976 resultados para intestinal obstruction
A síndrome do intestino curto é definida pela incapacidade da superfície do intestino delgado em manter as condições adequadas de absorção de nutrientes, ocasionando deficiências nutricionais. Em adultos, as principais causas de síndrome do intestino curto são as ressecções cirúrgicas amplas ou múltiplas, secundárias a infarto mesentérico, doença de Crohn e enterite actínica. Além de avaliar o tempo de trânsito até o intestino grosso, o exame contrastado de trânsito intestinal pode ser utilizado na medição da extensão do intestino remanescente e no acompanhamento dos fenômenos de adaptação estrutural das alças delgadas e colônicas. Em pacientes com síndrome do intestino curto, a adaptação estrutural do intestino delgado consiste na hiperplasia das vilosidades e das pregas mucosas, que se tornam mais numerosas, profundas e de maior diâmetro, assim como a dilatação do segmento remanescente. Esses achados morfológicos são mais pronunciados e bem estabelecidos nas alças ileais, evidenciando sua maior capacidade adaptativa. O conhecimento dos achados por imagem das características morfológicas e adaptativas do intestino delgado é de grande importância na abordagem multidisciplinar da síndrome do intestino curto.
Bilateral breast swelling secondary to superior vena cava obstruction and subclavian vein thrombosis
Superior vena cava syndrome is defined by a set of signs and symptoms secondary to superior vena cava obstruction caused principally by malignant diseases. The present report describes the case of an unusual clinical manifestation of this syndrome with bilateral breast swelling, and emphasizes the relevance of knowledge on mammographic signs of systemic diseases.
Intestinal infection with Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis, a food-borne infection spread to humans especially through contaminated eggs and egg-products as well as undercooked contaminated fresh meat, is the most common cause of intestinal inflammation in the European Union. Enteritis caused by Salmonella Enteritidis is characterized by fever, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. The disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier function contributes to diarrhoea and is responsible for the perpetuation of the inflammatory process. In this sense, oxidative stress and the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-1β are described to induce the disorganization of the tight junctions (TJ), the most apical epithelial intercellular junctions and responsible for the paracellular permeability. The interest of this chapter relies not only in the investigation dealing with the mechanisms of TJ regulation but also in the contribution to the development of new tools for the prevention of epithelial barrier disruption in enteritis caused by Salmonella Enteritidis.
Background: Colorectal cancer is a major health problem worldwide and many efforts have been done to delineate risk factors and develop screening strategies to reduce its incidence and mortality. Colorectal adenomas have been clearly considered preneoplastic lesions due to their potential malignant transformation via the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Over the last years, intestinal microbiota has been studied in several diseases and it has been hypothesized that colonic microbiota could influence colorectal cancer pathogenesisObjective: The goal of this study is to analyse whether there is an association between the fecal microbiota profiling and the presence and progression of colorectal adenomas, detected in population undergoing colonoscopy, to better understand the role of intestinal microbiota in colorectal carcinogenesisDesign: A cross-sectional study in the Gastroenterology Department at Hospital Universitari Doctor Josep Trueta in Girona, in a period of time of two yearsParticipants: General population undergoing screening or diagnostic colonoscopy in the Digestive Endoscopy UnitOutcomes: Identification and characterization of intestinal microbiota in stool samples from healthy patients and patients with low and high risk colorectal adenomas
Peutz¿Jeghers syndrome (PJS, MIM175200) is an autosomal dominant condition defined by the development of characteristic polyps throughout the gastrointestinal tract and mucocutaneous pigmentation. The majority of patients that meet the clinical diagnostic criteria have a causative mutation in the STK11 gene, which is located at 19p13.3. The cancer risks in this condition are substantial, particularly for breast and gastrointestinal cancer, although ascertainment and publication bias may have led to overestimates in some publications. Current surveillance protocols are controversial and not evidence-based, due to the relative rarity of the condition. Initially, endoscopies are more likely to be done to detect polyps that may be a risk for future intussusception or obstruction rather than cancers, but surveillance for the various cancers for which these patients are susceptible is an important part of their later management. This review assesses the current literature on the clinical features and management of the condition, genotype¿phenotype studies, and suggested guidelines for surveillance and management of individuals with PJS. The proposed guidelines contained in this article have been produced as a consensus statement on behalf of a group of European experts who met in Mallorca in 2007 and who have produced guidelines on the clinical management of Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis.
Background: Pacemaker implantation (PMI) may predispose to venous thromboembolism (VTE) and obstruction (VO). This prospective study aimed at quantifying changes in venous calibers, and at determining the incidence of symptomatic and asymptomatic VTE/VO after PMI. Further goals included an assessment of the role of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in the diagnosis of lead-related central venous thrombi (CVT), and determination of predictors for VTE/VO. Methods: 150 (mean age 67; 61% male) consecutive patients with first PMI were enrolled and followed for 6 months. Contrast venography was performed at baseline and 6 months after PMI to measure venous diameters, and to detect stenosis, total occlusions and thrombi. TEE was conducted in 66 patients. Based on clinical suspicion, work-up for pulmonary embolism (PE) or acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) were performed as needed. A total of 50 cases underwent longer-term (mean 2.4 years) follow-up venography. All cases with VTE/VO during the initial 6 months, and their matched controls, were selected for a case-control study focused on possible predictive role of laboratory and patient-related factors for the development of VTE/VO. Results: 10 (7 %) patients were found to have baseline venous abnormalities (e.g. 8 obstructions). Mean venous diameters diminished significantly during the first 6 months, but no further reduction occurred in late follow-up. New VO was discovered in 19 patients (14 %; 14 stenosis, 5 total occlusions; all asymptomatic). Small non-obstructive thrombi were found in 20/140 (14 %) 6-month venograms. TEE at 6 months disclosed CVT in 6 (9 %) patients. One (0.7 %) patient had acute symptomatic upper-extremity DVT, and PE was discovered in 5/150 (3.3 %) patients during the first 6 months with no further cases thereafter. At 6 months, the total number of cases with VTE/VO amounted to 47 (31.3 %). Additionally, the later 2-year venograms (n=50) disclosed 4 (8 %) total occlusions and 1 (2 %) stenosis. In the case-control study, no parameter was predictive of venous end-points as a single variable, but there appeared to be significant clustering of traditional VTE risk-factors among the cases. Laboratory parameters showed a definite acute hypercoagulative state induced by PMI, but its degree did not predict subsequent development of VTE/VO. Conclusions: This study shows that VTE/VO is relatively common after PMI with an overall incidence of at least 30 %. Although the majority of the lesions are asymptomatic and clinically benign, cases of PE were also encountered, and totally occluded veins may hamper future upgrading or replacement of pacing system. Venous complications seem difficult to prognosticate as firm predictors were not identified from a wide range of parameters analyzed in this study, although clustering of classic VTE risk factors may be a predisposing factor. Parameters related to implantation procedure or pacing systems and the severity of implantation-induced trauma did not emerge as predictors.
This study analyzed the feasibility and efficacy of surgical therapies in patients with sleep-disordered breathing ranging from partial upper airway obstruction during sleep to severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The surgical procedures evaluated were tracheostomy, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LUPP) and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) with laser or ultrasound scalpel. Obstructive sleep apnea and partial upper airway obstruction during sleep were measured with the static charge-sensitive bed (SCSB) and pulse oximeter. The patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome were treated with tracheostomy. Palatal surgery was performed only if the upper airway narrowing occurred exclusively at the soft palate level in patients with partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. The ultrasound scalpel technique was compared to laser-assisted UPPP. The efficacy of LUPP to reduce partial upper airway obstruction during sleep was assessed and histology of uvulopalatal specimen was compared to body fat distributional parameters and sleep study findings. Tracheostomy was effective therapy in severe obstructive sleep apnea. Partial upper airway obstruction and arterial oxyhemoglobin desaturation index during sleep decreased significantly after LUPP. The minimal retropalatal airway dimension increased and soft palate collapsibility decreased at the level where the velopharyngeal obstruction had occurred before the surgery. Ultrasound scalpel did not offer any significant benefits over the laser-assisted technique, except fewer postoperative haemorrhage events. The loose connective tissue as a manifestation of edema was the only histological finding showing correlation with partial upper airway obstruction parameters of SCSB. Tracheostomy remains a life-saving therapy and also long-term option when adherence to CPAP fails in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. LUPP effectively reduces partial upper airway obstruction during sleep provided that obstruction at the other levels than the soft palate and uvula were preoperatively excluded. Technically the ultrasound scalpel or laser surgeries are equal. In patients with partial upper airway obstruction the loose connective tissue is more important than fat accumulation in the soft palate. This supports the hypothesis that edema is a primary trigger for aggravation of upper airway narrowing during sleep at the soft palate level and evolution towards partial or complete upper airway obstruction during sleep.
Plug dynamics of non compensate drip tubes were evaluated, by the precipitation of moisturized whitewash [Ca(OH)2], which is used in the fertigation for the bulb pH control of the trademarks Azud, Amanco, Naandan, Netafim, Petroisa, Queen Gil, with flow rate varying between 0.4 to 3.0 L h-1 usually used in the country. For this matter, increasing doses of Ca(OH)² were applied in the irrigation water, from 0.01 g L-1 to 1.84 g L-1. The flow rate of each drip tube was measured in intervals of time initially of 7 days, later of 15 days of system operation, totaling a time of 100 days of operation, corresponding to nine applications or 432 hours. The coefficient of variation (CV), and relative rate flow (Qr) were evaluated. The results pointed differences among the evaluated emitter regarding the occurrence of the clogging, and the models G2 and G5 presented the smallest levels of flow rate variation comparing to the models G6, G7 and G9.
Malacoplakia is a chronic granulomatous disease of unknown origin. However immunodeficiency states (immunossuppressive medication, old people, renal transplantation, leukaemia, diabetes mellitus, malnutrition and others) have been associated with patients with malacoplakia. An infectious cause of malakoplakia is suggested by the finding of coliform bacteria in the phagolysosomes of macrophages. The histologic study is characterized by a infiltrate of large macrophages (Hansenmann cells) with pathognomonic inclusions containing siderocalcific structures (Michaelis-Gutmann bodies). Most of the cases reported in literature, involve the genitourinary tract, but other structures can be affected (brain, bone, adrenal glands, lymph nodes, intestine, and others). A 66-year-old man whith a abdominal mass, went to our hospital with a colonic tumour diagnosis. The patient was submitted to a surgery, with resection of the rigth colon. The disease was invading a portion of the retroperitoneal tissue that was removed. The histopatologic study showed the pathognomonic sign of malakoplakia (Hansenmann cells and Michaelis-Gutmann bodies). Norfloxacin have been used to the complementar treatment with total cure of the patient.
Thirty-four years old patient, female, husband died of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Síndrome). She's confined to Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, with a positive tesT for AIDS, fever, 10 kg/month of weight loss, diarrhea with gummy faeces, productive cough, yellowish sputum. The therapy was initiated, symptomatic, associated to Epivir, Saquinavir and AZT. The searching exams for Alcohol Ácid Resistant Bacili and fungi in the sputum were negative. At the hemogram was shown a pancytopenia, the esophagogastroduodenunscopy showed light esophago moniliasis. During commitment presented a perforating acute abdomen chart, the abdominal radiography showed hidroair levels, pneumoperitoneum, enlarced bowels with swollen wall. She was undertaken a surgery with diagnosis hypothesis of cytomegalovirus perforation, which accordin to literature is the most frequent cause of intestinal perforation in patients with AIDS.
Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de translocação bacteriana em ratos submetidos a oclusão intestinal e verificar a capacidade de uma dieta imunoestimuladora em reduzir a incidência de translocação bacteriana nestes animais. Foram utilizados 24 ratos da linhagem Wistar, adultos, machos, pesando entre 180 e 240g, que foram divididos em três grupos, contendo oito animais cada. Ao grupo C (Controle) foi oferecida uma ração padrão para ratos, ao grupo I (Imunomodulação), uma dieta imunoestimuladora, e ao grupo D (Desnutrição) foi oferecida uma dieta padrão com a metade da oferta. Após sete dias, todos os animais foram submetidos a oc1usão intestinal por ligadura do íleo terminal. Após 18 horas da operação, com técnica asséptica, o abdome foi aberto e foram retirados 6ml de sangue da veia cava inferior, para determinação da glicemia, albumina e contagem de leucócitos. O baço, fígado e linfonodo mesentérico foram removidos separadamente, para estudo rnicrobiológico, e segmento do jejuno proximal, para estudo histológico. A ingesta calórica foi semelhante nos grupos C e I e a metade no grupo D. A média de glicemia foi inferior no grupo D. As culturas do linfonodo mesentérico, baço e fígado foram positivas em todos os animais do grupo D, em 58,3% dos ratos do grupo I e em 66,6% dos ratos do grupo C. As alterações histológicas foram mínimas quando comparados os três grupos. Conclui-se que a translocação bacteriana ocorre em ratos submetidos a oclusão intestinal e que o suporte nutricional com dieta imunoestimuladora é capaz de reduzir a incidência de translocação bacteriana em ratos com oclusão intestinal.
É grande o número de pessoas que inalam nicotina diariamente através do hábito de fumar e eventualmente têm que ser submetidos a intervenção cirúrgica no aparelho digestivo. Sendo a nicotina um agente que tem sido implicado no retardo da cicatrização das feridas, foi realizado estudo experimental em ratos com o objetivo de testar o seu efeito na evolução histológica da cicatrização de anastomoses intestinais. Foram utilizados 17 ratos Wistar com média de peso 275±14g, divididos aleatoriamente em grupo I (n=9) e grupo II (n=8), anestesiados com éter sulfúrico e operados com técnica asséptica. A nicotina foi administrada por via subcutânea na dose de 5mg/kg em dias alternados, durante 17 dias nos ratos do grupo I e foi usado placebo no grupo II. Após sete dias de uso da nicotina e do placebo, foi feita secção transversal do jejuno a 5 cm do duodeno e anastomose com polipropileno 6-0. No décimo dia os ratos foram mortos com superdose de éter sulfúrico e foi feita biópsia da anastomose. Após processamento dos cortes histológicos e coloração pela hematoxilina-eosina, os dados foram quantificados por escores. A análise histológica revelou que o grupo I atingiu o escore 135 (média 15±4,41) e o grupo II, 218 (média 27,25±4,89). De acordo com o teste t, a diferença mostrou-se significativa (p<0,05). Os dados permitem concluir que a nicotina, quando administrada por via subcutânea em ratos, contribui para prejudicar a cicatrização de anastomoses intestinais.
O objetivo é apresentar a padronização da técnica operatória e os resultados obtidos com a utilização do acesso videolaparoscópico na reconstituição do trânsito intestinal em pacientes previamente submetidos à operação de Hartmann por causas diversas. Foram analisados prospectivamente 32 pacientes, no período de dezembro de 1991 a junho de 1997, com distribuição semelhante com relação ao sexo e com idade média de 42,4 anos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos ao mesmo preparo pré-operatório e à mesma técnica cirúrgica. Ocorreram três (9,3%) complicações transoperatórias. Uma (3,1 %) anastomose mecânica incompleta, necessitando de endossutura manual, uma (3,1 %) laceração do reto com o grampeador mecânico e uma (3,1 %) lesão da artéria epigástrica direita. Ocorreram ainda três (9,3%) conversões, sendo uma (3,1 %) devido à laceração do reto com o grampeador mecânico, outra (3.1 %) pela invasão tumoral na pelve e outra (3,1 %) pela presença de excessivas aderências intraperitoneais. O tempo operatório variou de 30 a 240 minutos, na média de 126,2 minutos (2,1 horas). A evolução clínica pós-operatória foi satisfatória. Nove (31,0%) pacientes não referiram dor, enquanto 13 (44,8%) a referiram em pequena intensidade, e apenas sete (24,0%) queixaram-se de dor com maior intensidade. A dieta líquida via oral foi instituída no período médio de 1,6 dias, e a primeira evacuação ocorreu na média de 3,2 dias de pós-operatório. O período médio de hospitalização foi de 4,7 dias. Ocorreram complicações pós-operatórias em oito (27,5%) pacientes. Duas (6,8%) infecções da ferida do estoma, dois pacientes (6,8%) com dor no ombro direito, uma (3,4%) deiscência de anastomose, um (3,4%) caso de peritonite por provável contaminação do material cirúrgico, uma coleção líquida pélvica e uma hérnia incisional. Em conclusão, a reconstituição do trânsito intestinal por videolaparoscopia apresentou-se segura e eficaz, podendo constituir-se no método cirúrgico de escolha, pois foi utilizada com sucesso em 90,6% dos pacientes.
The authors reports two patients with operated from enteric tuberculosis. Tuberculosis involving the intestinal tract may be due to either Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis. In the former situation, the disease is primary to the lungs and is carried to the intestinal tract by swallowing sputum. The latter organism produces infection associated with swallowed nonpasteurized milk. This condition is extremely unusual in most western countries, since pasteurization of milk is standardized. The diagnosis was performed through laparotomy because of symptoms suggestive of intestine obstruction. Inflammatory reactions were observed on the small intestine (jejunum-ileum) in both cases. The presence of tuberculosis of the lungs was observed in one patient. The chemotherapic treatment was estabilished after the histopathologic diagnosis. The distinction between tuberculosis and Crohn's disease may not be possible by radiography or endoscopy. Videolaparoscopy has been found to be an useful procedure for the early diagnosis of Enteric Tuberculosis. In spite of the epidemiology knowledge, clinical control and improvement in treatment, extra pulmonary tuberculosis rate from concealed focus has been increased, due to AIDS poverty in certain populational groups and immigration from Asia to wertern countries. Compared with immunocompetent patients, the proportion of extrapulmonary tuberculosis is much higher in patients with AIDS, justfying the increased frequency of reports of intestinal tuberculosis in these patients.