957 resultados para free-space laser communication
The use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a diagnostic tool is increasingly employing functional contrast agents to study or contrast entire mechanisms. Contrast agents in MRI can be classified in two categories. One type of contrast agents alters the NMR signal of the protons in its surrounding, e.g. lowers the T1 relaxation time. The other type enhances the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) signal of specific nuclei. For hyperpolarized gases the NMR signal is improved up to several orders of magnitude. However, gases have a high diffusivity which strongly influences the NMR signal strength, hence the resolution and appearance of the images. The most interesting question in spatially resolved experiments is of course the achievable resolution and contrast by controlling the diffusivity of the gas. The influence of such diffusive processes scales with the diffusion coefficient, the strength of the magnetic field gradients and the timings used in the experiment. Diffusion may not only limit the MRI resolution, but also distort the line shape of MR images for samples, which contain boundaries or diffusion barriers within the sampled space. In addition, due to the large polarization in gaseous 3He and 129Xe, spin diffusion (different from particle diffusion) could play a role in MRI experiments. It is demonstrated that for low temperatures some corrections to the NMR measured diffusion coefficient have to be done, which depend on quantum exchange effects for indistinguishable particles. Physically, if these effects can not change the spin current, they can do it indirectly by modifying the velocity distribution of the different spin states separately, so that the subsequent collisions between atoms and therefore the diffusion coefficient can eventually be affected. A detailed study of the hyperpolarized gas diffusion coefficient is presented, demonstrating the absence of spin diffusion (different from particle diffusion) influence in MRI at clinical conditions. A novel procedure is proposed to control the diffusion coefficient of gases in MRI by admixture of inert buffer gases. The experimental measured diffusion agrees with theoretical simulations. Therefore, the molecular mass and concentration enter as additional parameters into the equations that describe structural contrast. This allows for setting a structural threshold up to which structures contribute to the image. For MRI of the lung this allows for images of very small structural elements (alveoli) only, or in the other extreme, all airways can be displayed with minimal signal loss due to diffusion.
La città medievale di Leopoli-Cencelle (fondata da Papa Leone IV nell‘854 d.C. non lontano da Civitavecchia) è stata oggetto di studio e di periodiche campagne di scavo a partire dal 1994. Le stratigrafie investigate con metodi tradizionali, hanno portato alla luce le numerose trasformazioni che la città ha subìto nel corso della sua esistenza in vita. Case, torri, botteghe e strati di vissuto, sono stati interpretati sin dall’inizio dello scavo basandosi sulla documentazione tradizionale e bi-dimensionale, legata al dato cartaceo e al disegno. Il presente lavoro intende re-interpretare i dati di scavo con l’ausilio delle tecnologie digitali. Per il progetto sono stati utilizzati un laser scanner, tecniche di Computer Vision e modellazione 3D. I tre metodi sono stati combinati in modo da poter visualizzare tridimensionalmente gli edifici abitativi scavati, con la possibilità di sovrapporre semplici modelli 3D che permettano di formulare ipotesi differenti sulla forma e sull’uso degli spazi. Modellare spazio e tempo offrendo varie possibilità di scelta, permette di combinare i dati reali tridimensionali, acquisiti con un laser scanner, con semplici modelli filologici in 3D e offre l’opportunità di valutare diverse possibili interpretazioni delle caratteristiche dell’edificio in base agli spazi, ai materiali, alle tecniche costruttive. Lo scopo del progetto è andare oltre la Realtà Virtuale, con la possibilità di analizzare i resti e di re-interpretare la funzione di un edificio, sia in fase di scavo che a scavo concluso. Dal punto di vista della ricerca, la possibilità di visualizzare le ipotesi sul campo favorisce una comprensione più profonda del contesto archeologico. Un secondo obiettivo è la comunicazione a un pubblico di “non-archeologi”. Si vuole offrire a normali visitatori la possibilità di comprendere e sperimentare il processo interpretativo, fornendo loro qualcosa in più rispetto a una sola ipotesi definitiva.
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den optischen Resonanzen metallischer Nanopartikel im Abstand weniger Nanometer von einer metallischen Grenzfläche. Die elektromagnetische Wechselwirkung dieser „Kugel-vor-Fläche“ Geometrie ruft interessante optische Phänomene hervor. Sie erzeugt eine spezielle elektromagnetische Eigenmode, auch Spaltmode genannt, die im Wesentlichen auf den Nanospalt zwi-schen Kugel und Oberfläche lokalisiert ist. In der quasistatischen Näherung hängt die Resonanzposition nur vom Material, der Umgebung, dem Film-Kugel Abstand und dem Kugelradius selbst ab. Theoretische Berechnungen sagen für diese Region unter Resonanzbedingungen eine große Verstärkung des elektro-magnetischen Feldes voraus. rnUm die optischen Eigenschaften dieser Systeme zu untersuchen, wurde ein effizienter plasmonenver-mittelnder Dunkelfeldmodus für die konfokale Rastermikroskopie durch dünne Metallfilme entwickelt, der die Verstärkung durch Oberflächenplasmonen sowohl im Anregungs- als auch Emissionsprozess ausnutzt. Dadurch sind hochwertige Dunkelfeldaufnahmen durch die Metallfilme der Kugel-vor-Fläche Systeme garantiert, und die Spektroskopie einzelner Resonatoren wird erleichtert. Die optischen Untersuchungen werden durch eine Kombination von Rasterkraft- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie vervollständigt, so dass die Form und Größe der untersuchten Resonatoren in allen drei Dimensionen bestimmt und mit den optischen Resonanzen korreliert werden können. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des neu entwickelten Modus wird für ein Referenzsystem aus Polystyrol-Kugeln auf einem Goldfilm demonstriert. Hierbei zeigen Partikel gleicher Größe auch die erwartete identische Resonanz.rnFür ein aus Gold bestehendes Kugel-vor-Fläche System, bei dem der Spalt durch eine selbstorganisierte Monolage von 2-Aminoethanthiol erzeugt wird, werden die Resonanzen von Goldpartikeln, die durch Reduktion mit Chlorgoldsäure erzeugt wurden, mit denen von idealen Goldkugeln verglichen. Diese ent-stehen aus den herkömmlichen Goldpartikeln durch zusätzliche Bestrahlung mit einem Pikosekunden Nd:Yag Laser. Bei den unbestrahlten Partikeln mit ihrer Unzahl an verschiedenen Formen zeigen nur ein Drittel der untersuchten Resonatoren ein Verhalten, das von der Theorie vorhergesagt wird, ohne das dies mit ihrer Form oder Größe korrelieren würde. Im Fall der bestrahlten Goldkugeln tritt eine spürbare Verbesserung ein, bei dem alle Resonatoren mit den theoretischen Rechnungen übereinstimmen. Eine Änderung der Oberflächenrauheit des Films zeigt hingegen keinen Einfluß auf die Resonanzen. Obwohl durch die Kombination von Goldkugeln und sehr glatten Metallfilmen eine sehr definierte Probengeometrie geschaffen wurde, sind die experimentell bestimmten Linienbreiten der Resonanzen immer noch wesentlich größer als die berechneten. Die Streuung der Daten, selbst für diese Proben, deutet auf weitere Faktoren hin, die die Spaltmoden beeinflußen, wie z.B. die genaue Form des Spalts. rnDie mit den Nanospalten verbundenen hohen Feldverstärkungen werden untersucht, indem ein mit Farbstoff beladenes Polyphenylen-Dendrimer in den Spalt eines aus Silber bestehenden Kugel-vor-Fläche Systems gebracht wird. Das Dendrimer in der Schale besteht lediglich aus Phenyl-Phenyl Bindungen und garantiert durch die damit einhergende Starrheit des Moleküls eine überragende Formstabiliät, ohne gleichzeitig optisch aktiv zu sein. Die 16 Dithiolan Endgruppen sorgen gleichzeitig für die notwendige Affinität zum Silber. Dadurch kann der im Inneren befindliche Farbstoff mit einer Präzision von wenigen Nanometern im Spalt zwischen den Metallstrukturen platziert werden. Der gewählte Perylen Farbstoff zeichnet sich wiederum durch hohe Photostabilität und Fluoreszenz-Quantenausbeute aus. Für alle untersuchten Partikel wird ein starkes Fluoreszenzsignal gefunden, das mindestens 1000-mal stärker ist, als das des mit Farbstoff überzogenen Metallfilms. Das Profil des Fluoreszenz-Anregungsspektrums variiert zwischen den Partikeln und zeigt im Vergleich zum freien Farbstoff eine zusätzliche Emission bei höheren Frequenzen, was in der Literatur als „hot luminescence“ bezeichnet wird. Bei der Untersuchung des Streuverhaltens der Resonatoren können wieder zwei unterschiedliche Arten von Resonatoren un-terschieden werden. Es gibt zunächst die Fälle, die bis auf die beschriebene Linienverbreiterung mit einer idealen Kugel-vor-Fläche Geometrie übereinstimmen und dann andere, die davon stark abweichen. Die Veränderungen der Fluoreszenz-Anregungsspektren für den gebundenen Farbstoffs weisen auf physikalische Mechanismen hin, die bei diesen kleinen Metall/Farbstoff Abständen eine Rolle spielen und die über eine einfache wellenlängenabhängige Verstärkung hinausgehen.
Recenti sviluppi nella progettazione di impianti di luce di sincrotrone di quarta generazione riguardano la produzione di fasci di luce nella banda dei raggi X con elevate caratteristiche in termini di brillanza, coerenza e impulsi estremamente brevi ( femtosecondo ) . I principali schemi per la produzione della radiazione XFEL riguardano l’impiego di ondulatori con differenti modalità di seeding. L’utilizzo dei fasci di radiazione XFEL nelle linee di luce per applicazioni di imaging, spettroscopia e diffrazione, ha determinato un costante sforzo sia nello sviluppo di dispositivi ottici in grado di selezionare e focalizzare il fascio su dimensioni nanometriche, che nella sperimentazione di tecniche “lensless” in grado di superare i limiti imposti dall’utilizzo di tali dispositivi . I risultati ottenuti nella produzione dei fasci hanno consentito nuove possibilità di indagine nella struttura dei materiali su distanze atomiche nella definizione, senza precedenti di dettagli su scale temporali del femtosecondo, permettendo lo studio, non solo di strutture atomiche in condizioni di equilibrio stabile quanto di stati della materia velocemente dinamici e di non equilibrio. CXDI e Spettroscopia Strutturale Ultraveloce risolte in tempo sono alcune delle tecniche in cui l’utilizzo della radiazione XFEL apre nuove possibilità di indagine agli stati transienti della materia permettendo la ricostruzione della dinamica di processi chimico –fisici su intervalli temporali finora inaccessibili .
L'obiettivo principale che questa tesi intende perseguire e la progettazione di un sistema di acquisizione 3D a basso costo basato sul metodo di triangolazione a lama laser. A tale scopo si adotterà una telecamera general-purpose, e si provvederà sia alla realizzazione di un prototipo di sistema di attuazione per automatizzare la scansione dell'oggetto, sia all'implementazione di algoritmi per la calibrazione della geometria laser-telecamera, il rilevamento del profilo laser nell'immagine e la sua successiva ricostruzione 3D, tenendo anche conto delle complicazioni che l'uso di oggetti ad alto potere diffusivo apporta a tale problema, a causa dei marcati effetti di subsurface scattering della luce laser. Il sistema di triangolazione sarà validato caratterizzando, mediante il confronto con pezzi di dimensioni note, la precisione e l'accuratezza delle misurazioni, e valutando i tempi di esecuzione degli algoritmi. Inoltre, le prestazioni ed i risultati delle acquisizioni saranno messi a confronto con quelli ottenuti adottando una telecamera high-end dedicata. Lo studio preliminare svolto in questa sede e propedeutico per la futura realizzazione di un sistema per la ricostruzione in camera bianca di protesi d'osso su misura.
PURPOSE: The present pilot study evaluates the histopathological characteristics and suitability of CO2 and diode lasers for performing excisional biopsies in the buccal mucosa with special emphasis on the extent of the thermal damage zone created. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 15 patients agreed to undergo surgical removal of their fibrous hyperplasias with a laser. These patients were randomly assigned to one diode or two CO2 laser groups. The CO2 laser was used in a continuous wave mode (cw) with a power of 5 W (Watts), and in a pulsed char-free mode (cf). Power settings for the diode laser were 5.12 W in a pulsed mode. The thermal damage zone of the three lasers and intraoperative and postoperative complications were assessed and compared. RESULTS: The collateral thermal damage zone on the borders of the excisional biopsies was significantly smaller with the CO, laser for both settings tested compared to the diode laser regarding values in pm or histopathological index scores. The only intraoperative complication encountered was bleeding, which had to be controlled with electrocauterization. No postoperative complications occurred in any of the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: The CO2 laser seems to be appropriate for excisional biopsies of benign oral mucosal lesions. The CO2 laser offers clear advantages in terms of smaller thermal damage zones over the diode laser. More study participants are needed to demonstrate potential differences between the two different CO2 laser settings tested.
There is a demand for technologies able to assess the perfusion of surgical flaps quantitatively and reliably to avoid ischemic complications. The aim of this study is to test a new high-speed high-definition laser Doppler imaging (LDI) system (FluxEXPLORER, Microvascular Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland) in terms of preoperative mapping of the vascular supply (perforator vessels) and postoperative flow monitoring. The FluxEXPLORER performs perfusion mapping of an area 9 x 9 cm with a resolution of 256 x 256 pixels within 6 s in high-definition imaging mode. The sensitivity and predictability to localize perforators is expressed by the coincidence of preoperatively assessed LDI high flow spots with intraoperatively verified perforators in nine patients. 18 free flaps are monitored before, during, and after total ischemia. 63% of all verified perforators correspond to a high flow spot, and 38% of all high flow spots correspond to a verified perforator (positive predictive value). All perfused flaps reveal a value of above 221 perfusion units (PUs), and all values obtained in the ischemic flaps are beneath 187 PU. In summary, we conclude that the present LDI system can serve as a reliable, fast, and easy-to-handle tool to detect ischemia in free flaps, whereas perforator vessels cannot be detected appropriately.
Gynecomastia is the most common breast pathology. Numerous excisions and liposuction techniques have been described to correct bilateral male breast enlargement. Recently, there has been a shift from the open approach to minimally invasive techniques. This article reports a 5-year experience using laser-assisted lipolysis (LAL) to treat gynecomastia, and describes the surgical technique. Between January 2006 and December 2010, a total of 28 patients with bilateral gynecomastia were treated with LAL. Patients had a mean age of 36.5 years (range 24 to 56 years). LAL was performed with a 980-nm diode laser (continuous emission, 15 W power, 8-12 kJ total energy per breast) after tumescent anesthetic infiltration. The breast was evaluated objectively by two physicians who compared chest circumference and photographs. Patients were also asked to score the results using a visual analogue scale: 75 to 100 (very good), 50-74 (good), 25 to 49 (fair) and 0 to 24 (poor). The postoperative period for all patients was incident-free. After 6 months, 18 patients (64.3%) scored the results as "very good", 6 as "good" (21.4%), 3 as "fair" (10.7%) and 1 "poor" (3.6%). Mean chest circumferences pre- and postoperatively were, respectively, 117.4 ± 11.1 cm and 103.3 ± 7.5 cm (p < 0.001), corresponding to a mean difference of 14.1 cm. Physicians scored the photographs as "very good" in 22 patients (78.6%), as "good" in five patients (17.9%), and as "fair" in one patient (3.6%). LAL in gynecomastia is safe and produces significant effects on fatty tissue, with a reduction in breast volume, together with significant skin tightening. Provided an appropriate amount of energy is delivered by an experienced operator, the results are both significant and consistent.
Since the initial work of Jacobson and Suarez in 1960, microsurgery has evolved greatly. In 2009, we reported our clinical experience with 1.9 µm diode laser-assisted vascular microanastomoses (LAMA) for free flap reconstruction. In this report, the ongoing study is now expanded to include 11 additional procedures which were analyzed prospectively with a focus on the duration of the LAMA technique.
The most important factor for successful free-flap transfer and replantations is a well-executed anastomosis. The aim of this study is to assess blood flow after laser assisted arterial microanastomosis (LAMA) using a 1.9 μm diode laser.
Animal studies of excisional biopsies have shown less thermal damage when a carbon dioxide (CO(2)) laser (10.6 μm) is used in a char-free (CF) mode than in a continuous-wave (CW) mode. The authors' aim was to evaluate and compare clinical and histopathologic findings of excisional biopsies performed with CW and CF CO(2) laser (10.6 μm) modes.
Space Based Solar Power satellites use solar arrays to generate clean, green, and renewable electricity in space and transmit it to earth via microwave, radiowave or laser beams to corresponding receivers (ground stations). These traditionally are large structures orbiting around earth at the geo-synchronous altitude. This thesis introduces a new architecture for a Space Based Solar Power satellite constellation. The proposed concept reduces the high cost involved in the construction of the space satellite and in the multiple launches to the geo-synchronous altitude. The proposed concept is a constellation of Low Earth Orbit satellites that are smaller in size than the conventional system. For this application a Repeated Sun-Synchronous Track Circular Orbit is considered (RSSTO). In these orbits, the spacecraft re-visits the same locations on earth periodically every given desired number of days with the line of nodes of the spacecraft’s orbit fixed relative to the Sun. A wide range of solutions are studied, and, in this thesis, a two-orbit constellation design is chosen and simulated. The number of satellites is chosen based on the electric power demands in a given set of global cities. The orbits of the satellites are designed such that their ground tracks visit a maximum number of ground stations during the revisit period. In the simulation, the locations of the ground stations are chosen close to big cities, in USA and worldwide, so that the space power constellation beams down power directly to locations of high electric power demands. The j2 perturbations are included in the mathematical model used in orbit design. The Coverage time of each spacecraft over a ground site and the gap time between two consecutive spacecrafts visiting a ground site are simulated in order to evaluate the coverage continuity of the proposed solar power constellation. It has been observed from simulations that there always periods in which s spacecraft does not communicate with any ground station. For this reason, it is suggested that each satellite in the constellation be equipped with power storage components so that it can store power for later transmission. This thesis presents a method for designing the solar power constellation orbits such that the number of ground stations visited during the given revisit period is maximized. This leads to maximizing the power transmission to ground stations.