416 resultados para myocardium


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Ce projet illustre cinq études, mettant l'emphase sur le développement d'une nouvelle approche diagnostique cardiovasculaire afin d'évaluer le niveau d’oxygène contenu dans le myocarde ainsi que sa fonction microvasculaire. En combinant une séquence de résonance magnétique cardiovasculaire (RMC) pouvant détecter le niveau d’oxygène (OS), des manœuvres respiratoires ainsi que des analyses de gaz artériels peuvent être utilisés comme procédure non invasive destinée à induire une réponse vasoactive afin d’évaluer la réserve d'oxygénation, une mesure clé de la fonction vasculaire. Le nombre de tests diagnostiques cardiaques prescrits ainsi que les interventions, sont en pleine expansion. L'imagerie et tests non invasifs sont souvent effectués avant l’utilisation de procédures invasives. L'imagerie cardiaque permet d’évaluer la présence ou absence de sténoses coronaires, un important facteur économique dans notre système de soins de santé. Les techniques d'imagerie non invasives fournissent de l’information précise afin d’identifier la présence et l’emplacement du déficit de perfusion chez les patients présentant des symptômes d'ischémie myocardique. Néanmoins, plusieurs techniques actuelles requièrent la nécessité de radiation, d’agents de contraste ou traceurs, sans oublier des protocoles de stress pharmacologiques ou physiques. L’imagerie RMC peut identifier une sténose coronaire significative sans radiation. De nouvelles tendances d’utilisation de RMC visent à développer des techniques diagnostiques qui ne requièrent aucun facteur de stress pharmacologiques ou d’agents de contraste. L'objectif principal de ce projet était de développer et tester une nouvelle technique diagnostique afin d’évaluer la fonction vasculaire coronarienne en utilisant l' OS-RMC, en combinaison avec des manœuvres respiratoires comme stimulus vasoactif. Ensuite, les objectifs, secondaires étaient d’utilisés l’OS-RMC pour évaluer l'oxygénation du myocarde et la réponse coronaire en présence de gaz artériels altérés. Suite aux manœuvres respiratoires la réponse vasculaire a été validée chez un modèle animal pour ensuite être utilisé chez deux volontaires sains et finalement dans une population de patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires. Chez le modèle animal, les manœuvres respiratoires ont pu induire un changement significatif, mesuré intrusivement par débit sanguin coronaire. Il a été démontré qu’en présence d'une sténose coronarienne hémodynamiquement significative, l’OS-RMC pouvait détecter un déficit en oxygène du myocarde. Chez l’homme sain, l'application de cette technique en comparaison avec l'adénosine (l’agent standard) pour induire une vasodilatation coronarienne et les manœuvres respiratoires ont pu induire une réponse plus significative en oxygénation dans un myocarde sain. Finalement, nous avons utilisé les manœuvres respiratoires parmi un groupe de patients atteint de maladies coronariennes. Leurs myocardes étant altérées par une sténose coronaire, en conséquence modifiant ainsi leur réponse en oxygénation. Par la suite nous avons évalué les effets des gaz artériels sanguins sur l'oxygénation du myocarde. Ils démontrent que la réponse coronarienne est atténuée au cours de l’hyperoxie, suite à un stimuli d’apnée. Ce phénomène provoque une réduction globale du débit sanguin coronaire et un déficit d'oxygénation dans le modèle animal ayant une sténose lorsqu’un supplément en oxygène est donné. En conclusion, ce travail a permis d'améliorer notre compréhension des nouvelles techniques diagnostiques en imagerie cardiovasculaire. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que la combinaison de manœuvres respiratoires et l’imagerie OS-RMC peut fournir une méthode non-invasive et rentable pour évaluer la fonction vasculaire coronarienne régionale et globale.


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A síndrome Takotsubo (STT) é uma forma adquirida e transitória de disfunção sistólica, cuja apresentação clínica e eletrocardiográfica mimetiza um enfarte agudo do miocárdio. A STT é também conhecida como miocardiopatia de stress, síndrome do «coração partido», balonamento apical, insuficiência cardíaca aguda reversível, miocárdio «atordoado» (forma neurogénica) ou miocardiopatia aguda das catecolaminas. Os autores descrevem uma apresentação rara de STT após procedimento anestésico. Adolescente de 14 anos, sexo feminino, com antecedentes pessoais de enxaqueca hemiplé- gica e quisto pineal, submetida a ressonância magnética (RM) cranioencefálica de controlo. Durante a indução anestésica com propofol verificou-se bradicardia, revertida com atropina, seguida de taquidisritmia ventricular, revertida com lidocaína e murro pré-cordial. Nas primeiras horas de internamento evoluiu para edema pulmonar associado a insuficiência respiratória global por disfunção ventricular esquerda aguda. O ecocardiograma transtorácico mostrou dilatação do ventrículo esquerdo com hipocinesia global e fração de ejeção reduzida (< 30%). O eletrocardiograma revelou taquicardia sinusal persistente e alterações inespecíficas do segmento ST. Os biomarcadores cardíacos encontravam-se elevados (troponina 2,42 ng/ml, proBNP 8248 pg/ml). Foi medicada com diuréticos, IECA, digitálico e dopamina, com melhoria clínica, bioquímica e ecocardiográfica ao quarto dia. Os ecocardiogramas subsequentes mostraram normalização da função ventricular. A doente teve alta medicada com carvedilol, que suspendeu após normalização da função cardíaca e RM cardíaca não ter revelado alterações. Estão descritos poucos casos de STT em idade pediátrica. Alguns são desencadeados por patologia aguda do sistema nervoso central, mas nem todos cumprem os critérios de diagnóstico clássicos. Neste caso, o procedimento anestésico poderá ter desencadeado a STT.


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Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect, causing an important rate of morbidity and mortality. Treatment of CHD requires surgical correction in a significant percentage of cases which exposes patients to cardiac and end organ injury. Cardiac surgical procedures often require the utilisation of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), a system that replaces heart and lungs function by diverting circulation into an external circuit. The use of CPB can initiate potent inflammatory responses, in addition a proportion of procedures require a period of aortic cross clamp during which the heart is rendered ischaemic and is exposed to injury. High O2 concentrations are used during cardiac procedures and when circulation is re-established to the heart which had adjusted metabolically to ischaemia, further injury is caused in a process known as ischaemic reperfusion injury (IRI). Several strategies are in place in order to protect the heart during surgery, however injury is still caused, having detrimental effects in patients at short and long term. Remote ischaemic preconditioning (RIPC) is a technique proposed as a potential cardioprotective measure. It consists of exposing a remote tissue bed to brief episodes of ischaemia prior to surgery in order to activate protective pathways that would act during CPB, ischaemia and reperfusion. This study aimed to assess RIPC in paediatric patients requiring CHD surgical correction with a translational approach, integrating clinical outcome, marker analysis, cardiac function parameters and molecular mechanisms within the cardiac tissue. A prospective, single blinded, randomized, controlled trial was conducted applying a RIPC protocol to randomised patients through episodes of limb ischaemia on the day before surgery which was repeated right before the surgery started, after anaesthesia induction. Blood samples were obtained before surgery and at three post-operative time points from venous lines, additional pre and post-bypass blood samples were obtained from the right atrium. Myocardial tissue was resected during the ischaemic period of surgery. Echocardiographic images were obtained before the surgery started after anaesthetic induction and the day after surgery, images were stored for later off line analysis. PICU surveillance data was collected including ventilation parameters, inotrope use, standard laboratory analysis and six hourly blood gas analysis. Pre and post-operative quantitation of markers in blood specimens included cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), inflammatory mediators including interleukins IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α), and the adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1; the renal marker Cystatin C and the cardiovascular markers asymmetric dymethylarginine (ADMA) and symmetric dymethylarginine (SDMA). Nitric oxide (NO) metabolites and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) were measured before and after bypass. Myocardial tissue was processed at baseline and after incubation at hyperoxic concentration during four hours in order to mimic surgical conditions. Expression of genes involved in IRI and RIPC pathways was analysed including heat shock proteins (HSPs), toll like receptors (TLRs), transcription factors nuclear factor κ-B (NF- κ-B) and hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). The participation of hydrogen sulfide enzymatic genes, apelin and its receptor were explored. There was no significant difference according to group allocation in any of the echocardiographic parameters. There was a tendency for higher cTnI values and inotropic score in control patients post-operatively, however this was not statistically significant. BNP presented no significant difference according to group allocation. Inflammatory parameters tended to be higher in the control group, however only TNF- α was significantly higher. There was no difference in levels of Cystatin C, NO metabolites, cGMP, ADMA or SDMA. RIPC patients required shorter PICU stay, all other clinical and laboratory analysis presented no difference related to the intervention. Gene expression analysis revealed interesting patterns before and after incubation. HSP-60 presented a lower expression at baseline in tissue corresponding to RIPC patients, no other differences were found. This study provided with valuable descriptive information on previously known and newly explored parameters in the study population. Demographic characteristics and the presence of cyanosis before surgery influenced patterns of activity in several parameters, numerous indicators were linked to the degree of injury suffered by the myocardium. RIPC did not reduce markers of cardiac injury or improved echocardiographic parameters and it did not have an effect on end organ function; some effects were seen in inflammatory responses and gene expression analysis. Nevertheless, an important clinical outcome indicator, PICU length of stay was reduced suggesting benefit from the intervention. Larger studies with more statistical power could determine if the tendency of lower injury and inflammatory markers linked to RIPC is real. The present results mostly support findings of larger multicentre trials which have reported no cardiac benefit from RIPC in paediatric cardiac surgery.


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Ce projet illustre cinq études, mettant l'emphase sur le développement d'une nouvelle approche diagnostique cardiovasculaire afin d'évaluer le niveau d’oxygène contenu dans le myocarde ainsi que sa fonction microvasculaire. En combinant une séquence de résonance magnétique cardiovasculaire (RMC) pouvant détecter le niveau d’oxygène (OS), des manœuvres respiratoires ainsi que des analyses de gaz artériels peuvent être utilisés comme procédure non invasive destinée à induire une réponse vasoactive afin d’évaluer la réserve d'oxygénation, une mesure clé de la fonction vasculaire. Le nombre de tests diagnostiques cardiaques prescrits ainsi que les interventions, sont en pleine expansion. L'imagerie et tests non invasifs sont souvent effectués avant l’utilisation de procédures invasives. L'imagerie cardiaque permet d’évaluer la présence ou absence de sténoses coronaires, un important facteur économique dans notre système de soins de santé. Les techniques d'imagerie non invasives fournissent de l’information précise afin d’identifier la présence et l’emplacement du déficit de perfusion chez les patients présentant des symptômes d'ischémie myocardique. Néanmoins, plusieurs techniques actuelles requièrent la nécessité de radiation, d’agents de contraste ou traceurs, sans oublier des protocoles de stress pharmacologiques ou physiques. L’imagerie RMC peut identifier une sténose coronaire significative sans radiation. De nouvelles tendances d’utilisation de RMC visent à développer des techniques diagnostiques qui ne requièrent aucun facteur de stress pharmacologiques ou d’agents de contraste. L'objectif principal de ce projet était de développer et tester une nouvelle technique diagnostique afin d’évaluer la fonction vasculaire coronarienne en utilisant l' OS-RMC, en combinaison avec des manœuvres respiratoires comme stimulus vasoactif. Ensuite, les objectifs, secondaires étaient d’utilisés l’OS-RMC pour évaluer l'oxygénation du myocarde et la réponse coronaire en présence de gaz artériels altérés. Suite aux manœuvres respiratoires la réponse vasculaire a été validée chez un modèle animal pour ensuite être utilisé chez deux volontaires sains et finalement dans une population de patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires. Chez le modèle animal, les manœuvres respiratoires ont pu induire un changement significatif, mesuré intrusivement par débit sanguin coronaire. Il a été démontré qu’en présence d'une sténose coronarienne hémodynamiquement significative, l’OS-RMC pouvait détecter un déficit en oxygène du myocarde. Chez l’homme sain, l'application de cette technique en comparaison avec l'adénosine (l’agent standard) pour induire une vasodilatation coronarienne et les manœuvres respiratoires ont pu induire une réponse plus significative en oxygénation dans un myocarde sain. Finalement, nous avons utilisé les manœuvres respiratoires parmi un groupe de patients atteint de maladies coronariennes. Leurs myocardes étant altérées par une sténose coronaire, en conséquence modifiant ainsi leur réponse en oxygénation. Par la suite nous avons évalué les effets des gaz artériels sanguins sur l'oxygénation du myocarde. Ils démontrent que la réponse coronarienne est atténuée au cours de l’hyperoxie, suite à un stimuli d’apnée. Ce phénomène provoque une réduction globale du débit sanguin coronaire et un déficit d'oxygénation dans le modèle animal ayant une sténose lorsqu’un supplément en oxygène est donné. En conclusion, ce travail a permis d'améliorer notre compréhension des nouvelles techniques diagnostiques en imagerie cardiovasculaire. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que la combinaison de manœuvres respiratoires et l’imagerie OS-RMC peut fournir une méthode non-invasive et rentable pour évaluer la fonction vasculaire coronarienne régionale et globale.


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Recent work has shown that the cardiac outflow tract of sharks and chimaeras does not consist of a single myocardial component, the conus arteriosus, as classically accepted, but two, namely, the myocardial conus arteriosus and the non-myocardial bulbus arteriosus. However, the anatomical composition of the outflow tract of the batoid hearts remains unknown. The present study was designed to fill this gap. The material examined consisted of hearts of two species of rays, namely, the Mediterranean starry ray (Raja asterias) and sandy ray (Leucoraja circularis). They were studied using scanning electron microscopy, and histochemical and inmunohistochemical techniques. In both species, the outflow tract consists of two components, proximal and distal with regard to the ventricle. The proximal component is the conus arteriosus; it is characterized by the presence of compact myocardium in its wall and several transverse rows of pocket-shaped valves at its luminal side. Each valve consists of a leaflet and its supporting sinus. Histologically, the leaflet has two fibrosas, inner and outer, and a middle coat, the spongiosa. The distal component lacks myocardium. Its wall consists of smooth muscle cells, elastic fibers and collagen. Thus, it shows an arterial-like structure. However, it differs from the aorta because it is covered by the epicardium and crossed by coronary arteries. These findings indicate that the distal component is morphologically equivalent to the bulbus arteriosus of sharks and chimaeras. In contrast to foregoing descriptions, the valves of the first transverse row are distally anchored to the bulbus arteriosus and not to the ventral aorta. Our findings give added support to the notion that presence of a bulbus arteriosus at the arterial pole of the heart is common to all chondrichtyans, and not an apomorphy of actinopterygians as classically thought.


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Stem cell transplantation holds great promise for the treatment of myocardial infarction injury. We recently described the embryonic stem cell-derived cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) capable of differentiating into cardiomyocytes, vascular endothelium, and smooth muscle. In this study, we hypothesized that transplanted CPCs will preserve function of the infarcted heart by participating in both muscle replacement and neovascularization. Differentiated CPCs formed functional electromechanical junctions with cardiomyocytes in vitro and conducted action potentials over cm-scale distances. When transplanted into infarcted mouse hearts, CPCs engrafted long-term in the infarct zone and surrounding myocardium without causing teratomas or arrhythmias. The grafted cells differentiated into cross-striated cardiomyocytes forming gap junctions with the host cells, while also contributing to neovascularization. Serial echocardiography and pressure-volume catheterization demonstrated attenuated ventricular dilatation and preserved left ventricular fractional shortening, systolic and diastolic function. Our results demonstrate that CPCs can engraft, differentiate, and preserve the functional output of the infarcted heart.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Introduction: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), a cardiomyopathy characterized by fibrofatty degeneration of the myocardium with progressive dysfunction, electrical instability, and sudden death, occurs in approximately 1 in 5000 people in the United States. Case Presentation: We present a nine-year-old girl complaining of dyspnea, easy fatigability and skin lesions. She had a history of an occasional epistaxis and weakness since 20 days before her admission, accompanied by the symptoms and signs of common cold, specially cough, during the last two days. Conclusions: This case does confirm that dilated cardiomyopathy’s spectrum is wider than ever known and that like what happened at the congress of Boston in 2006, a more comprehensive approach to its genetic types needs to be done.


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It is widely accepted that edema occurs early in the ischemic zone and persists in stable form for at least 1 week after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. However, there are no longitudinal studies covering from very early (minutes) to late (1 week) reperfusion stages confirming this phenomenon. This study sought to perform a comprehensive longitudinal imaging and histological characterization of the edematous reaction after experimental myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. The study population consisted of 25 instrumented Large-White pigs (30 kg to 40 kg). Closed-chest 40-min ischemia/reperfusion was performed in 20 pigs, which were sacrificed at 120 min (n = 5), 24 h (n = 5), 4 days (n = 5), and 7 days (n = 5) after reperfusion and processed for histological quantification of myocardial water content. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) scans with T2-weighted short-tau inversion recovery and T2-mapping sequences were performed at every follow-up stage until sacrifice. Five additional pigs sacrificed after baseline CMR served as controls. In all pigs, reperfusion was associated with a significant increase in T2 relaxation times in the ischemic region. On 24-h CMR, ischemic myocardium T2 times returned to normal values (similar to those seen pre-infarction). Thereafter, ischemic myocardium-T2 times in CMR performed on days 4 and 7 after reperfusion progressively and systematically increased. On day 7 CMR, T2 relaxation times were as high as those observed at reperfusion. Myocardial water content analysis in the ischemic region showed a parallel bimodal pattern: 2 high water content peaks at reperfusion and at day 7, and a significant decrease at 24 h. Contrary to the accepted view, myocardial edema during the first week after ischemia/reperfusion follows a bimodal pattern. The initial wave appears abruptly upon reperfusion and dissipates at 24 h. Conversely, the deferred wave of edema appears progressively days after ischemia/reperfusion and is maximal around day 7 after reperfusion.