897 resultados para historical of malaria


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Em pesquisa de campo realizada no interior do Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil, em janeiro de 2006, como parte de projeto sobre a transmissão de Plasmodium, foram coletadas larvas de anofelinos em bromélias. Os imaturos foram mantidos no laboratório até a obtenção dos adultos machos e fêmeas associados com as exúvias das larvas e das pupas, para serem identificados. Conseqüentemente, verificou-se que dois espécimes pertenciam a Anopheles (Kerteszia) homunculus Komp, 1937. Este é o primeiro registro dessa espécie de Kerteszia no Espírito Santo. O encontro evidencia a importância de estudos adicionais de modo a estabelecer a distribuição geográfica do An. homunculus, bem como o status taxonômico e a importância epidemiológica da espécie na dinâmica da transmissão da malária em áreas de Mata Atlântica


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica – Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia


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The Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzymatic defect in the world. The most common clinical manifestations are acute hemolytic anemia associated with drugs, infections, neonatal jaundice and hemolytic non-spherocytic chronic anemia. The main aim of this study was to determine the frequency of major genetic variants of G6PD leading to enzyme deficiency in children from 0 to 14 years at a Pediatric Hospital in Luanda, Angola. A cross-sectional and descriptive analytical study covered a total of 194 children aged from 0 to 14 years, of both genders and hospitalized at the Pediatric Hospital David Bernardino, Luanda between November and December, 2011. The G202A, A376G and C563T mutations of the G6PD gene were determined by real-time PCR with Taqman probes. The disabled A-/A- genotype was detected in 10 girls (10.9%). Among the boys, 21 (20.6%) presented the genotype A-. Considering all the samples, the A- variant was observed in 22.4% of cases. The Mediterranean mutation was not detected in the Angolan sample. Furthermore, no association was found between genotype and anemia, nutritional state and mucosa color. A significant association, however, was observed with jaundice. Based on the results obtained, there is a clear need to identify those with the disabled genotype in the Angolan population in order to avoid cases of drug-induced anemia, particularly in the treatment of malaria, so prevalent in Angola.


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Anopheles albimanus is one of the main vectors of malaria in Central America and the Caribbean, based on its importance, there are previous reports of the successful colonization of this species in Latin America countries. Mosquitoes were collected in the Aragua State of Venezuela colonized in the laboratory, using a simple and efficient maintenance method. Based on life table calculations under well established laboratory conditions, the Survival Rate Probability was constant and always close to 1 in immature stages, the Reproductive Net Rate (Ro) was 3.83, the generation time (Tc) was 24.5 days and the Intrinsic Growth Rate (rm) was 0.0558. This is the first report of the colonization of A. albimanus in Venezuela.


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O processo de liberalização do setor elétrico em Portugal Continental seguiu uma metodologia idêntica à da maior parte dos países europeus, tendo a abertura de mercado sido efetuada de forma progressiva. Assim, no âmbito do acompanhamento do setor elétrico nacional, reveste-se de particular interesse caracterizar a evolução mais recente do mercado liberalizado, nomeadamente em relação ao preço da energia elétrica. A previsão do preço da energia elétrica é uma questão muito importante para todos os participantes do mercado de energia elétrica. Como se trata de um assunto de grande importância, a previsão do preço da energia elétrica tem sido alvo de diversos estudos e diversas metodologias têm sido propostas. Esta questão é abordada na presente dissertação recorrendo a técnicas de previsão, nomeadamente a métodos baseados no histórico da variável em estudo. As previsões são, segundo alguns especialistas, um dos inputs essenciais que os gestores desenvolvem para ajudar no processo de decisão. Virtualmente cada decisão relevante ao nível das operações depende de uma previsão. Para a realização do modelo de previsão de preço da energia elétrica foram utilizados os modelos Autorregressivos Integrados de Médias Móveis, Autoregressive / Integrated / Moving Average (ARIMA), que geram previsões através da informação contida na própria série temporal. Como se pretende avaliar a estrutura do preço da energia elétrica do mercado de energia, é importante identificar, deste conjunto de variáveis, quais as que estão mais relacionados com o preço. Neste sentido, é realizada em paralelo uma análise exploratória, através da correlação entre o preço da energia elétrica e outras variáveis de estudo, utilizando para esse efeito o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson é uma medida do grau e da direção de relação linear entre duas variáveis quantitativas. O modelo desenvolvido foi aplicado tendo por base o histórico de preço da eletricidade desde o inicio do mercado liberalizado e de modo a obter as previsões diária, mensal e anual do preço da eletricidade. A metodologia desenvolvida demonstrou ser eficiente na obtenção das soluções e ser suficientemente rápida para prever o valor do preço da energia elétrica em poucos segundos, servindo de apoio à decisão em ambiente de mercado.


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Thesis for the Master degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry


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Poverty is intrinsically related to the incidence of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). The main countries that have the lowest human development indices (HDI) and the highest burdens of NTDs are located in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Among these countries is Brazil, which is ranked 70th in HDI. Nine out of the ten NTDs established by the World Health Organization (WHO) are present in Brazil. Leishmaniasis, tuberculosis, dengue fever and leprosy are present over almost the entire Brazilian territory. More than 90% of malaria cases occur in the Northern region of the country, and lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis occur in outbreaks in a particular region. The North and Northeast regions of Brazil have the lowest HDIs and the highest rates of NTDs. These diseases are considered neglected because there is not important investment in projects for the development of new drugs and vaccines and existing programs to control these diseases are not sufficient. Another problem related to NTDs is co-infection with HIV, which favors the occurrence of severe clinical manifestations and therapeutic failure. In this article, we describe the status of the main NTDs currently occurring in Brazil and relate them to the HDI and poverty.


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This study contributes to knowledge of Anopheles species, including vectors of Plasmodium from the western Brazilian Amazon in Porto Velho, Rondônia State. The sampling area has undergone substantial environmental changes as a consequence of agricultural and hydroelectric projects, which have caused intensive deforestation and favored habitats for some mosquito species. The purpose of this study was to diagnose the occurrence of anopheline species from collections in three locations along an electric-power transmission line. Each locality was sampled three times from 2010 to 2011. The principal adult mosquitoes captured in Shannon trap were Anopheles darlingi, An. triannulatus, An. nuneztovari l.s., An.gilesi and An. costai. In addition, larvae were collected in ground breeding sites for Anopheles braziliensis, An. triannulatus, An. darlingi, An. deaneorum, An. marajoara, An. peryassui, An. nuneztovari l.s. and An. oswaldoi-konderi. Anopheles darlingi was the most common mosquito in the region. We discuss Culicidae systematics, fauna distribution, and aspects of malaria in altered habitats of the western Amazon.


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We report for the first time a patient with malaria due to Plasmodium vivax who showed R2 resistance to chloroquine and R3 resistance to mefloquine in the Brazilian Amazon region based on WHO clinical criteria for diagnosis of malaria resistance. Failure was observed with unsupervised oral chloroquine, chloroquine under rigorous supervision and mefloquine in the same scheme. Finally, the patient was cured with oral artesunate.


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INTRODUCTION: Malaria during pregnancy remains a serious public health problem. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence and possible risk factors for malaria in pregnant women attending antenatal care at Augusto Ngangula Specialized General Hospital in Luanda, Angola. METHODS: Pregnant women (679 total) who attended antenatal care from April to September 2008 were included in the study after signing informed consent. For each participant, the social-demographic profile and malaria and obstetric histories were investigated via a questionnaire. Diagnosis was made by optic microscopy, and hemoglobin concentration measured. The associations between age, parity, gestational age, residence, schooling, malaria during gravity, anemia and treatment with incidence of Plasmodium falciparum infection were analyzed through logistic regression. RESULTS: During the period of study, 74 (10.9%) out of 679 women were infected by P. falciparum. The average concentration of hemoglobin was 11.1 ± 0.07g/dL, and there were significant associations between the history of malaria during pregnancy, P. falciparum infection (p<0.01) and anemia at the time of observation (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Previous history of malaria during pregnancy represents a risk factor for current infection and anemia was an important complication associated with malaria, even in women who were treated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during pregnancy.


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In recent speech in Curitiba (May 22nd, 1954), Dr. Mario Pinotti, Director, Serviço Nacional da Malaria, informed that his personnel started on February, 1953, a survey upon chagas Disease in 23 counties of the State of Paraná, South Brazil. out of 895 places surveyed, 678, or 75.7%, were infected by Triatoma infestans klug 1834 and in 234 out of those 678, or 34.5%, this vector was infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. The general natural infection of the insects examined reached 18.86%. The serological survey (Machado-Guerreiro test) was positive in 10.7% of the persons examined in jacarezinho and in 28.3% of those living in Bôa Vista. These data suggested the author to actualise the subject. During his control of severe outbreack of malaria in the North part of Paraná, from march to June 1917 he worked in 8 counties. March 1917 he photographed in Boa Vista four girls, severe cases of chronic malaria, two of which showed bi-palpebral oedema, later on considered by Dr. Pinho Simões (1943) as Romanã syndrome (created in 1935) and Prof. Salvador Mazza (1946) classified as typical cases of Chagas' Disease. now, being elapsed 36 years, the National Service of Malaria confirmed the discovery. The region surveyed was populated, in the beginning of this century, by immigrants from the State of Minas Gerais, from where the author believes that were imported the disease and its vectors. In April 1917 the A. discovered that the old town Jatahy was a big focus of Triatoma megista (now Panstrongylus megistus0. All its 43 houses were strongly infested by such hematophagus and amongst the 200 inhabitants seen many were suspicious cases of chronic cases of Chagas's Disease. In the Indians town (three tribes) of S. Pedro D' Alcantara, situated in front of Jatahy, in the left side of the river Tibagy, there were no Triatomas nor suspicious cases of trypanosomiasis. In 1919 the author started the control of the endemics by destroying the foci of Triatomas and reforming the housing. In 1946 he returned to jatahy and found the sanitary conditions of the town and its inhabitants much better. Climate of the region is favorable to spreading of all tropical diseases, being very suitable one for an extensive sanitary survey. In 1943 Dr. Pinho Simões examined 85 triatomas ( T. infestans) from six counties of the North region and found 40, or 46% infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. The highest incidences were; Joaquim Tavora 74.2% and Carlópolis 26.9%. These counties seem to be infested by Itaporanga county of São Paulo State. in 1953 Serviço nacional da Malária proved that 19 out of 23 counties surveyed were infested by Triatoma infestans. They examined 7,701 of this insect and found 1,453 positive for Trypanosoma cruzi, or 18.9%. in two counties, Jacarezinho and Sengés, were examined 2,588 human bloods, not selected, and 323, or 12.6% of such samples were positive for Chagas' Disease. This year the Malaria Service is doing insects survey in 25 other counties and DDTising infested domiciles of another eight. Such activity is very promising and should be extended to other places.


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The present work is part of the studies realized under the authority of the National Service of Malaria (Brazil), with the collaboration of scientists of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, in some forests of the southern part of Brazil.This is the first of a series and its subject is the development of the Anopheles mosquitoes of the kerteszia in water collected in Bromeliaceae leaves. The ecology of Bromeliaceae was studied in a previous work. The botanical material was classified by specialists from several botanical institutions from Europe and the United States of America. The most important ecological relations of the “bromeliad-kerteszia” problem were presented through four indices: 1st Positivity index – Relative frequency of bromeliad with watery forms in the bromeliad examined. 2nd Larval index – Mean number of watery forms in the positive bromeliad. 3rd Ovoposition index – Product of the Positivy index by the Larval index. 4th MK index – Product of the Ovoposition index by the total number of bromeliad, positive or not, in a unity of area (1.000 m²). The capture of flying forms in relation to the relative humidity was also studied. From the several forests of the Brusque region we have selected one community of each type, which were the most representative forests in Southern Brazil. Conclusions on the “bromeliad-kerteszia” problem – From a general point of view only a few factors are really important and these are listed below: 1°) The volum of water on the bromeliad. 2°) The level where the bromeliad is fixed. 3°) The number of bromeliad in unity of area. The distribution of microclimas in the forest through the considered levels has a direct influence on the species of subgenus Kerteszia (qualitative influence) and an indirect influence through the ecological distribution of the more frequent bromeliad with best qualities as biotope for the watery forms (qualitative influence). The MK index is roughly proportional to the square of half the total number of Bromeliaceae in a certain type of forest. Then the MK index would be a certain function of the ecological type of the forest and of the total number of bromeliad in a unity of area. MK approximately α x (x/10)² . x = n° of bromeliad in a unity of área (1.000 m²); α = qualitative factor. It would be interesting to see if this proportion is maintained when we have examined a greater number of forests of different types.


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The recent roll-out of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria has highlighted the decreasing proportion of malaria-attributable illness in endemic areas. Unfortunately, once malaria is excluded, there are few accessible diagnostic tools to guide the management of severe febrile illnesses in low resource settings. This review summarizes the current state of RDT development for several key infections, including dengue fever, enteric fever, leptospirosis, brucellosis, visceral leishmaniasis and human African trypanosomiasis, and highlights many remaining gaps. Most RDTs for non-malarial tropical infections currently rely on the detection of host antibodies against a single infectious agent. The sensitivity and specificity of host-antibody detection tests are both inherently limited. Moreover, prolonged antibody responses to many infections preclude the use of most serological RDTs for monitoring response to treatment and/or for diagnosing relapse. Considering these limitations, there is a pressing need for sensitive pathogen-detection-based RDTs, as have been successfully developed for malaria and dengue. Ultimately, integration of RDTs into a validated syndromic approach to tropical fevers is urgently needed. Related research priorities are to define the evolving epidemiology of fever in the tropics, and to determine how combinations of RDTs could be best used to improve the management of severe and treatable infections requiring specific therapy.


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Liver-stage antigen 3 (LSA-3) is a new vaccine candidate that can induce protection against Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite challenge. Using a series of long synthetic peptides (LSP) encompassing most of the 210-kDa LSA-3 protein, a study of the antigenicity of this protein was carried out in 203 inhabitants from the villages of Dielmo (n = 143) and Ndiop (n = 60) in Senegal (the level of malaria transmission differs in these two villages). Lymphocyte responses to each individual LSA-3 peptide were recorded, some at high prevalences (up to 43%). Antibodies were also detected to each of the 20 peptides, many at high prevalence (up to 84% of responders), and were directed to both nonrepeat and repeat regions. Immune responses to LSA-3 were detectable even in individuals of less than 5 years of age and increased with age and hence exposure to malaria, although they were not directly related to the level of malaria transmission. Thus, several valuable T- and B-cell epitopes were characterized all along the LSA-3 protein, supporting the antigenicity of this P. falciparum vaccine candidate. Finally, antibodies specific for peptide LSP10 located in a nonrepeat region of LSA-3 were found significantly associated with a lower risk of malaria attack over 1 year of daily clinical follow-up in children between the ages of 7 and 15 years, but not in older individuals.


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Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) aquasalis, is the main coastal vector of malaria from northeastern Venezuela to southeastern Brazil. Several authors have argued that An. aquasalis is a highly polymorphic species while others indicated that it is a complex of closely related species. This investigation compared the morphology of An. aquasalis eggs from Sinamaica (Zulia State) and Yaguaraparo (Sucre State), the west and east of Venezuela, respectively. We were able to separate eggs from the two localities using discriminant analyses based on ratios and percentages of anterior and posterior tubercles measured by scanning electron microscopy. The results of this work suggest that An. aquasalis has high intraspecific variation