962 resultados para high school graduation


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This project examines students in a private school in southwestern Ontario on a 17 -day Costa Rica Outward Bound Rainforest multielement course. The study attempted to discover whether voluntary teenage participants could increase their self-perceptions of life effectiveness by participating in a 17-day expedition. A total of9 students participated in the study. The experimental design that was implemented was a mixed methods design. Participants filled in a Life Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ) at four predesignated times during the study. These time intervals occurred (a) before the trip commenced, (b) the first day of the trip, ( c) the last day of the trip, and (d) 1 month after the trip ended. Fieldnotes and recordings from informal group debriefing sessions were also used to gather information. Data collected in this study were analyzed in a variety of ways by the researcher. Analyses that were run on the data included the Friedman test for covariance, means, medians, and the Wilcoxon Pairs Test. The questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively, and the fieldnotes were analyzed qualitatively. Nonparametric statistical analysis was implemented as a result of the small group size of participants. Both sets of data were grouped and discussed according to similarities and differences. The data indicate that voluntary teenage participants experience significant changes over time in the areas of time management, social competency, emotional control, active initiative, and self-confidence. The types of outcomes from this study illustrate that Outward Bound-type opportunities should be offered to teenagers in Ontario schools as a means to bring about self-development.


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This study focused on the leadership perceptions of 6 department heads, the conditions for their leadership role and their strategies, and supports for navigating their role. Research participants engaged in 2 sets of semistructured interviews; this resulted in a wealth of richly detailed data. It is clear that department heads do act as teacher leaders, even if they do not use this language to discuss their roles. Five elements of the role of the department head as teacher leader unfolded. The research participants perceived their leadership role to be rooted in teaching. They noted their management and leadership roles. They recognized the importance of support for their work and the support that they provide to others. In addition, they provided an overview of key strategies that they implement to lead in their individualized contexts. Department heads also noted the difficulties associated with their position and the effects that these challenges have on them as individuals. This research has resulted in a number of key recommendations for stakeholders. Department heads themselves need to openly discus's their leadership role with their colleagues and their administrators. In turn, administrators need to develop a deeper understanding of the role along with the potential for balkanization in schools. In addition, unions, school districts, and professional bodies need to develop a system of support for department heads and other teacher leaders. With ongoing meaningful communication and professional development, department heads will be more fully recognized as teacher leaders.


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A certificate from the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools of Ontario of the Education Department of Ontario stating: "It is hereby certified that Mary Willson has passed the entrance examination required by the Education Department for admission to a Collegiate Institute or High School. Dated at Welland August 1st, 1908. Signed John W. Marshall, B.A. Inspector of Public Schools.


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Plusieurs études antérieures ont proposé que la ménarche pouvait représenter une vulnérabilité accrue au développement de la dépression en augmentant la réactivité au stress chez les filles ayant atteint leur cycle menstruel. Dans la présente étude, les symptômes dépressifs et les niveaux de cortisol salivaire ont été mesurés chez 198 garçons et 142 filles (11 - 13 ans), et ce, à quatre reprises au cours de leur première année de transition vers l’école secondaire, une période de stress chez les adolescents. Les résultats ont montré que les filles qui avaient atteint la ménarche au moment de la transition vers le secondaire avait des niveaux significativement plus élevés de symptômes dépressifs et de cortisol salivaire entre l’automne et le printemps, comparativement aux filles qui n'avaient pas encore atteint la ménarche. Ces dernières présentaient des niveaux plus élevés de symptômes dépressifs que les filles sans et les garçons. Les filles sans ménarche présentaient d’avantages des niveaux de symptômes dépressives plus élevés que les garçons. En utilisant l’âge de ménarche comme variable catégorique, les résultats démontrent que les filles ayant eu leur ménarche plus jeunes présentent des symptômes dépressifs plus élevés tout au long de l'année scolaire, alors que les filles qui ont commencé leur cycle menstruel à l’âge dit ‘normal’ présentent des symptômes dépressifs transitoires. Globalement, ces résultats suggèrent que la ménarche est un indice significatif d’une vulnérabilité accrue pour les symptômes dépressifs et les niveaux de cortisol plus élevés chez les adolescentes qui font leur entrée au secondaire. Également, ces résultats suggèrent qu’un âge précoce de ménarche peut exposer à long-terme le cerveau en développement à des niveaux élévés de cortisol, rendant ainsi ce groupe d’adolescentes plus vulnérables à la dépression.


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Malgré la diversité des recherches sur la parentalité adolescente, l'analyse des trajectoires parentales et des facteurs qui peuvent moduler l'effet de cet événement sur la scolarité demeure peu documentée. C'est précisément sur cet aspect que se penche la présente étude. L'objectif général de ce mémoire est de voir dans quelle mesure les différentes trajectoires adoptées par les jeunes parents sont associées à l’obtention des diplômes scolaires. Évidemment, les parents adolescents forment un groupe qui est plus à risque de ne pas avoir obtenu de diplôme secondaire vers 20 ans. Cependant, nous soutenons que la trajectoire parentale est différente pour chaque individu et qu'elle peut modifier la probabilité d’obtention des diplômes secondaire et postsecondaire. Les résultats des analyses de régression sur les données de l'Enquête auprès des jeunes en transition nous montrent que ce n’est pas le simple fait d’être parent qui influe sur la scolarité des jeunes, mais plutôt le type de trajectoires scolaires empruntées par ces derniers. Ainsi, certaines trajectoires parentales moins stables et plus précoces ont plus d’impact sur la non obtention d’un diplôme d’études secondaire, que les trajectoires parentales stables, qu’il s’agisse de monoparentalité ou de famille cohabitante. La précocité est donc un facteur d’influence différencié selon le type de parcours conjugal. De plus, nous observons que cette association entre certaines trajectoires parentales et l’obtention d’un diplôme s’observe également chez les hommes même si le type de trajectoire parentale est globalement moins explicatif que pour les femmes. Finalement, les variables reliées à la performance scolaire à 15 ans médiatisent en partie l’impact des trajectoires parentales sur le statut scolaire à 23 ans, ce qui suggère que l’association peut s’interpréter aussi comme un effet de la scolarité sur la parentalité.


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Cette recherche vise à documenter l’expérience scolaire des élèves québécois d’origine chinoise à l’école secondaire de langue française et à examiner les dynamiques qui influencent la réussite scolaire de ces élèves. Elle s’intéresse plus précisément aux impacts des facteurs relatifs à l’école, à la famille immigrante, et à ceux de la communauté ethnique sur l’intégration de ces jeunes dans un contexte francophone. Les données ont été principalement recueillies à travers des entretiens semi-structurés approfondis auprès d’élèves d’origine chinoise et de différents acteurs du paradigme éducatif (parents, acteurs scolaires et intervenants communautaires). D’autres instruments, tels que l’analyse du contenu de documents et de médias, ont également été utilisés afin de fournir des informations contextuelles et d’enrichir les données d’entrevues. Les données ont été analysées selon un cadre théorique ouvert et inclusif où la réussite scolaire des élèves issus de l’immigration est mesurée en mettant l’accent sur l’influence de la maîtrise de la langue d’enseignement, du capital culturel et social de la famille et de la communauté immigrante, ainsi que des facteurs systémiques au niveau de l’école. Les résultats de cette étude dans trois écoles cibles montrent qu’en général les élèves d’origine chinoise connaissent une expérience positive, surtout en ce qui concerne leur performance scolaire en mathématiques et sciences. Cependant, les nouveaux arrivants ont tendance à éprouver des difficultés dans l’apprentissage du français et pour leur intégration sociale. En effet, le processus d’intégration socioscolaire des jeunes chinois est sous l’influence des différents milieux qu’ils fréquentent. À propos de l’influence des dynamiques scolaires, les résultats de la recherche indiquent qu’une relation maître-élève positive joue un rôle important dans la réussite éducative de ces élèves. Toutefois, l’insuffisance du soutien à l’apprentissage défavorise l’intégration linguistique et sociale des élèves nouvellement arrivés. Les données de cette étude soulignent notamment le rôle de la famille immigrante et de la communauté ethnique dans l’expérience scolaire de ces jeunes. D’une part, sous l’impact des dynamiques familiales, notamment ce qui à trait au projet migratoire, à la culture chinoise et à l’expérience pré- et post-migratoire, les parents immigrants chinois s’impliquent activement dans les études de leurs enfants, malgré des barrières linguistiques et culturelles. D’autre part, afin de surmonter les effets négatifs des faibles liens entretenus avec l’école de langue française, les parents chinois ont largement recours aux ressources au sein de la communauté ethnique, tels que les médias de langue chinoise, les organismes ethnospécifiques de services aux immigrants, l’école du samedi et les institutions religieuses ethniques. Ces institutions sociales ethniques contribuent à soutenir les valeurs culturelles, échanger des informations, établir des modèles pour les jeunes et à fournir des services appropriés en matière culturelle et linguistique.


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The inferences obtained from the study are presented in coherent area-specific levels so as to understand the ecotourism and its sub-sector areas for the researchers and policy makers about the issues, importances and potentialities of the sector. An analysis of the tourism sector in Kerala has shown tremendous growth both in terms of tourist arrivals and in terms of revenue generation from direct and indirect sources. The foreign tourist visitors in Kerala in 2014 was 9,23,336 which shows 7.60 percent increase from the last year and the domestic tourist visitors were 1,16,95,411 which again shows 7.71 percent increase, is a clear evidence of its potential. In 2014 the industry contributed revenue of 24885.44 crores from direct and indirect sources giving rise to an increase of 12.11 percent from the last year. A dichotomy of tourists and ecotourists shows that tourists in the ecotourism destinations come to 42.6 percent of the total, shows the scope, significance and its potential. Correlation of zone-wise tourist arrivals based on the ecotourism destinations highlights the fact that with only 19 of the 64 destinations that come in the central zone are the most preferred centres (around 54 percent) for the domestic as well as foreign tourists. The north zone encompassing 6 districts with rich biodiversity shows that the tourists‟ arrival patterns exhibit less promising results. Though the north zone has 31 ecotourism destinations of the state receives only 6.19 percent of the foreign visitors. The ecotourism activities in the state are primarily managed by the Eco-Development Committees (EDCs) and the Vana Samrakshana Samithies (VSS) under the Forest Development Agency of Kerala. Social class-wise categorization of membership shows that 13142 families have membership in 190 EDCs with SC (28 percent), ST (33 percent) and other marginalised communities (39 percent). But this in the VSS shows that 400 VSS have 59085 members actively engaged in ecotourism activities and social category of the VSS makes clear that majority are from the other marginalized fringe households with 62 percent where as the participation of SC is 12 percent and ST is 26 percent. An evaluation of the socio-economic and demographic matrix of the community members involved in ecotourism activities brings out region specific differences. About 75.70 percent of the respondents are males and the rest are females. Majority of the respondents (about 60 percent) are in the age group of 20 to 40 years, followed by the age group of 40-50 (20 percent). The average age of respondents in the three zones is between 35 and 37 years. The majority of the respondents are married, a few are unmarried. Average family size is 4-5 members and differences are identified among zones. Average number of adults per household is 3 and child per household is 2. Majority have an education of 10th class and below i.e. about 60 percent of the sample have only basic school education like primary, secondary and high school (i.e. up to SSLC but not passed) level. About 18 percent are SSLC passed, 10 percent are undergraduates whereas 6 percent constitute respondents having qualification of graduation and above. Majority of the „graduates and above‟ are from south and central zone. Inter-zone differences in educational profile are also identified with lesser number of „graduates and above‟ are identified in the north zone compared to the other two zones. Investigating into the income and livelihood options of the respondents gives insight about the prominence of ecotourism as an employment and livelihood option for the community members, as more than 90 percent of the respondents have cited tourism sector as their main employment option. Most (49.30 percent) of respondents get 100 percent income from tourism related activities, followed by 37.30 percent of community members have income between 75-99 percent from tourism whereas the rest (13 percent) have less than 74 percent of their income from tourism and there exists difference between zones and percentage of income. Financial habit shows that about 49.7 percent hold active bank accounts, 61 percent have savings behaviour and 73.8 percent have indebtedness. Analysis about the ownership of house brings to light that 37 percent of respondents live in their own house followed by 25.7 percent in government funded/provided house and 21 percent in their parent‟s house and 3.5 percent in rented house. About 12 percent of the respondents have other kinds of accommodation facilities such as staff quarters, etc. But in the case of north zone majority i.e. 52 percent primarily depend on the government funded house indicating the effectiveness of government housing programme. Standard of living measured in SLI frameworks shows that majority of the respondents have medium SLI values (42.3 percent); the remaining 47.7 percent have low SLI and 10 percent have high SLI. The community members have been benefitted immensely from forest and its resources. Since the ecotourism destinations are located amidst the wildlife settings, majority of them depend on forest for their livelihood. The information on the tourist‟s demographic characteristics like age, sex, educational qualification and annual income show that the age category of domestic and foreign tourists falls below the age group of less than 35 years (about 65 percent), whereas only 16 percent of tourists are aged above 46 years. The age group below 25 years consists of more international tourists (31.3 percent) compared to the proportion of domestic tourists (12.5 percent). Male-female ratio shows that the males constitute 56 percent of the sample and females with 44 percent. The factors determining the impact of ecotourism programmes in the community was evaluated with the aid of a factor analysis with 12 selected statements. The worries and concerns of the community members about the impact of ecotourism on the environment are well understood from this analysis. It can be drawn that environment protection and the role of ecotourism in improving the income and livelihood options of the local communities is the most important factor concerning the community members.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED. Contiene anexo de preguntas


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This title presents a fascinating analysis of how children in their first year of high school feel about their schools, its place in their lives and its role in their futures. This highly topical monograph focuses on how children in their first year of high school feel about school, its place in their lives and its role in their futures. The theoretical context of the study is the focus in educational studies on children's voice and children's active role in education, together with the focus in the sociology of childhood on children as active constructors of their lives and childhood as a subject of serious study. The importance of young people's life plans and the alignment between education and ambitions was recognized in the Sloan Foundation study of American teenagers. In many Western societies there is concern that children from less advantaged social backgrounds have limited aspirations, and are disproportionately unlikely to go to university. This book is highly relevant to understanding the nature of children's engagement with education, the choices and constraints they experience and the reasons some young people fail to take advantage of educational opportunities. "Continuum Studies in Educational Research" (CSER) is a major new series in the field of educational research. Written by experts and scholars for experts and scholars, this ground-breaking series focuses on research in the areas of comparative education, history, lifelong learning, philosophy, policy, post-compulsory education, psychology and sociology. Based on cutting edge research and written with lucidity and passion, the CSER series showcases only those books that really matter in education - studies that are major, that will be remembered for having made a difference.


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Nat Gold graduated from the Sheet Metal program at the New York Trade School in 1942. He is represented here in the sheet metal shop he owns. Notice the blueprints for the White Plains Senior High School hanging on the wall behind him. Original caption reads, "Shop Owner, Brook Sheet Metal Inc. Nat Gold - Sheet Metal 1942, represents one of many Sheet Metal graduates who became owners of their own business." Black and white photograph.


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Public programs (of disputed effect) offering summer jobs or work while in high school to smooth the transition from school to work is commonplace. In this paper, 1447 girls in their first grade of high school between 1997-2003 and randomly allotted summer jobs via a program in Falun (Sweden) are followed 5-12 years after graduation. The program led to a substantially larger accumulation of income while in high school. The causal effect of the high school income on post-schooling incomes was substantial and statistically significant. The implied elasticity of 0.4 is however potentially inflated dueto heterogeneous effects.


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Det är många av tredje årets gymnasieelever som står inför ett viktigt och stort beslut gällande vilken utbildning och vilket lärosäte de ska studera vid efter studenten. En del gymnasieelever har redan bestämt sig för var de ska studera, medan andra är väldigt osäkra. För att en gymnasieelev ska kunna fatta ett genomtänkt beslut krävs det kunskap om de olika alternativen som finns eftersom det kan påverka beslutets riktning. En typ av information är rankinglistor av olika högskolor/universitet. Rankinglistor finns till för att förenkla det stora utbudet av utbildningar och högskolor/universitet. Genom att ge den sökande jämförande möjligheter och låta denna agerar utifrån sina egna uppställda kriterier kan rankinglistor fungera som ett stödjande verktyg vid valet av lärosäte. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka gymnasieelevernas förhållande till rankinglistor, vilket gjordes genom en kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning där gymnasielever från Dalarna medverkade. Enkätundersökningen baserades på teorier samt hypoteser som vi har verifierat eller förkastat för att komma fram till ett resultat. Den slutsats som studien har lett fram till är att rankinglistors påverkan, gällande gymnasieelevers val av lärosäte, är mycket begränsad. Det betyder att rankinglistor får en viss relevans när det sökta alternativet finns bland de lägst placerade lärosätena på en rankinglista. Trots detta finns det andra faktorer som kan påverka gymnasieelevernas val av lärosäte, så som egen uppfattning och rykte.


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Over 20,000 Swedish lower high school students are currently learning mathematics in English but little research has been conducted in this area. This study looks into the question of how much second language learner training teachers teaching mathematics in English to Swedish speaking students have acquired and how many of those teachers are using effective teaching practices for second language learners. The study confirms earlier findings that report few teachers receive training in second language learning but indicates that some of the teaching practices shown to be effective with second language learners are being used in some Swedish schools


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O trabalho compõe-se do inventário analítico do fundo Colégio Pedro II, bem como do registro de autoridade do produtor desse conjunto arquivístico, com o levantamento da legislação sobre educação e o colégio entre 1838 a 2009. O fundo Colégio Pedro II, localizado no NUDOM – Núcleo de Documentação e Memória do Colégio Pedro II – é formado por um conjunto de documentos administrativos nos quais foram registrados os atos praticados pela instituição desde a sua fundação em 1837 até meados da década de 1990. Este arquivo é composto por 60 pastas e 600 livros encadernados com aproximadamente 300 páginas cada um. Neles, constam as atas da Congregação, livros de concursos para professores, o primeiro livro de avisos, de 1838, livros de matrículas, de exames preparatórios, ofícios enviados, ofícios recebidos, avisos do Ministério do Império, livros de ocorrências disciplinares, livros de colação de grau e bancos de honra, livros de contabilidade, livros de nomeações de professores e funcionários. Além de proceder à descrição do fundo e ao registro da autoridade arquivística, o trabalho descreve a metodologia usada na construção do inventário analítico a partir do estudo de textos das teorias arquivísticas e da classificação e utilização das normas ISAAR(CPF) E NOBRADE. O inventário é apresentado como um instrumento de pesquisa fundamental na busca, identificação e acesso aos documentos, ressaltando-se, igualmente, a importância do arquivo para subsidiar a compreensão da evolução do ensino secundário no país.


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This work is located at the shield of research that defends the use of Mathematics History, based on the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities, at Mathematics classrooms, and at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. The general objective is to examine the possibility of the use of historical artifacts, at teaching activities, at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. Artifact, at this work, is comprehended as objects, documents, monuments, images and other kinds of materials that make sense to the Human actions at the past and that represent what have been said and done at the Human history. At the construction of the theoretical-methodological way of the research we have based ourselves upon the ideas of the authors that are engaged at the teachers formation; at researchers adherents to the use of Mathematics History (MH) as a methodological resource, and at studies accomplished that elucidate the role of the artifacts at the history and as a mediatory element of learning. We defend the thesis that the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities enables the increasing of the knowledge, the development of competencies and essential abilities to the teacher acting, as well as interact at different areas of the knowledge, that provides a conception of formation where the teacher improves his learning, learning-doing and learning-being. We have adopted a qualitative research approach with a theoretical and pratic study disposition about the elements that contribute to the teachers works at the classroom, emphasizing the role of the Mathematics history at the teacher s formation and as a pedagogical resource at the mathematics classroom; the knowledge, the competencies and abilities of the historical artifacts as an integrative link between the different areas of the knowledge. As result, we emphasize that the proposition of using the MH, through learning activities, at the course of teacher graduation is relevant, because it allows the investigation of ideas that originate the knowledge generated at every social context, considering the contribution of the social and cultural, political and economical aspects at this construction, making easy the dialog among the areas and inside of each one The historical artifact represents a research source that can be deciphered, comprehended, questioned, extracting from it information about knowledge of the past, trace and vestiges of the culture when it was created, consisting of a testimony of a period. These aspects grant to it consideration to be explored as a mediatory element of the learning. The artifacts incorporated at teaching activities of the graduation courses for teachers promote changes on the view about the Mathematics teaching, in view of to privilege the active participation of the student at the construction of his knowledge, at the reflection about the action that has been accomplished, promoting stimulus so the teachers can create their own artifacts, and offer, either, traces linking the Mathematics with others knowledge areas.