1000 resultados para modelo digital del terreno


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It is a contribution to the study of the terraces of the river Ter along its mid-course in the town of Girona, since that is the last speace where it is still possible to observe four of these terraces with clear characteristics of climatical deposition. Itsmorphological peculiarities are described as well as the morphometrical and lithological parameters of its pebbles. These terraces are compared with others which have been studied in other areas of the regions and conclusions are drawn concerning deposition, source àrea and chronology


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This study makes clear the existence of a paleogenical red basal level (Pontils Fm.) in the Vilablareix àrea, under the mio-pliocenical cover of the Girona plain, enlargening the surface known go far of that level


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The behaviour of 21 natural springs in a granític massif is studied in this survey. Geomorphological features of the zone are described as well as water circulation and rising 25 parametres of each of them are analysed ans conclusions are withdrawn regarding geological conditions of rising, course, chemism and potability


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Sobre els mapes del medi natural terrestre que aglutinaran els trets del rocam, la disposició dels materials i les seves formes i que reuniran la informació suficient per poder ser utilitzats per als estudis sobre la prevenció de la contaminació


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Ressenya del llibre 'La Vall de Llémena' d' Albert Pujadas i Pigem, editat per la Diputació de Girona dins la col·lecció 'Els Espais Naturals de les Comarques Gironines' i publicat l'any 1995 i en el que s'ofereix un material didàctic-educatiu als professors d'ensenyament secundari


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Ressenya del llibre 'Itinerari geològic de Banyoles : descoberta del funcionament del sistema lacustre' de David Brusi, Joan Bach i Miquel Sanz, editat per l' Ajuntament de Banyoles i Eumo Editorial l'any 1990


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In this paper we make a litostratigraphical study on the Miocene of the 'Vallés occidental' (Barcelona, Spain) which embraces a part of the 'Depresion Media' of the intermediary tectonic grave between the 'Cadena Litoral' and 'Prelitoral' of the 'Sistema Mediterráneo'. At the same time we undertake an analysis of the bassin


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A series of circumstances which converge in a little valley in the province of Girona, result in a peculiar type of morphogenetic evolution and a quite singular mechanical instability of its buttons. Very recent tectonic movements as well as dissolution phenomena of its subsoil due to pressurized underground water have played an important role in the morphogenesis. Such conditions have resulted in a fast morphological evolution which a progressive lowering of the valley floor as well as peculiar morphological features which favour the existence of numerous pits caused by sudden collapses distributed in altitude and time


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ln this paper we describe a stratigraphic column of the Cretaceous of the Montgrí. This description is based on several partial stratigraphic cross sections as well as on the lithological character of the different levels and their faunal content, specially megafossils


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There is in this work a description of sedimentological characters of the medium Eocene sandstone level from Sarriá de Ter (Gerona province Spain) and an interpretation of their genesis and situation in the regional paleogeography. The conclusion is that these sandstones form a deltaic channel(delta front). To wards the E and NE the become fluvial deposits, to wards the W, Plana de Vic, they become clay and silstones considered as a prodelta


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Starting from the discovery of a cheek-booth Dinotherium giganteum KAUP in the river Oñar in Gerona we can consider that the Miocene formations of La Selva expand up to this area


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Es descriu un aflorament volcànic localitzat a la rodalia del mas Ventós (el Port de la Selva), a la part central de la serra de Rodes, dins el Pirineu axial. Es tracta d’una xemeneia volcànica enclavada en granodiorites gneissificades. Els materials que la componen són basalts olivínics alcalins amb textura traquítica, bastant alterats, els quals queden colgats per un dipòsit col·luvial sense consolidar. Les dimensions de la xemeneia són difícils de determinar pel recobriment que presenta: supera els 70 m en direcció nord-nord-est a sud-sud-oest i és d’uns 35 m en la perpendicular a aquesta. Aquest aflorament va ser citat per Teixidor fa més d’ un segle, i no s’ha retrobat fins ara


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En aquest treball es descriuen les característiques litològiques principals de tres afloraments volcànics inèdits que han estat localitzats al terme municipal de Roses. Es tracta de materials basàltics, similars als que s'associen a altres manifestacions efusives neògenes de la comarca de l'Alt Empordà


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The aim of this workshop is to present the main methods of subsoil studies (namely mechanical and geophysical methods) to the Earth Sciences professorate. These methods frequently involve the use of specific material. The different methods are usually taught in the classroom where there is no real contact between the students and the equipment. Several activities, all of them taking place in surrounding areas of the university campus of Girona, will provide the assistants to the workshop with the opportunity of making measurements with different equipment. These activities will be made in the field so as to contribute to the resolution of a problem which will have been previously proposed. The problems presented are situations, most of them real, when subsoil investigation techniques are usually used. These cases have been employed as teaching-learning strategies with university and second grade students in the area of Girona. Finally, some examples of exercises involving the treatment of data obtained through subsoil investigation techniques are also presented to complement the workshop


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The paludal deposits presented here belong to a geomorphological unit identified between Palafrugell Corridor and the littoral plains of Ter River (Baix Ter), associated to a carbonate-rich spring system. The sections show a distintic clay level, mixed with black silts, very rich in snail remains. The malacological assemblage contained stillwaters species (Bithynia leachii, Galba truncatula, Pisidium milium, Radix peregra) along with damp species (Monacha cartusiana, Oxyloma elegans, Succinea putris, Succinella oblonga, Vallonia pulchella, Vertigo sp.). Some open-dry species are also present (Cernuella virgata, Eobania vermiculata, Pomatias elegans, Rumina decollata) revailing a mosaic-like landscape. Radiocarbon dates place this level ca. 7.000BPwithin the Holocene sequence of the Baix Ter basin. Colluvial deposits on top of these paludal levels have a typical open-dry malacological assemblage (Cernuella virgata, Cochlicella acuta, Eobania vermiculata, Pomatias elegans, Rumina decollata, Trochoidea elegans) the same assemblage that inhabits the Empordà littoral plains nowadays