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As academic libraries are increasingly supported by a matrix of databases functions, the use of data mining and visualization techniques offer significant potential for future collection development and service initiatives based on quantifiable data. While data collection techniques are still not standardized and results may be skewed because of granularity problems, faulty algorithms, and a host of other factors, useful baseline data is extractable and broad trends can be identified. The purpose of the current study is to provide an initial assessment of data associated with science monograph collection at the Marston Science Library (MSL), University of Florida. These sciences fall within the major Library of Congress Classification schedules of Q, S, and T, excluding R, TN, TR, and TT. Overall strategy of this project is to look at the potential science audiences within the university community and analyze data related to purchasing and circulation patterns, e-book usage, and interlibrary loan statistics. While a longitudinal study from 2004 to the present would be ideal, this paper presents the results from the academic year July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 which was chosen as the pilot period because all data reservoirs identified above were available.
During April 8th-10th, 2008, the Aliance for Coastal Technology (ACT) partner institutions, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC), and the Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) hosted a workshop entitled: "Hydrocarbon sensors for oil spill prevention and response" in Seward, Alaska. The main focus was to bring together 29 workshop participants-representing workshop managers, scientists, and technology developers - together to discuss current and future hydrocarbon in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors as they apply to oil spill prevention and response. [PDF contains 28 pages] Hydrocarbons and their derivatives still remain one of the most important energy sources in the world. To effectively manage these energy sources, proper protocol must be implemented to ensure prevention and responses to oil spills, as there are significant economic and environmental costs when oil spills occur. Hydrocarbon sensors provide the means to detect and monitor oil spills before, during, and after they occur. Capitalizing on the properties of oil, developers have designed in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors that absorb or reflect the electromagnetic energy at different spectral bands. Workshop participants identified current hydrocarbon sensors (in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors) and their overall performance. To achieve the most comprehensive understanding of oil spills, multiple sensors will be needed to gather oil spill extent, location, movement, thickness, condition, and classification. No single hydrocarbon sensor has the capability to collect all this information. Participants, therefore, suggested the development of means to combine sensor equipment to effectively and rapidly establish a spill response. As the exploration of oil continues at polar latitudes, sensor equipment must be developed to withstand harsh arctic climates, be able to detect oil under ice, and reduce the need for ground teams because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for ground teams because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for the U.S. to adopt a multi-agency cooperation for oil spill response, as the majority of issues surounding oil spill response focuses not on the hydrocarbon sensors but on an effective contingency plan adopted by all agencies. It is recommended that the U.S. could model contingency planning based on other nations such as Germany and Norway. Workshop participants were asked to make recommendations at the conclusion of the workshop and are summarized below without prioritization: *Outreach materials must be delivered to funding sources and Congressional delegates regarding the importance of oil spill prevention and response and the development of proper sensors to achieve effective response. *Develop protocols for training resource managers as new sensors become available. *Develop or adopt standard instrument specifications and testing protocols to assist manufacturers in further developing new sensor technology. *As oil exploration continues at polar latitudes, more research and development should be allocated to develop a suite of instruments that are applicable to oil detection under ice.
Whoever in future will need information about a location or an area, either literature, measurement data, photos or administrative information, might only click on that spot on a screen map in the internet. A search programme started thereby will offer all available information in databanks. A step forward to such a solution, to the retrieval of location related literature and measurement data from different kinds of databanks, is presented by the project Baltic Sea Web (http://www.baltic.vtt.fi/ demonstrator/index.html). The basic idea was to make the available information about a certain location accessible via a link of their geographical coordinates, longitude and latitude, to a map in a web browser
Fischerei-Forschungskutter ,Solea einsatzbereit unter dieser Titelzeile meldete die fhrende deutsche Fachzeitschrift fr Schiffbau und Schiffahrt Schiff und Hafen in ihrer Juli-Ausgabe 1974 die Ablieferung der Solea durch die Schiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik Max Siegholt, Bremerhaven, an das Bundesministerium fr Ernhrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten am 29. 5. 1974. Mit dem Bau dieses Schiffes wurde eine Lcke in der deutschen Fischereiforschung geschlossen, die sich fr die Arbeit der Bundesforschungsanstalt fr Fischerei in zunehmendem Mae als hinderlich erwiesen hatte.
In der Zeit unzureichender Nahrungsmittelversorgung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nahmen schon wenige Wochen nach Kriegsende die ersten Fischereifahrzeuge wieder den Fang auf. Unzureichend ausgerstet und z.T. nur provisorisch wieder fr Fischereizwecke zurckgewandelt, bemhten sie sich, in zugewiesenen, begrenzten Seegebieten zu fischen und so ihren Versorgungsbeitrag zu leisten. Einen mglichst groen Anteil dieser Fnge als Konsumware der hungernden Bevlkerung direkt zukommen zu lassen, das war ab Sptsommer 1945 das Hauptziel von Fischereibiologen, Lebensmittelchemikern und Fischereitechnikern, die sich zum grten Teil in Hamburg zusammen gefunden hatten. Sie gehrten zu den Nachkriegsresten von vier Instituten der ehemaligen Reichsanstalt fr Fischerei (1938-1945): dem Institut fr See- und Kstenfischerei aus Hamburg-Altona, dem Institut fr Ostseefischerei aus Swinemnde, dem Institut fr Fischverarbeitung aus Hamburg- Altona, dem Institut fr Netzforschung aus Ltzen (Ostpr.). Schon ab Herbst 1945 gingen die vier Institutsreste in die Verwaltung der Hansestadt Hamburg ber und wurden mit kleinen, aber regelmigen stdtischen Etats arbeitsfhig.
Although landings in 1996 were 319 000 t down (16 %) from 1995 the returns from fishery in 1996 were almost as high as 1995 ( 3014 mio. dkr; 0.2 %). Industrial fishery alone decreased by 268 000 t. The average price for all landed species was 1.81 dkr/kg, an increase of 19 % compared to 1995, with a range of 0.61 dkr/kg for industrial fish (sandeel etc.) to 62 dkr/kg for sole. 1997 the fishery scene improved again. Already in November landings reached 1.74 mio. t, more than all 1996. Price increase was not as strong as 1996; on average 5 % until November. Total return until November was, however, alreday 3250 mio. dkr; 405 mio dkr above total return of 1996.
The fishery ministers of the EU agreed in their yearly pre-Christmas marathon session on 18th and 19th Dec. 1997 on next years TACs and country quota. Main decision was the increase of the TAC for North sea cod and a smaller than feared cut of cod TACs in the West of Scotland zone, the Irish Sea and the English Channel. For the first time ministers set country quota for horse mackerel; until 1997 there had been - with the exception for Portugal and Spain - only a common quota. Also for the much disputed sandeel fishery a TAC of 1 mio. t was finally established, as well as for bluefin tuna and swordfish in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. For 1998 the EU member countries dispose of a total catch quota of 4.46 mio. t in EU waters, and together with quota in third country waters of 5.2 mio. t. Of this total quota, 3.16 mio. t are fish for human consumption and 2.1 mio. t fish for industrial purposes.
Bei der Erweiterung der Europischen Union nach Osten spielen nicht nur politische sondern auch wirtschaftliche Faktoren eine groe Rolle. Die Europische Kommission hat die Agenda 2000 aufgestellt, in der finanz- und wirtschaftspolitische Rahmenbedingungen der Europischen Union fr den Beitritt der zehn mittel- und osteuropischen Lnder (MOEL) dargelegt werden. Die allgemeine Wirtschaftssituation der jetzigen Union sowie der MOEL wurde anhand der Bruttoinlandsprodukte und der Bevlkerungsvernderung im vorigen Heft 3 der Informationen fr die Fischwirtschaft dargestellt. Im Folgenden wird die Lage der Fischwirtschaft der einzelnen MOEL und ihre Bewertung aus Sicht der EU-Kommission - wie sie im Bulletin der Europischen Union dargestellt ist - wiedergegeben. Auerdem werden fr jedes Land die Beitrittsperspektiven, d.h. die notwendigen Anpassungsmanahmen und auch daraus entstehenden Schwierigkeiten aufgezeigt. Die zu jedem Land dargestellten Graphiken fuen unabhngig von der Darstellung der EU-Kommission auf Daten der FAO.
Vom 28. Juli bis 1. August 1996 fand in Brisbane/Australien der 2. Weltfischerei-Kongre statt. Er stand unter dem Motto Entwicklung und Erhaltung der Weltfischereiressourcen - Stand von Wisssenschaft und Management. Gastgeber war die Australische Gesellschaft fr Fischereibiologie, Hauptsponsor die Australische Fischereiforschungs- und Entwicklungs-Vereinigung.
Norways sea fishery 1996 ranked 9th world wide. Preliminary data for 1996, as published in the Norwegean journal Fiskets Gang, show a further increase of the total catch by 114 000 tonnes, which now reached 2.63 million tonnes. The value of these landings were 8550 million nkr, up by 381 million nkr. The 5 most caught species were herring, cod, blue whiting and saithe. The 5 highest values, however, were obtained by cod, mackerel, herring, saithe and deepsea prawn. Considerable increases of prices were noted for jack mackerel (+142 %), mackerel (+133 %) and herring (+34 %).
Total world fishery production 1995, including aquaculture, of fish, shellfish, frogs and turtles reached a new record of 112.9 million tones live weight. Marine fishery had a share of 91,9 million tonnes (+ 0.4) and freshwater fishery 21.0 million tonnes (+ 2.0). Not included in these figures are seals, whales, crocodiles and algae. Marine mammals and crocodiles are listed by number of killed individuals, and not given by weight. Algae alone represent a biomass of 7.1 million tonnes, but are not included by the FAO in the nominal total production of the world either. About two thirds of the marine fishery harvest was used for human consumption, one third for industrial purposes mainly production of fish meal and fish oil.
The findings are presented of a study conducted in the framework of the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to examine the role and structure of communication in fishing villages around Kainji Lake in Nigeria. The major aim was to be able to utilize the knowledge at a later stage in the project cycle to pass on fisheries extension messages to fishing communities. The study had the following terms of reference: 1) describe the structure and processes of communication of fishermen around Kainji Lake; 2) identify the formal and informal media of communication used by the fishermen to communicate information concerning their job; 3) describe the problems inhibiting usage of the different media identified; 4) ascertain the extent of use of mass media by fishermen around the lake; and, 5) identify acceptable ways by which fisheries information can be repackaged for the use of extension workers. (PDF contains 58 pages)
In this time of scarce resources, coastal resource managers must find ways to prioritize conservation, land use, and restoration efforts. The Habitat Priority Planner (HPP) is a free geospatial tool created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations Coastal Services Center that has received wide praise for its ease of use and broad applicability to conservation strategic planning, restoration, climate change scenarios, and other natural resource management actions. Not a geographic information system (GIS) user? Dont worrythis tool was designed to be used in a team setting. One intermediate-level GIS user can push the buttons to show quick results while a roomful of resource managers and stakeholders provide input criteria that determine the results. The Habitat Priority Planner is a toolbar for ESRIs ArcGIS platform that is composed of three modules: Habitat Classification, Habitat Analysis, and Data Explorer. The tool calculates basic ecological statistics that are used to examine how habitats function within a landscape. The tool prepackages several common landscape metrics into a userfriendly interface for intermediate GIS users. In addition, HPP allows the user to build queries interactively using a graphical interface for demonstrating criteria selections quickly in a visual manner that is useful in stakeholder interactions. Tool advocates and users include land trusts, conservation alliances, nonprofit organizations, and select National Estuarine Research Reserves and refuges of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Participants in this session will learn the basic requirements for HPP use and the multiple ways the HPP has been applied to geographies nationwide. (PDF contains 5 pages)