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The Anarak, Jandaq and Posht-e-Badam metamorphic complexes occupy the NW part of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent and are juxtaposed with the Great Kavir block and Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. Our recent findings redefine the origin of these complexes, so far attributed to the Precambrian-Early Paleozoic orogenic episodes, and now directly related to the tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. This tectonic evolution was initiated by Late Ordovician-Early Devonian rifting events and terminated in the Triassic by the Eocimmerian collision event due to the docking of the Cimmerian blocks with the Asiatic Turan block. The ``Variscan accretionary complex'' is a new name we proposed for the most widely distributed metamorphic rocks connected to the Anarak and Jandaq complexes. This accretionary complex exposed from SW of Jandaq to the Anarak and Kabudan areas is a thick and fine grain siliciclastic sequence accompanied by marginal-sea ophiolitic remnants, including gabbro-basalts with a supra-subduction-geochemical signature. New Ar-40/Ar-39 ages are obtained as 333-320 Ma for the metamorphism of this sequence under greenschist to amphibolite facies. Moreover, the limy intercalations in the volcano-sedimentary part of this complex in Godar-e-Siah yielded Upper Devonian-Tournaisian conodonts. The northeastern part of this complex in the Jandaq area was intruded by 215 +/- 15 Ma arc to collisional granite and pegmatites dated by ID-TIMS and its metamorphic rocks are characterized by Some Ar-40/Ar-39 radiometric ages of 163-156 Ma. The ``Variscan'' accretionary complex was northwardly accreted to the Airekan granitic terrane dated at 549 +/- 15 Ma. Later, from the Late Carboniferous to Triassic, huge amounts of oceanic material were accreted to its southern side and penetrated by several seamounts such as the Anarak and Kabudan. This new period of accretion is supported by the 280-230 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 ages for the Anarak mild high-pressure metamorphic rocks and a 262 Ma U-Pb age for the trondhjemite-rhyolite association of that area. The Triassic Bayazeh flysch filled the foreland basin during the final closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean and was partly deposited and/or thrusted onto the Cimmerian Yazd block. The Paleo-Tethys magmatic arc products have been well-preserved in the Late Devonian-Carboniferous Godar-e-Siah intra-arc deposits and the Triassic Nakhlak fore-arc succession. On the passive margin of the Cimmerian block, in the Yazd region, the nearly continuous Upper Paleozoic platform-type deposition was totally interrupted during the Middle to Late Triassic. Local erosion, down to Lower Paleozoic levels, may be related to flexural bulge erosion. The platform was finally unconformably covered by Liassic continental molassic deposits of the Shemshak. One of the extensional periods related to Neo-Tethyan back-arc rifting in Late Cretaceous time finally separated parts of the Eocimmerian collisional domain from the Eurasian Turan domain. The opening and closing of this new ocean, characterized by the Nain and Sabzevar ophiolitic melanges, finally transported the Anarak-Jandaq composite terrane to Central Iran, accompanied by large scale rotation of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent (CEIM). Due to many similarities between the Posht-e-Badam metamorphic complex and the Anarak-Jandaq composite terrane, the former could be part of the latter, if it was transported further south during Tertiary time. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An open prospective study was conducted among the patients visiting an urban medical policlinic for the first time without an appointment to assess whether the immigrants (who represent more than half of our patients) are aware of the health effects of smoking, whether the level of acculturation influences knowledge, and whether doctors give similar advice to Swiss and foreign smokers. 226 smokers, 105 Swiss (46.5%), and 121 foreign-born (53.5%), participated in the study. 32.2% (95% CI [24.4%; 41.1%]) of migrants and 9.6% [5.3%; 16.8%] of Swiss patients were not aware of negative effects of smoking. After adjustment for age, the multivariate model showed that the estimated odds of "ignorance of health effects of smoking" was higher for people lacking mastery of the local language compared with those mastering it (odds ratio (OR) = 7.5 [3.6; 15.8], p < 0.001), and higher for men (OR = 4.3 [1.9; 10.0], p < 0.001). Advice to stop smoking was given with similar frequency to immigrants (31.9% [24.2%; 40.8%] and Swiss patients (29.0% [21.0%; 38.5%]). Nonintegrated patients did not appear to receive less counselling than integrated patients (OR = 1.1 [0.6; 2.1], p = 0.812). We conclude that the level of knowledge among male immigrants not integrated or unable to speak the local language is lower than among integrated foreign-born and Swiss patients. Smoking cessation counselling by a doctor was only given to a minority of patients, but such counselling seemed irrespective of nationality.


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Presenta las regulaciones de la pesquería de la anchoveta para asegurar el mantenimiento de las capturas al/o cerca del nivel del rendimiento máximo sostenido y obtener la captura a un costo mínimo y utilizarla para obtener la máxima ganancia dentro de la estructura social, política y técnico económica de la industria.


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Much like cognitive abilities, emotional skills can have major effects on performance and economic outcomes. This paper studies the behavior of professionalsubjects involved in a dynamic competition in their own natural environment. Thesetting is a penalty shoot-out in soccer where two teams compete in a tournamentframework taking turns in a sequence of five penalty kicks each. As the kicking order is determined by the random outcome of a coin flip, the treatment and control groups are determined via explicit randomization. Therefore, absent any psychological effects, both teams should have the same probability of winning regardless of the kicking order. Yet, we find a systematic first-kicker advantage. Using data on 2,731 penalty kicks from 262 shoot-outs for a three decade period, we find that teams kicking first win the penalty shoot-out 60.5% of the time. A dynamic panel data analysis shows that the psychological mechanism underlying this result arises from the asymmetry in the partial score. As most kicks are scored, kicking first typically means having the opportunity to lead in the partial score, whereas kicking second typically means lagging in the score and having the opportunity to, at most, get even. Having a worse prospect than the opponent hinders subjects' performance.Further, we also find that professionals are self-aware of their own psychological effects. When a recent change in regulations gives winners of the coin toss the chance to choose the kicking order, they rationally react to it by systematically choosing to kick first. A survey of professional players reveals that when asked to explain why they prefer to kick first, they precisely identify the psychological mechanism for which we find empirical support in the data: they want to lead in the score inorder to put pressure on the opponent.


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SUMMARY (Français au-dessous)After the Second World War, the role of the victim in criminal conflict became an objectof interest for academics. But it was only in the 1960s that the importance of providingprotection and assistance to crime victims was highlighted in particular by the victims'movement, which inaugurated a new era of criminal justice in systems throughout the world.Moving beyond just the role of controlling crime and punishing the offender, the criminaljustice system also began to contribute to the victims' rehabilitation and to help the victim tomove on from the event psychologically and emotionally.Although some criminological research has been conducted, to date the effect that thecriminal justice system and victim support services have on the well-being of crime victims isstill uncertain.The current study sought to understand better the healing process of victims of crime, thepotential consequences of their participation on the criminal justice system, and the supportof victim centers. Moreover, it aimed to find out whether the existence of a Victim SupportAct would change the treatment that the victim receives in the criminal justice system. Thusthis research was conducted based in two countries - Switzerland and Brazil - where theoutcome of the victims' movement on the criminal justice system was different, as was theparticipation of the victim in the criminal justice system and the government's provision ofsupport.In order to conduct this research we employed the qualitative method, which is the mostefficient to gather sensitive information. Interviews with crime victims were the main sourceof information. Hearing observation and document research were used as complementarysources.The results of this research show that victims who have contact with the criminal justicesystem and victim services are not more likely to recover than those who had no contact. Thisis to say, the support offered has no major effects; the influence of the criminal justice systemand the victim support services in the emotional well-being of crime victims is rather neutral.However, considering that the sample is not representative, findings are not expected to begeneralized. Instead, findings may give insight to practitioners or to future criminal justicepolicy makers, suggesting what may work to improve the emotional well-being of crimevictims, as well as suggesting further studies.________________________________________________________________________________RÉSUMÉAprès la deuxième guerre mondiale, le rôle de la victime est devenu un objet d'intérêtpour les académiciens. Par contre, c'est seulement dans les années 60 que l'importance defournir de la protection et de l'appui aux victimes d'infractions a été accentuée, en particulierpar un mouvement ― victims' mouvement ―, qui a inauguré un nouveau temps dans lajustice pénale des systèmes juridiques du monde entier. A part la fonction de contrôler lecrime et de punir le délinquant, le système de justice pénale joue également un rôle dans laréhabilitation des victimes.Malgré la réalisation de plusieurs recherches criminologiques sur ce sujet, les effets que lesystème de la justice pénale et les centres d'aides aux victimes ont sur le bien-être desvictimes d'infractions est encore incertain.Ainsi cette étude cherche à mieux comprendre le processus de réhabilitation des victimesd'infraction, les conséquences de leur participation dans le système de justice pénale ainsique la portée de l'appui des centres d'aide. De plus, l'étude vise à découvrir si l'existenced'une loi d'aide aux victimes, particulièrement la Loi d'Aide aux Victimes d'InfractionsLAVI, est susceptible de changer le traitement que la victime reçoit dans le système de lajustice pénale. Pour cela, elle a été conduite dans deux pays - la Suisse et le Brésil - où lesconséquences du mouvement des victimes sur le système de la justice pénale a eu undéveloppement différent; il en va de même pour la participation de la victime dans laprocédure pénale et pour l'appui offert par l'Etat.Cette étude utilise la méthode qualitative qui est la plus efficace pour le recueild'informations sensibles. La plus importante source des données sont les interviews avec lesvictimes. L'observation des audiences et l'analyse de documents ont été utilisés en tant quesources d'information complementáire.Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que les victimes qui ont porté plainte et qui ontreçu l'appui des centres d'aides ne sont pas mieux rétablies que celles qui n'ont rien fait. C'estainsi que nous avons conclu que les services offerts n'ont aucune influence dans ce processus.Cependant, considérant que notre échantillon n'est pas représentatif, il n'est pas possible degénéraliser nos résultats. Néanmoins, ceux-ci peuvent éclairer les praticiens ou les futursdécideurs politiques de la justice pénale, suggérant ce qui peut fonctionner pour lerétablissement des victimes d'infraction, aussi bien que suggérer d'autres études.


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Os países mais pobres enfrentam grandes dificuldades no acesso a publicações impressas. Entretanto, o surgimento das Bibliotecas Digitais aparece como uma grande alternativa, exactamente por permitirem o acesso a uma grande quantidade de materiais bibliográficos teoricamente a qualquer hora e a partir de qualquer lugar, desde que por exemplo se tenha acesso a um computador com ligação à Internet. Apresentam portanto um potencial muito grande para combater o fosso entre países ricos e pobres no acesso a recursos bibliográficos, e desempenham um papel educativo muito importante. Entretanto, esses países enfrentam grandes dificuldades na construção e utilização dessas Bibliotecas Digitais, como falta de técnicos qualificados, analfabetismo digital, dificuldade no acesso a computador, acesso deficitário à Internet e outros recursos das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, etc. Enfrentam igualmente outros problemas de resolução prioritária como abastecimento de água, saneamento básico, entre outros. Perante essas dificuldades, torna-se necessário encontrar mecanismos de construção e utilização de Bibliotecas Digitais que por um lado contribuam para melhorar o acesso a materiais bibliográficos nos países mais pobres, e por outro, não requeiram elevados investimentos. Portanto, torna-se necessário estudar e prover mecanismos de construção e utilização de Bibliotecas Digitais que melhor se adeqúem à realidade dos países menos avançados, caracterizada pela falta de recursos, bem como pelo acesso deficitário a material impresso e a Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Torna-se igualmente necessário compreender a forma como essas bibliotecas são utilizadas nesses contextos. Assim, ao longo desta tese são analisados as potencialidades das bibliotecas digitais para os países mais pobres, os desafios existentes à sua construção e utilização bem como as alternativas existentes. Portanto, são estudados os pontos fortes, pontos fracos, vulnerabilidades e ameaças ao processo de construção e utilização de bibliotecas digitais nos países mais pobres; as dificuldades existentes e as diversas possibilidades de construção e utilização de bibliotecas digitais nessas regiões, sem que para o efeito haja necessidade de avultados investimentos. É demonstrado que apesar dos desafios, é possível construir e utilizar bibliotecas digitais nos países em desenvolvimento sem necessidade de muitos recursos. É analisado o caso concreto da construção e utilização da Biblioteca Digital da Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, criada no âmbito deste estudo e enquadrada num contexto de acesso deficitário a material impresso e a Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Essa construção é efectuada levando em consideração as especificidades locais, os inputs dos potenciais utilizadores e utilizando mecanismos que minimizem os seus custos, como o uso do software livre, trabalho voluntário, entre outros. O presente estudo mostra que não obstante esse contexto, a utilização da Biblioteca Digital da Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, pelos membros da comunidade académica da Universidade é exponencialmente superior ao uso da biblioteca tradicional da Universidade, contendo os mesmos recursos bibliográficos.


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Presenta la estructura especiológica, distribución, espacio temporal y captura de peces e invertebrados accesibles a redes tipo Granton 130/400 y Engel 998/400, empleadas durante el Crucero de Evaluación del recurso merluza BIC Humboldt 9705-06. Así como el análisis de comunidades de peces del fondo de la fauna acompañante. Se capturó 134 especies: 99 fueron peces, 19 crustáceos, 12 moluscos, 2 equinodermos, 1 cnidario, 1 sipuncúlido y un cordado. En comparación con los dos últimos cruceros BIC SNP-1 9505-06 y 9607-08, la diversidad íctica se incrementó hasta 43%, aún sin haberse constatado presencia de la típica diversidad íctica tropical costera y estuarina. Al sur de los 6°S se encontró distribuida más del 50% de la riqueza íctica. La captura total fue 45.368,59 kg, de los cuales 40.106,04 se obtuvo en 63 lances de fondo y 5.262,55 kg con 20 lances de media agua. El falso volador Prionotus stephanophrys y la merluza Merluccius gayi peruanus fueron las especies más frecuentes y abundantes con 21.259,21 kg y 14.190,51 kg de captura total, respectivamente.


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