936 resultados para judge executor


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In this paper the authors consider natural, feigned or absence of emotions in text-based dialogues. The dialogues occurred during interactions between human Judges/Interrogators and hidden entities in practical Turing tests implemented at Bletchley Park in June 2012. The authors focus on the interactions that left the Interrogator unable to say whether they were talking to a human or a machine after five minutes of questioning; the hidden interlocutor received an ‘unsure’ classification. In cases where the Judge has provided post-event feedback the authors present their rationale from three viva voce one-to-one Turing tests. The authors find that emoticons and other visual devices used to express feelings in text-based interaction were missing in the conversations between the Interrogators and hidden interlocutors.


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One route to understanding the thoughts and feelings of others is by mentally putting one's self in their shoes and seeing the world from their perspective, i.e., by simulation. Simulation is potentially used not only for inferring how others feel, but also for predicting how we ourselves will feel in the future. For instance, one might judge the worth of a future reward by simulating how much it will eventually be enjoyed. In intertemporal choices between smaller immediate and larger delayed rewards, it is observed that as the length of delay increases, delayed rewards lose subjective value; a phenomenon known as temporal discounting. In this article, we develop a theoretical framework for the proposition that simulation mechanisms involved in empathizing with others also underlie intertemporal choices. This framework yields a testable psychological account of temporal discounting based on simulation. Such an account, if experimentally validated, could have important implications for how simulation mechanisms are investigated, and makes predictions about special populations characterized by putative deficits in simulating others.


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Social domains are classes of interpersonal processes each with distinct procedural rules underpinning mutual understanding, emotion regulation and action. We describe the features of three domains of family life – safety, attachment and discipline/expectation – and contrast them with exploratory processes in terms of the emotions expressed, the role of certainty versus uncertainty, and the degree of hierarchy in an interaction. We argue that everything that people say and do in family life carries information about the type of interaction they are engaged in – that is, the domain. However, sometimes what they say or how they behave does not make the domain clear, or participants in the social interactions are not in the same domain (there is a domain mismatch). This may result in misunderstandings, irresolvable arguments or distress. We describe how it is possible to identify domains and judge whether they are clear and unclear, and matched and mismatched, in observed family interactions and in accounts of family processes. This then provides a focus for treatment and helps to define criteria for evaluating outcomes.


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In the past decade, a number of empirical researchers have suggested that laypeople have compatibilist intuitions. In a recent paper, Feltz and Millan (2015) have challenged this conclusion by claiming that most laypeople are only compatibilists in appearance and are in fact willing to attribute free will to people no matter what. As evidence for this claim, they have shown that an important proportion of laypeople still attribute free will to agents in fatalistic universes. In this paper, we first argue that Feltz and Millan’s error-theory rests on a conceptual confusion: it is perfectly acceptable for a certain brand of compatibilist to judge free will and fatalism to be compatible, as long as fatalism does not prevent agents from being the source of their actions. We then present the results of two studies showing that laypeople’s intuitions are best understood as following a certain brand of source compatibilism rather than a “free-will-no-matter-what” strategy.


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The motivation for this thesis work is the need for improving reliability of equipment and quality of service to railway passengers as well as a requirement for cost-effective and efficient condition maintenance management for rail transportation. This thesis work develops a fusion of various machine vision analysis methods to achieve high performance in automation of wooden rail track inspection.The condition monitoring in rail transport is done manually by a human operator where people rely on inference systems and assumptions to develop conclusions. The use of conditional monitoring allows maintenance to be scheduled, or other actions to be taken to avoid the consequences of failure, before the failure occurs. Manual or automated condition monitoring of materials in fields of public transportation like railway, aerial navigation, traffic safety, etc, where safety is of prior importance needs non-destructive testing (NDT).In general, wooden railway sleeper inspection is done manually by a human operator, by moving along the rail sleeper and gathering information by visual and sound analysis for examining the presence of cracks. Human inspectors working on lines visually inspect wooden rails to judge the quality of rail sleeper. In this project work the machine vision system is developed based on the manual visual analysis system, which uses digital cameras and image processing software to perform similar manual inspections. As the manual inspection requires much effort and is expected to be error prone sometimes and also appears difficult to discriminate even for a human operator by the frequent changes in inspected material. The machine vision system developed classifies the condition of material by examining individual pixels of images, processing them and attempting to develop conclusions with the assistance of knowledge bases and features.A pattern recognition approach is developed based on the methodological knowledge from manual procedure. The pattern recognition approach for this thesis work was developed and achieved by a non destructive testing method to identify the flaws in manually done condition monitoring of sleepers.In this method, a test vehicle is designed to capture sleeper images similar to visual inspection by human operator and the raw data for pattern recognition approach is provided from the captured images of the wooden sleepers. The data from the NDT method were further processed and appropriate features were extracted.The collection of data by the NDT method is to achieve high accuracy in reliable classification results. A key idea is to use the non supervised classifier based on the features extracted from the method to discriminate the condition of wooden sleepers in to either good or bad. Self organising map is used as classifier for the wooden sleeper classification.In order to achieve greater integration, the data collected by the machine vision system was made to interface with one another by a strategy called fusion. Data fusion was looked in at two different levels namely sensor-level fusion, feature- level fusion. As the goal was to reduce the accuracy of the human error on the rail sleeper classification as good or bad the results obtained by the feature-level fusion compared to that of the results of actual classification were satisfactory.


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In this essay I focus on Christian Zionism, its roots and growth, to judge wether or not it is possible to look at Christian Zionism as a modern form of myth. To do that I have used Bruce Lincoln's definition: ideology in narrative form. I also ask the question whether this kind of religious conviction can be labeled as an extreme or become a danger to society. The conclusion I reach is that Christian Zionism and its broader context, dispensationalism, very well fits the definitions of modern myth that Lincoln offers. There is certainly a hierarcic ideology within Christian Zionism, and its narrative/myth have been ”negotiated between narrators and audiences over time”. The essay also shows that there is a risk concerning this particular form of religious conviction, it could become an extreme. Especially so when this alternative form of viewing reality and the future, is represented not only among ordinary citizens in the US, but also within the US Government and among military leaders.


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Resumen En este estudio se analizan las actitudes lingüísticas de un grupo de mujeres argentinas, venezolanas y mexicanas residentes en Qatar, Argentina y Suecia en relación con el voseo argentino. Metodológicamente se utilizan tres técnicas: la primera consiste en grabar dos versiones de un texto leído por una persona de Argentina; en la segunda un grupo de informantes escucha el texto grabado y contestan simultáneamente una encuesta que evalúa su postura con respecto al uso del pronombre vos, así como de sus usuarios; la tercera está dedicada a la entrevista, en la cual se pregunta a las informantes argentinas cuál es su opinión acerca del voseo como sinónimo de identidad lingüística. El análisis de los resultados indica que existe una diferencia significativa entre cómo se juzgan las dimensiones de estatus y solidaridad, ya que las entrevistadas dieron un menor valor a los atributos relacionados con la dimensión de estatus que a los de solidaridad. Resumiendo los resultados, se advierte que las argentinas evalúan más positivamente el uso del vos que el tú, confirmando que tienen una posición positiva sobre su identidad lingüística.


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For my freshman Jan Plan at Colby I painted a mural in Runnals Union illustrating a William Blake poem. This effort began a four year painting project which I pursued my sophomore and junior years by finishing the Hall of the Machines in Runnals and by commencing the Paper Wall in Roberts. As a Senior Scholar, I've continued my undertaking by painting eleven more panels. Eight of these are in the Paper Wall and the other three are in the Spa in Miller Library. In my wallpainting up until this year my major interest has been in a strong two-dimentional design created by color juxtaposition. Over these two semesters I've developed a greater concern with the role of color value contrasts in achieving a sense of three-dimensional space. As one views my paintings in chronological order, he can see that gradually colors become less intense, value contrasts more effective, and subject matter becomes based on observation rather than imagination. Please judge my achievement solely on observation of the walls in these three rooms as this paper is only a very brief catalogue of works and the slides are not the best reproductions.


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A pesquisa versa sobre a importância da liderança para uma eficiente prestação jurisdicional, a qual resulta de um concatenado trabalho de equipe entre o juiz e os servidores de uma determinada unidade judicial. A necessidade de o magistrado contribuir para a formação de uma equipe de alto desempenho para o enfrentamento da intempestividade da prestação jurisdicional, principal problema do Poder Judiciário, buscando as almejadas celeridade e efetividade da justiça. A qualidade da prestação jurisdicional dependerá da gestão imprimida pelo juiz na sua unidade. A pesquisa aponta para a necessidade de o juiz exercer sua atividade meio como um líder, dominando técnicas modernas de gestão e também influenciando sua equipe em busca da excelência. Será analisado o tipo de liderança que melhor se amolda à judicatura, que é a servidora. Nela o magistrado identifica as necessidades de seus funcionários e trata de supri-las, recebendo em troca a máxima dedicação e motivação possíveis. O juiz líder administra sua unidade e forja uma equipe qualificada e motivada. Em face da impossibilidade de conceituar o juiz líder, são apontados os seus traços característicos, que o tornam o novo modelo do juiz brasileiro: o juiz líder servidor. Identificação dessas características na dimensão organizacional, na dimensão interpessoal, bem como as habilidades pessoais que o definem. Por fim, é abordada a necessidade de o Judiciário refletir sobre o atual sistema de recrutamento seletivo dos magistrados, priorizando a escolha sobre pessoas vocacionadas e, após a seleção, investir na constante formação de líderes nos seus quadros que, alinhados, proporcionarão uma justiça célere, humana, justa e efetiva.


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The Judicial Authority has more and more prominence for the principal place on the public discussion. His role performed as political institution and agency in charged of the jurisdiction installment has been object of discussion. Frequently diagnostics are made about a crisis that include the Judicial System. At the same way are made diverse changes, searching transform from formalities until the ritual of fill a job of Judge. We¿re certainly, by this point of view, far from the period that the judicial questions were corresponded to jurisconsult. The discussion has increased, calling to order not only jurisconsult but also members of Congress, press and of the civil organisms. Thus international organisms, despite their economic issues, entered at the discussion being watchful to the emergency reforms to be taken by the Judicial Authority. However, although the changes end the relative agreement of the emerging crisis, the Judicial System continue to be unknown. Still now with the beginning of the Juizados Especiais Criminais, the organizational form originated in 1995. The main core of the discussion about Juizados Especiais Criminais is centralized in isolated cases instead of a global analysis, resulting of the join between data and observations about historic series. The final object of this dissertation is centered on the analysis of the activities of the organizational variables of the Juizados Especiais Criminais da Comarca da Capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro in its first years of functioning.


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O estudo propõe desenhar as linhas mestras do processo civil brasileiro no quadro do Estado de Direito Democrático, pós Constituição Federal de 1988. Na primeira parte, partindo da origem do direito processual constitucional brasileiro na Constituição Republicana de 1891 visa a abordar as mudanças ocorridas com a constitucionalização do processo, o que significa reconhecer que na formação e desenvolvimento do direito processual brasileiro atuaram forças paradoxais (recepção da judicial review, do direito norte-americano, e recepção do direito europeu-continental, no CPC de 1973) e que este paradoxo tende a ser superado pela virada paradigmática da racionalidade jurídica e das relações entre Direito e Política no marco do Estado Constitucional. Estabelece, como primeira mudança, a relação entre a racionalidade prática procedimental e a necessidade de resgate da pretensão de correção para a lógica jurídica. Dessa percepção decorre uma outra alteração profunda, na atuação do direito em juízo, apontando para a combinação entre o modelo normativo de democracia deliberativoprocedimental (HABERMAS) e o processo cooperativo (ALVARO DE OLIVEIRA) Na segunda parte do estudo, a tese coloca essas premissas frente aos necessários desenvolvimentos do direito processual pós Constituição de 1988. Analisa-se, criticamente, as seguintes atitudes fundamentais: a) a configuração e o conteúdo do direito processual constitucional na doutrina atual e sua adequação ao contraditório como “valor-fonte” do direito processual contemporâneo; b) as relações entre direito material e direito processual; c) a teoria das fontes do direito, apresentando a jurisprudência como fonte primária, em razão da recepção tardia e mitigada do stare decisis no direito brasileiro (súmulas vinculantes, decisões vinculantes em controle de constitucionalidade e jurisprudência dominante dos tribunais), bem como, da importância dos modelos judiciais na densificação dos conteúdos das normasprincípio e das cláusulas abertas. Com isso procura-se apontar para a dissolução dos antagonismos radicais entre as tradições do ocidente (common law e romano-germânica) e seus métodos: o Code-Based Legal System e o Judge-Made Law System. A Constituição resgata, assim, o papel de centro e fator de unidade no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, também para o processo civil, comprometendo todo o ordenamento jurídico com a democratização das fontes de poder, inclusive o debate judicial.


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This work is based on the analysis of three Brazilian cases of condemnation by accounting fraud and financial reports manipulation of data, where we tried to identify if there is condemnation by accounting fraud in Brazil and the main factors considered by the judge to convince them about the accounting fraud. The theoretical reference quoted involves the theory of fraud, the psychology of fraud, examples of financial fraud in foreign companies and Brazilians banks and the law in Brazil regarding fraud and money laundering. The methodology consisted in studies of Brazilian cases with the data collection criteria from three law suits. The methodology used was the Contents Analysis The samples were chosen according to the impact those cases had in Brazil and the facility to access their law suits. Therefore, we chose Gallus Agropecuária S/A, Encol S/A and Banco Santos S/A for a matter of convenience. The evidence indicated that in those three cases, the court was convinced by the accounting fraud due to omission of relevant financial information in the balance sheet, by information provided to the market that didn¿t reflect the healthy of the company (assets written up without the property). It was identified as well that, in those three cases, there was condemnation not only for the accounting fraud per si, but also by the combination of other crimes as money laundering, fraud gang, material and ideological false fraud, and bankruptcy.


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The consumption of goods from brands in vogue, which symbolize status, popularity, success and social distinction, among those from the same social group in a pre-teenage girls¿ environment, has been a topic for academic studies as well as the market, due to their relevant consumption power for the companies worldwide. This paper aims to check out the use of these goods by them in São Luís, in order to become popular, succesful and socially distinguished; and the relation of the consumption for status with the brand image consumed and the pre-teenage girl self image; how familiar with the goods and the brand they are; and their attitude concerning their qualities. The empirical metodology had two phases: a qualitative and a quantitative one. The first one started with a specific group of 8 (eight) pre-teenage girls from high and medium classes, with the purpose of collecting some basis in order to reinforce the theory once the hypothesis were elaborated and used to guide the quantitative research as well as to adapt some North American scales. In the second stage of the qualitative research, a survey was applied in a convenience sample of 300 (three hundred) pre-teenage girls from São Luís, all from the high, medium high and low classes. The main result showed the pre-teenage girls from São Luís consume goods and brands for status, so they could get prestige, success, and social distinction, however, they do not define themselves or judge the social status of those from their social group based only on the clothes they wear and the brands which indicate their consumption power. Some other status symbols are important too, like, housing, the family car, the neighborhood where they dwell, the parents¿ occupation; the school they go to, the long and straight hair, how correct they speak Portuguese and their holiday trips. Another result highlighted was the strong relation of the brand image with their self image in the consumption for status.


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Por meio deste trabalho, analisa-se a gestão da tramitação dos processos judiciais perante Varas do Trabalho como instrumento capaz de auxiliar no alcance da efetividade da atividade jurisdicional e da razoável duração do processo. Busca-se demonstrar o enquadramento da gestão entre as atribuições inerentes à função do juiz e a necessidade de sua adoção na condução da tramitação processual. Procura-se identificar momentos e atos da tramitação processual em que a adoção de técnicas de gestão pode produzir melhores resultados e sugerir práticas que conduzam à otimização dos recursos e legislação processual disponíveis, à maximização e, quando possível, supressão de atos, e à eliminação de “etapas mortas”. Para atingir tais propósitos, abordam-se, inicialmente, aspectos teóricos fundamentais relacionados à gestão das organizações e, de modo particular, à gestão judiciária em Varas do Trabalho. Num segundo momento, afirma-se a possibilidade de gestão do próprio processo (judicial), visando à redução do tempo de sua tramitação e à ampliação da utilidade do seu resultado, salientando-se as repercussões que essa ideia provoca sobre os deveres afetos ao juiz. Por fim, expõem-se propostas de aplicação prática de gestão processual em Varas do Trabalho, abrangentes de vários momentos e atos da tramitação processual e do seu correspondente controle.


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Esta dissertação estuda a questão da continuidade e descontinuidade de políticas públicas em governos municipais. Apesar do tema ser muito presente na fala e no cotidiano de gestores, pesquisadores, servidores públicos e jornalistas, há poucos estudos que realmente aprofundem como se dão esses fenômenos. Os poucos trabalhos realizados apontam primeiro para o paradoxo democrático da questão ¿ ainda que a descontinuidade seja normalmente considerada indesejável, ela é um dos pressupostos básicos da alternância de poder que a rotina democrática requer. Além disso, há quem aponte que os dois fenômenos possam estar mais ligados do que numa análise superficial. Por último, alguns estudos sugerem que possa haver mais continuidade do que o senso comum levaria a crer, ainda que as explicações para essa realidade ainda estejam pouco elaboradas. É nesta direção que o presente trabalho pretende contribuir. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi avançar na compreensão dos fatores que favorecem a continuidade de ações públicas em governos locais no Brasil. Neste sentido, a parte teórica do trabalho incluiu uma revisão de modelos de políticas públicas uitilizados como lente teórica à observação da pesquisa empírica. Também foram revistos alguns textos sobre o local e suas políticas de desenvolvimento, priorizados como objetos de estudo desta dissertação. Foram então realizados três estudos de caso de diferentes políticas de desenvolvimento local. As iniciativas estudadas foram escolhidas a partir do banco de experiências do Programa Gestão Pública e Cidadania, selecionando projetos realizados em cidades com mais de 200 mil habitantes e que já tenham passado por pelo menos três eleições municipais. Os casos estudados foram o Programa de Coleta Seletiva de Lixo de Embu (SP), o Programa de Produção Associada com Garantia de Renda Mínima de Jundiaí (SP) e a Instituição Comunitária de Microcrédito Portosol de Porto Alegre (RS). As análises apontam para a existência de pelo menos quatro fatores que favorecem a continuidade de iniciativas públicas em governos locais. Em primeiro lugar, notou-se a importância de que se desenvolvam ações intencionais para tanto. Além disso, são igualmente importantes fatores técnicos e políticos. Por último, sugere-se que a inserção do projeto ou instituição em coalizões consistentes é benéfico à sua continuidade.