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Behavioral problems in preschool children are one of the most frequent motives for seeking psychological care by parents and caregivers. Instruments are considered necessary, created from a Social Skills Training theoretical-practical perspective, which may systematically assist the identification of social skills and behavioral deficits. helping professionals in the prevention and/or reduction of behavioral problems. The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric validity and reliability of an instrument for evaluation of Socially Skilled Responses. from a teacher`s perspective (QRSH-PR). For this purpose, 260 preschool children were evaluated. differentiated in subgroups without and without behavioral difficulties, based on the Child Behavior Scale (Escala de Comportamento Infantil/ECI-Professor). Studies were conducted for construct. discrimination. concurrent and predictive validity. The Cronbach Alpha was calculated to evaluate internal consistency. The obtained results pointed to positive indicators in reference to construct, discrimination, and predictive validity, and even for good internal consistency. indicating that the items consistently measure the construct of social skills, and differentiated children with and without behavioral problems. The questionnaire is considered to be gauged for evaluation of socially skilled responses from preschool children. and applicable in educational and clinical environments.


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Adjustments during postural control have been recognized in the process of the integration of movement and cognition. The objective of the present work was to describe postural changes and to verify if there is a correlation between postural adjustment and attention span in 7-month-old infants during 1 min of viewing an animated puppet. Method: Twenty-nine healthy infants (14 males) born from 31 to 39 weeks (median 36) were placed in a prone position and filmed watching a puppet during I min. The analysis of the images allowed us to catalogue the changes in position, the frequency of these changes, and the attention span. The following items were quantified: total number of infant positions, positions with weight transfer, changes in support, axis, decubitus, trunk and cervical movements, timing and pauses in visual attention. Results: Twenty-one infants stayed in the prone position during most of the recording, and eight chose sitting position before starting the session. Two groups were studied according to the main position throughout the filming, one in prone and the other in sitting positions, although they could rolling or crawling. For prone group the attention span was positively correlated with the number of positions with weight transfer (r = 0.53, p = 0.04), negatively correlated with trunk movements (r = -0.63, p = 0.01), and not correlated with birth or current weight. This work suggests that changes in the trunk movements and weight transfer are different traits related to the attention in 7-month-old infants. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Background. Play is an indication of a children`s development. Purpose. Organize a culturally adapt the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment to Brazilian population. Method. Translation and cultural adaptation procedures consisted of translation, synthesis, back translation, author`s approval, and pretest of the assessment. For the pretest, 14 typically developing children were assessed. Was evaluated the use of play materials, duration of the assessment, and reliability. Findings. Play materials and duration of the assessment were appropriate for Brazilian children. Analysis of intra-rater reliability showed good agreement ranging from 0.90 to 1.00. Inter-rater reliability showed good to moderate agreement for five items ranging from 0.76 to 0.59. Four items showed chance to poor agreement (rho = -0.13 to 0.50). Implications. Results of the pretest indicate the Brazilian version of the ChIPPA is potentially useful for Brazilian children. ChIPPA training in Portuguese in Brazil with play observation feedback is recommended to improve inter-rater reliability.


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Objective: Clinical evaluation of the stomatognathic system is indispensable for the diagnosis of orofacial myofunctional disorders. In order to obtain a more precise diagnosis, the protocol of orofacial myofunctional evaluation with scores (OMES protocol) (Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 72 (2008) 367-375) was expanded in terms of number of items and scale amplitude. The proposal of this study is to describe the expanded OMES protocol (OMES-E) for the evaluation of children. Validity of the protocol, reliability of the examiners and agreement between them were analyzed, as also were the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of the instrument. Methods: The sample consisted of videorecorded images of 50 children, 25 boys (mean age = 8.4 years, SD = 1.8) and 25 girls (mean age = 8.2 years, SD = 1.7) selected at random from 200 samples. Three speech therapists prepared for orofacial myofunctional evaluation participated as examiners (E). The OMES and OMES-E protocols were used for evaluation on different days. E1 evaluated all images, E2 analyzed children with recordings from 1 to 25 and E3 analyzed children with recordings from 26 to 50. The validity of OMES-E was analyzed by comparing the instrument to the OMES protocol using the Pearson correlation test complemented with the split-half reliability test (p < 0.05). The linear weighted Kappa coefficient of agreement (Kw`), the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values and the prevalence of OMD were calculated. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between the OMES and OMES-E protocols (0.79 > r < 0.94, p < 0.01) and a significant test-retest correlation with the OMES-E (0.75 > r < 0.86, p < 0.01), with a reliability range of 0.86-0.93. The correlation and reliability coefficients between examiners were: E1 x E2 (r = 0.74, 0.84), E1 x E3 (r = 0.70, 0.83) (p < 0.01). Kw` coefficients with moderate and good strength predominated. The OMES-E protocol presented mean sensitivity = 0.91, specificity = 0.77, positive predictive value = 0.87 and negative predictive value = 0.85. The mean prevalence of OMD was 0.58. Conclusion: The OMES-E protocol is valid and reliable for orofacial myofunctional evaluation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: In the literature there is no validated instrument for the clinical evaluation of the orofacial myofunctional condition of children that will permit the examiner to express numerically his perception of the characteristics and behaviors observed. The proposal of this study is to describe a protocol for the evaluation of children aged 6-12 years in order to establish relations between the orofacial. myofunctional conditions and numerical scales. The protocol validity, reliability of the examiners and agreement between them was analyzed. Methods: Eighty children aged 6-12 years participated in the study. All were evaluated and 30 were selected at random for the analyses (age range: 72-149 months, mean = 103.3, S.D. = 23.57). Individuals with and without orofacial myofunctional. disorders were included. The examiners were two speech therapists property calibrated in orofacial myofunctional evaluation. Two protocols were constructed. One, based on traditional models, was called traditional orofacial. myofunctional. evaluation (TOME), and the other, with the addition of numerical scales, was called orofacial myofunctional. evaluation with scores (OMES). The clinical conditions included were: appearance, posture and mobility of lips, tongue, cheeks and jaws, respiration, mastication and deglutition. Statistical analysis was performed using the split-half reliability method. Means, standard deviations and the Spearman correlation coefficient were also calculated. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between the evaluations of 30 children assessed with the TOME and OMES protocols (r = 0.85, p < 0.01). The reliability between protocols was 0.92. The test-retest reliability of the OMES instrument was 0.99 and the correlation was 0.98. Reliability between examiners 1 and 2 using the OMES protocol was 0.99, and the correlation was 0.98 (P < 0.01). Conclusion: The OMES protocot proved to be a valid and reliable instrument for orofacial myofunctional evaluation, permitting the grading of orofacial myofunctional conditions within the limits of the selected items. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction The objective of this study was to analyse the accommodation needs of people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 years in Toowoomba and contiguous shires. In 2004, a group of carers established Toowoomba Intellectual Disability Support Association (TIDSA) to address the issue of the lack of supported accommodation for people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 and the concerns of ageing carers. The Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health (CRRAH) was engaged by TIDSA to ascertain this need and undertook a research project funded by the Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund. While data specifically relating to people with intellectual disability and their carers are difficult to obtain, the Australian Bureau of Statistics report that carers of people with a disability are more likely to be female and at least 65 years of age. Projections by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) show that disability rates are increasing and carer rates are decreasing. Thus the problem of appropriate support to the increasing number of ageing carers and those who they care for will be a major challenge to policy makers and is an issue of immediate concern. In general, what was once the norm of accommodating people with intellectual disability in large institutions is now changing to accommodating into community-based residences (Annison, 2000; Young, Ashman, Sigafoos, & Grevell, 2001). However, in Toowoomba and contiguous shires, TIDSA have noted that the availability of suitable accommodation for people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 years is declining with no new options available in an environment of increasing demand. Most effort seemed to be directed towards crisis provision. Method This study employed two phases of data gathering, the first being the distribution of a questionnaire through local service providers and upon individual request to the carers of people with intellectual disability over the age of 18. The questionnaire comprised of Likert-type items intended to measure various aspects of current and future accommodation issues. Most questions were followed with space for free-response comments to provide the opportunity for carers to further clarify and expand on their responses. The second phase comprised semi-structured interviews conducted with ten carers and ten people with intellectual disability who had participated in the Phase One questionnaire. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and subjected to content analysis where major themes were explored. Results Age and gender Carer participants in this study totalled 150. The mean age of these carers was 61.5 years and ranged from 40 – 91 years. Females comprised 78% of the sample (mean age = 61.49; range from 40-91) and 22% were male (mean age = 61.7 range from 43-81). The mean age of people with intellectual disability in our study was 37.2 years ranging from 18 – 79 years with 40% female (mean age = 39.5; range from 19-79) and 60% male (mean age = 35.6; range from 18-59). The average age of carers caring for a person over the age of 18 who is living at home is 61 years. The average age of the carer who cares for a person who is living away from home is 62 years. The overall age range of both these groups of carers is between 40 and 81 years. The oldest group of carers (mean age = 70 years) were those where the person with intellectual disability lives away from home in a large residential facility. Almost one quarter of people with an intellectual disability who currently live at home is cared for by one primary carer and this is almost exclusively a parent.


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Background. Dental erosion is a multifactorial disease and is associated with dietary habits in infancy and adolescence. Aim. To investigate possible associations among dental erosion and diet, medical history and lifestyle habits in Brazilian schoolchildren. Design. The sample consisted of a random single centre cluster of 414 adolescents (12- and 16-years old) of both genders from private and public schools in Bauru (Brazil). The O`Brien [Children`s Dental Health in the United Kingdom, 1993 (1994) HMSO, London] index was used for dental erosion assessment. Data on medical history, rate and frequency of food and drinks consumption, and lifestyle habits were collected by a self-reported questionnaire. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were used to assess the univariate relationships between variables. Analysis of questionnaire items was performed by multiple logistic regression analysis. The statistical significance level was set at 5%. Results. The erosion present group comprised 83 subjects and the erosion absent group 331. There were no statistically significant correlations among dental erosion and the consumption of food and drinks, medical history, or lifestyle habits. Conclusion. The results indicate that there was no correlation between dental erosion and the risk factors analysed among adolescents in Bauru/Brazil and further investigations are necessary to clarify the multifactorial etiology of this condition.


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Objective To evaluate the relationship between breastfeeding duration and the prevalence of non-nutritive Sucking habits in children with deciduous dentition. Method A cross-sectional survey was conducted on the mothers of 551 children aged 3 to 6 years, randomly selected from public pre-schools in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Mothers were asked to complete a questionnaire that included items regarding their children`s age, gender, race, method and duration of infant feeding, as well as pacifier use and/or digit-sucking habits. According to the answers pertinent to the method and duration of infant feeding, children were assigned to five groups: 1 - never breastfed, 2 - breastfed for a period shorter than 3 months of life, 3 - breastfed for 3 to 6 months, 4 - breastfed for 6 to 9 months, and 5 - breastfed for 9 months or longer. Data were submitted to the Fisher`s exact test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons to analyse possible associations between breastfeeding duration period categories and non-nutritive sucking behaviours. Results Pacifier use frequency was high in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 (85%, 87.6%, 78% and 70%, respectively), in comparison with that in group 5 (38.6%). The prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits was significantly reduced in children who were breastfed for nine months or longer (p=0.000). There were no statistically significant differences in the frequencies of pacifier use and/or digit-sucking habits between genders, regardless of the breastfeeding duration period. Conclusion Children aged 3-6 years who were breastfed for nine months or longer had a lower prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits.


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A variable that appears to affect preference development is the exposure to a variety of options. Providing opportunities for systematically sampling different options is one procedure that can facilitate the development of preference, which is indicated by the consistency of selections. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of providing sampling opportunities on the preference development for two adults with severe disabilities. Opportunities for sampling a variety of drink items were presented, followed by choice opportunities for selections at the site where sampling occurred and at a non-sampling site (a grocery store). Results show that the participants developed a definite response consistency in selections at both sites. Implications for sampling practices are discussed.


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Issues of boundary maintenance are implicit in all studies of national identity. By definition, national communities consist of those who are included but surrounded (literally or metaphorically) by those who are excluded. Most extant research on national identity explores criteria for national membership largely in terms of official or public definitions described, for example, in citizenship and immigration laws or in texts of popular culture. We know much less about how ordinary people in various nations reason about these issues. An analysis of cross-national (N = 23) survey data from the 1995 International Social Science Program reveals a core pattern in most of the countries studied. Respondents were asked how important various criteria were in being 'truly' a member of a particular nation. Exploratory factor analysis shows that these items cluster in terms of two underlying dimensions. Ascriptive/objectivist criteria relating to birth, religion and residence can be distinguished from civic/voluntarist criteria relating to subjective feelings of membership and belief in core institutions. In most nations the ascriptive/objectivist dimension of national identity was more prominent than the subjective civic/voluntarist dimension. Taken overall, these findings suggest an unanticipated homogeneity in the ways that citizens around the world think about national identity. To the extent that these dimensions also mirror the well-known distinction between ethnic and civic national identification, they suggest that the former remains robust despite globalization, mass migration and cultural pluralism. Throughout the world official definitions of national identification have tended to shift towards a civic model. Yet citizens remain remarkably traditional in outlook. A task for future research is to investigate the macrosociological forces that produce both commonality and difference in the core patterns we have identified.


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Medication data retrieved from Australian Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) claims for 44 veterans residing in nursing homes and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) claims for 898 nursing home residents were compared with medication data from nursing home records to determine the optimal time interval for retrieving claims data and its validity. Optimal matching was achieved using 12 weeks of RPBS claims data, with 60% of medications in the RPBS claims located in nursing home administration records, and 78% of medications administered to nursing home residents identified in RPBS claims. In comparison, 48% of medications administered to nursing home residents could be found in 12 weeks of PBS data, and 56% of medications present in PBS claims could be matched with nursing home administration records. RPBS claims data was superior to PBS, due to the larger number of scheduled items available to veterans and the veteran's file number, which acts as a unique identifier. These findings should be taken into account when using prescription claims data for medication histories, prescriber feedback, drug utilisation, intervention or epidemiological studies. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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For products sold with warranty, preventive maintenance actions by manufacturers and/or buyers have an impact on the total costs for both parties. This paper develops a framework to study preventive maintenance actions when items are sold under warranty and reviews the models that have appeared in the literature. It then develops a new model and carries out its analysis.


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To support student learning in a large Metabolism and Nutrition class, we have introduced a web-based package, using a commercially available program, WebCT. The package was developed at a minimal cost and with limited resources. In addition to downloadable (PDF) versions of lecture Powerpoint presentations, tutorial outlines and a practical class exercise, web-based self-directed learning exercises were included to reinforce and extend lecture material in an active learning environment. The web-site also contained a variety of formative and summative assessment tasks that examined both factual recall and higher order thinking Detailed course information, timetables and a bulletin board were also readily accessible. Student usage of the site was generally high, but varied widely between individual students. Students who achieved a high overall score for the course completed on average three times as many formative assessment items and achieved a higher score for all tests than students who did poorly. Student feedback about the site was very positive with the majority of students reporting that the course material and assessment items that were available were useful to their learning. Administration of the course was also facilitated. (C) 2001 IUBMB. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background. Although digital and videotaped images are known to be comparable for the evaluation of left ventricular function, their relative accuracy for assessment of more complex anatomy is unclear. We sought to compare reading time, storage costs, and concordance of video and digital interpretations across multiple observers and sites. Methods. One hundred one patients with valvular (90 mitral, 48 aortic, 80 tricuspid) disease were selected prospectively, and studies were stored according to video and standardized digital protocols. The same reviewer interpreted video and digital images independently and at different times with the use of a standard report form to evaluate 40 items (eg, severity of stenosis or regurgitation, leaflet thickening, and calcification) as normal or mildly, moderately, or severely abnormal Concordance between modalities was expressed at kappa Major discordance (difference of >1 level of severity) was ascribed to the modality that gave the lesser severity. CD-ROM was used to store digital data (20:1 lossy compression), and super-VHS video-tape was used to store video data The reading time and storage costs for each modality were compared Results. Measured parameters were highly concordant (ejection fraction was 52% +/- 13% by both). Major discordance was rare, and lesser values were reported with digital rather than video interpretation in the categories of aortic and mitral valve thicken ing (1% to 2%) and severity of mitral regurgitation (2%). Digital reading time was 6.8 +/- 2.4 minutes, 38% shorter than with video (11.0 +/- 3.0, range 8 to 22 minutes, P < .001). Compressed digital studies had an average size of 60 <plus/minus> 14 megabytes (range 26 to 96 megabytes). Storage cost for video was A$0.62 per patient (18 studies per tape, total cost A$11.20), compared with A$0.31 per patient for digital storage (8 studies per CD-ROM, total cost A$2.50). Conclusion. Digital and video interpretation were highly concordant; in the few cases of major discordance, the digital scores were lower, perhaps reflecting undersampling. Use of additional views and longer clips may be indicated to minimize discordance with video in patients with complex problems. Digital interpretation offers a significant reduction in reading times and the cost of archiving.


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When the data consist of certain attributes measured on the same set of items in different situations, they would be described as a three-mode three-way array. A mixture likelihood approach can be implemented to cluster the items (i.e., one of the modes) on the basis of both of the other modes simultaneously (i.e,, the attributes measured in different situations). In this paper, it is shown that this approach can be extended to handle three-mode three-way arrays where some of the data values are missing at random in the sense of Little and Rubin (1987). The methodology is illustrated by clustering the genotypes in a three-way soybean data set where various attributes were measured on genotypes grown in several environments.