940 resultados para life cycle assessment bio-fuel cell biomass waste LCA biowaste valorization
The use of alcohol blends in direct alcohol fuel cells may be a more environmentally friendly and less toxic alternative to the use of methanol alone in direct methanol fuel cells. This paper assesses the behaviour of a direct methanol fuel cell fed with aqueous methanol, aqueous ethanol and aqueous methanol/ethanol blends in a long term experimental study followed by modelling of polarization curves. Fuel cell performance is seen to decrease as the ethanol content rises, and subsequent operation with aqueous methanol only partly reverts this loss of performance. It seems that the difference in the oxidation rate of these alcohols may not be the only factor affecting fuel cell performance.
Nowadays increasing fuel prices and upcoming pollutant emission regulations are becoming a growing concern for the shipping industry worldwide. While fuel prices will keep rising in future years, the new International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and Sulphur Emissions Control Areas (SECA) regulations will forbid ships to use heavy fuel oils at certain situations. To fulfil with these regulations, the next step in the marine shipping business will comprise the use of cleaner fuels on board as well as developing new propulsion concept. In this work a new conceptual marine propulsion system is developed, based on the integration of diesel generators with fuel cells in a 2850 metric tonne of deadweight platform supply vessel. The efficiency of the two 250 kW methanol-fed Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) system installed on board combined with the hydro dynamically optimized design of the hull of the ship will allow the ship to successfully operate at certain modes of operation while notably reduce the pollutant emissions to the atmosphere. Besides the cogeneration heat obtained from the fuel cell system will be used to answer different heating needs on board the vessel
Sulphur compounds remaining in petroleum fractions from topping, hydroskimming or deep conversion processes are a growing concern for oil refiners since in the lapse of a few years the sulphur specification for motor fuels has dropped from 500 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg in most European countries. This increasingly stringent regulation has forced refineries to greatly improve their hydrodesulfurization units, increasing the desulfurization rates and thus consuming huge amounts of hydrogen.
The environmental performance of a 50 MW parabolic trough Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant hybridised with different fuels was determined using a Life Cycle Assessment methodology. Six different scenarios were investigated, half of which involved hybridisation with fossil fuels (natural gas, coal and fuel oil), and the other three involved hybridisation with renewable fuels (wheat straw, wood pellets and biogas). Each scenario was compared to a solar-only operation. Nine different environmental categories as well as the Cumulative Energy Demand and the Energy Payback Time (EPT) were evaluated using Simapro software for 1 MWh of electricity produced. The results indicate a worse environmental performance for a CSP plant producing 12% of the electricity from fuel than in a solar-only operation for every indicator, except for the eutrophication and toxicity categories, whose results for the natural gas scenario are slightly better. In the climate change category, the results ranged between 26.9 and 187 kg CO2 eq/MWh, where a solar-only operation had the best results and coal hybridisation had the worst. Considering a weighted single score indicator, the environmental impact of the renewable fuels scenarios is approximately half of those considered in fossil fuels, with the straw scenario showing the best results, and the coal scenario the worstones. EPT for solar-only mode is 1.44 years, while hybridisation scenarios EPT vary in a range of 1.72 -1.83 years for straw and pellets respectively. The fuels with more embodied energy are biomethane and wood pellets.
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants typically incorporate one or various auxiliary boilers operating in parallel to the solar field to facilitate start up operations, provide system stability, avoid freezing of heat transfer fluid (HTF) and increase generation capacity. The environmental performance of these plants is highly influenced by the energy input and the type of auxiliary fuel, which in most cases is natural gas (NG). Replacing the NG with biogas or biomethane (BM) in commercial CSP installations is being considered as a means to produce electricity that is fully renewable and free from fossil inputs. Despite their renewable nature, the use of these biofuels also generates environmental impacts that need to be adequately identified and quantified. This paper investigates the environmental performance of a commercial wet-cooled parabolic trough 50 MWe CSP plant in Spain operating according to two strategies: solar-only, with minimum technically viable energy non-solar contribution; and hybrid operation, where 12 % of the electricity derives from auxiliary fuels (as permitted by Spanish legislation). The analysis was based on standard Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology (ISO 14040-14040). The technical viability and the environmental profile of operating the CSP plant with different auxiliary fuels was evaluated, including: NG; biogas from an adjacent plant; and BM withdrawn from the gas network. The effect of using different substrates (biowaste, sewage sludge, grass and a mix of biowaste with animal manure) for the production of the biofuels was also investigated. The results showed that NG is responsible for most of the environmental damage associated with the operation of the plant in hybrid mode. Replacing NG with biogas resulted in a significant improvement of the environmental performance of the installation, primarily due to reduced impact in the following categories: natural land transformation, depletion of fossil resources, and climate change. However, despite the renewable nature of the biofuels, other environmental categories like human toxicity, eutrophication, acidification and marine ecotoxicity scored higher when using biogas and BM.
The building sector is well known to be one of the key energy consumers worldwide. The renovation of existing buildings provides excellent opportunities for an effective reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions but it is essential to identify the optimal strategies. In this paper a multi-criteria methodology is proposed for the comparative analysis of retrofitting solutions. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) are combined by expressing environmental impacts in monetary values. A Pareto optimization is used to select the preferred strategies. The methodology is exemplified by a case study: the renovation of a representative housing block from the 1960s located in Madrid. Eight scenarios have been proposed, from the Business as Usual scenario (BAU), through Spanish Building Regulation requirements (for new buildings) up to the Passive House standard. Results show how current renovation strategies that are being applied in Madrid are far from being optimal solutions. The required additional investment, which is needed to obtain an overall performance improvement of the envelope compared with the common practice to date, is relatively low (8%) considering the obtained life cycle environmental and financial savings (43% and 45%, respectively).
Platinum is the most used catalyst in electrodes for fuel cells due to its high catalytic activity. Polymer electrolyte and direct methanol fuel cells usually include Pt as catalyst in their electrodes. In order to diminish the cost of such electrodes, different Pt deposition methods that permit lowering the metal load whilst maintaining their electroactivity, are being investigated. In this work, the behaviour of electron beam Pt (e-beam Pt) deposited electrodes for fuel cells is studied. Three different Pt loadings have been investigated. The electrochemical behaviour by cyclic voltammetry in H2SO4, HClO4 and in HClO4+MeOH before and after the Pt deposition on carbon cloth has been analysed. The Pt improves the electrochemical properties of the carbon support used. The electrochemical performance of e-beam Pt deposited electrodes was finally studied in a single direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) and the obtained results indicate that this is a promising and adequate method to prepare fuel cell electrodes.
A obtenção de etanol a partir de rotas alcoolquímicas consagradas gera resíduos com potencial de aproveitamento, tanto em outros setores produtivos como no ciclo produtivo do próprio combustível. Este é o caso de torta de filtro e vinhaça. A vinhaça em particular costuma ser devolvida ao campo com o intuito de ajustar teores nutricionais do solo no cultivo da cana. No entanto, estudos ambientais destacam que esta alternativa traz efeitos negativos sobre os meios receptores (água e solo), condição que abre a perspectiva para exploração de usos alternativos dessas substâncias. Este estudo se propôs a contribuir para o tema ao avaliar de forma sistêmica o desempenho ambiental de duas alternativas de reaproveitamento de vinhaça: (i) reuso no campo em processos de fertirrigação, alternativa consolidada no Brasil, e (ii) reuso da fração líquida da vinhaça em etapas diversas do processo industrial de obtenção de etanol. Em qualquer das situações fez-se uso da técnica de Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida - ACV para proceder tal verificação. A análise ambiental da prática de reuso de vinhaça e torta para fertirrigação foi conduzida a partir da comparação de cenários que consideraram a forma de suprimento de nutrientes para a cana e o método de colheita. A avaliação de impactos ocorreu em dois níveis: quanto ao consumo de recursos, a partir de Primary Energy Demand (PED); e em termos de emissões para o ambiente por meio da elaboração do Perfil Ambiental. Uma Análise de Sensibilidade foi também realizada para verificar o efeito de oscilações dos teores de Nitrogênio (N), Fósforo (P) e Potássio (K) na composição da vinhaça sobre os resultados obtidos, caso da primeira alternativa. Concluiu-se para esse caso que a substituição parcial de fertilizantes químicos por vinhaça traz aumento da Demanda de Energia Primária global para ambos os métodos de colheita. Em termos de Perfil Ambiental, a comparação entre cenários das mesmas práticas de manejo mostrou que a troca de adubos por vinhaça e torta é positiva para o desempenho ambiental do etanol por reduzir impactos quanto a Mudanças Climáticas (CC), Acidificação Terrestre (TA) e Toxicidade Humana (HT). Por outro lado, o tratamento de vinhaça para reposição de água na etapa industrial resultou em aumento global das contribuições para as categorias acima mencionadas além de incrementos para Eutrofização de água doce (FEut) e Ecotoxicidade de água doce (FEC), a despeito de ser constatada a redução de 45% quanto a Depleção de água (WD). Os aumentos no impacto se deveram principalmente aos efeitos negativos causados durante a produção do CaO usado no processo de tratamento da vinhaça. No entanto, a substituição deste insumo por NaOH só representou melhora em termos de CC. Pode-se concluir que a reutilização de vinhaça e de torta de filtro como complemento nutricional para o cultivo de cana-de-açúcar resultou em uma alternativa mais adequada de reaproveitamento do que o se este fluído fosse reutilizado para suprir parte da demanda hídrica de processo, mesmo quando o consumo de água na etapa industrial tenha inexoravelmente se reduzido a partir da implantação dessa medida.
When conceptualizing healthy couple relationships, it is tempting to use a simple framework as a panacea. Unfortunately, this desire for simplicity can lead to a narrow and naive perspective. Individuals interact and are influenced by a variety of factors (i.e., various social systems, multiple context memberships, complex interconnecting exchanges, etc.); consequently, it is necessary to guard against an overly narrow interpretation when examining healthy couple interactions. It is the purpose of this paper to develop one aspect of a complex perspective for healthy couple relationships by comparing couple life cycle development with couple intimacy-distance regulation.
A construção civil é responsável por relevante impacto ao meio ambiente, da extração das materiais-primas até a disposição dos seus resíduos em aterros. A avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) é uma ferramenta que possibilita a estimativa dos impactos ambientais potenciais do setor de forma sistemática. A simplificação da ACV, pelo uso de dados secundários e redução do escopo do estudo, facilita sua implementação como ferramenta de promoção da sustentabilidade. O objetivo dessa dissertação é estimar faixas dos cinco principais indicadores do setor de blocos de concreto do mercado brasileiro pela simplificação da ACV: consumo de materiais, energia incorporada, emissão de CO2, água e geração de resíduos. Este estudo foi o piloto do Projeto ACV Modular, iniciativa do Conselho Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável em parceria da Associação Brasileira de Cimento Portland e da Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Blocos de Concreto. O inventário foi desenvolvido com 33 fábricas localizadas em diferentes regiões do Brasil, estas sendo responsáveis por aproximadamente 50% da produção nacional. Os produtos selecionados foram blocos para pavimentação e alvenaria (estruturais e de vedação) considerados mais representativos no mercado. A fronteira do sistema adotada foi do berço ao portão da fábrica. O indicador de consumo de materiais não foi apresentado para garantir a confidencialidade dos dados das empresas, pois o teor de cimento foi dado direto informado no formulário. O indicador de resíduos não pode ser gerado devido a diferentes interpretações adotadas pelos fabricantes ao registrar seus dados. O indicador de água, apesar de incluir todo o consumo informado pela fábrica, apresentou valores muito baixos, alguns próximos a zero. O consumo de cimento, não o teor de clínquer, foi responsável por parcela significativa do CO2 e da energia incorporada do bloco, com participação de 62 a 99% das emissões de CO2. Assim, entre as empresas analisadas, mesmo com igual rota tecnológica, os insumos utilizados, a formulação do concreto, a eficiência de compactação da vibro prensa e o sistema produtivo tiveram maior influência nos indicadores de materiais, energia e CO2.
Bio-fuels such as ethanol provide an extraordinary opportunity to address our dependency on foreign oil. This case study examines the economic and environmental impacts associated with constructing and operating a dry mill ethanol manufacturing facility in a Southwest Georgia town and surrounding communities. The case study found that the plant had little impact on air quality, water quality, and habitat fragmentation. However, economic results showed the plant produced $1.5 million in tax revenues, and 86 jobs. Ethanol producers and communities must consider both the economic and environmental impacts on a local community when searching or attracting a bio-fuels plant. Likewise, communities should be aware of these challenges when attracting ethanol production plants.
Investigation about the psychological experiences of the reproductive life cycle showed that in critical moments special reactions may happen. These reactions seem to be defensive in nature, are set in motion in order to promote some kind of emotional protection and are performed in two opposite directions: a) a decreasing of the contact with aggressive impulses and b) an increasing of the use of rationalization and denial of frustrating situations. Examples of those rearrangements were observed at samples of: 1) pregnant women in obstetric high-risk consultation, 2) infertile couples waiting for infertility consultations and 3) pregnant women waiting for amniocentesis results. These data seem to be in accordance with the classical psychological points of view: a) gestation should be considered as a period of protection, b) during pregnancy a “primary maternal preoccupation” (Winnicot, 1958) emerges leading to the mobilization of all resources available for pregnant women and c) along gestational development psychological changes show how flexible maternal functioning may become. What was not expected is that in the absence of pregnancy, infertile couples should behave very similarly to what it is observed when pregnancy is in danger or when medical problems about the mother’s or the baby’s health arise in the horizon. Due to its “freezing” consequences upon emotional development we propose that this kind of reaction will be designated as “stand-by reaction”.