999 resultados para ligante orgânico
This work presents the objective of producing organic fertilizer from the waste generated at FCT/UNESP and its use in the growing sunflower. For this, there were collected wastes of pruning/weeding and organic waste from the canteen. It were made two types of treatments, one conventional and the other mechanized, using three mass ratios: ratio 1 (30% wastes of pruning/weeding (RP) + 70% organic waste (RC)), ratio 2 (50% RP + 50% RC) and ratio 3 (70% RP + 30% RC). The conventional system was done windrow with turning manual and the mechanized system was developed in reactors by injecting compressed air. The compounds produced were analyzed in terms of pH, organic matter, organic carbon, mineral residue, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which could be compared to the values stipulated by the Instrução Normativa n° 25 de 23/07/2009 do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. The compounds produced were used on growing sunflowers in 14 different conditions for the systems manual and mechanized, totaling 26 treatments with the following proportions... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Atualmente, as pesquisas acadêmicas e industriais não estão voltadas apenas para a descoberta de novos fármacos, mas também para novas maneiras de administração de medicamentos pretendendo obter melhores ações farmacológicas alem de reduzir efeitos colaterais. Partindo deste pressuposto, estudos demonstram que inúmeras moléculas podem ser incorporadas a polímeros híbridos orgânico-inorgânico preparados pelo processo sol-gel, assim pretende-se estudar a possibilidade de sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de um dispositivo de liberação controlada de fármacos na forma de implantes subcutâneos. As matrizes hibridas para serem implantadas devem, necessariamente, ser estéreis. Para isto este trabalho analisa a interação entre o processo de esterilização e uma provável alteração estrutural nestes polímeros. A esterilização por calor úmido em autoclave e a esterilização por radiação gama foram escolhidas para analisar a correlação entre alteração estrutural do hibrido e o processo de eliminação de microorganismos. Outro aspecto que levamos em consideração foi a melhora das características mecânicas das matrizes poliméricas confeccionadas com poli óxido etileno de peso molecular 1900 (POE 1900) e poli óxido propileno de peso molecular 400 (POP 400). Para serem implantadas estas matrizes devem estar uniformes, e não podem trincar ou quebrar antes ou após a implantação. Considerando estes fatores foi adicionado as amostras um agente plastificante, o álcool polivinílico (PVA), na tentativa de melhorar estas características
In the present work the thermal characteristics of gels and xerogels of Silica/organic hybrids derived from different concentrations of GPTS-TEOS were investigated by thermal analysis (TG, DTA, and DSC). The preparation of gels of the Silica/organic hybrid matrix was held through the sol-gel process, consisting by the hydrolysis of alkoxides GPTS and TEOS in proportion (1:1) and (1:2) that was promoted in acidic conditions under reflux and stirring at 80oC/2h, producing the matrix in the colloidal state (sol). Gels were prepared by addition of NH4OH to the sol, promoting gelation of sol in sealed plastics containers. Part of the gels samples was analyzed by TG, DTS and DSC techniques in order to characterize water loss and degradation of the polymeric “epoxy” groups present in the structure of the silica derived from the GPTS alkoxide. Another set of samples was dried at 80oC/48h to obtain xerogels (dried gels) and analyzed by the same techniques. We obtained the characteristics temperatures of the matrix by the techniques DTA, DSC and TG, under measurements of thermal analysis until 800oC and 600oC in case of DSC. By thermal analysis (TG, DTA, and DSC) the main endothermic events (loss of water, melting, pyrolysis) and exothermic events (burning of the polymer) of the GPTS-TEOS matrix were determined
It is known that there is a wide variety of bioavailable trace metals in aquatic systems, and its determination is fundamental to predict impacts to organisms in these environments. However, the determination of the total concentration of chemicals in aquatic systems, despite its importance, does not provide necessary information for decision making or even may lead to misinterpretation of the procedures and potential risks to the system in question. This study aimed to use the technique of diffusion in thin films by concentration gradients (DGT) to evaluate the anion exchange membrane Whatman DE 81 as binder alternative in determining Cr (VI). Experiments were carried out to determine the diffusion coefficients for the material used diffusion (agarose gel). The behaviors of the binders were analyzed before the main variables of the systems, immersion time, pH and ionic strength. Then was made the assessment of potential interferences, to finally proceed with testing using actual samples in the laboratory and in situ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
With the growing world energy demand mainly from developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China, the search for efficient sources of energy becomes a challenge for the coming years. Among the most widely used alternative sources, biomass is the one that grows in a more pronounced way. This study will assess the real possibility of having it as a heat source in an Organic Rankine Cycle, which employ heat transfer fluids as working fluids instead of water. From a regional data collection in agricultural production and their potential rice production and the resulting husk was defined as more appropriate. The availability of husks together with an amount of eucalyptus wood, provided by a company in the region on a monthly basis, were analyzed, and the low participation of the wood was discarded by the thermal contribution of little significance. Based on this, it was established the calorific value of fuel for thermodynamic calculations and the cycle to be used. It was then carried out the choice of working fluid from the literature and their availability in the library of software used for the simulations, the Engineering Equation Solver - ESS. The fluid most appropriate for the burning of biomass, Octamethyltrisiloxane (OMTS), was not included in the software and so the R227ea and R134a were selected. After the initial parameters modeling definition, as condensing temperature, efficiency and live steam conditions, the simulations were performed, and only the R227ea remained within the feasible thermodynamic and technological ranges. With this fluid the turbine power output was 265.7 [kW] for a scenario of 24 hours/day burning, 800.3 [kW] to biomass burning for 8 hours/day and 2134 [kW] for burning only 3 hours/day. The thermal efficiency of the cycle remained in the range of 6%, and for plants operating with the most... (Complete Abstract click eletronic access below)
A leishmaniose é uma doença causada pelo protozoário do gênero Leishmania, possuindo uma variedade de formas clínicas. A mais severa é a Leishmaniose visceral, que no Brasil é causada por L. chagasi e transmitida pelo flebotomíneo Lutzomia longipalpis. O cão, tanto o doméstico como o selvagem, é o principal reservatório no ciclo zoonótico da doença, que no Brasil ocorre principalmente na região nordeste. Através de estudos epidemiológicos realizados em áreas endêmicas, notou-se que apesar do elevado número de pessoas infectadas, poucas manifestavam a doença. Isso pode ser explicado pelo estado nutricional e imunológico do paciente, infecção por HIV e variabilidade das cepas, visto que a heterogeneidade genética e diversidade clonal estão relacionadas a variações nos fatores de virulência do parasita. A lectina que se liga à manose (Mannose-Binding Lectin), ou MBL, é uma proteína que pode estar relacionada ao desenvolvimento da doença, uma vez que pode se ligar a carboidratos na membrana externa de patógenos, agindo como uma opsonina e facilitando assim a ação de macrófagos. Altas concentrações desta proteína podem ser desvantajosas, uma vez que pode facilitar a infecção por LV. Genes mutados podem contribuir para a variação do nível sérico da proteína diminuindo as taxas de transcrição do gene. Concluindo, o projeto tem o intuito de identificar e genotipar mutações específicas no promotor e no exon 1 do gene que codifica a MBL em humanos. A realização do estudo permitirá também, a consolidação de uma base de dados para estudos posteriores envolvendo a genética populacional da Lectina Ligante de Manose
Worldwide environmental degradation is an undesirable byproduct resulting from the increasing demand for natural resources. Water sources are suffering intense contamination since they usually receive a huge amount of domestic and industrial effluents - which are mostly wasted without proper treatment - inserting a large number of pollutants in the environment, heavy metals included. Mercury holds great toxicological importance because, under some physicochemical conditions in a water environment, Hg (II) ion turns into methylated compounds stemming from this element, such as methylmercury CH3Hg, which is highly toxic for the aquatic community in which bioaccumulation occurs. Nowadays passive sampling techniques are being developed to enable the analytical procedures which are applied in environmental monitoring. Diffusive gradients in thin-films technique (DGT) has been proven an interesting tool for the determination of labile metal species due to its in situ application. The DGT technique consists of a piston-like device on which the following series of agents is disposed: a binding agent (conventionally Chelex 100 resin), a diffusive agent, usually a polyacrylamide gel, and a membrane filter. Nevertheless, the agents conventinally used for this technique don't usually show satisfactory results in mercury sampling. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the phosphate-treated cellulose membrane (Whatman P 81), an alternative material, as binding agent in the DGT to determine labile mercury fractions in aquatic systems. In this context, we conducted a study of the behavior of this material in relation with system variables, pH and ionic strength. Afterwards we performed immersions of the DGT devices in real and enriched samples and in situ aiming the determination of mercury
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA