954 resultados para infiltration experiment
The present study analyzed the composition of the aquatic fauna associated to the mangrove forest in a southeastern Brazilian river. The composition of the macrofauna in the roots of the marginal vegetation located at three different salinity stretches was analyzed by sampling pieces of the submerged branches of the vegetation (natural substrate) and pieces of sisal rope (artificial substrate), installed close to the natural vegetation and sampled after a period of 14 colonization days. In both types of substrate, twelve taxonomic groups were sampled, representing three phyla (Cnidaria, Annelida and Arthropoda). The crustaceans, corresponding to the most diversified group, were represented by Copepoda, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Amphipoda and Decapoda. The highest salinity stretch showed the highest abundance, with a progressive decrease from high to low salinity for both substrates. Copepoda and Tanaidacea predominated on both substrates, although the artificial substrate exhibited the highest total abundance and species richness. Considering the relative abundance of the taxonomic groups on both substrates, the majority of groups predominated in the highest salinity range. Significant differences on the longitudinal distribution of abundance were associated to the variation on salinity and with the complexity of the substrate.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Invertebrate predation on zooplankton was investigated in mesocosms in the shallow tropical Lake Monte Alegre, Sauo Paulo State, Brazil, in the summer of 1999. Two treatments were applied: one with natural densities of prey and the predators Chaoborus brasiliensis and the water mite Krendowskia sp. (Pr+), and another without predators (Pr-). Three enclosures (volume: 6.6 m(3) of water per enclosure) per treatment were installed in the sediment of the deepest area of the lake (5.0 m). At the beginning, Chaoborus larvae were present in Pr- enclosures, because of technical difficulties in preventing their entrance, but they virtually disappeared in the course of the experiment. Water mites were almost absent in Pr- enclosures. Chaoborus predation negatively influenced the Daphnia gessneri population, but not the populations of the copepods Tropocyclops prasinus and Thermocyclops decipiens and the rotifers Keratella spp. Death rates of Daphnia were generally significantly higher in the Pr+ treatment; Daphnia densities increased after the disappearance of Chaoborus in Pr-. Copepod losses to predation in the experiment may be compensated by higher fecundity, shorter egg development time, and lower pressure on egg-bearing females, resulting in a lower susceptibility to Chaoborus predation. The predation impact of water mite on microcrustaceans and rotifers in the experiment was negligible.
Enamel white spot subsurface lesions compromise esthetics and precede cavitation; therefore, they must be halted. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a caries infiltration technique and fluoride therapy on the microhardness of enamel carious lesions. Subsurface carious lesions were produced in 60 bovine specimens with polished enamel surfaces. The specimens were divided into four groups (n=15), according to the treatment used: CON, control immersion in artificial saliva; DF, daily 0.05% fluoride solution; WF, weekly 2% fluoride gel; and IC, resin infiltration (Icon). The specimens were kept in artificial saliva and evaluated for microhardness at five points: baseline, after caries production, after four and eight weeks of treatment, and a final evaluation after being submitted to a new acid challenge. The repeated-measures analysis of variance showed significant differences according to the type of treatment (TREAT; p=0.001) and time of evaluation (EV; p=0.001). The results of the Tukey test were TREAT: CON = 45.18 (+/- 29.17)a, DF = 107.75 (+/- 67.38)b, WF = 83.25 (+/- 51.17)c, and IC = 160.83 (+/- 91.11)d. Analysis of correlation between the TREAT and EV factors showed no significant differences for DF (138.63 +/- 38.94) and IC (160.99 +/- 46.13) after the new acid challenge. The microhardness results in decreasing order after eight weeks were IC > DF > WF > CON. It was concluded that the microhardness of carious lesions increased with the infiltration of resin, while the final microhardness after a new acid challenge was similar for DF and IC.
In this study we simulate numerically the Reynolds' experiment for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in a pipe. We present a discussion of the results from a dynamical systems perspective when a control parameter, the Reynolds number, is increased. The Landau scenario, where the transition is described by the excitation of infinite oscillatory modes within the fluid, is not observed. Instead what happens is best explained by the Ruelle-Takens scenario in terms of strange attractors. The Lyapunov exponent and fractal dimension for the attractor are calculated together with a measure of complex behaviour called the Lempel-Ziv complexity. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We propose an extension of the original thought experiment proposed by Geroch, which sparked much of the actual debate and interest on black hole thermodynamics, and show that the generalized second law of thermodynamics is in compliance with it.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is described. The detector operates at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It was conceived to study proton-proton (and lead-lead) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV (5.5 TeV nucleon-nucleon) and at luminosities up to 10(34)cm(-2)s(-1) (10(27)cm(-2)s(-1)). At the core of the CMS detector sits a high-magnetic-field and large-bore superconducting solenoid surrounding an all-silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead-tungstate scintillating-crystals electromagnetic calorimeter, and a brass-scintillator sampling hadron calorimeter. The iron yoke of the flux-return is instrumented with four stations of muon detectors covering most of the 4 pi solid angle. Forward sampling calorimeters extend the pseudo-rapidity coverage to high values (vertical bar eta vertical bar <= 5) assuring very good hermeticity. The overall dimensions of the CMS detector are a length of 21.6 m, a diameter of 14.6 m and a total weight of 12500 t.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as perdas de solo e água por erosão hídrica, em parcelas-padrão sob chuva natural, no período pós-plantio, em diferentes sistemas de manejo de florestas de eucalipto. O experimento foi instalado em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, muito argiloso, relevo ondulado. As coletas de dados foram realizadas no período de outubro de 2002 a fevereiro de 2004, em eventos de chuva considerada erosiva. Os sistemas estudados foram: mata nativa; pastagem plantada; eucalipto plantado em nível; eucalipto plantado na direção do declive; eucalipto plantado na direção do declive com queima de restos culturais; e solo descoberto. Entre os sistemas florestais, o eucalipto em nível é o que mais se aproxima da mata nativa, em perdas de solo, indicando assim maior sustentabilidade desse sistema. Os maiores valores de perda de água são encontrados no sistema eucalipto plantado na direção do declive com queima de restos culturais, sugerindo que o fogo aumenta a repelência à água e diminui a taxa de infiltração de água no solo. Todos os sistemas de manejo do eucalipto estudados apresentaram perdas de solo inferiores ao limite de tolerância.
De forma geral, os cursos de física clássica oferecidos nas universidades carecem de exemplos de aplicações nas áreas de química e biologia, o que por vezes desmotivam os alunos de graduação destas áreas a estudarem os conceitos físicos desenvolvidos em sala de aula. Neste texto, a analogia entre os osciladores elétrico e mecânico é explorada visando possívies aplicações em química e biologia, mostrando-se de grande valia devido ao seu uso em técnicas de medição de variação de massa com alta precisão, tanto de forma direta como indireta. Estas técnicas são conhecidas como técnicas eletrogravimétricas e são de especial importância em aplicações que envolvem biossensores. Desta forma, o texto explora o estudo da analogia eletromecânica de forma interdisciplinar envolvendo as áreas de física, química e biologia. Baseado nessa analogia é proposto um experimento que permite a sua aplicação em diferentes níveis conceituais dessas disciplinas, tanto em abordagem básica como mais profunda.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)