608 resultados para multifunctional
Pentraxins are a family of evolutionarily conserved multifunctional pattern-recognition proteins characterized by a cyclic multimeric structure. Based on the primary structure of the subunit, the pentraxins are divided into two groups: short pentraxins and long pentraxins. C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid P-component (SAP) are the two short pentraxins. The prototype protein of the long pentraxin group is pentraxin 3 (PTX3). CRP and SAP are produced primarily in the liver in response to IL-6, while PTX3 is produced by a variety of tissues and cells and in particular by innate immunity cells in response to proinflammatory signals and Toll-like receptor (TLR) engagement. PTX3 interacts with several ligands, including growth factors, extracellular matrix components and selected pathogens, playing a role in complement activation and facilitating pathogen recognition by phagocytes, acting as a predecessor of antibodies. In addition, PTX3 is essential in female fertility by acting as a nodal point for the assembly of the cumulus oophorus hyaluronan-rich extracellular matrix. Here we will concisely review the general properties of PTX3 in the context of the pentraxin superfamily and discuss recent data suggesting that PTX3 plays a cardiovascular protective effect. PTX3 may represent a new marker in vascular pathology which correlates with the risk of developing vascular events.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with several types of cancers including Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). EBV-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), a multifunctional oncoprotein, is a powerful activator of the transcription factor NF-κB, a property that is essential for EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell survival. Previous studies reported LMP1 sequence variations and induction of higher NF-κB activation levels compared to the prototype B95-8 LMP1 by some variants. Here we used biopsies of EBV-associated cancers and blood of individuals included in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) to analyze LMP1 genetic diversity and impact of sequence variations on LMP1-mediated NF-κB activation potential. We found that a number of variants mediate higher NF-κB activation levels when compared to B95-8 LMP1 and mapped three single polymorphisms responsible for this phenotype: F106Y, I124V and F144I. F106Y was present in all LMP1 isolated in this study and its effect was variant dependent, suggesting that it was modulated by other polymorphisms. The two polymorphisms I124V and F144I were present in distinct phylogenetic groups and were linked with other specific polymorphisms nearby, I152L and D150A/L151I, respectively. The two sets of polymorphisms, I124V/I152L and F144I/D150A/L151I, which were markers of increased NF-κB activation in vitro, were not associated with EBV-associated HL in the SHCS. Taken together these results highlighted the importance of single polymorphisms for the modulation of LMP1 signaling activity and demonstrated that several groups of LMP1 variants, through distinct mutational paths, mediated enhanced NF-κB activation levels compared to B95-8 LMP1.
To cite this article: Schroeder V, Kohler HP. New developments in the area of factor XIII. J Thromb Haemost 2013; 11: 234-44. Summary. Coagulation factor (F)XIII is best known for its role in fibrin stabilization and cross-linking of antifibrinolytic proteins to the fibrin clot. From patients with congenital FXIII deficiency, it is known that FXIII also has important functions in wound healing and maintaining pregnancy. Over the last decade more and more research groups with different backgrounds have studied FXIII and have unveiled putative novel functions for FXIII. FXIII, with its unique role as a transglutaminase among the other serine protease coagulation factors, is now recognized as a multifunctional protein involved in regulatory mechanisms and construction and repair processes beyond hemostasis with possible implications in many areas of medicine. The aim of this review was to give an overview of exciting novel findings and to highlight the remarkable diversity of functions attributed to FXIII. Of course, more research into the underlying mechanisms and (patho-)physiological relevance of the many described functions of FXIII is needed. It will be exciting to observe future developments in this area and to see if and how these interesting findings may be translated into clinical practice in the future.
Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) is a key mediator of inflammatory responses and innate immunity and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The oligomerization of MIF, more specifically trimer formation, is essential for its keto-enol tautomerase activity and probably mediates several of its interactions and biological activities, including its binding to its receptor CD74 and activation of certain signaling pathways. Therefore, understanding the molecular factors governing the oligomerization of MIF and the role of quaternary structure in modulating its structural stability and multifunctional properties is crucial for understanding the function of MIF in health and disease. Herein, we describe highly conserved intersubunit interactions involving the hydrophobic packing of the side chain of Leu46 onto the β-strand β3 of one monomer within a hydrophobic pocket from the adjacent monomer constituted by residues Arg11, Val14, Phe18, Leu19, Val39, His40, Val41, Val42, and Pro43. To elucidate the structural significance of these intersubunit interactions and their relative contribution to MIF’s trimerization, structural stability and catalytic activity, we generated three point mutations where Leu46 was replaced by glycine (L46G), alanine (L46A) and phenylalanine (L46F), and their structural properties, stability, oligomerization state, and catalytic activity were characterized using a battery of biophysical methods and X-ray crystallography. Our findings provide new insights into the role of the Leu46 hydrophobic pocket in stabilizing the conformational state of MIF in solution. Disrupting the Leu46 hydrophobic interaction perturbs the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein but has no effect on its oligomerization state.
Non-invasive documentation methods such as surface scanning and radiological imaging are gaining in importance in the forensic field. These three-dimensional technologies provide digital 3D data, which are processed and handled in the computer. However, the sense of touch gets lost using the virtual approach. The haptic device enables the use of the sense of touch to handle and feel digital 3D data. The multifunctional application of a haptic device for forensic approaches is evaluated and illustrated in three different cases: the representation of bone fractures of the lower extremities, by traffic accidents, in a non-invasive manner; the comparison of bone injuries with the presumed injury-inflicting instrument; and in a gunshot case, the identification of the gun by the muzzle imprint, and the reconstruction of the holding position of the gun. The 3D models of the bones are generated from the Computed Tomography (CT) images. The 3D models of the exterior injuries, the injury-inflicting tools and the bone injuries, where a higher resolution is necessary, are created by the optical surface scan. The haptic device is used in combination with the software FreeForm Modelling Plus for touching the surface of the 3D models to feel the minute injuries and the surface of tools, to reposition displaced bone parts and to compare an injury-causing instrument with an injury. The repositioning of 3D models in a reconstruction is easier, faster and more precisely executed by means of using the sense of touch and with the user-friendly movement in the 3D space. For representation purposes, the fracture lines of bones are coloured. This work demonstrates that the haptic device is a suitable and efficient application in forensic science. The haptic device offers a new way in the handling of digital data in the virtual 3D space.
ZnO has proven to be a multifunctional material with important nanotechnological applications. ZnO nanostructures can be grown in various forms such as nanowires, nanorods, nanobelts, nanocombs etc. In this work, ZnO nanostructures are grown in a double quartz tube configuration thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) system. We focus on functionalized ZnO Nanostructures by controlling their structures and tuning their properties for various applications. The following topics have been investigated: 1. We have fabricated various ZnO nanostructures using a thermal CVD technique. The growth parameters were optimized and studied for different nanostructures. 2. We have studied the application of ZnO nanowires (ZnONWs) for field effect transistors (FETs). Unintentional n-type conductivity was observed in our FETs based on as-grown ZnO NWs. We have then shown for the first time that controlled incorporation of hydrogen into ZnO NWs can introduce p-type characters to the nanowires. We further found that the n-type behaviors remained, leading to the ambipolar behaviors of hydrogen incorporated ZnO NWs. Importantly, the detected p- and n- type behaviors are stable for longer than two years when devices were kept in ambient conditions. All these can be explained by an ab initio model of Zn vacancy-Hydrogen complexes, which can serve as the donor, acceptors, or green photoluminescence quencher, depend on the number of hydrogen atoms involved. 3. Next ZnONWs were tested for electron field emission. We focus on reducing the threshold field (Eth) of field emission from non-aligned ZnO NWs. As encouraged by our results on enhancing the conductivity of ZnO NWs by hydrogen annealing described in Chapter 3, we have studied the effect of hydrogen annealing for improving field emission behavior of our ZnO NWs. We found that optimally annealed ZnO NWs offered much lower threshold electric field and improved emission stability. We also studied field emission from ZnO NWs at moderate vacuum levels. We found that there exists a minimum Eth as we scale the threshold field with pressure. This behavior is explained by referring to Paschen’s law. 4. We have studied the application of ZnO nanostructures for solar energy harvesting. First, as-grown and (CdSe) ZnS QDs decorated ZnO NBs and ZnONWs were tested for photocurrent generation. All these nanostructures offered fast response time to solar radiation. The decoration of QDs decreases the stable current level produced by ZnONWs but increases that generated by NBs. It is possible that NBs offer more stable surfaces for the attachment of QDs. In addition, our results suggests that performance degradation of solar cells made by growing ZnO NWs on ITO is due to the increase in resistance of ITO after the high temperature growth process. Hydrogen annealing also improve the efficiency of the solar cells by decreasing the resistance of ITO. Due to the issues on ITO, we use Ni foil as the growth substrates. Performance of solar cells made by growing ZnO NWs on Ni foils degraded after Hydrogen annealing at both low (300 °C) and high (600 °C) temperatures since annealing passivates native defects in ZnONWs and thus reduce the absorption of visible spectra from our solar simulator. Decoration of QDs improves the efficiency of such solar cells by increasing absorption of light in the visible region. Using a better electrolyte than phosphate buffer solution (PBS) such as KI also improves the solar cell efficiency. 5. Finally, we have attempted p-type doping of ZnO NWs using various growth precursors including phosphorus pentoxide, sodium fluoride, and zinc fluoride. We have also attempted to create p-type carriers via introducing interstitial fluorine by annealing ZnO nanostructures in diluted fluorine gas. In brief, we are unable to reproduce the growth of reported p-type ZnO nanostructures. However; we have identified the window of temperature and duration of post-growth annealing of ZnO NWs in dilute fluorine gas which leads to suppression of native defects. This is the first experimental effort on post-growth annealing of ZnO NWs in dilute fluorine gas although this has been suggested by a recent theory for creating p-type semiconductors. In our experiments the defect band peak due to native defects is found to decrease by annealing at 300 °C for 10 – 30 minutes. One of the major future works will be to determine the type of charge carriers in our annealed ZnONWs.
Colloidal Nano-apatite Particles with Active Luminescent and Magentic Properties for Biotechnology Applications. The synthesis of functional nano-materials is a burgeoning field that has produced remarkable and consistent breakthroughs over the last two decades. Individual particles have become smaller and shown potential for well defined functionality. However, there are still unresolved problems, a primary one being the loss of functionality and novelty due to uncontrolled aggregation driven by surface energy considerations. As such the first design criteria to harness the true potential of nanoparticles is to prevent unwanted agglomeration by: (1) improving, and, if possible, (2) controlling aggregation behavior. This requires specific knowledge of the chemistry of the immediate locale of the intended application; especially for biologically relevant applications. The latter criterion is also application driven but should be considered, generally, to diversify the range of functional properties that can be achieved. We have now reason to believe that such a novel system with multifunctional capabilities can be synthesized rather conveniently and have far reaching impact in biotechnology and other applications in the near future. We are presently experimenting with the syntheses of spheroidal, metal-doped, colloidal apatite nano-particles (~10 nm) for several potential biomedical applications.
In this report, we attempt to define the capabilities of the infrared satellite remote sensor, Multifunctional Transport Satellite-2 (MTSAT-2) (i.e. a geosynchronous instrument), in characterizing volcanic eruptive behavior in the highly active region of Indonesia. Sulfur dioxide data from NASA's Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) (i.e. a polar orbiting instrument) are presented here for validation of the processes interpreted using the thermal infrared datasets. Data provided from two case studies are analyzed specifically for eruptive products producing large thermal anomalies (i.e. lava flows, lava domes, etc.), volcanic ash and SO2 clouds; three distinctly characteristic and abundant volcanic emissions. Two primary methods used for detection of heat signatures are used and compared in this report including, single-channel thermal radiance (4-µm) and the normalized thermal index (NTI) algorithm. For automated purposes, fixed thresholds must be determined for these methods. A base minimum detection limit (MDL) for single-channel thermal radiance of 2.30E+05 Wm- 2sr-1m-1 and -0.925 for NTI generate false alarm rates of 35.78% and 34.16%, respectively. A spatial comparison method, developed here specifically for use in Indonesia and used as a second parameter for detection, is implemented to address the high false alarm rate. For the single-channel thermal radiance method, the utilization of the spatial comparison method eliminated 100% of the false alarms while maintaining every true anomaly. The NTI algorithm showed similar results with only 2 false alarms remaining. No definitive difference is observed between the two thermal detection methods for automated use; however, the single-channel thermal radiance method coupled with the SO2 mass abundance data can be used to interpret volcanic processes including the identification of lava dome activity at Sinabung as well as the mechanism for the dome emplacement (i.e. endogenous or exogenous). Only one technique, the brightness temperature difference (BTD) method, is used for the detection of ash. Trends of ash area, water/ice area, and their respective concentrations yield interpretations of increased ice formation, aggregation, and sedimentation processes that only a high-temporal resolution instrument like the MTSAT-2 can analyze. A conceptual model of a secondary zone of aggregation occurring in the migrating Kelut ash cloud, which decreases the distal fine-ash component and hazards to flight paths, is presented in this report. Unfortunately, SO2 data was unable to definitively reinforce the concept of a secondary zone of aggregation due to the lack of a sufficient temporal resolution. However, a detailed study of the Kelut SO2 cloud is used to determine that there was no climatic impacts generated from this eruption due to the atmospheric residence times and e-folding rate of ~14 days for the SO2. This report applies the complementary assets offered by utilizing a high-temporal and a high-spatial resolution satellite, and it demonstrates that these two instruments can provide unparalleled observations of dynamic volcanic processes.
OBJECTIVES The study investigated the modification of composite-to-enamel bond strength by pre-treatment of enamel with a concentrated, acidic SnCl2-solution. METHODS Six groups of flat human enamel specimens (n=44 per group) were treated as follows: OB-H: H3PO4 etching, Optibond FL application (primer+adhesive; manufacturer's instructions); OB-S: SnCl2 pre-treatment, Optibond FL application (primer+adhesive); OB-HS: H3PO4 etching+SnCl2 pre-treatment, Optibond FL application (primer+adhesive); CF-N: Clearfil SE application (primer+bond; manufacturer's instructions); CF-H: H3PO4 etching, Clearfil SE application (primer+bond); CF-S: SnCl2 pre-treatment, Clearfil SE application (primer+bond). Enamel specimens were then built up with resin composite (Clearfil Majesty Esthetic) and stored (100% humidity, 37 °C, 1 week). μTBS-measurement and failure mode analysis of one-half of the specimens were performed immediately after storage, while the other half was analysed after a thermocycling procedure (8500 cycles; 5 °C and 55 °C; dwell time 30s). Additional specimens were prepared for SEM- and EDX-analysis. RESULTS Highest values were measured for OB-H before and after thermocycling, lowest values for CF-N. Compared to OB-H treatment, OB-S treatment reduced μTBS before/after thermocycling by 23%/28% and OB-HS treatment by 8%/24% (except for OB-SH before (n.s.), all p≤0.001 compared to OB-H). In the Clearfil SE treated groups pre-treatment increased μTBS significantly compared to CF-N (before/after: CF-H: +46%/+70%; CF-S: +51%/42%; all p≤0.001). CONCLUSION Pre-treatment with H3PO4 or SnCl2 markedly increased the μTBS of Clearfil SE to enamel. However, thermocycling partly reduced the gain in μTBS obtained by SnCl2 pre-treatment. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The application of an acidic and highly concentrated SnCl2 solution is a good option to increase the μTBS between enamel and a resin composite mediated by an adhesive system containing the multifunctional monomer MDP.
Chronic kidney diseases including glomerulonephritis are often accompanied by acute or chronic inflammation that leads to an increase in extracellular matrix (ECM) production and subsequent glomerulosclerosis. Glomerulonephritis is one of the leading causes for end-stage renal failure with high morbidity and mortality, and there are still only a limited number of drugs for treatment available. In this MiniReview, we discuss the possibility of targeting sphingolipids, specifically the sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1) and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) pathway, as new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of glomerulonephritis, as this pathway was demonstrated to be dysregulated under disease conditions. Sphingosine 1-phosphate is a multifunctional signalling molecule, which was shown to influence several hallmarks of glomerulonephritis including mesangial cell proliferation, renal inflammation and fibrosis. Most importantly, the site of action of S1P determines the final effect on disease progression. Concerning renal fibrosis, extracellular S1P acts pro-fibrotic via activation of cell surface S1P receptors, whereas intracellular S1P was shown to attenuate the fibrotic response. Interference with S1P signalling by treatment with FTY720, an S1P receptor modulator, resulted in beneficial effects in various animal models of chronic kidney diseases. Also, sonepcizumab, a monoclonal anti-S1P antibody that neutralizes extracellular S1P, and a S1P-degrading recombinant S1P lyase are promising new strategies for the treatment of glomerulonephritis. In summary, especially due to the bifunctionality of S1P, the SphK1/S1P pathway provides multiple target sites for the treatment of chronic kidney diseases.
BACKGROUND/AIM Human lectins translate sugar-encoded signals of cell surface glycoconjugates into biological effects, and this is what is known for the adhesion/growth-regulatory galectins. In addition, the multifunctional members of this group can be intracellular, binding to distinct proteins. The presence of galectins and galectin reactivity were exemplarily studied in the present article. MATERIALS AND METHODS We combined immuno- and lectin histochemical monitoring in colon cancer on tissue arrays. RESULTS Intracellular presence of galectins-7 and -9 in colon cancer is detected, extending the previously known set of five expressed lectins this tumor type. The assumed significance of intracellular galectin presence, e.g. for an interplay with BCL2, β-catenin, oncogenic KRAS or synexin, is underscored by respective staining with labeled galectin-3. Statistical significance was obtained for galectin-3 staining with respect to tumor differentiation (p=0.0376), lymph node metastasis (p=0.0069) and lymphatic invasion (p=0.0156). Survival was correlated to staining, galectin-3 reactivity indicating a favorable prognosis (p=0.0183), albeit not as an independent marker. No correlation to KRAS/BRAF status was detected. CONCLUSION These results encourage further testing of labeled human galectins as probes and immunohistochemical fingerprinting instead of measuring single or few activities, in colon cancer and other tumor types.
Artemis, a member of the SNM1 gene family, is one of the six known components of the non-homologous end joining pathway. It is a multifunctional phospho-protein that has been shown to be modified by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PIKs) DNA-PKcs, ATM and ATR in response to a variety of cellular stresses. Artemis has important roles in V(D)J recombination, DNA double strand breaks repair and damage-induced cell-cycle checkpoint regulation. The detailed mechanism by which Artemis mediates its functions in these cellular pathways needs to be further elucidated. My work presented here demonstrates a new function for Artemis in cell cycle regulation as a component of Cullin-based E3 ligase complex. I show that Artemis interacts with Cul4A-DDB1 ligase complex via a direct interaction with the substrate-specific receptor DDB2, and deletion mapping analysis shows that part of the Snm1 domain of Artemis is responsible for this interaction. Additionally, Artemis also interacts with p27, a substrate of Cul4A-DDB1 complex, and both DDB2 and Artemis are required for the degradation of p27 mediated by this complex. Furthermore, I show that the regulation of p27 by Artemis and DDB2 is critical for cell cycle progression in normally proliferating cells and in response to serum withdrawal. Finally, I provide evidence showing that Artemis may be also a part of other Cullin-based E3 ligase complexes, and it has a role in controlling p27 levels in response to different cellular stress, such as UV irradiation. These findings suggest a novel pathway to regulate p27 protein level and define a new function for Artemis as an effector of Cullin-based E3-ligase mediated ubiquitylation, and thus, a cell cycle regulator in proliferating cells.
Spiders, as all other arthropods, have an open circulatory system, and their body fluid, the hemolymph, freely moves between lymphatic vessels and the body cavities (see Wirkner and Huckstorf 2013). The hemolymph can be considered as a multifunctional organ, central for locomotion (Kropf 2013), respiration (Burmester 2013) and nutrition, and it amounts to approximately 20 % of a spider’s body weight. Any injury includes not only immediate hemolymph loss but also pathogen attacks and subsequent infections. Therefore spiders have to react to injuries in a combined manner to stop fluid loss and to defend against microbial invaders. This is achieved by an innate immune system which involves several host defence systems such as hemolymph coagulation and the production of a variety of defensive substances (Fukuzawa et al.2008). In spiders, the immune system is localised in hemocytes which are derived from the myocardium cells of the heart wall where they are produced as prohemocytes and from where they are released as different cell types into the hemolymph (Seitz 1972). They contribute to the defence against pathogens by phagocytosis, nodulation and encapsulation of invaders. The humoral response includes mechanisms which induce melanin production to destroy pathogens, a clotting cascade to stop hemolymph loss and the constitutive production of several types of antimicrobial peptides, which are stored in hemocyte granules and released into the hemolymph (Fukuzawa et al.2008) (Fig.7.1). The immune system of spiders is an innate immune system. It is hemolymph-based and characterised by a broad but not very particular specificity. Its advantage is a fast response within minutes to a few hours. This is in contrast to the adaptive immune system of vertebrates which can react to very specific pathogens, thus resulting in much more specific responses. Moreover, it creates an immunological memory during the lifetime of the species. The disadvantage is that it needs more time to react with antibody production, usually many hours to a few days, and needs to be built up during early ontogenesis.
Ciliary locomotion in the nudibranch mollusk Hermissenda is modulated by the visual and graviceptive systems. Components of the neural network mediating ciliary locomotion have been identified including aggregates of polysensory interneurons that receive monosynaptic input from identified photoreceptors and efferent neurons that activate cilia. Illumination produces an inhibition of type I(i) (off-cell) spike activity, excitation of type I(e) (on-cell) spike activity, decreased spike activity in type III(i) inhibitory interneurons, and increased spike activity of ciliary efferent neurons. Here we show that pairs of type I(i) interneurons and pairs of type I(e) interneurons are electrically coupled. Neither electrical coupling or synaptic connections were observed between I(e) and I(i) interneurons. Coupling is effective in synchronizing dark-adapted spontaneous firing between pairs of I(e) and pairs of I(i) interneurons. Out-of-phase burst activity, occasionally observed in dark-adapted and light-adapted pairs of I(e) and I(i) interneurons, suggests that they receive synaptic input from a common presynaptic source or sources. Rhythmic activity is typically not a characteristic of dark-adapted, light-adapted, or light-evoked firing of type I interneurons. However, burst activity in I(e) and I(i) interneurons may be elicited by electrical stimulation of pedal nerves or generated at the offset of light. Our results indicate that type I interneurons can support the generation of both rhythmic activity and changes in tonic firing depending on sensory input. This suggests that the neural network supporting ciliary locomotion may be multifunctional. However, consistent with the nonmuscular and nonrhythmic characteristics of visually modulated ciliary locomotion, type I interneurons exhibit changes in tonic activity evoked by illumination.
The progression of hormone responsive to hormone refractory prostate cancer poses a major clinical challenge in the successful treatment of prostate cancer. The hormone refractory prostate cancer cells exhibit resistance not only to castrate levels of testosterone, but also to other therapeutic modalities and hence become lethal. Currently, there is no effective treatment available for managing this cancer. These observations underscore the urgency to investigate mechanism(s) that contribute to the progression of hormone-responsive to hormone-refractory prostate cancer and to target them for improved clinical outcomes. Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is a multifunctional pro-inflammatory protein involved in diverse physiological processes such as inflammation, tissue repair, and wound healing. Its expression is also implicated in pathological conditions such as cancer and fibrosis. Interestingly, we found that the androgen-independent prostate cancer cell lines, which lacked androgen receptor (AR) expression, contained high basal levels of tissue transglutaminase. Inversely, the cell lines that expressed androgen receptor lacked transglutaminase expression. This attracted our attention to investigate the possible role this protein may play in the progression of prostate cancer, especially in view of recent observations that its expression is linked with increased invasion, metastasis, and drug resistance in multiple cancer cell types. The results we obtained were rather surprising and revealed that stable expression of tissue transglutaminase in androgen-sensitive LNCaP prostate cancer cells rendered these cells independent of androgen for growth and survival by silencing the AR expression. The AR silencing in TG2 expressing cells (TG2-infected LNCaP and PC-3 cells) was due to TG2-induced activation of the inflammatory nuclear transcription factor-kB (NF-kB). Thus, TG2 induced NF-kB was found to directly bind to the AR promoter. Importantly, TG2 protein was specifically recruited to the AR promoter in complex with the p65 subunit of NF-kB. Moreover, TG2 expressing LNCaP and PC-3 cells exhibited epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, as evidenced by gain of mesenchymal (such as fibronectin, vimentin, etc.) and loss of epithelial markers (such as E-cadherin, b-catenin). Taken together, these results suggested a new function for TG2 and revealed a novel mechanism that is responsible for the progression of prostate cancer to the aggressive hormone-refractory phenotype.