826 resultados para online social networks
The mechanisms responsible for containing activity in systems represented by networks are crucial in various phenomena, for example, in diseases such as epilepsy that affect the neuronal networks and for information dissemination in social networks. The first models to account for contained activity included triggering and inhibition processes, but they cannot be applied to social networks where inhibition is clearly absent. A recent model showed that contained activity can be achieved with no need of inhibition processes provided that the network is subdivided into modules (communities). In this paper, we introduce a new concept inspired in the Hebbian theory, through which containment of activity is achieved by incorporating a dynamics based on a decaying activity in a random walk mechanism preferential to the node activity. Upon selecting the decay coefficient within a proper range, we observed sustained activity in all the networks tested, namely, random, Barabasi-Albert and geographical networks. The generality of this finding was confirmed by showing that modularity is no longer needed if the dynamics based on the integrate-and-fire dynamics incorporated the decay factor. Taken together, these results provide a proof of principle that persistent, restrained network activation might occur in the absence of any particular topological structure. This may be the reason why neuronal activity does not spread out to the entire neuronal network, even when no special topological organization exists.
Analyses of spatial relationships and social interactions provide insights into the social structure of animal societies and the ways in which social preferences among and between dyads affect higher order social relationships. In this paper we describe the patterns of spatial associations and social interactions among adult male northern muriquis in order to evaluate the dynamics of their social networks above the dyadic levels. Systematic observations were made on the 17 adult males present in a multi-male/multi-female group from April 2004 through February 2005, and in July 2005. Analyses of their spatial relationships identified two distinct male cliques; some adult males (called "N" males) were more connected to the females and immatures than other adult males ("MU" males), which were more connected to one another. Affiliative interactions were significantly higher among dyads belonging to the same clique than to different cliques. Although frequencies of dyadic agonistic interactions were similarly low among individuals within and between cliques, MU males appeared to be subordinate to N males. Nonetheless, there were no significant differences in the copulation rates estimated for MU males and N males. Mutual benefits of cooperation between MU and N cliques in intergroup encounters might explain their ongoing associations in the same mixed-sex group [Current Zoology 58 (2): 342-352, 2012].
[ES] E-NATURAL es un portal web donde se localizan empresas del sector del turismo rural, en este portal se publicitan y venden sus productos y servicios. Cada empresa dispone de un espacio web único e individual para poder promocionarse en internet. Mediante un buscador, permite a los usuarios acceder a los contenidos de cada empresa registrada en el sistema. Este buscador es abierto y cualquier usuario no registrado puede consultar la información acerca de productos y servicios ofertados, y disponer de toda la información relacionada con cada empresa. Las empresas registradas disponen de un sistema de información completo de fácil manejo e intuitivo que permite autogestionar todo el contenido de los productos y páginas web de cada empresa individualmente. También se incluye un sistema de gestión de contenidos que genera páginas web profesionales automáticamente, con posibilidad de edición de páginas. Por otra parte, los usuarios registrados podrán realizar: reservas de productos mediante un completo sistema de gestión de reservas, con especial atención al alojamiento, compras de productos mediante un completo sistema de compras, adaptado a la plataforma Paypal, clasificaciones de productos y páginas web del sistema, utilizando votaciones mediante rankings. La plataforma contiene un sistema de gestión de comentarios sobre productos y páginas web de empresas que permite seleccionar la visualización y la no visualización del contenido. Por último, los usuarios podrán compartir información sobre contenidos publicados en las páginas, mediante el uso de redes sociales como Twitter, Google+ y Facebook.
Complex Networks analysis turn out to be a very promising field of research, testified by many research projects and works that span different fields. Those analysis have been usually focused on characterize a single aspect of the system and a study that considers many informative axes along with a network evolve is lacking. We propose a new multidimensional analysis that is able to inspect networks in the two most important dimensions, space and time. To achieve this goal, we studied them singularly and investigated how the variation of the constituting parameters drives changes to the network as a whole. By focusing on space dimension, we characterized spatial alteration in terms of abstraction levels. We proposed a novel algorithm that, by applying a fuzziness function, can reconstruct networks under different level of details. We verified that statistical indicators depend strongly on the granularity with which a system is described and on the class of networks. We keep fixed the space axes and we isolated the dynamics behind networks evolution process. We detected new instincts that trigger social networks utilization and spread the adoption of novel communities. We formalized this enhanced social network evolution by adopting special nodes (called sirens) that, thanks to their ability to attract new links, were able to construct efficient connection patterns. We simulated the dynamics of the system by considering three well-known growth models. Applying this framework to real and synthetic networks, we showed that the sirens, even when used for a limited time span, effectively shrink the time needed to get a network in mature state. In order to provide a concrete context of our findings, we formalized the cost of setting up such enhancement and provided the best combinations of system's parameters, such as number of sirens, time span of utilization and attractiveness.
Il mio progetto di ricerca è nato da una riflessione concernente una domanda fondamentale che si pongono gli studiosi della comunicazione digitale: le attuali tecnologie mediali che hanno creato nuovi modelli comunicativi e inaugurato inedite modalità di interrelazione sociale conducono a un dualismo digitale o a una realtà aumentata? Si è cercato di dare una risposta a questo interrogativo attraverso un’indagine compiuta su un social network, Facebook, che è la piattaforma digitale più diffusa nel mondo. L’analisi su Facebook, è stata preceduta da una riflessione sui concetti dello spazio e del tempo elaborati dalla letteratura filosofica e sociologica. Tale riflessione è stata propedeutica all’analisi volta a cogliere l’impatto che hanno avuto sulla relazionalità intersoggettiva e sulle dinamiche di realizzazione del sé l’interazione semantica nello spazio delimitato della piazza tradizionale, la molteplicità e la potenza seduttiva delle offerte comunicative dei media elettronici nella estensione della piazza massmediale e soprattutto la nascita e l’affermazione del cyberspazio come luogo della comunicazione nella piazza digitale. Se la peculiarità della piazza tradizionale è nel farsi dei rapporti face to face e quella della piazza massmediale nella funzione rilevante della fonte rispetto al destinatario, la caratteristica della piazza digitale consiste nella creazione autonoma di un orizzonte inclusivo che comprende ogni soggetto che si collega con la rete il quale, all’interno del network, riveste il doppio ruolo di consumatore e di produttore di messaggi. Con l’avvento dell’online nella prassi della relazionalità sociale si producono e si attuano due piani di interazioni comunicative, uno relativo all’online e l’altro relativo all’offline. L’ipotesi di lavoro che è stata guida della mia ricerca è che la pervasività dell’online conduca all’integrazione dei due segmenti comunicativi: l’esperienza della comunicazione digitale si inserisce nella prassi sociale quotidiana arricchendo i rapporti semantici propri della relazione face to face e influenzandoli profondamente.
Obiettivo dii questo elaborato è cercare di dimostrare come il Web e i Social Media non sono solo dei nuovi canali di comunicazione ma costituiscono una testimonianza del radicale cambiamento che modifica la comunicazione aziendale per come è stata concepita fino ad oggi. Nascita e sviluppo del Web e passaggio dal marketing tradizionale al web marketing saranno temi centrali nella parte introduttiva. Frutto di un’analisi approfondita sarà il tema del Social media marketing, ponendo particolare attenzione ai social media più utilizzati, all’impatto che le aziende hanno con questi, i canali di comunicazione utilizzati dalle aziende e quali sono i leader del settore, quindi, le aziende, che hanno attuato ottime campagne nei social networks. In un ultima parte verranno esaminati gli strumenti attraverso i quali è possibile monitorare i comportamenti degli utenti, come ascoltarli nei social media per entrare in relazione con loro e misurare i risultati delle attività di comunicazione (Web analytics, Social media monitoring); verranno inoltre analizzati gli aspetti per una buona strategia di comunicazione aziendale nel web quindi dando uno sguardo ad un buon piano di comunicazione e alla web & brand reputation.
From several researchers it appears that Italian adolescents and young people are grown up with commercial television which is accused to contain too much violence, sex, reality shows, advertising, cartoons which are watched from 1 to 4 hours daily. Adolescents are also great users of mobile phones and spend a lot of time to use it. Their academic results are below the average of Ocse States. However the widespread use of communication technology and social networks display also another side of adolescents who engage in media activism and political movement such as Ammazzateci tutti!, Indymedia, Movimento 5 Stelle, Movimento No Tav. In which way does the world economic crisis -with the specific problems of Italy as the cutting founds for school, academic research and welfare, the corruption of political class, mafia and camorra organisation induce a reaction in our adolescents and young people? Several researches inform us about their use of internet in terms of spending time but, more important, how internet, and the web 2.0, could be an instrument for their reaction? What do they do online? How they do it? Which is the meaning of their presence online? And, has their online activity a continuity offline? The research aims are: 1. Trough a participant observation of Social Network profiles opened by 10 young active citizens, I would seek to understand which kind of social or political activities they engage in online as individuals and which is the meaning of their presence online. 2. To observe and understand if adolescents and young people have a continuity of their socio-political engagement online in offline activities and which kind of experiences it is. 3. Try to comprehend which was (or which were) the significant, learning experiences that convinced them about the potential of the web as tool for their activism.
PURPOSE: There is a need for valid and reliable short scales that can be used to assess social networks and social supports and to screen for social isolation in older persons. DESIGN AND METHODS: The present study is a cross-national and cross-cultural evaluation of the performance of an abbreviated version of the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6), which was used to screen for social isolation among community-dwelling older adult populations in three European countries. Based on the concept of lack of redundancy of social ties we defined clinical cut-points of the LSNS-6 for identifying persons deemed at risk for social isolation. RESULTS: Among all three samples, the LSNS-6 and two subscales (Family and Friends) demonstrated high levels of internal consistency, stable factor structures, and high correlations with criterion variables. The proposed clinical cut-points showed good convergent validity, and classified 20% of the respondents in Hamburg, 11% of those in Solothurn (Switzerland), and 15% of those in London as at risk for social isolation. IMPLICATIONS: We conclude that abbreviated scales such as the LSNS-6 should be considered for inclusion in practice protocols of gerontological practitioners. Screening older persons based on the LSNS-6 provides quantitative information on their family and friendship ties, and identifies persons at increased risk for social isolation who might benefit from in-depth assessment and targeted interventions.
This project resulted in a chart illustrating connections in Social Networks.
Against the background of the emerging multicultural migration society, acquisition of intercultural competences is getting vitally important for youngsters to actively and effectively engage with intercultural dialogue in a co-existent life context. Contingencies for such intercultural dialogue and to foster intercultural competences of youngsters are opened in virtual space when youth with different ethnic, social and cultural background go online. However, differences in Internet use and competences acquisition as “digital inequality” also exist among youth with different socio-cultural background. This article reports on a quantitative survey of 300 Turkish migrant youth in Germany as empirical sample about how Internet use generally fosters their intercultural competences, what differences exist among them and which indicators can explain the differences. Preliminary findings show that the contingencies of Internet in fostering intercultural competences are still not much employed and realised by Turkish migrant youth. Four online groups connected with bonding, bridging, both (bonding and bridging) and none socio-cultural networks are found out based on the cluster analysis with SPSS. These different networks, from the perspective of social cultural capital, can explain the differences concerning development of intercultural competences among them. It is indicated in this research that many Turkish migrant youth still lack recognition and capabilities to construct their intercultural social networks or relations through using Internet and further to employ the relations as intercultural social capital or social support in their life context. This therefore poses a critical implication for youth work to help migrant youth construct and reconstruct their socio-cultural networks through using Internet so as to extend social support for competences acquisition.
Eine neue Forschungs-Plattform bietet erstmals eine Kombination aus privatem Daten- und Literaturmanagement mit sozialen Werkzeugen wie Wikis, Projektmanagement und Netzwerk. „scholarz.net“ überträgt die Erfolgsprinzipien des Web 2.0 auf die Forschung und macht die neuen technischen Möglichkeiten für die Wissenschaft fruchtbar.
Web 2.0 und soziale Netzwerke gaben erste Impulse für neue Formen der Online-Lehre, welche die umfassende Vernetzung von Objekten und Nutzern im Internet nachhaltig einsetzen. Die Vielfältigkeit der unterschiedlichen Systeme erschwert aber deren ganzheitliche Nutzung in einem umfassenden Lernszenario, das den Anforderungen der modernen Informationsgesellschaft genügt. In diesem Beitrag wird eine auf dem Konnektivismus basierende Plattform für die Online-Lehre namens “Wiki-Learnia” präsentiert, welche alle wesentlichen Abschnitte des lebenslangen Lernens abbildet. Unter Einsatz zeitgemäßer Technologien werden nicht nur Nutzer untereinander verbunden, sondern auch Nutzer mit dedizierten Inhalten sowie ggf. zugehörigen Autoren und/oder Tutoren verknüpft. Für ersteres werden verschiedene Kommunikations-Werkzeuge des Web 2.0 (soziale Netzwerke, Chats, Foren etc.) eingesetzt. Letzteres fußt auf dem sogenannten “Learning-Hub”-Ansatz, welcher mit Hilfe von Web-3.0-Mechanismen insbesondere durch eine semantische Metasuchmaschine instrumentiert wird. Zum Aufzeigen der praktischen Relevanz des Ansatzes wird das mediengestützte Juniorstudium der Universität Rostock vorgestellt, ein Projekt, das Schüler der Abiturstufe aufs Studium vorbereitet. Anhand der speziellen Anforderungen dieses Vorhabens werden der enorme Funktionsumfang und die große Flexibilität von Wiki-Learnia demonstriert.
Web 2.0 und soziale Netzwerke gaben erste Impulse für neue Formen der Online-Lehre, welche die umfassende Vernetzung von Objekten und Nutzern im Internet nachhaltig einsetzen. Die Vielfältigkeit der unterschiedlichen Systeme erschwert aber deren ganzheitliche Nutzung in einem umfassenden Lernszenario, das den Anforderungen der modernen Informationsgesellschaft genügt. In diesem Beitrag wird eine auf dem Konnektivismus basierende Plattform für die Online-Lehre namens “Wiki-Learnia” präsentiert, welche alle wesentlichen Abschnitte des lebenslangen Lernens abbildet. Unter Einsatz zeitgemäßer Technologien werden nicht nur Nutzer untereinander verbunden, sondern auch Nutzer mit dedizierten Inhalten sowie ggf. zugehörigen Autoren und/oder Tutoren verknüpft. Für ersteres werden verschiedene Kommunikations-Werkzeuge des Web 2.0 (soziale Netzwerke, Chats, Foren etc.) eingesetzt. Letzteres fußt auf dem sogenannten “Learning-Hub”-Ansatz, welcher mit Hilfe von Web-3.0-Mechanismen insbesondere durch eine semantische Metasuchmaschine instrumentiert wird. Zum Aufzeigen der praktischen Relevanz des Ansatzes wird das mediengestützte Juniorstudium der Universität Rostock vorgestellt, ein Projekt, das Schüler der Abiturstufe aufs Studium vorbereitet. Anhand der speziellen Anforderungen dieses Vorhabens werden der enorme Funktionsumfang und die große Flexibilität von Wiki-Learnia demonstriert.