt flows; and sulfur of sulfides in these rocks.


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Oceanographic changes in the western equatorial Pacific during the past 6 Ma are inferred from oxygen isotopic analyses of planktic and benthic foraminifera from Ontong Java Plateau (DSDP Site 586). The taxa are Globigerinoides sacculifer, Pulleniatina, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, and Oridorsalis umbonatus. Cooling and ice buildup are indicated by an 18O enrichment of 0.3 per mil in the planktic species near 3.4 Ma. This shift apparently is compensated in the benthic data by a warming of the deep waters by between 1° and 2° C. We suggest that the dominant source of upper deep water supply to the Pacific changed from Antarctic to North Atlantic at that time, the North Atlantic-derived water being warmer. Near 2.8 Ma (approximately) the planktic foraminifera again record an enrichment in 18O (Delta delta18O=0.25 per mil). We suggest ice buildup in the northern hemisphere as the cause, because of subsequent sharp increase in fluctuations of the delta18O signal, that is, instability. The enrichment is magnified in the benthic foraminifera (Delta delta18O = 0.5 per mil) by a cooling of the deep water by 1.5° at the time, presumably signalling a glacial-type reduction of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) production. Episodic divergence between the signals of G. sacculifer and Pulleniatina in the Pleistocene apparently reflects periods of increased upwelling in the western equatorial Pacific. The amplitude of ice volume fluctuations cannot be reconstructed from delta18O data alone, unless there are constraints on temperature variations. The increase in amplitude of fluctuation of the benthic and planktic signals during the Pleistocene may be attributed either to an increase in maximum ice volume, or to an increase in the fractionation of continental ice, or a combination of both causes.


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The outer western Crimean shelf of the Black Sea is a natural laboratory to investigate effects of stable oxic versus varying hypoxic conditions on seafloor biogeochemical processes and benthic community structure. Bottom-water oxygen concentrations ranged from normoxic (175 µmol O2/L) and hypoxic (< 63 µmol O2/L) or even anoxic/sulfidic conditions within a few kilometers' distance. Variations in oxygen concentrations between 160 and 10 µmol/L even occurred within hours close to the chemocline at 134 m water depth. Total oxygen uptake, including diffusive as well as fauna-mediated oxygen consumption, decreased from 15 mmol/m**2/d on average in the oxic zone, to 7 mmol/m**2/d on average in the hypoxic zone, correlating with changes in macrobenthos composition. Benthic diffusive oxygen uptake rates, comprising respiration of microorganisms and small meiofauna, were similar in oxic and hypoxic zones (on average 4.5 mmol/m**2/d), but declined to 1.3 mmol/m**2/d in bottom waters with oxygen concentrations below 20 µmol/L. Measurements and modeling of porewater profiles indicated that reoxidation of reduced compounds played only a minor role in diffusive oxygen uptake under the different oxygen conditions, leaving the major fraction to aerobic degradation of organic carbon. Remineralization efficiency decreased from nearly 100 % in the oxic zone, to 50 % in the oxic-hypoxic zone, to 10 % in the hypoxic-anoxic zone. Overall, the faunal remineralization rate was more important, but also more influenced by fluctuating oxygen concentrations, than microbial and geochemical oxidation processes.


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Salinity increase in the subtropical gyre system may have pre-conditioned the North Atlantic Ocean for a rapid return to stronger overturning circulation and high-latitude warming following meltwater events during the Last Glacial period. Here we investigate the Gulf Stream - subtropical gyre system properties over Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) cycles 14 to 12, including Heinrich ice-rafting event 5. During the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum a positive gradient in surface dwelling planktonic foraminifera d18O (Globigerinoides ruber) can be observed between the Gulf Stream and subtropical gyre, due to decreasing temperature, increasing salinity, and a change from summer to year-round occurrence of G. ruber. We assess whether this gradient was a common feature during stadial-interstadial climate oscillations of Marine Isotope Stage 3, by comparing existing G. ruber d18O from ODP Site 1060 (subtropical gyre location) and new data from ODP Site 1056 (Gulf Stream location) between 54 and 46 ka. Our results suggest that this gradient was largely absent during the period studied. During the major warm DO interstadials 14 and 12 we infer a more zonal and wider Gulf Stream, influencing both ODP Sites 1056 and 1060. A Gulf Stream presence during these major interstadials is also suggested by the large vertical d18O gradient between shallow dwelling planktonic foraminifera species, especially G. ruber, and the deep dwelling species Globorotalia inflata at site 1056, which we associate with strong summer stratification and Gulf Stream presence. A major reduction in this vertical d18O gradient from 51 ka until the end of Heinrich event 5 at 48.5 ka suggests site 1056 was situated within the subtropical gyre in this mainly cold period, from which we infer a migration of the Gulf Stream to a position nearer to the continental shelf, indicative of a narrower Gulf Stream with possibly reduced transport.


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Causes of change in deep water delta13C can be either global or local in extent. Global causes include (1) climatically-induced changes in the amount of terrestrial biomass which alter the average carbon isotopic composition of the oceanic reservoir (Shackleton, 1977), and (2) erosion and deposition of organic-rich, continental shelf sediments during sea level fluctuations which change the mean oceanic carbon: phosphorus ratio (Broecker, 1982 doi:10.1016/0079-6611(82)90007-6). Regional gradients of delta13C are created by remineralization of organic detritus within the deep ocean itself thus reflecting the distribution of water masses and modern thermohaline flow. Changes in a single geological record of benthic foraminiferal delta13C can result from any combination of these global and abyssal circulation effects. By sampling a large number of cores collected over a wide bathymetric range yet confined to a small geographical region we have minimized the ambiguity. We can assume that each delta13C record was equally affected by global causes of delta13C variation. The differences seen between the delta13C records must, therefore, reflect changes in the distribution of delta13C in the deep ocean. We interpret these differences in distribution in terms of changes in the ocean's abyssal circulation. Benthic foraminiferal carbon isotopic evidence from a suite of Sierra Leone Rise cores indicates that the deeper parts of the eastern Atlantic basins underwent a reduction in [O2] during the maximum of the last glaciation. Reduced advection of O2-rich deep water through low-latitude fracture zones, associated with increased delivery of organic matter to the deep ocean, lowered the delta13C of deep water SumCO2 at all depths below the sill separating the eastern and western Atlantic basins (Metcalf et al., 1964 doi:10.1016/0011-7471(64)91078-2). This decreased advection into the eastern Atlantic Ocean coincides with the overall decrease in deep water production in the North Atlantic during the last glacial maximum (Curry and Lohmann, 1982 doi:10.1016/0033-5894(82)90071-0; Boyle and Keigwin, 1982 doi:10.1126/science.218.4574.784; Schnitker, 1979 doi:10.1016/0377-8398(79)90020-3; Streeter and Shackleton, 1979 doi:10.1126/science.203.4376.168).


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Carbon cycling is an important but poorly understood process on passive continental margins. In this study, we use the ionic and stable isotopic composition of interstitial waters and the petrology, mineralogy, and stable isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates collected from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 174A (Sites 1071 and 1072) to constrain the origin of the carbonates and the evolution of methane on the outer New Jersey shelf. The pore fluids of the New Jersey continental shelf are characterized by (1) a fresh-brackish water plume, and (2) organic matter degradation reactions, which proceed through sulfate reduction. However, only minor methanogenesis occurs. The oxygen isotopic composition of the pore fluids supports a meteoric origin of the low salinity fluids. Authigenic carbonates are found in nodules, thin (~1-cm) layers, and carbonate cemented pavements. Siderite is the most common authigenic carbonate, followed by dolomite and calcite. The oxygen isotopic composition of the authigenic carbonates, i.e. 1.3-6.5 per mil PeeDee Belemnite (PDB), indicates an origin in marine pore fluids. The carbon isotopic composition of dolomite cements range from -16.4 to -8.8 per mil PDB, consistent with formation within the zone of sulfate reduction. Siderite d13C values show a greater range (-17.67-16.4 per mil), but are largely positive (mean=2.8 per mil) and are interpreted to have formed throughout the zone of methanogenesis. In contrast, calcite d13C values are highly negative (as low as -41.7 per mil)and must have formed from waters with a large component of dissolved inorganic carbon derived from methane oxidation. Pore water data show that despite complete sulfate reduction, methanogenesis appears not to be an important process presently occurring in the upper 400 m of the outer New Jersey shelf. In contrast, the carbon isotopic composition of the siderites and calcites document an active methanogenic zone during their formation. The methane may have been either oxidized or vented from shelf sediments, perhaps during sea-level fluctuations. If this unaccounted and variable methane flux is an areally important process during Neogene sea-level fluctuations, then it likely plays an important role in long-term carbon cycling on passive continental margins


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Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotope ratios determined on 32 squeezed interstitial fluid samples show remarkable variations with depth. For the most part these variations are related to diagenetic and alteration reactions taking place in the sediments, and in the underlying basalts. delta13C SumCO2 depth distributions at Sites 642 and 643 are the result of mixing of original SumCO2 of the paleo bottom water with SumCO2 released by remineralization of organic matter. At Site 644, where sulfate exhaustion occurs, the processes of methanogenesis by CO2 reduction and anaerobic methanotrophy strongly influence the delta13C SumCO2 distribution. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes roughly covary, and become enriched in 16O and1H with depth. This effect is most pronounced at Sites 642 and 643, possibly due to the influence of the directly underlying basalts. Isotope depletions at Site 644 are much lower, corresponding to the greater sediment depth to basement. The alternative, that the O, H isotope shifts are due primarily to autochthonous diagenetic and exchange reactions, is not supported by the data available.


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The isotopic composition and diversity of nannofossils were studied in cores from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 525A, 527, 528, and 529 from the Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic to better understand the changes which occurred across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (K/T boundary). The stratigraphic range of the samples is from the Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis Zone in the Maastrichtian to the Heliolithus kleinpelli Zone in the Danian. Nannofossil diversity was high (Shannon-Weaver diversity index, 'H= 2.5-3) in the late Cretaceous, but decreased sharply (H c. 1 ) across the K/T boundary. The delta13C values also decrease across the K/T boundary at the four sites, suggesting a reduction in surface productivity in the South Atlantic concomitant with the reduction in diversity. During the Danian, nannofossil diversity and delta13C show some recovery approximately 500-700 k.y. after the boundary event. However, not until 2.5 Ma after the boundary event did diversity become constant. Diversity values similar to those for the late Cretaceous were not attained again in the early Paleocene interval studied. Carbon isotopic compositions similar to those from the Cretaceous were not attained until 4.5 Ma after the K/T event.


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Benthic oxygen and carbon isotopic results from a depth transect on Maud Rise, Antarctica, provide the first evidence for Warm Saline Deep Water (WSDW) in the Paleogene oceans. Distinct reversals occur in the oxygen isotopic gradient between the shallower Hole 689B (Eocene depth ~1400 m; present-day depth 2080 m) and the deeper Hole 690B (Eocene depth ~2250 m; present-day depth 2914 m). The isotopic reversals, well developed by at least 46 Ma (middle middle Eocene), existed for much of the remaining Paleogene. We do not consider these reversals to be artifacts of differential diagenesis between the two sites or to have resulted from other potentially complicating factors. This being so, the results show that deep waters at Hole 690B were significantly warmer than deep waters at the shallower Hole 689B. A progressive decrease and eventual reversal in benthic to planktonic delta18O gradients in Hole 690B, demonstrate that the deeper waters became warmer relative to Antarctic surface waters during the Eocene. The warmer deep waters of the Paleogene are inferred to have been produced at middle to low latitudes, probably in the Tethyan region which contained extensive shallow-water platforms, ideal sites for the formation of high salinity water through evaporative processes. The ocean during the Eocene, and perhaps the Paleocene, is inferred to have been two-layered, consisting of warm, saline deep waters formed at low latitudes and overlain by cooler waters formed at high latitudes. This thermospheric ocean, dominated by halothermal circulation we name Proteus. The Neogene and modern psychrospheric ocean Oceanus is dominated by thermohaline circulation of deep waters largely formed at high latitudes. An intermediate condition existed during the Oligocene, with a three-layered ocean that consisted of cold, dense deep waters formed in the Antarctic (Proto-AABW), overlain by warm, saline deep waters from low latitudes, and in turn overlain by cool waters formed in the polar regions. This we name Proto-oceanus which combined both halothermal and thermohaline processes. The sequence of high latitude, major, climatic change inferred from the oxygen isotopic records is as follows: generally cooler earlier Paleocene; warming during the late Paleocene; climax of Cenozoic warmth during the early Eocene and continuing into the early middle Eocene; cooling mainly in a series of steps during the remainder of the Paleogene. Superimposed upon this Paleogene pattern, the Paleocene/Eocene boundary is marked by a brief but distinct warming that involved deep to surface waters and a reduction in surface to deep carbon and oxygen isotopic gradients. This event coincided with major extinctions among the deep-sea benthic foraminifers as shown by Thomas (1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.123.1990). Salinity has played a major role in deep ocean circulation, and thus paleotemperatures cannot be inferred directly from the oxygen isotopic composition of Paleogene benthic foraminifers without first accounting for the salinity effect.


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A detailed oxygen and carbon isotope study of the upper Maestrichtian-lower Paleocene section of Hole 516F from the Rio Grande Rise reveals that large isotopic anomalies are clearly associated with the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, the total carbonate content reaches a maximum exceeding 80% before rapidly decreasing in covariance with the carbon isotope record. This strong covariance between d13C and percent CaCO3 suggests either a significant reduction in primary productivity or a rapid shoaling of the calcium carbonate compensation depth. Importantly, the d13C record 2 Ma after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary remained depleted in 13C by at least 0.5 per mil compared to the late Maestrichtian.


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High resolution planktonic foraminifera Mg/Ca paleotemperatures and oxygen isotopes of seawater of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1078 (off Angola) have been reconstructed and reveal insights into the seasonal thermal evolution of the Angola Current (AC), the Angola-Benguela Front (ABF), and the Benguela Current (BC) during the last glacial (50-23.5 ka BP). Special emphasis is put on time intervals possibly associated with the North Atlantic Heinrich Stadials (HS), which are thought to lead to an accumulation of heat in the South Atlantic due to a reduction of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Within dating uncertainties, Globigerinoides ruber (pink) Mg/Ca-based sea surface temperature (SST) estimates that represent southern hemisphere summer surface conditions show several warming episodes that coincide with North Atlantic HS, thus supporting the concept of the bipolar thermal seesaw. In contrast, the Mg/Ca-based temperatures of Globigerina bulloides, representing the SST of the ABF/BC system during southern hemisphere winter, show no obvious response to the North Atlantic HS in the study area. We suggest that surface water cooling during the winter season is due to enhanced upwelling or upwelling of colder water masses which has most likely mitigated a warming of the ABF/BC system during HS. We further speculate that the seasonal asymmetry in our SST record results from seasonal differences in the dominance of atmospheric and oceanic teleconnections during periods of northern high latitude cooling.


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Petrographical and geochemical studies of Neogene marine sediments from the Oman Sea (Leg 117, Sites 720, 724, 726 and 730), show a close relationship between the nature and amount of the organic matter, and the degree of degradation of organic matter by sulfate reduction, i.e. pyritization. Petrographically, three major pyritization types were observed: (1) Finely dispersed pyrite framboids in sediments from Oman Margin and Indus Fan, enriched in autochthonous marine organic matter. (2) Infilling of pores by massive pyrite crystals in Oman Margin sediments with a low TOC and a high microfossil content. (3) Pyrite mineralization of lignaceous fragments in organic-depleted sediments from the Indus Fan leading to more massive pyrite. Geochemically, we can define a sulfate reduction index (SRI) as the percentage of initial organic carbon versus that of residual organic carbon. Finely laminated Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from the Oman Margin exclusively contain organic matter deriving from organic phytoplankton, for which the quantity (TOC) positively correlates with the geochemical quality (Hydrogen Index). We think that the occurrence of this residual organic matter is linked mainly to a high primary paleo-productivity. The intensity of sulfate reduction is constant for sediments with TOC up to 2% and becomes more important when organic input decreases. This degradation process can destroy up to 50% of the initial organic matter, but is not sufficient to explain some of the encountered very low TOC values. It can be seen that sharp increases of certain plankton species (with mineral skeletons) are responsible for a pronounced degradation of organic matter, due to increased sulfate reduction. In that case, the organic matter may be strongly degraded (high SRI), although deposited in an oxygen-depleted environment. Conversely, Miocene-Pliocene sediments contain an autochthonous organic matter that is typical of both low productivity and oxic processes; their very low sulfate reduction index indicates that very little metabolizable organic matter was initially present.


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We use the fully coupled atmosphere-ocean three-dimensional model of intermediate complexity iLOVECLIM to simulate the climate and oxygen stable isotopic signal during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 000 yr). By using a model that is able to explicitly simulate the sensor (d18O), results can be directly compared with data from climatic archives in the different realms. Our results indicate that iLOVECLIM reproduces well the main feature of the LGM climate in the atmospheric and oceanic components. The annual mean d18O in precipitation shows more depleted values in the northern and southern high latitudes during the LGM. The model reproduces very well the spatial gradient observed in ice core records over the Greenland ice-sheet. We observe a general pattern toward more enriched values for continental calcite d18O in the model at the LGM, in agreement with speleothem data. This can be explained by both a general atmospheric cooling in the tropical and subtropical regions and a reduction in precipitation as confirmed by reconstruction derived from pollens and plant macrofossils. Data-model comparison for sea surface temperature indicates that iLOVECLIM is capable to satisfyingly simulate the change in oceanic surface conditions between the LGM and present. Our data-model comparison for calcite d18O allows investigating the large discrepancies with respect to glacial temperatures recorded by different microfossil proxies in the North Atlantic region. The results argue for a trong mean annual cooling between the LGM and present (>6°C), supporting the foraminifera transfer function reconstruction but in disagreement with alkenones and dinocyst reconstructions. The data-model comparison also reveals that large positive calcite d18O anomaly in the Southern Ocean may be explained by an important cooling, although the driver of this pattern is unclear. We deduce a large positive d18Osw anomaly for the north Indian Ocean that contrasts with a large negative d18Osw anomaly in the China Sea between the LGM and present. This pattern may be linked to changes in the hydrological cycle over these regions. Our simulation of the deep ocean suggests that changes in d18Osw between the LGM and present are not spatially homogenous. This is supported by reconstructions derived from pore fluids in deep-sea sediments. The model underestimates the deep ocean cooling thus biasing the comparison with benthic calcite d18O data. Nonetheless, our data-model comparison support a heterogeneous cooling of few degrees (2-4°C) in the LGM Ocean.


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Research so far has provided little evidence that benthic biogeochemical cycling is affected by ocean acidification under realistic climate change scenarios. We measured nutrient exchange and sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC) rates to estimate nitrification in natural coastal permeable and fine sandy sediments under pre-phytoplankton bloom and bloom conditions. Ocean acidification, as mimicked in the laboratory by a realistic pH decrease of 0.3, significantly reduced SCOC on average by 60% and benthic nitrification rates on average by 94% in both sediment types in February (pre-bloom period), but not in April (bloom period). No changes in macrofauna functional community (density, structural and functional diversity) were observed between ambient and acidified conditions, suggesting that changes in benthic biogeochemical cycling were predominantly mediated by changes in the activity of the microbial community during the short-term incubations (14 days), rather than by changes in engineering effects of bioturbating and bio-irrigating macrofauna. As benthic nitrification makes up the gross of ocean nitrification, a slowdown of this nitrogen cycling pathway in both permeable and fine sediments in winter, could therefore have global impacts on coupled nitrification-denitrification and hence eventually on pelagic nutrient availability.