888 resultados para matlab push-off tests steel fiber reinforced concrete
This research investigates a new structural system utilising modular construction. Five-sided boxes are cast on-site and stacked together to form a building. An analytical model was created of a typical building in each of two different analysis programs utilising the finite element method (Robot Millennium and ETABS). The pros and cons of both Robot Millennium and ETABS are listed at several key stages in the development of an analytical model utilising this structural system. Robot Millennium was initially utilised but created an analytical model too large to be successfully run. The computation requirements were too large for conventional computers. Therefore Robot Millennium was abandoned in favour of ETABS, whose more simplistic algorithms and assumptions permitted running this large computation model. Tips are provided as well as pitfalls signalled throughout the process of modelling such complex buildings of this type. ^ The building under high seismic loading required a new horizontal shear mechanism. This dissertation has proposed to create a secondary floor that ties to the modular box through the use of gunwales, and roughened surfaces with epoxy coatings. In addition, vertical connections necessitated a new type of shear wall. These shear walls consisted of waffled external walls tied through both reinforcement and a secondary concrete pour. ^ This structural system has generated a new building which was found to be very rigid compared to a conventional structure. The proposed modular building exhibited a period of 1.27 seconds, which is about one-fifth of a conventional building. The maximum lateral drift occurs under seismic loading with a magnitude of 6.14 inches which is one-quarter of a conventional building's drift. The deflected shape and pattern of the interstorey drifts are consistent with those of a coupled shear wall building. In conclusion, the computer analysis indicate that this new structure exceeds current code requirements for both hurricane winds and high seismic loads, and concomitantly provides a shortened construction time with reduced funding. ^
Fiber reinforced composite tanks provide a promising method of storage for liquid oxygen and hydrogen for aerospace applications. The inherent thermal fatigue of these vessels leads to the formation of microcracks, which allow gas phase leakage across the tank walls. In this dissertation, self-healing functionality is imparted to a structural composite to effectively seal microcracks induced by both mechanical and thermal loading cycles. Two different microencapsulated healing chemistries are investigated in woven glass fiber/epoxy and uni-weave carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Self-healing of mechanically induced damage was first studied in a room temperature cured plain weave E-glass/epoxy composite with encapsulated dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) monomer and wax protected Grubbs' catalyst healing components. A controlled amount of microcracking was introduced through cyclic indentation of opposing surfaces of the composite. The resulting damage zone was proportional to the indentation load. Healing was assessed through the use of a pressure cell apparatus to detect nitrogen flow through the thickness direction of the damaged composite. Successful healing resulted in a perfect seal, with no measurable gas flow. The effect of DCPD microcapsule size (51 um and 18 um) and concentration (0 - 12.2 wt%) on the self-sealing ability was investigated. Composite specimens with 6.5 wt% 51 um capsules sealed 67% of the time, compared to 13% for the control panels without healing components. A thermally stable, dual microcapsule healing chemistry comprised of silanol terminated poly(dimethyl siloxane) plus a crosslinking agent and a tin catalyst was employed to allow higher composite processing temperatures. The microcapsules were incorporated into a satin weave E-glass fiber/epoxy composite processed at 120C to yield a glass transition temperature of 127C. Self-sealing ability after mechanical damage was assessed for different microcapsule sizes (25 um and 42 um) and concentrations (0 - 11 vol%). Incorporating 9 vol% 42 um capsules or 11 vol% 25 um capsules into the composite matrix leads to 100% of the samples sealing. The effect of microcapsule concentration on the short beam strength, storage modulus, and glass transition temperature of the composite specimens was also investigated. The thermally stable tin catalyzed poly(dimethyl siloxane) healing chemistry was then integrated into a [0/90]s uniweave carbon fiber/epoxy composite. Thermal cycling (-196C to 35C) of these specimens lead to the formation of microcracks, over time, formed a percolating crack network from one side of the composite to the other, resulting in a gas permeable specimen. Crack damage accumulation and sample permeability was monitored with number of cycles for both self-healing and traditional non-healing composites. Crack accumulation occurred at a similar rate for all sample types tested. A 63% increase in lifetime extension was achieved for the self-healing specimens over traditional non-healing composites.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2015.
Composite steel-concrete structures experience non-linear effects which arise from both instability-related geometric non-linearity and from material non-linearity in all of their component members. Because of this, conventional design procedures cannot capture the true behaviour of a composite frame throughout its full loading range, and so a procedure to account for those non-linearities is much needed. This paper therefore presents a numerical procedure capable of addressing geometric and material non-linearities at the strength limit state based on the refined plastic hinge method. Different material non-linearity for different composite structural components such as T-beams, concrete-filled tubular (CFT) and steel-encased reinforced concrete (SRC) sections can be treated using a routine numerical procedure for their section properties in this plastic hinge approach. Simple and conservative initial and full yield surfaces for general composite sections are proposed in this paper. The refined plastic hinge approach models springs at the ends of the element which are activated when the surface defining the interaction of bending and axial force at first yield is reached; a transition from the first yield interaction surface to the fully plastic interaction surface is postulated based on a proposed refined spring stiffness, which formulates the load-displacement relation for material non-linearity under the interaction of bending and axial actions. This produces a benign method for a beam-column composite element under general loading cases. Another main feature of this paper is that, for members containing a point of contraflexure, its location is determined with a simple application of the method herein and a node is then located at this position to reproduce the real flexural behaviour and associated material non-linearity of the member. Recourse is made to an updated Lagrangian formulation to consider geometric non-linear behaviour and to develop a non-linear solution strategy. The formulation with the refined plastic hinge approach is efficacious and robust, and so a full frame analysis incorporating geometric and material non-linearity is tractable. By way of contrast, the plastic zone approach possesses the drawback of strain-based procedures which rely on determining plastic zones within a cross-section and which require lengthwise integration. Following development of the theory, its application is illustrated with a number of varied examples.
In this thesis, we develop an efficient collapse prediction model, the PFA (Peak Filtered Acceleration) model, for buildings subjected to different types of ground motions.
For the structural system, the PFA model covers modern steel and reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame buildings (potentially reinforced concrete shear wall buildings). For ground motions, the PFA model covers ramp-pulse-like ground motions, long-period ground motions, and short-period ground motions.
To predict whether a building will collapse in response to a given ground motion, we first extract long-period components from the ground motion using a Butterworth low-pass filter with suggested order and cutoff frequency. The order depends on the type of ground motion, and the cutoff frequency depends on the building’s natural frequency and ductility. We then compare the filtered acceleration time history with the capacity of the building. The capacity of the building is a constant for 2-dimentional buildings and a limit domain for 3-dimentional buildings. If the filtered acceleration exceeds the building’s capacity, the building is predicted to collapse. Otherwise, it is expected to survive the ground motion.
The parameters used in PFA model, which include fundamental period, global ductility and lateral capacity, can be obtained either from numerical analysis or interpolation based on the reference building system proposed in this thesis.
The PFA collapse prediction model greatly reduces computational complexity while archiving good accuracy. It is verified by FEM simulations of 13 frame building models and 150 ground motion records.
Based on the developed collapse prediction model, we propose to use PFA (Peak Filtered Acceleration) as a new ground motion intensity measure for collapse prediction. We compare PFA with traditional intensity measures PGA, PGV, PGD, and Sa in collapse prediction and find that PFA has the best performance among all the intensity measures.
We also provide a close form in term of a vector intensity measure (PGV, PGD) of the PFA collapse prediction model for practical collapse risk assessment.
This paper presents a theoretical and experimental study of multidirectional steel fibers reinforced concrete slabs (SFRC). The study is based on a real building application using SFRC flag slabs. For the evaluation of the slabs bearing capacity, plastic calculations are performed both at section and structure levels. The section analysis uses the perfect plastic stress-strain diagram, with reference to the values of the strength characteristics of SFRC based on previous jobs that used similar fibers and dosages. In the structure analysis the plastic yield lines method has been used. This method relates the section last bearing moment and the plastic collapse load. The experimental campaign has consisted of the testing of six 2 m. diameter circular shaped slabs prototypes, and has allowed to verify the reference resistance used in the calculations.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
O presente relatório refere-se ao trabalho desenvolvido durante o período de estágio curricular enquadrado no ciclo de estudos do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do ISEP, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O estágio desenvolveu-se ao longo de seis meses, desde Fevereiro até Julho de 2015, na empresa FASE S.A., em ambiente de gabinete, para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Civil. Durante o período de estágio foram desenvolvidos projetos de estabilidade de estruturas metálicas e de betão armado, desde a fase de conceção, pré-dimensionamento, modelação numérica e análise de resultados, dimensionamento final, até à produção das peças desenhas e escritas constituintes de um projeto de estruturas. Foi possível analisar e dimensionar estruturas através de programas de cálculo automático e ferramentas de cálculo que serão referidas no presente relatório. Neste relatório será descrita pormenorizadamente a elaboração de um projeto em betão armado em todas as suas vertentes. Apresentam-se também as metodologias de cálculo empregues. No culminar, enunciam-se algumas conclusões de carácter geral decorrentes do trabalho desenvolvido.
Esse trabalho aborda a questão de materiais compósitos reforçados com fibras (fiber reinforced concrete) com enfoque em matrizes cimentícias reforçadas com fibra de aramida Kevlar. O objetivo é caracterizar o potencial da fibra de aramida Kevlar como elemento de reforço a ser adicionado ao concreto. O trabalho busca caracterizar o desempenho dos compósitos formados, identificando as alterações decorrentes da incorporação em função do comportamento mecânico e da resistência ao impacto. Os objetivos são verificar a potencialidade de utilização dessa fibra em termos de trabalhabilidade e resistência mecânica; definir como deve ser a forma de incorporação, verificar a aderência da fibra à matriz através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura por elétrons secundários e determinar a resistência ao impacto, comparando matrizes sem adição de fibra com corpos-de-prova moldados com vários tipos e teores de fibra (aço, sisal, vidro, polipropileno e aramida). Como vantagens da incorporação das fibras de aramida Kevlar, constata-se um incremento na resistência à compressão dos compósitos aos 28 dias em relação aos espécimes sem adição de fibra. Observam-se, também, reduções na massa específica e na trabalhabilidade dos espécimes com adição de fibra de aramida Kevlar em comparação aos sem adição. Em relação à resistência ao impacto, conclui-se que os compósitos com adição de fibra de aço e fibra de aramida são os que apresentaram melhor comportamento dinâmico em relação a energia de ruptura acumulada e à energia para aparecimento da primeira fissura, respectivamente.
La presente tesi di Laurea Magistrale ha lo scopo di studiare sperimentalmente il comportamento a fatica dei calcestruzzi rinforzati con fibre macro-sintetiche (Macro Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete, MSFRC). Sono condotte prove cicliche di flessione su tre punti al fine di caratterizzare il comportamento dei calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati in regime fessurato nel caso di fatica ad alto numero di cicli (High Cycle Fatigue, HCF). Oltre a prove di fatica sono condotte anche prove monotone a flessione al fine di ottenere la caratterizzazione meccanica del materiale determinandone i principali parametri di frattura; i risultati di tali prove sono utili anche a definire la procedura di prova definitiva da adottare durante i test di fatica. Le testimonianze presenti in letteratura sul comportamento a fatica degli FRC rinforzati con fibre sintetiche sono molto limitate, specialmente nel caso di fatica ad alto numero di cicli; inoltre le prove cicliche, a differenza delle prove monotone, non sono prove standardizzate e quindi definite dalla normativa. Nel corso della presente campagna sperimentale si cercherà quindi di definire una procedura per poter eseguire in maniera stabile le prove di flessione, monotone e di fatica, su campioni prismatici di calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato. L’idea alla base della campagna sperimentale oggetto di questa tesi è quella di riprodurre, mediante prove di fatica, le usuali condizioni di esercizio a cui sono sottoposte, durante la loro vita utile, strutture come pavimentazioni stradali o industriali; infatti il traffico stradale o il transito di macchinari possono indurre su strutture del genere dei carichi ripetuti nel tempo tali da provocarne il collasso per fatica. La presente tesi è articolata in otto capitoli nei quali verranno evidenziate le principali proprietà, sia meccaniche che fisiche, del materiale composito oggetto dello studio, saranno definite le procedure dei test eseguiti e verranno discussi i risultati derivanti da essi.