972 resultados para idrossiapatite, cranioplastica, protesi, biomimetiche, microonde, DoE
L’oggetto della presente tesi di laurea magistrale consiste nello studio di polimeri coniugati nella catena principale, per una loro applicazione come materiali fotoattivi in celle fotovoltaiche. In particolare, sono stati sintetizzati e caratterizzati politiofeni tioalchil sostituiti, funzionalizzati in posizione 3-3' con catene alchiliche di diversa lunghezza e grado di ramificazione (tra cui una chirale), al fine di studiarne l'effetto sulle proprietà ottiche ed elettriche del materiale. I polimeri ottenuti sono stati caratterizzati mediante tecniche spettroscopiche (1H-NMR, UV-PL), cromatografia a permeazione su gel (GPC), analisi termiche (DSC, TGA) e misure elettrochimiche (voltammetria ciclica). Il comportamento chiro-ottico del campione chirale è stato inoltre valutato tramite misure di dicroismo circolare. Si è infine testata l’efficienza delle celle fotovoltaiche ottenute utilizzando i polimeri sintetizzati come materiale fotoattivo.
Durante la mia tesi mi sono occupata di una grave patologia, l’Aneurisma Cerebrale, che rappresenta una delle principali cause di ospedalizzazione provocando il 10/12% della mortalità globale annua nei paesi industrializzati. In Italia , l’incidenza di aneurismi cerebrali è di 100.000 nuovi casi all’anno. In generale , nei paesi industrializzati, la prevalenza è stimata a circa 600 per 100.000 abitanti . Tuttavia la prevalenza degli aneurismi cerebrali nelle popolazioni in generale , è molto più elevato stimato intorno al 2,3%,il che suggerisce indirettamente che la maggior parte degli aneurismi non va mai incontro a rottura. Negli ultimi vent’anni lo sviluppo della tecnologia ha visto significativi progressi che ci hanno permesso di agire sul problema in modo sempre migliore. Nei primi capitoli ho descritto alcune apparecchiature biomediche che sono di fondamentale importanza nello studio degli aneurismi cerebrali, mettendo in evidenza le varie peculiarità che le contraddistinguono. A seguire, ho parlato del trattamento endovascolare, che consiste nell’esclusione della cavità aneurismatica dal flusso di sangue, il quale viene incanalato in una protesi posizionata all’interno del lume vasale eliminando il rischio di rottura o di embolizzazione di materiale trombotico proveniente dalla sacca aneurismatica. I vantaggi della tecnica endovascolare consistono nella minore invasività rispetto alla tecnica chirurgica standard, la craniotomia. A fronte di ciò, si deduce quanto l’ingegneria biomedica sia una disciplina in evoluzione. Le condizioni di vita delle persone che subiscono questi tipi di interventi sono notevolmente migliorate ottenendo risultati di completa o semi-completa guarigione.
Il funzionamento del cervello umano, organo responsabile di ogni nostra azione e pensiero, è sempre stato di grande interesse per la ricerca scientifica. Dopo aver compreso lo sviluppo dei potenziali elettrici da parte di nuclei neuronali in risposta a stimoli, si è riusciti a graficare il loro andamento con l'avvento dell'ElettroEncefaloGrafia (EEG). Tale tecnologia è entrata a far parte degli esami di routine per la ricerca di neuropsicologia e di interesse clinico, poiché permette di diagnosticare e discriminare i vari tipi di epilessia, la presenza di traumi cranici e altre patologie del sistema nervoso centrale. Purtroppo presenta svariati difetti: il segnale è affetto da disturbi e richiede un'adeguata elaborazione tramite filtraggio e amplificazione, rimanendo comunque sensibile a disomogeneità dei tessuti biologici e rendendo difficoltoso il riconoscimento delle sorgenti del segnale che si sono attivate durante l'esame (il cosiddetto problema inverso). Negli ultimi decenni la ricerca ha portato allo sviluppo di nuove tecniche d'indagine, di particolare interesse sono la ElettroEncefaloGrafia ad Alta Risoluzione (HREEG) e la MagnetoEncefaloGrafia (MEG). L'HREEG impiega un maggior numero di elettrodi (fino a 256) e l'appoggio di accurati modelli matematici per approssimare la distribuzione di potenziale elettrico sulla cute del soggetto, garantendo una migliore risoluzione spaziale e maggior sicurezza nel riscontro delle sorgenti neuronali. Il progresso nel campo dei superconduttori ha reso possibile lo sviluppo della MEG, che è in grado di registrare i deboli campi magnetici prodotti dai segnali elettrici corticali, dando informazioni immuni dalle disomogeneità dei tessuti e andando ad affiancare l'EEG nella ricerca scientifica. Queste nuove tecnologie hanno aperto nuovi campi di sviluppo, più importante la possibilità di comandare protesi e dispositivi tramite sforzo mentale (Brain Computer Interface). Il futuro lascia ben sperare per ulteriori innovazioni.
In this thesis I analyzed the microwave tomography method to recognize breast can- cer. I study how identify the dielectric permittivity, the Helmoltz equation parameter used to model the real physic problem. Through a non linear least squares method I solve a problem of parameters identification; I show the theoric approach and the devel- opment to reach the results. I use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, applied on COMSOL software to multiphysic models; so I do numerical proofs on semplified test problems compared to the specific real problem to solve.
In questo progetto di tesi ci si addentrerà nel campo della scansione corporea, e più in generale di qualunque oggetto. In questo ambito le soluzioni proposte sono numerose e questo settore ha vissuto negli ultimi anni un’incredibile crescita, favorita anche dalla nascita delle stampanti 3D. Si può ragionevolmente supporre che tale crescita non sia destinata ad esaurirsi nei prossimi anni; ci sono i presupposti per cui questo settore occupi fette sempre più importanti del mercato. In questa tesi ci si è occupati prevalentemente di tecniche di scansione del corpo umano, in quanto una descrizione geometricamente accurata della superficie corporea riveste una notevole importanza sia nelle applicazioni industriali che nello studio della biomeccanica del movimento. Per quanto riguarda le applicazioni industriali si pensi ad esempio all’utilizzo di scanner 3D in accoppiata alle moderne stampanti 3D per la realizzazione di protesi custom o al comparto sartoriale per il confezionamento di abiti su misura. Nell’ambito della biomeccanica essa può risultare utile sia per quanto riguarda gli aspetti cinematici e dinamici nei campi riabilitativo, ergonomico e sportivo, sia per quanto riguarda la stima delle grandezze antropometriche. Attualmente esistono sistemi di scansione corporea low-cost che si stanno sempre più diffondendo e si può pensare ad un futuro neanche tanto lontano nel quale essi siano presenti in maniera diffusa nelle abitazioni. In tale contesto gli obiettivi di questa tesi sono: 1) Documentare quanto prodotto finora a livello scientifico, brevettuale ed industriale, evidenziando meriti e limiti di ciascuna soluzione. 2) Individuare e valutare la realizzabilità di soluzioni innovative low-cost.
A partire dal concept ideato dall’ing. Emanuele Gruppioni, ricercatore presso il Centro Protesi stesso, l’obiettivo del lavoro è rappresentato dallo studio di fattibilità, dalla realizzazione e dalla messa in opera della suddetta mano, che presenta come caratteristica peculiare e innovativa un azionamento bilaterale che le consente di essere ambidestra. Questo azionamento è attuato da due cavi posti in ogni dito, che grazie all’azione dei motori inseriti nel palmo vengono riavvolti su delle pulegge consentendo la flessione delle dita in una direzione o nell’altra, in una struttura di mano nella quale non sono quindi individuabili a priori le tipiche ragioni palmare e dorsale. Questo tipo di azionamento in futuro potrebbe essere rielaborato nell’ottica di avere un’unica protesi di mano che possa essere utilizzata sia da pazienti destrimani sia mancini, o, in alternativa, di avere un dispositivo protesico che ampli le funzionalità di presa rispetto alla mano umana.
L'obiettivo principale che questa tesi intende perseguire e la progettazione di un sistema di acquisizione 3D a basso costo basato sul metodo di triangolazione a lama laser. A tale scopo si adotterà una telecamera general-purpose, e si provvederà sia alla realizzazione di un prototipo di sistema di attuazione per automatizzare la scansione dell'oggetto, sia all'implementazione di algoritmi per la calibrazione della geometria laser-telecamera, il rilevamento del profilo laser nell'immagine e la sua successiva ricostruzione 3D, tenendo anche conto delle complicazioni che l'uso di oggetti ad alto potere diffusivo apporta a tale problema, a causa dei marcati effetti di subsurface scattering della luce laser. Il sistema di triangolazione sarà validato caratterizzando, mediante il confronto con pezzi di dimensioni note, la precisione e l'accuratezza delle misurazioni, e valutando i tempi di esecuzione degli algoritmi. Inoltre, le prestazioni ed i risultati delle acquisizioni saranno messi a confronto con quelli ottenuti adottando una telecamera high-end dedicata. Lo studio preliminare svolto in questa sede e propedeutico per la futura realizzazione di un sistema per la ricostruzione in camera bianca di protesi d'osso su misura.
The rising concerns about environmental pollution and global warming have facilitated research interest in hydrogen energy as an alternative energy source. To apply hydrogen for transportations, several issues have to be solved, within which hydrogen storage is the most critical problem. Lots of materials and devices have been developed; however, none is able to meet the DOE storage target. The primary issue for hydrogen physisorption is a weak interaction between hydrogen and the surface of solid materials, resulting negligible adsorption at room temperature. To solve this issue, there is a need to increase the interaction between the hydrogen molecules and adsorbent surface. In this study, intrinsic electric dipole is investigated to enhance the adsorption energy. The results from the computer simulation of single ionic compounds with hydrogen molecules to form hydrogen clusters showed that electrical charge of substances plays an important role in generation of attractive interaction with hydrogen molecules. In order to further examine the effects of static interaction on hydrogen adsorption, activated carbon with a large surface area was impregnated with various ionic salts including LiCl, NaCl, KCl, KBr, and NiCl and their performance for hydrogen storage was evaluated by using a volumetric method. Corresponding computer simulations have been carried out by using DFT (Density Functional Theory) method combined with point charge arrays. Both experimental and computational results prove that the adsorption capacity of hydrogen and its interaction with the solid materials increased with electrical dipole moment. Besides the intrinsic dipole, an externally applied electric field could be another means to enhance hydrogen adsorption. Hydrogen adsorption under an applied electric field was examined by using porous nickel foil as electrodes. Electrical signals showed that adsorption capacity increased with the increasing of gas pressure and external electric voltage. Direct measurement of the amount of hydrogen adsorption was also carried out with porous nickel oxides and magnesium oxides using the piezoelectric material PMN-PT as the charge supplier due to the pressure. The adsorption enhancement from the PMN-PT generated charges is obvious at hydrogen pressure between 0 and 60 bars, where the hydrogen uptake is increased at about 35% for nickel oxide and 25% for magnesium oxide. Computer simulation reveals that under the external electric field, the electron cloud of hydrogen molecules is pulled over to the adsorbent site and can overlap with the adsorbent electrons, which in turn enhances the adsorption energy Experiments were also carried out to examine the effects of hydrogen spillover with charge induced enhancement. The results show that the overall storage capacity in nickel oxide increased remarkably by a factor of 4.
From the customer satisfaction point of view, sound quality of any product has become one of the important factors these days. The primary objective of this research is to determine factors which affect the acceptability of impulse noise. Though the analysis is based on a sample impulse sound file of a Commercial printer, the results can be applied to other similar impulsive noise. It is assumed that impulsive noise can be tuned to meet the accepTable criteria. Thus it is necessary to find the most significant factors which can be controlled physically. This analysis is based on a single impulse. A sample impulsive sound file is tweaked for different amplitudes, background noise, attack time, release time and the spectral content. A two level factorial design of experiments (DOE) is applied to study the significant effects and interactions. For each impulse file modified as per the DOE, the magnitude of perceived annoyance is calculated from the objective metric developed recently at Michigan Technological University. This metric is based on psychoacoustic criteria such as loudness, sharpness, roughness and loudness based impulsiveness. Software called ‘Artemis V11.2’ developed by HEAD Acoustics is used to calculate these psychoacoustic terms. As a result of two level factorial analyses, a new objective model of perceived annoyance is developed in terms of above mentioned physical parameters such as amplitudes, background noise, impulse attack time, impulse release time and the spectral content. Also the effects of the significant individual factors as well as two level interactions are also studied. The results show that all the mentioned five factors affect annoyance level of an impulsive sound significantly. Thus annoyance level can be reduced under the criteria by optimizing the levels. Also, an additional analysis is done to study the effect of these five significant parameters on the individual psychoacoustic metrics.
Energy crisis and worldwide environmental problem make hydrogen a prospective energy carrier. However, storage and transportation of hydrogen in large quantities at small volume is currently not practical. Lots of materials and devices have been developed for storage hydrogen, but to today none is able to meet the DOE targets. Activated carbon has been found to be a good hydrogen adsorbent due to its high surface area. However, the weak van der Waals force between hydrogen and the adsorbent has limited the adsorption capacity. Previous studies have found that enhanced adsorption can be obtained with applied electric field. Stronger interaction between the polarized hydrogen and the charged sorbents under high voltage is considered as the reason. This study was initiated to investigate if the adsorption can be further enhanced when the activated carbon particles are separated with a dielectric coating. Dielectric TiO2 nanoparticles were first utilized. Hydrogen adsorption measurements on the TiO2-coated carbon materials, with or without an external electric field, were made. The results showed that the adsorption capacity enhancement increased with the increasing amount of TiO2 nanoparticles with an applied electric field. Since the hydrogen adsorption capacity on TiO2 particles is very low and there is no hydrogen adsorption enhancement on TiO2 particles alone when electric field is applied, the effect of dielectric coating is demonstrated. Another set of experiments investigated the behavior of hydrogen adsorption over TiO2-coated activated carbon under various electric potentials. The results revealed that the hydrogen adsorption first increased and then decreased with the increase of electric field. The improved storage was due to a stronger interaction between charged carbon surface and polarized hydrogen molecule caused by field induced polarization of TiO2 coating. When the electric field was sufficient to cause considerable ionization of hydrogen, the decrease of hydrogen adsorption occurred. The current leak detected at 3000 V was a sign of ionization of hydrogen. Experiments were also carried out to examine the hydrogen adsorption performances over activated carbon separated by other dielectric materials, MgO, ZnO and BaTiO3, respectively. For the samples partitioned with MgO and ZnO, the measurements with and without an electric field indicated negligible differences. Electric field enhanced adsorption has been observed on the activated carbon separated with BaTiO3, a material with unusually high dielectric constant. Corresponding computational calculations using Density Functional Theory have been performed on hydrogen interaction with charged TiO2 molecule as well as TiO2 molecule, coronene and TiO2-doped coronene in the presence of an electric field. The simulated results were consistent with the observations from experiments, further confirming the proposed hypotheses.
In this project we developed conductive thermoplastic resins by adding varying amounts of three different carbon fillers: carbon black (CB), synthetic graphite (SG) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) to a polypropylene matrix for application as fuel cell bipolar plates. This component of fuel cells provides mechanical support to the stack, circulates the gases that participate in the electrochemical reaction within the fuel cell and allows for removal of the excess heat from the system. The materials fabricated in this work were tested to determine their mechanical and thermal properties. These materials were produced by adding varying amounts of single carbon fillers to a polypropylene matrix (2.5 to 15 wt.% Ketjenblack EC-600 JD carbon black, 10 to 80 wt.% Asbury Carbon's Thermocarb TC-300 synthetic graphite, and 2.5 to 15 wt.% of Hyperion Catalysis International's FIBRILTM multi-walled carbon nanotubes) In addition, composite materials containing combinations of these three fillers were produced. The thermal conductivity results showed an increase in both through-plane and in-plane thermal conductivities, with the largest increase observed for synthetic graphite. The Department of Energy (DOE) had previously set a thermal conductivity goal of 20 W/m·K, which was surpassed by formulations containing 75 wt.% and 80 wt.% SG, yielding in-plane thermal conductivity values of 24.4 W/m·K and 33.6 W/m·K, respectively. In addition, composites containing 2.5 wt.% CB, 65 wt.% SG, and 6 wt.% CNT in PP had an in–plane thermal conductivity of 37 W/m·K. Flexural and tensile tests were conducted. All composite formulations exceeded the flexural strength target of 25 MPa set by DOE. The tensile and flexural modulus of the composites increased with higher concentration of carbon fillers. Carbon black and synthetic graphite caused a decrease in the tensile and flexural strengths of the composites. However, carbon nanotubes increased the composite tensile and flexural strengths. Mathematical models were applied to estimate through-plane and in-plane thermal conductivities of single and multiple filler formulations, and tensile modulus of single-filler formulations. For thermal conductivity, Nielsen's model yielded accurate thermal conductivity values when compared to experimental results obtained through the Flash method. For prediction of tensile modulus Nielsen's model yielded the smallest error between the predicted and experimental values. The second part of this project consisted of the development of a curriculum in Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies to address different educational barriers identified by the Department of Energy. By the creation of new courses and enterprise programs in the areas of fuel cells and the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier, we introduced engineering students to the new technologies, policies and challenges present with this alternative energy. Feedback provided by students participating in these courses and enterprise programs indicate positive acceptance of the different educational tools. Results obtained from a survey applied to students after participating in these courses showed an increase in the knowledge and awareness of energy fundamentals, which indicates the modules developed in this project are effective in introducing students to alternative energy sources.
This report presents the research results of battery modeling and control for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). The simulation study is conducted using plug-and-play powertrain and vehicle development software, Autonomie. The base vehicle model used for testing the performance of battery model and battery control strategy is the Prius MY04, a power-split hybrid electric vehicle model in Autonomie. To evaluate the battery performance for HEV applications, the Prius MY04 model and its powertrain energy flow in various vehicle operating modes are analyzed. The power outputs of the major powertrain components under different driving cycles are discussed with a focus on battery performance. The simulation results show that the vehicle fuel economy calculated by the Autonomie Prius MY04 model does not match very well with the official data provided by the department of energy (DOE). It is also found that the original battery model does not consider the impact of environmental temperature on battery cell capacities. To improve battery model, this study includes battery current loss on coulomb coefficient and the impact of environmental temperature on battery cell capacity in the model. In addition, voltage losses on both double layer effect and diffusion effect are included in the new battery model. The simulation results with new battery model show the reduced fuel economy error to the DOE data comparing with the original Autonomie Prius MY04 model.
In recent years there has been a tremendous amount of research in the area of nanotechnology. History tells us that the commercialization of technologies will always be accompanied by both positive and negative effects for society and the environment. Products containing nanomaterials are already available in the market, and yet there is still not much information regarding the potential negative effects that these products may cause. The work presented in this dissertation describes a holistic approach to address different dimensions of nanotechnology sustainability. Life cycle analysis (LCA) was used to study the potential usage of polyethylene filled with nanomaterials to manufacture automobile body panels. Results showed that the nanocomposite does not provide an environmental benefit over traditional steel panels. A new methodology based on design of experiments (DOE) techniques, coupled with LCA, was implemented to investigate the impact of inventory uncertainties. Results showed that data variability does not have a significant effect on the prediction of the environmental impacts. Material profiles for input materials did have a highly significant effect on the overall impact. Energy consumption and material characterization were identified as two mainstreams where additional research is needed in order to predict the overall impact of nanomaterials more effectively. A study was undertaken to gain insights into the behavior of small particles in contact with a surface exposed to air flow to determine particle lift-off from the surface. A mapping strategy was implemented that allows for the identification of conditions for particle liftoff based on particle size and separation distance from the wall. Main results showed that particles smaller than 0:1mm will not become airborne under shear flow unless the separation distance is greater than 15 nm. Results may be used to minimize exposure to airborne materials. Societal implications that may occur in the workplace were researched. This research task explored different topics including health, ethics, and worker perception with the aim of identifying the base knowledge available in the literature. Recommendations are given for different scenarios to describe how workers and employers could minimize the unwanted effects of nanotechnology production.
Beryllium is a widely distributed, highly toxic metal. When beryllium particulates enter the body, the body's defense mechanisms are engaged. When the body's defenses cannot easily remove the particulates, then a damage and repair cycle is initiated. This cycle produces chronic beryllium disease (CBD), a progressive, fibrotic respiratory involvement which eventually suffocates exposed individuals. ^ Beryllium disease is an occupational disease, and as such it can be prevented by limiting exposures. In the 1940s journalists reported beryllium deaths at Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) facilities, the Department of Energy's (DOE) predecessor organization. These reports energized public pressure for exposure limits, and in 1949 AEC implemented a 2 μg/m3 permissible exposure limit (PEL). ^ The limits appeared to stop acute disease. In contrast, CBD has a long latency period between exposure and diagnosable disease, between one and thirty years. The lack of immediate adverse health consequences masked the seriousness of chronic disease and pragmatically removed CBD from AEC/DOE's political concern. ^ Presently the PEL for beryllium at DOE sites remains at 2 μg/m 3. This limit does not prevent CBD. This conclusion has long been known, although denied until recently. In 1999 DOE acknowledged the limit's ineffectiveness in its federal regulation governing beryllium exposure, 10 CFR 850. ^ Despite this admission, the PEL has not been reduced. The beryllium manufacturer and AEC/DOE have a history of exerting efforts to maintain and protect the status quo. Primary amongst these efforts has been creation and promotion of disinformation within peer reviewed health literature which discusses beryllium, exposures, health effects and treatment, and targeting graduate school students so that their perspective is shaped early. ^ Once indoctrinated with incorrect information, professionals tend to overlook aerosol and respiratory mechanics, immunologic and carcinogenic factors. They then apply tools and perspectives derived from the beryllium manufacturer and DOE's propaganda. Conclusions drawn are incorrect. The result is: health research and associated policy is conducted with incorrect premises. Effective disease management practices are not implemented. ^ Public health protection requires recognition of the disinformation and its implications. When disinformation is identified, then effective health policies and practices can be developed and implemented. ^
Max Horkheimer (?): "Why Research on Antisemitism?" (12.11.1943), a) Typoskript, 8 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen und handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 7 Blatt, c) Teilstück, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Isaque Graeber: "Modern Antisemitism in Western Society. A Comperative Study of 'Critical Situations'" (1943), Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 118 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "Report on Isaque Graebers Study on Modern Antisemitism in Western Society. A Comperative Study of 'Critical Situations'" (24.11.1943), Typoskript, 73 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "The Project of Political Antisemitism" (30.11.1943) a) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 29 Blatt, b) Kurzfassung, Typoskript, 6 Blatt; "Memorandum to John Doe. Subject: Research Project on Antisemitism" (30.11.1943), Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 2 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "Project on Antisemitism. Studies Completed or in Preparation" (Dezember 1943), Entwurf, Typoskript, 2 Blatt;