697 resultados para impurities


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Reverse osmosis (RO) is the most preferable process for water recovery from secondary effluent (SE) because of its higher rejection of impurities with lower associated cost and higher quality of product. Fouling still is a major challenge during the water recovery due to higher contaminant loadings in SE and high rejection capability of this membrane. The presence of suspended solids, colloidal and organic matters, and high level of biological activities in SE further elevate fouling potentiality. This review was performed to identify major foulants causing hindrance in sustainable application of reverse osmosis and to present available pre-treatment options for these foulants. There are four fouling types present in RO namely; bio-fouling, inorganic/scaling, organic, and particulate fouling. Among them; bio-fouling is less understood but dominant since the pre-treatment options are not well developed. Other fouling mechanisms have been overcome by well developed pre-treatments. The major foulants for RO are dissolved and macromolecular organic substances, sparingly soluble inorganic compounds, colloidal and suspended particles, and micro-organisms. Some of these potential fouling water quality parameters (PFWQPs) are interrelated with each others such as electrical conductivity is a surrogate measure of total dissolved solids with established stable relationship. Most of these PFWQPs such as total suspended solids, turbidity, chemical oxygen demand can be removed by conventional pre-treatment; some such as colloidal particles and micro-organisms by modern options and even others such as endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceutical and personal care products are still challenging for current pre-treatments. These foulants need to be identified properly to integrate appropriate pre-treatments for minimizing fouling potentiality to increase water recovery at minimal costs.


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A magnesium-based alloy consisting of, by weight: 0.5 to 1.5% manganese, 0.05 to 0.5% rare earth of which more than 70% is lanthanum, 0 to 1.5% zinc and 0 to 0.1% strontium, the balance being magnesium except for incidental impurities.


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Monoethanolamine (MEA) is the benchmark solvent for the capture of carbon dioxide from both natural gas and flue gas streams. Despite its effectiveness in absorbing CO2, this solvent can react with impurities in the gas stream to form heat stable salts and other degradation products. These impurities can cause problems such as an increase in solvent viscosity and corrosion of the operating units. Thus, a number of approaches have been considered to mitigate the occurrence of these problems. In this paper, the use of electrodialysis as an online MEA reclamation process in a postcombustion CO2 capture facility is investigated. The study shows that high heat stable salts removal can be achieved with a high MEA recovery. However, it is necessary to limit the current density, particularly at lower salt concentrations, to reduce water splitting. The stability of the commercial ion-exchange membranes in the highly alkaline solvent is also investigated. The results show that the membranes are stable upon exposure to 30 wt % MEA for at least 4.5 months.


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While monethanolamine has shown great potential as a solvent for the capture of carbon dioxide, impurities can build within the solution over time, leading to increased viscosity and corrosivity. Classically, these impurities are removed by a combination of neutralization and either thermal reclamation, ion exchange or electrodialysis. In this work, we evaluate the use of nanofiltration to concentrate the heat stable salts within the solution prior to such reclamation. This allows the recirculating solvent to operate with low concentrations of these impurities, while providing a low volume, concentrated solution for reclamation. Results show that nanofiltration can reject greater than 80% of the heat stable anions, while allowing the monoethanolamine to permeate through the membrane, for return to the process. Rejection of the MEA itself is less than 7%. The nanofiltration operation is only effective on lean solvent with CO2 loadings of less than 0.2 and neutralization would be required upstream to deprotonate the amine. The two membranes tested (Koch MPF-34 and MPF-36) appeared stable to exposure to the solvent for over four months.


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Severe plastic deformation via equal-channel angular pressing was shown to induce characteristic ultra-fast diffusion paths in Ni (Divinski et al., 2011). The effect of heat treatment on these paths, which were found to be represented by deformation-modified general high-angle grain boundaries (GBs), is investigated by accurate radiotracer self-diffusion measurements applying the 63Ni isotope. Redistribution of free volume and segregation of residual impurities caused by the heat treatment triggers relaxation of the diffusion paths. A correlation between the GB diffusion kinetics, internal friction, microstructure evolution and microhardness changes is established and analyzed in detail. A phenomenological model of diffusion enhancement in deformation-modified GBs is proposed.


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MELO, Dulce Maria de Araújo et al. Evaluation of the Zinox and Zeolite materials as adsorbents to remove H2S from natural gas. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Estados Unidos, v. 272, p. 32-36, 2006.


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It seeks to find an alternative to the current tantalum electrolytic capacitors in the market due to its high cost. Niobium is a potential substitute, since both belong to the same group of the periodic table and because of this have many similar physical and chemical properties. Niobium has several technologically important applications, and Brazil has the largest reserves, around 96%. There are including niobium in reserves of tantalite and columbite in Rio Grande do Norte. These electrolytic capacitors have high capacitance specifies, ie they can store high energy in small volumes compared to other types of capacitors. This is the main attraction of this type of capacitor because is growing demand in the production of capacitors with capacitance specifies increasingly high, this because of the miniaturization of various devices such as GPS devices, televisions, computers, phones and many others. The production route of the capacitor was made by powder metallurgy. The initial niobium powder supplied by EEL-USP was first characterized by XRD, SEM, XRF and laser particle size, to then be sieved into three particle size, 200, 400 e 635mesh. The powders were then compacted and sintered at 1350, 1450 and 1550°C using two sintering time 30 and 60min. Sintering is one of the most important parts of the process as it affects properties as porosity and surface cleaning of the samples, which greatly affected the quality of the capacitor. The sintered samples then underwent a process of anodic oxidation, which created a thin film of niobium pentóxido over the whole porous surface of the sample, this film is the dielectric capacitor. The oxidation process variables influence the performance of the film and therefore the capacitor. The samples were characterized by electrical measurements of capacitance, loss factor, ESR, relative density, porosity and surface area. After the characterizations was made an annealing in air ate 260ºC for 60min. After this treatment were made again the electrical measurements. The particle size of powders and sintering affected the porosity and in turn the specific area of the samples. The larger de area of the capacitor, greater is the capacitance. The powder showed the highest capacitance was with the smallest particle size. Higher temperatures and times of sintering caused samples with smaller surface area, but on the other hand the cleaning surface impurities was higher for this cases. So a balance must be made between the gain that is achieved with the cleaning of impurities and the loss with the decreased in specific area. The best results were obtained for the temperature of 1450ºC/60min. The influence of annealing on the loss factor and ESR did not follow a well-defined pattern, because their values increased in some cases and decreased in others. The most interesting results due to heat treatment were with respect to capacitance, which showed an increase for all samples after treatment


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The study aimed at the treatment of attapulgite for the development and characterization of composite recycled low density polyethylene - PEBD_rec embedded with natural attapulgite - ATP_NAT, sifted - ATP_PN and attapulgite treated with sulfuric acid - ATP_TR in different compositions (1, 3 and 5%) and compared with the PEBD_rec. The atapulgitas, natural, screened and treated, were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and determining the area specific surface (BET). The composites were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Xray diffraction (XRD), torque rheometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and traction. The composite PEBD_rec / ATP (natural, sieved and treated) were produced by mixing in the molten state in a single screw extruder matrix wire with subsequent reprocessing matrix tape. It was found that the screening of attapulgite not reduce the quantity of quartz and the acid treatment completely extracted dolomite aggregate impurities of the channels attapulgite, and increase their surface area. The addition of attapulgite in PEBD_rec acts as a catalyst, reducing the thermal stability of the polymer. The increased concentration of attapulgite, increases resistance and reduces the elongation at break and modulus of elasticity of the composite PEBD_rec / attapulgite


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Ionic oxides with ABO3 structure, where A represents a rare earth element or an alkaline metal and B is a transition metal from group VIII of the periodic table are potential catalysts for oxidation and good candidates for steam reforming reaction. Different methods have been considered for the synthesis of the oxide materials with perovskite structure to produce a high homogeneous material with low amount of impurities and low calcination temperatures. In the current work, oxides with the LaNiO3 formula had been synthesized using the method of the polymeric precursors. The thermal treatment of the materials took place at 300 ºC for 2h. The material supported in alumina and/or zirconia was calcined at 800 ºC temperature for 4h. The samples had been characterized by the following techniques: thermogravimetry; infrared spectroscopy; X-ray diffraction; specific surface area; distribution of particle size; scanning electron microscopy and thermo-programmed reduction. The steam reforming reaction was carried out in a pilot plant using reducing atmosphere in the reactor with a mixture of 10% H2-Argon, a mass about 5g of catalyst, flowing at 50 mL.min-1. The temperature range used was 50 - 1000 oC with a heating rate of 10 oC.min-1. A thermal conductivity detector was used to analyze the gas after the water trapping, in order to permit to quantify the consumption of hydrogen for the lanthanum nickelates (LaNiO3). The results showed that lanthanum nickelate were more efficient when supported in alumina than when supported in zirconia. It was observed that the methane conversion was approximately 100% and the selectivity to hydrogen was about 70%. In all cases were verified low selectivity to CO and CO2


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The oily sludge is a complex mix of hydrocarbons, organic impurities, inorganic and water. One of the major problems currently found in petroleum industry is management (packaging, storage, transport and fate) of waste. The nanomaterials (catalysts) mesoporous and microporous are considered promising for refining and adsorbents process for environment protection. The aim of this work was to study the oily sludge from primary processing (raw and treated) and vacuum residue, with application of thermal analyses technique (pyrolysis), thermal and catalytic pyrolysis with nanomaterials, aiming at production petroleum derived. The sludge and vacuum residue were analyzed using a soxhlet extraction system, elemental analysis, thin layer chromatography, thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py GC MS). The catalysts AlMCM-41, AlSBA-15.1 e AlSBA-15.2 were synthesized with molar ratio silicon aluminum of 50 (Si/Al = 50), using tetraethylorthosilicante as source of silicon and pseudobuhemita (AlOOH) as source of aluminum. The analyzes of the catalysts indicate that materials showed hexagonal structure and surface area (783,6 m2/g for AlMCM-41, 600 m2/g for AlSBA-15.1, 377 m2/g for AlSBA-15.2). The extracted oily sludge showed a range 65 to 95% for organic components (oil), 5 to 35% for inorganic components (salts and oxides) and compositions different of derivatives. The AlSBA-15 catalysts showed better performance in analyzes for production petroleum derived, 20% increase in production of kerosene and light gas oil. The energy potential of sludge was high and it can be used as fuel in other cargo processed in refinery


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the present research work, composites were prepared using pine apple leaf fibres (PALF) as reinforcement with unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, incorporating with fire retardant at different compositions. The PALF was obtained from the decortication of pine apple leaves obtained from Ramada 4 from Ielmo Marinho in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The unsaturated polyester resin and the catalyzer were bought from the local establishment. The fire retardant, aluminium tri-hydroxide - Al(OH)3 was donated by Alcoa Alumínio S.A and was used in the proportions of 20%, 40% and 60% w/w. Initially the fibres were treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, to remove any impurities present on the fibre surface, such as wax, fat, pectin and pectate, in order to have a better adsorption of the fibres with the matrix as well as the flame retardant. The fibre mat was prepared in a mat preparator by immersion, developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory, at the UFRN. The composites (300x300x3 mm) were prepared by compression molding and the samples (150x25x3 mm) for analysis of the properties were cut randomly using a laser cutter. Some of the cut samples were used to measure the smoke emission and fire resistance using UL94 standard. Mechanical tension-extension and flexural properties were carried in CTGás RN and the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos Engenharia de Materiais UFRN , as well as SEM studies were carried out at Núcleo de Estudos em Petróleo e Gás Natural - UFRN . From the observed results, it was noted that, there was no marked influence of the fire retardant on the mechanical properties. Also in the water absorption test, the quantity of water absorbed was less in the sample with higher concentration of fire retardant. It was also observed that the increase in the proportion of the fire retardant increased the time of burning, may be due to the compactness of the composite due to the presence of fire retardant as a filling material even though it was meant to reduce the rate of inflammability of the composite


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The objective of this research is the fabrication of a composite reinforced with dyed sisal fiber and polyester matrix for application in the fields such as, fashion, clothing, interior textiles; fashion accessories are some of the examples. For the fabrication of the composite, the sisal fibers were subjected to processes such as: chemical treatment with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in the removal of impurities; bleaching for removing the yellowish color of the natural fiber and dyeing with direct dyes to confer the colors blue, green and orange. The search for new technologies ecologically correct has become a major concern in recent decades. Studies show that composite polymer reinforced by natural fibers is suitable for a large number of applications, and its use is advantageous in terms of economic and ecological. The dyed fibers were cut to a length of 30 mm, is used in the confection of webs. For this purpose, a web preparer by immersion, developed in the Laboratory of Chemical Textile of UFRN. The composite sheets measuring 300 x 300 x3 mm were molded by compression, with unsaturated orthophthalic polyester as matrix, and the samples in sizes 150 x 25 x 3 mm were cut with the aid of a laser machine, to be subjected to traction and flexion. The mechanical properties of traction and flexion in three points were performed in the Laboratory of metal and mechanical tests of Materials Engineering of UFRN. The resulting samples from the tests were evaluated in scanning electron microscope (SEM) at CTGas RN. On the basis of the analysis of the results from the mechanical tests, it was observed that the composite had good mechanical behavior, both in traction as in flexion. Furthermore, it was observed that in the water absorption test, the samples had a different percentage among themselves, this occurred due to the variation of density found in the fibre webs. The images of the SEM showed the failures from the manufacturing process and the adhesion of fibre/matrix. When the samples were prepared with the dyed fibers to be applied in fashion, the results were positive, and it can be concluded that the main objective of this work was achieved


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The crude glycerine is a raw material that can be used in a wide variety of products. Even with all the impurities inherent in the process of being obtained, the crude glycerin is already in a marketable product. However, the market is much more favorable to the commercialization of purified glycerine. The glycerin is a byproduct gotten from the process of transesterification of waste oils and fats in the production of biodiesel. More recently, the deployment of the new Federal Law of Brazil, related to the implementation of energy resources, forces, from 2008, the increase of 2% biodiesel in diesel common with prospects for 5% (B5). Therefore, it is indispensable that new routes of purification as well as new markets are developed. The objective of this work was to purify, through ion exchange, the crude glycerin, obtained from the reaction of transesterification of cottonseed oil. The cottonseed oil was characterized as the fatty acid composition and physical-chemical properties. The process of ion exchange was conducted in batch. In this process were used strong cation, low anion resins and a mixed resin used to de-ionize water. The purified glycerin was characterized as the content of metals. Tests were performed with activated charcoal adsorption, and for this, it was made tests of time contact with coal as well as quantity of coal used. The time of activation, the amount of the activation solution, the contact time of the glycerol solution in resins, the amount and type of resin applied were evaluated. Considering the analysis made with activated charcoal, when the glycerin solution was treated using the resins individually it was observed that in the conditions for treatment with 10 g of resin, 5 hours of contact with each resin and 50 mL of glycerin solution, its conductivity decreased to a cationic resin, increased to the anionic resin and had a variable value with respect to resin mixed. In the treatment in series, there was a constant decrease in the conductivity of the solution of glycerin. Considering two types of treatment, in series and individually, the content of glycerol in glycerin pre-purified solution with the different resins varied from 12,46 to 29.51% (diluted solution). In analysis performed without the use of activated charcoal, the behavior of the conductivity of the solution of glycerin were similar to results for treatment with activated charcoal, both in series as individually. The solution of glycerin pre-purified had a glycerol content varying from 8.3 to 25.7% (diluted solution). In relation to pH, it had a behavior in accordance with the expected: acid for the glycerin solution treated with cationic resin, basic when the glycerin solution was treated with the anionic resin and neutral when treated with the mixed resin, independent of the kind of procedure used (with or without coal, resins individually or in series). In relation to the color of the glycerin pre-purified solution, the resin that showed the best result was the anionic (colorless), however this does not mean that the solution is more in pure glycerol. The chromatographic analysis of the solutions obtained after the passage through the resins indicated that the treatment was effective by the presence of only one component (glycerol), not considering the solvent of the analysis