862 resultados para mobile phone deployment
Is an interactive new media art installation that explores how the sharing of images, normally hidden on mobile phones, can reveal more about people's sense of place and this ultimately shared experience. Traditional views on sense of place, as exemplified by Wagner (1972) and Relph (1976), characterise the experience as a fusion of meaning, act and context. Indeed, Relph suggests that it is not just the identity of a place that is important, but also the identity that a person or group has with that place, in particular whether they are experiencing it as an ‘insider’ or ‘outsider’. This work stimulates debate concerning the impact of technology on sense of place. Technology offers a number of bridges between the real and virtual worlds, but in so doing places an increased tension on the sense of place and subsequently the identity of the individual. This, coupled with the increased use of camera phones, has enabled the documentation of all aspects of our lives, the things we do, the objects we encounter and the places we inhabit. The installation taps into these hidden electronic resources by letting people share their sense of place associated with a large scale event. The work explores the changing nature of the sense of place of performers, visitors and residents over the duration of the event. Interaction with the installation will transform the viewer into performer, echoing Relph’s insider-outsider dichotomy
The pervasiveness of personal computing platforms offers an unprecedented opportunity to deploy large-scale services that are distributed over wide physical spaces. Two major challenges face the deployment of such services: the often resource-limited nature of these platforms, and the necessity of preserving the autonomy of the owner of these devices. These challenges preclude using centralized control and preclude considering services that are subject to performance guarantees. To that end, this thesis advances a number of new distributed resource management techniques that are shown to be effective in such settings, focusing on two application domains: distributed Field Monitoring Applications (FMAs), and Message Delivery Applications (MDAs). In the context of FMA, this thesis presents two techniques that are well-suited to the fairly limited storage and power resources of autonomously mobile sensor nodes. The first technique relies on amorphous placement of sensory data through the use of novel storage management and sample diffusion techniques. The second approach relies on an information-theoretic framework to optimize local resource management decisions. Both approaches are proactive in that they aim to provide nodes with a view of the monitored field that reflects the characteristics of queries over that field, enabling them to handle more queries locally, and thus reduce communication overheads. Then, this thesis recognizes node mobility as a resource to be leveraged, and in that respect proposes novel mobility coordination techniques for FMAs and MDAs. Assuming that node mobility is governed by a spatio-temporal schedule featuring some slack, this thesis presents novel algorithms of various computational complexities to orchestrate the use of this slack to improve the performance of supported applications. The findings in this thesis, which are supported by analysis and extensive simulations, highlight the importance of two general design principles for distributed systems. First, a-priori knowledge (e.g., about the target phenomena of FMAs and/or the workload of either FMAs or DMAs) could be used effectively for local resource management. Second, judicious leverage and coordination of node mobility could lead to significant performance gains for distributed applications deployed over resource-impoverished infrastructures.
The mobile cloud computing model promises to address the resource limitations of mobile devices, but effectively implementing this model is difficult. Previous work on mobile cloud computing has required the user to have a continuous, high-quality connection to the cloud infrastructure. This is undesirable and possibly infeasible, as the energy required on the mobile device to maintain a connection, and transfer sizeable amounts of data is large; the bandwidth tends to be quite variable, and low on cellular networks. The cloud deployment itself needs to efficiently allocate scalable resources to the user as well. In this paper, we formulate the best practices for efficiently managing the resources required for the mobile cloud model, namely energy, bandwidth and cloud computing resources. These practices can be realised with our mobile cloud middleware project, featuring the Cloud Personal Assistant (CPA). We compare this with the other approaches in the area, to highlight the importance of minimising the usage of these resources, and therefore ensure successful adoption of the model by end users. Based on results from experiments performed with mobile devices, we develop a no-overhead decision model for task and data offloading to the CPA of a user, which provides efficient management of mobile cloud resources.
This paper presents an investigation into dynamic self-adjustment of task deployment and other aspects of self-management, through the embedding of multiple policies. Non-dedicated loosely-coupled computing environments, such as clusters and grids are increasingly popular platforms for parallel processing. These abundant systems are highly dynamic environments in which many sources of variability affect the run-time efficiency of tasks. The dynamism is exacerbated by the incorporation of mobile devices and wireless communication. This paper proposes an adaptive strategy for the flexible run-time deployment of tasks; to continuously maintain efficiency despite the environmental variability. The strategy centres on policy-based scheduling which is informed by contextual and environmental inputs such as variance in the round-trip communication time between a client and its workers and the effective processing performance of each worker. A self-management framework has been implemented for evaluation purposes. The framework integrates several policy-controlled, adaptive services with the application code, enabling the run-time behaviour to be adapted to contextual and environmental conditions. Using this framework, an exemplar self-managing parallel application is implemented and used to investigate the extent of the benefits of the strategy
In this paper we present an Orientation Free Adaptive Step Detection (OFASD) algorithm for deployment in a smart phone for the purposes of physical activity monitoring. The OFASD algorithm detects individual steps and measures a user’s step counts using the smart phone’s in-built accelerometer. The algorithm considers both the variance of an individual’s walking pattern and the orientation of the smart phone. Experimental validation of the algorithm involved the collection of data from 10 participants using five phones (worn at five different body positions) whilst walking on a treadmill at a controlled speed for periods of 5 min. Results indicated that, for steps detected by the OFASD algorithm, there were no significant differences between where the phones were placed on the body (p > 0.05). The mean step detection accuracies ranged from 93.4 % to 96.4 %. Compared to measurements acquired using existing dedicated commercial devices, the results demonstrated that using a smart phone for monitoring physical activity is promising, as it adds value to an accepted everyday accessory, whilst imposing minimum interaction from the user. The algorithm can be used as the underlying component within an application deployed within a smart phone designed to promote self-management of chronic disease where activity measurement is a significant factor, as it provides a practical solution, with minimal requirements for user intervention and less constraints than current solutions.
In order to protect user privacy on mobile devices, an event-driven implicit authentication scheme is proposed in this paper. Several methods of utilizing the scheme for recognizing legitimate user behavior are investigated. The investigated methods compute an aggregate score and a threshold in real-time to determine the trust level of the current user using real data derived from user interaction with the device. The proposed scheme is designed to: operate completely in the background, require minimal training period, enable high user recognition rate for implicit authentication, and prompt detection of abnormal activity that can be used to trigger explicitly authenticated access control. In this paper, we investigate threshold computation through standard deviation and EWMA (exponentially weighted moving average) based algorithms. The result of extensive experiments on user data collected over a period of several weeks from an Android phone indicates that our proposed approach is feasible and effective for lightweight real-time implicit authentication on mobile smartphones.
A evolução constante em novas tecnologias que providenciam suporte à forma como os nossos dispositivos se ligam, bem como a forma como utilizamos diferentes capacidades e serviços on-line, criou um conjunto sem precedentes de novos desafios que motivam o desenvolvimento de uma recente área de investigação, denominada de Internet Futura. Nesta nova área de investigação, novos aspectos arquiteturais estão ser desenvolvidos, os quais, através da re-estruturação de componentes nucleares subjacentesa que compõem a Internet, progride-a de uma forma capaz de não são fazer face a estes novos desafios, mas também de a preparar para os desafios de amanhã. Aspectos chave pertencendo a este conjunto de desafios são os ambientes de rede heterogéneos compostos por diferentes tipos de redes de acesso, a cada vez maior mudança do tráfego peer-to-peer (P2P) como o tipo de tráfego mais utilizado na Internet, a orquestração de cenários da Internet das Coisas (IoT) que exploram mecanismos de interação Maquinaa-Maquina (M2M), e a utilização de mechanismos centrados na informação (ICN). Esta tese apresenta uma nova arquitetura capaz de simultaneamente fazer face a estes desafios, evoluindo os procedimentos de conectividade e entidades envolvidas, através da adição de uma camada de middleware, que age como um mecanismo de gestão de controlo avançado. Este mecanismo de gestão de controlo aproxima as entidades de alto nível (tais como serviços, aplicações, entidades de gestão de mobilidade, operações de encaminhamento, etc.) com as componentes das camadas de baixo nível (por exemplo, camadas de ligação, sensores e atuadores), permitindo uma otimização conjunta dos procedimentos de ligação subjacentes. Os resultados obtidos não só sublinham a flexibilidade dos mecanismos que compoem a arquitetura, mas também a sua capacidade de providenciar aumentos de performance quando comparados com outras soluÇÕes de funcionamento especÍfico, enquanto permite um maior leque de cenáios e aplicações.
In this article the authors describe the application development RExMobile and the importance of remote experimentation via mobile devices, especially smartphones simple, beyond the space provided for this application in education. The article deals the creation, software and hardware that provide an interactive and dynamic way to attract more students to use these experiments remote, serving as support to teachers to science teaching from its initial series. The ease and availability of smartphones, even these students of basic education, permits the reach of new users and in different places. Thus, the practice of remote experimentation in mobile devices enables new spaces for access and interaction. Are used for developing software free or low cost, HTML5 and jQuery Mobile framework, that enable the creation of pages compatible with different mobile operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, some Symbian, among others. Also are demonstrated patterns layouts that allow greater accessibility.
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gvSIG Mini es una aplicación open-source de usuario final cliente móvil de Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales IDEs con licencia GNU/ GPL, diseñada para teléfonos móviles Java y Android que permite la visualización y navegación sobre cartografía digital estructurada en tiles procedente de servicios web OGC como WMS(-C) y de servicios como OpenStreetMap (OSM), Yahoo Maps, Maps Bing, así como el almacenamiento en caché para reducir al mínimo el ancho de banda. gvSIG Mini puede acceder a servicios geoespaciales como NameFinder, para la búsqueda de puntos de interés y YOURS (Yet Another OpenStreetMap Routing Service) para el cálculo de rutas y la renderización de la información vectorial el lado del cliente. Por otra parte, gvSIG Mini también ofrece servicio de localización GPS. La versión de gvSIG Mini para Android, posee algunas características adicionales como son el soporte de localización Android o el uso del lacelerómetro para centrado. Esta versión también hace uso de servicios como son la predicción del tiempo o TweetMe que permite compartir una localización utilizando el popular servicio social Twitter. gvSIG Mini es una aplicación que puede ser descargada y usada libremente, convirtiéndose en una plataforma para el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones y aplicaciones en el campo de Location Based Services (LBS). gvSIG Mini ha sido desarrollado por Prodevelop, S.L. No es un proyecto oficial de gvSIG, pero se une a la familia a través del catálogo de extensiones no oficiales de gvSIG. Phone Cache es una extensión que funciona sobre gvSIG 1.1.2 que permite generar una caché, para poder utilizar gvSIG Mini para Java en modo desconectado
Long Term Evolution based networks lack native support for Circuit Switched (CS) services. The Evolved Packet System (EPS) which includes the Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and Evolved Packet Core (EPC) is a purely all-IP packet system. This introduces the problem of how to provide voice call support when a user is within an LTE network and how to ensure voice service continuity when the user moves out of LTE coverage area. Different technologies have been proposed for the purpose of providing a voice to LTE users and to ensure the service continues outside LTE networks. The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the overall performance of these technologies along with Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) Inter-RAT handover to Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Networks/ GSM-EDGE radio access Networks (UTRAN/GERAN). The possible solutions for providing voice call and service continuity over LTE-based networks are Circuit Switched Fall Back (CSFB), Voice over LTE via Generic Access (VoLGA), Voice over LTE (VoLTE) based on IMS/MMTel with SRVCC and Over The Top (OTT) services like Skype. This paper focuses mainly on the 3GPP standard solutions to implement voice over LTE. The paper compares various aspects of these solutions and suggests a possible roadmap that mobile operators can adopt to provide seamless voice over LTE.
This paper discusses ECG classification after parametrizing the ECG waveforms in the wavelet domain. The aim of the work is to develop an accurate classification algorithm that can be used to diagnose cardiac beat abnormalities detected using a mobile platform such as smart-phones. Continuous time recurrent neural network classifiers are considered for this task. Records from the European ST-T Database are decomposed in the wavelet domain using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) filter banks and the resulting DWT coefficients are filtered and used as inputs for training the neural network classifier. Advantages of the proposed methodology are the reduced memory requirement for the signals which is of relevance to mobile applications as well as an improvement in the ability of the neural network in its generalization ability due to the more parsimonious representation of the signal to its inputs.
The increasing diffusion of wireless-enabled portable devices is pushing toward the design of novel service scenarios, promoting temporary and opportunistic interactions in infrastructure-less environments. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) are the general model of these higly dynamic networks that can be specialized, depending on application cases, in more specific and refined models such as Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks. Two interesting deployment cases are of increasing relevance: resource diffusion among users equipped with portable devices, such as laptops, smart phones or PDAs in crowded areas (termed dense MANET) and dissemination/indexing of monitoring information collected in Vehicular Sensor Networks. The extreme dynamicity of these scenarios calls for novel distributed protocols and services facilitating application development. To this aim we have designed middleware solutions supporting these challenging tasks. REDMAN manages, retrieves, and disseminates replicas of software resources in dense MANET; it implements novel lightweight protocols to maintain a desired replication degree despite participants mobility, and efficiently perform resource retrieval. REDMAN exploits the high-density assumption to achieve scalability and limited network overhead. Sensed data gathering and distributed indexing in Vehicular Networks raise similar issues: we propose a specific middleware support, called MobEyes, exploiting node mobility to opportunistically diffuse data summaries among neighbor vehicles. MobEyes creates a low-cost opportunistic distributed index to query the distributed storage and to determine the location of needed information. Extensive validation and testing of REDMAN and MobEyes prove the effectiveness of our original solutions in limiting communication overhead while maintaining the required accuracy of replication degree and indexing completeness, and demonstrates the feasibility of the middleware approach.