798 resultados para firing


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Motor cortex stimulation is generally suggested as a therapy for patients with chronic and refractory neuropathic pain. However, the mechanisms underlying its analgesic effects are still unknown. In a previous study, we demonstrated that cortical stimulation increases the nociceptive threshold of naive conscious rats with opioid participation. In the present study, we investigated the neurocircuitry involved during the antinociception induced by transdural stimulation of motor cortex in naive rats considering that little is known about the relation between motor cortex and analgesia. The neuronal activation patterns were evaluated in the thalamic nuclei and midbrain periaqueductal gray. Neuronal inactivation in response to motor cortex stimulation was detected in thalamic sites both in terms of immunolabeling (Zif268/Fos) and in the neuronal firing rates in ventral posterolateral nuclei and centromedian-parafascicular thalamic complex. This effect was particularly visible for neurons responsive to nociceptive peripheral stimulation. Furthermore, motor cortex stimulation enhanced neuronal firing rate and Fos immunoreactivity in the ipsilateral periaqueductal gray. We have also observed a decreased Zif268, delta-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamic acid decarboxylase expression within the same region, suggesting an inhibition of GABAergic interneurons of the midbrain periaqueductal gray, consequently activating neurons responsible for the descending pain inhibitory control system. Taken together, the present findings suggest that inhibition of thalamic sensory neurons and disinhibition of the neurons in periaqueductal gray are at least in part responsible for the motor cortex stimulation-induced antinociception. (C) 2012 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Stern JE, Sonner PM, Son SJ, Silva FC, Jackson K, Michelini LC. Exercise training normalizes an increased neuronal excitability of NTS-projecting neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in hypertensive rats. J Neurophysiol 107: 2912-2921, 2012. First published February 22, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00884.2011.-Elevated sympathetic outflow and altered autonomic reflexes, including impaired baroreflex function, are common findings observed in hypertensive disorders. Although a growing body of evidence supports a contribution of preautonomic neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) to altered autonomic control during hypertension, the precise underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we aimed to determine whether the intrinsic excitability and repetitive firing properties of preautonomic PVN neurons that innervate the nucleus tractus solitarii (PVN-NTS neurons) were altered in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Moreover, given that exercise training is known to improve and/or correct autonomic deficits in hypertensive conditions, we evaluated whether exercise is an efficient behavioral approach to correct altered neuronal excitability in hypertensive rats. Patch-clamp recordings were obtained from retrogradely labeled PVN-NTS neurons in hypothalamic slices obtained from sedentary (S) and trained (T) Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and SHR rats. Our results indicate an increased excitability of PVN-NTS neurons in SHR-S rats, reflected by an enhanced input-output function in response to depolarizing stimuli, a hyperpolarizing shift in Na+ spike threshold, and smaller hyperpolarizing afterpotentials. Importantly, we found exercise training in SHR rats to restore all these parameters back to those levels observed in WKY-S rats. In several cases, exercise evoked opposing effects in WKY-S rats compared with SHR-S rats, suggesting that exercise effects on PVN-NTS neurons are state dependent. Taken together, our results suggest that elevated preautonomic PVN-NTS neuronal excitability may contribute to altered autonomic control in SHR rats and that exercise training efficiently corrects these abnormalities.


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Composite porcelain enamels are inorganic coatings for metallic components based on a special ceramic-vitreous matrix in which specific additives are randomly dispersed. The ceramic-vitreous matrix is made by a mixture of various raw materials and elements and in particular it is based on boron-silicate glass added with metal oxides(1) of titanium, zinc, tin, zirconia, alumina, ecc. These additions are often used to improve and enhance some important performances such as corrosion(2) and wear resistance, mechanical strength, fracture toughness and also aesthetic functions. The coating process, called enamelling, depends on the nature of the surface, but also on the kind of the used porcelain enamel. For metal sheets coatings two industrial processes are actually used: one based on a wet porcelain enamel and another based on a dry-silicone porcelain enamel. During the firing process, that is performed at about 870°C in the case of a steel substrate, the enamel raw material melts and interacts with the metal substrate so enabling the formation of a continuous varying structure. The interface domain between the substrate and the external layer is made of a complex material system where the ceramic vitreous and the metal constituents are mixed. In particular four main regions can be identified, (i) the pure metal region, (ii) the region where the metal constituents are dominant compared with the ceramic vitreous components, (iii) the region where the ceramic vitreous constituents are dominant compared with the metal ones, and the fourth region (iv) composed by the pure ceramic vitreous material. It has also to be noticed the presence of metallic dendrites that hinder the substrate and the external layer passing through the interphase region. Each region of the final composite structure plays a specific role: the metal substrate has mainly the structural function, the interphase region and the embedded dendrites guarantee the adhesion of the external vitreous layer to the substrate and the external vitreous layer is characterized by an high tribological, corrosion and thermal shock resistance. Such material, due to its internal composition, functionalization and architecture can be considered as a functionally graded composite material. The knowledge of the mechanical, tribological and chemical behavior of such composites is not well established and the research is still in progress. In particular the mechanical performances data about the composite coating are not jet established. In the present work the Residual Stresses, the Young modulus and the First Crack Failure of the composite porcelain enamel coating are studied. Due to the differences of the porcelain composite enamel and steel thermal properties the enamelled steel sheets have residual stresses: compressive residual stress acts on the coating and tensile residual stress acts on the steel sheet. The residual stresses estimation has been performed by measuring the curvature of rectangular one-side coated specimens. The Young modulus and the First Crack Failure (FCF) of the coating have been estimated by four point bending tests (3-7) monitored by means of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique(5,6). In particular the AE information has been used to identify, during the bending tests, the displacement domain over which no coating failure occurs (Free Failure Zone, FFZ). In the FFZ domain, the Young modulus has been estimated according to ASTM D6272-02. The FCF has been calculated as the ratio between the displacement at the first crack of the coating and the coating thickness on the cracked side. The mechanical performances of the tested coated specimens have also been related and discussed to respective microstructure and surface characteristics by double entry charts.


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Le celle a combustibile ad ossido solido (SOFC) sono dei sistemi elettrochimici in grado di trasformare direttamente l’energia chimica di un combustibile (generalmente H2) e di un comburente (O2) in energia elettrica, senza l’intervento intermedio di un ciclo termico. Le SOFCs rappresentano un sistema energetico pulito, efficiente e sicuro, tuttavia questa tecnologia presenta costi di produzione ancora elevati e necessita di un maggiore sviluppo. L’argomento della presente tesi si colloca nell’ambito dello studio e realizzazione di materiali per l’elettrolita di SOFCs ed il contributo scientifico che si propone di fornire trova spazio nella necessità di migliorare la sinterizzazione di tali materiali e nell’ottimizzazione dei processi di formatura per produzioni facilmente scalabili a livello industriale con costo contenuto ed ecocompatibili. L’approccio di ricerca adottato è stato quello di approfondire le conoscenze relative ad un ossido di cerio drogato con gadolinio (GDC), scelto come elettrolita, cercando di comprendere su quali parametri intervenire per promuovere la densificazione ed ottimizzare il seguente processo di formatura. La ricerca si è articolata nei seguenti punti: a) Studio del processo di sinterizzazione in relazione alle caratteristiche morfologiche delle polveri di GDC pura ed esaminando l’influenza dell’ossido di rame, aggiunto come drogante, sul comportamento in sinterizzazione e microstruttura finale. I risultati indicano che il processo di sinterizzazione è enormemente influenzato dalla presenza del CuO, dalla sua morfologia e dalla procedura usata per il drogaggio b) Realizzazione di un inchiostro serigrafico a base di GDC in matrice acquosa da depositare su anodi in verde. La serigrafia rappresenta un’importante tecnica di formatura, facilmente adattabile ad una produzione industriale, con cui è possibile ottenere film di GDC densi. L’ottimizzazione dei processi in matrice acquosa porta un enorme contributo per la diminuzione dei costi di produzione e per la realizzazione di un processo maggiormente ecocompatibile. Questo obiettivo è stato raggiunto con la corretta scelta e caratterizzazione di tutti gli additivi di formatura c) Assemblaggio della semicella SOFC anodo supportante e relativo trattamento in co-firing. La messa a punto di un idoneo ciclo di burn out degli organici ha contribuito a preservare l’integrità ed omogeneità dei film depositati che dopo sinterizzazione risultano perfettamente densi e privi di cricche.


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The main aim of this thesis is strongly interdisciplinary: it involves and presumes a knowledge on Neurophysiology, to understand the mechanisms that undergo the studied phenomena, a knowledge and experience on Electronics, necessary during the hardware experimental set-up to acquire neuronal data, on Informatics and programming to write the code necessary to control the behaviours of the subjects during experiments and the visual presentation of stimuli. At last, neuronal and statistical models should be well known to help in interpreting data. The project started with an accurate bibliographic research: until now the mechanism of perception of heading (or direction of motion) are still poorly known. The main interest is to understand how the integration of visual information relative to our motion with eye position information happens. To investigate the cortical response to visual stimuli in motion and the integration with eye position, we decided to study an animal model, using Optic Flow expansion and contraction as visual stimuli. In the first chapter of the thesis, the basic aims of the research project are presented, together with the reasons why it’s interesting and important to study perception of motion. Moreover, this chapter describes the methods my research group thought to be more adequate to contribute to scientific community and underlines my personal contribute to the project. The second chapter presents an overview on useful knowledge to follow the main part of the thesis: it starts with a brief introduction on central nervous system, on cortical functions, then it presents more deeply associations areas, which are the main target of our study. Furthermore, it tries to explain why studies on animal models are necessary to understand mechanism at a cellular level, that could not be addressed on any other way. In the second part of the chapter, basics on electrophysiology and cellular communication are presented, together with traditional neuronal data analysis methods. The third chapter is intended to be a helpful resource for future works in the laboratory: it presents the hardware used for experimental sessions, how to control animal behaviour during the experiments by means of C routines and a software, and how to present visual stimuli on a screen. The forth chapter is the main core of the research project and the thesis. In the methods, experimental paradigms, visual stimuli and data analysis are presented. In the results, cellular response of area PEc to visual stimuli in motion combined with different eye positions are shown. In brief, this study led to the identification of different cellular behaviour in relation to focus of expansion (the direction of motion given by the optic flow pattern) and eye position. The originality and importance of the results are pointed out in the conclusions: this is the first study aimed to investigate perception of motion in this particular cortical area. In the last paragraph, a neuronal network model is presented: the aim is simulating cellular pre-saccadic and post-saccadic response of neuron in area PEc, during eye movement tasks. The same data presented in chapter four, are further analysed in chapter fifth. The analysis started from the observation of the neuronal responses during 1s time period in which the visual stimulation was the same. It was clear that cells activities showed oscillations in time, that had been neglected by the previous analysis based on mean firing frequency. Results distinguished two cellular behaviour by their response characteristics: some neurons showed oscillations that changed depending on eye and optic flow position, while others kept the same oscillations characteristics independent of the stimulus. The last chapter discusses the results of the research project, comments the originality and interdisciplinary of the study and proposes some future developments.


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This study aimed to investigate which genes Cnidaria use for photoreception and test whether Gi alpha subunit protein is involved in the phototransduction cascade, giving additional tools to investigate light-mediated behaviors, as nematocyte firing. Here, I engineered an opsin gene promoter construct useful to test whether nematocyte sensory cells express opsin gene. By determining the expression of one of the unique EST opsin genes of the eyeless hydrozoan Hydra magnipapillata genome in nematocyte sensory cells, we will be able to investigate whether light modulation is an ancestral feature in Cnidaria, and whether regulation of nematocyte discharge by opsin-mediated phototransduction predated this pathway’s function in cnidarian eyes. Nematocytes, the cnidarians stinging cells, discharge nematocysts to capture prey. As nematocysts are energetically expensive, the discharge is tightly regulated and occurs after proper chemical and mechanical stimulation. Cnidarians are also known to display a rich corpus of photobehaviors, which are often associated with activities that involve nematocytes. Previous experiments on nematocyst firing modulation show that light decreases nematocyte firing. This study contributed to confirm that bright light decreases the tendency for nematocytes to discharge in Haliplanella luciae. Similar findings in cubozoan and hydrozoan lead us to believe that light modulation of cnidocytes may be an ancestral feature of Cnidaria. Experimentally, I found no evidence that pertussis toxin, a Gi alpha subunit protein inhibitor, ablates Hydra magnipapillata photobehaviour, preliminary suggesting that Gi alpha subunit protein is not involved in photoresponse. I found no significant association between pertussis toxin and nematocyte firing in Haliplanella luciae both in conditions of dim and bright light, suggesting that Gi alpha subunit protein is not involved in photoresponse. We have preliminary evidence for a prevalence of photoreception over chemoreception, tending toward conditions of bright light. This finding may suggest the involvement of a Gs alpha subunit protein in Haliplanella luciae phototransduction pathway. While nematocyte chemo- and mechano-sensitivity have been extensively studied, further research is necessary to better understand what an ancestral phototransduction cascade looked like, and how opsin-based phototransduction acts to regulate nematocyte discharge.


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This thesis was carried out in the context of a co-tutoring program between Centro Ceramico Bologna (Italy) and Instituto di Tecnologia Ceramica, Castellón de la Plana (Spain). The subject of the thesis is the synthesis of silver nanoparticles and at their likely decorative application in the productive process of porcelain ceramic tiles. Silver nanoparticles were chosen as a case study, because metal nanoparticles are thermally stable, and they have non-linear optical properties when nano-structured, and therefore they develop saturated colours. The nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical reduction in aqueous solution, a method chosen because of its reduced working steps and energy costs. Besides such a synthesis method uses non-expensive and non-toxic raw material. By adopting this synthesis technique, it was also possible to control the dimension and the final shape of the nanoparticles. Several syntheses were carried out during the research work, modifying the molecular weight of the reducing agent and/or the firing temperature, in order to evaluate the influence such parameters have on the Ag-nanoparticles formation. The syntheses were monitored with the use of UV-Vis spectroscopy and the average dimension as well as the morphology of the nanoparticles was analysed by SEM. From the spectroscopic data obtained from each synthesis, a kinetic study was completed, relating the progress of the reaction to the two variables (ie temperature and molecular weight of the reducing agent). The aim was finding equations that allow the establishing of a relationship between the operating conditions during the synthesis and the characteristics of the final product. The next step was finding the best method of synthesis for the decorative application. For such a purpose the amount of nanoparticles, their average particle size, the shape and the agglomeration are considered. An aqueous suspension containing the nanoparticles is then sprayed over the fired ceramic tiles and they are subsequently thermally treated in conditions similar to the industrial one. The colorimetric parameters of the obtained ceramic tiles were studied and the method proved successful, giving the ceramic tiles stable and intense colours.


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After the development of power electronics converters, the number of transformers subjected to non-sinusoidal stresses (including DC) has increased in applications such as HVDC links and traction (electric train power cars). The effects of non-sinusoidal voltages on transformer insulation have been investigated by many researchers, but still now, there are some issues that must be understood. Some of those issues are tackled in this Thesis, studying PD phenomena behavior in Kraft paper, pressboard and mineral oil at different voltage conditions like AC, DC, AC+DC, notched AC and square waveforms. From the point of view of converter transformers, it was found that the combined effect of AC and DC voltages produces higher stresses in the pressboard that those that are present under pure DC voltages. The electrical conductivity of the dielectric systems in DC and AC+DC conditions has demonstrated to be a critical parameter, so, its measurement and analysis was also taken into account during all the experiments. Regarding notched voltages, the RMS reduction caused by notches (depending on firing and overlap angles) seems to increase the PDIV. However, the experimental results show that once PD activity has incepted, the notches increase PD repetition rate and magnitude, producing a higher degradation rate of paper. On the other hand, the reduction of mineral oil stocks, their relatively low flash point as well as environmental issues, are factors that are pushing towards the use of esters as transformer insulating fluids. This PhD Thesis also covers the study of two different esters with the scope to validate their use in traction transformers. Mineral oil was used as benchmark. The complete set of dielectric tests performed in the three fluids, show that esters behave better than mineral oil in practically all the investigated conditions, so, their application in traction transformers is possible and encouraged.


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Mehr als hundert Jahre archäologischer Forschung haben gezeigt, dass in Mayen in römischer und mittelalterlicher Zeit eines der wichtigsten europäischen Produktionszentren für die Herstellung qualitätsvoller Gebrauchskeramik bestand. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden vier Befundkomplexe aus Töpfereisiedlungen vom 4. bis in das 14. Jahrhundert untersucht. Genauer handelt es sich um Keramik aus zwei spätantiken Brennanlagen des 4. Jahrhunderts im Bereich der Flur „Auf der Eich“ an den Straßen „Am Sonnenhang“ und „Frankenstraße“. Weiterhin konnte Material aus zwei Töpferofenfüllungen des 5. bis 9. Jahrhunderts analysiert werden, das 1975 auf dem Grundstück 55 an der „Siegfriedstraße“ in Brennanlagen entdeckt wurde. Hinzu kam Brenngut aus elf Töpferöfen des späten 8. bis 14. Jahrhunderts, welches in den so genannten „Burggärten“ der Genovevaburg von Mayen in den Jahren 1986/87 durch die archäologische Denkmalpflege in Koblenz geborgen wurde. Die mineralogischen Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung der „Mayener Keramik“ wurden systematisch an den Keramikmaterialien aus diesen Fundstellen durchgeführt. Mittelalterliche Keramik aus Bornheim-Walberberg, Brühl-Eckdorf, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Langerwehe, Frechen, Brühl-Pingsdorf, Paffrath, Raeren, Ratingen-Breitscheid, Siegburg-Seehofstraße, Siegburg-Scherbenhügel, Fredelsloh und Brühl-Badorf konnte für diese Arbeit als Referenzmaterialien ebenfalls untersucht werden. Provenienzanalysen wurden an Keramikproben aus 27 Fundorten, die makroskopisch nach Mayener Ware aussehen, mit mineralogischen Methoden durchgeführt, um sie der Fundregion Mayen eindeutig zuordnen zu können.rnPhasenanalyse, chemische Analyse und thermische Analyse wurden an Keramik sowie Ton durchgeführt. Die Phasenanalyse wurde zur Bestimmung der mineralischen Zusammensetzung von Grundmasse und Magerungsmittel (Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD), Polarisationsmikroskop, Mikro-Raman-Spektroskopie) verwendet. Die chemische Zusammensetzung wurde durch Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (RFA) ermittelt. Elektronenstrahlmikroanalyse (ESMA) und Laser-Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma (LA-ICP-MS) wurden bei den Proben, bei denen weniger als 2g Material zur Verfügung standen, eingesetzt. Brennexperimente wurden am originalen Rohstoff der Keramik aus den „Burggärten“ der Genovevaburg durchgeführt. Gebrannter Ton wurde durch Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD), Infrarotspektroskopie (IR) und Differential-Thermoanalyse (DTA) analysiert. rnAnhand der Messergebnisse lässt sich die Mayener Keramik aus den vier Fundplätzen in zwei Typen zusammenzufassen: der mit Feldspat-reichem Sand gemagerte römische Typ und der mit Quarz-reichem Sand gemagerte mittelalterliche Typ. Die Änderung des Magerungsmittels von Feldspat- zu Quarzsand weist eine technische Entwicklung zu höheren Brenntemperaturen von der Römerzeit bis in das Mittelalter nach. Nach der Untersuchung und dem Vergleich mit den Referenzkeramikgruppen ist festzustellen, dass durch multivariate Statistikanalysen der chemischen Komponenten die Charakterisierung der Keramik und eine Differenzierung zwischen den Keramikgruppen gelingt. Diese Erkenntnisse bildeten die Basis für Provenienzanalysen. 16 Fundorte können durch Provenienzanalyse sicher als Exportregionen der Mayener Ware festgestellt werden. Gemäß den Brennexperimenten lassen sich die chemischen Reaktionen während des Brandprozesses nachvollziehen. Zwei Methoden wurden mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD) und Differential-Thermoanalyse (DTA) zur Bestimmung der Brenntemperaturen der Keramik modelliert. Die Töpferöfen der „Burggärten“ können nach der Brenntemperatur in zwei Typen zusammengefasst werden: solche mit einer Brenntemperatur unter 1050°C und solche mit einer Brenntemperatur über 1050°C.rn


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In the CNS, myelinating oligodendrocytes and axons form a functional unit based on intimate cell-cell interactions. In addition to axonal insulation serving to increase the conduction velocity of electrical impulses, oligodendrocytes provide trophic support to neurons essential for the long-term functional integrity of axons. The glial signals maintaining axonal functions are just at the beginning to become uncovered. Yet, their determination is highly relevant for all types of demyelinating diseases, where lack of glial support significantly contributes to pathology. rnThe present PhD thesis uncovers exosomes as a novel signaling entity in the CNS by which cargo can be transferred from oligodendrocytes to neurons. Exosomes are small membranous vesicles of endocytic origin, which are released by almost every cell type and have been implicated in intercellular communication. Oligodendrocytes secrete exosomes containing a distinct set of proteins as well as mRNA and microRNA. Intriguingly, oligodendroglial exosome release is stimulated by the neurotransmitter glutamate indicating that neuronal electrical activity controls glial exosome release. In this study, the role of exosomes in neuron-glia communication and their implications on glial support was examined. Cortical neurons internalized and accumulated oligodendroglial exosomes in the neuronal cell soma in a time-dependent manner. Moreover, uptake occurred likewise at the somatodendritic and axonal compartment of the neurons via dynamin and clathrin dependent endocytosis. Intriguingly, neuronal internalization of exosomes resulted in functional retrieval of exosomal cargo in vitro and in vivo upon stereotactic injection of Cre recombinase bearing exosomes. Functional recovery of Cre recombinase from transferred exosomes was indicated by acquired reporter recombination in the target cell. Electrophysiological analysis showed an increased firing rate in neurons exposed to oligodendroglial exosomes. Moreover, microarray analysis revealed differentially expressed genes after exosome treatment, indicating functional implications on neuronal gene expression and activity. rnTaken together, the results of this PhD thesis represent a proof of principle for exosome transmission from oligodendrocytes to neurons suggesting a new route of horizontal transfer in the CNS.rn


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We report a case involving a spring-gun device (muzzleloader) loaded solely with gunpowder, installed next to shoes to prevent the neighbors' puppy from removing them. The booby trap was triggered by the 15-year-old dog-owners son when he tried to put the shoes out of the reach of the puppy. The boy suffered second degree superficial burns located mainly at the dorsal side of the right hand and fingers. To estimate the danger of the used weapon, several tests were undertaken on soap blocks from different distances and with different loads of black powder. The particle density per mm and the depth of black powder tattooing in the soap was compared with the boy's injuries, and found conclusive with the gun-owners statement regarding the loading of the weapon. Furthermore, our experiments indicated that the gunpowder load involved was not able to inflict permanent damage, not even to the eyes, at the here estimated firing distance.


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Congenital peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) is usually associated with impaired function of voltage-gated K(+) channels (VGKCs) in neuromyotonia and demyelination in peripheral neuropathies. Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (SJS) is a form of PNH that is due to hypomorphic mutations of perlecan, the major proteoglycan of basement membranes. Schwann cell basement membrane and its cell receptors are critical for the myelination and organization of the nodes of Ranvier. We therefore studied a mouse model of SJS to determine whether a role for perlecan in these functions could account for PNH when perlecan is lacking. We revealed a role for perlecan in the longitudinal elongation and organization of myelinating Schwann cells because perlecan-deficient mice had shorter internodes, more numerous Schmidt-Lanterman incisures, and increased amounts of internodal fast VGKCs. Perlecan-deficient mice did not display demyelination events along the nerve trunk but developed dysmyelination of the preterminal segment associated with denervation processes at the neuromuscular junction. Investigating the excitability properties of the peripheral nerve suggested a persistent axonal depolarization during nerve firing in vitro, most likely due to defective K(+) homeostasis, and excluded the nerve trunk as the original site for PNH. Altogether, our data shed light on perlecan function by revealing critical roles in Schwann cell physiology and suggest that PNH in SJS originates distally from synergistic actions of peripheral nerve and neuromuscular junction changes.


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The spatiotemporal control of neuronal excitability is fundamental to the inhibitory process. We now have a wealth of information about the active dendritic properties of cortical neurons including axonally generated sodium action potentials as well as local sodium spikelets generated in the dendrites, calcium plateau spikes, and NMDA spikes. All of these events have been shown to be highly modified by the spatiotemporal pattern of nearby inhibitory input which can drastically change the output firing mode of the neuron. This means that particular populations of interneurons embedded in the neocortical microcircuitry can more precisely control pyramidal cell output than has previously been thought. Furthermore, the output of any given neuron tends to feed back onto inhibitory circuits making the resultant network activity further dependent on inhibition. Network activity is therefore ultimately governed by the subcellular microcircuitry of the cortex and it is impossible to ignore the subcompartmentalization of inhibitory influence at the neuronal level in order to understand its effects at the network level. In this article, we summarize the inhibitory circuits that have been shown so far to act on specific dendritic compartments in vivo.


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Introduction: Advances in biotechnology have shed light on many biological processes. In biological networks, nodes are used to represent the function of individual entities within a system and have historically been studied in isolation. Network structure adds edges that enable communication between nodes. An emerging fieldis to combine node function and network structure to yield network function. One of the most complex networks known in biology is the neural network within the brain. Modeling neural function will require an understanding of networks, dynamics, andneurophysiology. It is with this work that modeling techniques will be developed to work at this complex intersection. Methods: Spatial game theory was developed by Nowak in the context of modeling evolutionary dynamics, or the way in which species evolve over time. Spatial game theory offers a two dimensional view of analyzingthe state of neighbors and updating based on the surroundings. Our work builds upon this foundation by studying evolutionary game theory networks with respect to neural networks. This novel concept is that neurons may adopt a particular strategy that will allow propagation of information. The strategy may therefore act as the mechanism for gating. Furthermore, the strategy of a neuron, as in a real brain, isimpacted by the strategy of its neighbors. The techniques of spatial game theory already established by Nowak are repeated to explain two basic cases and validate the implementation of code. Two novel modifications are introduced in Chapters 3 and 4 that build on this network and may reflect neural networks. Results: The introduction of two novel modifications, mutation and rewiring, in large parametricstudies resulted in dynamics that had an intermediate amount of nodes firing at any given time. Further, even small mutation rates result in different dynamics more representative of the ideal state hypothesized. Conclusions: In both modificationsto Nowak's model, the results demonstrate the network does not become locked into a particular global state of passing all information or blocking all information. It is hypothesized that normal brain function occurs within this intermediate range and that a number of diseases are the result of moving outside of this range.


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Neural dynamic processes correlated over several time scales are found in vivo, in stimulus-evoked as well as spontaneous activity, and are thought to affect the way sensory stimulation is processed. Despite their potential computational consequences, a systematic description of the presence of multiple time scales in single cortical neurons is lacking. In this study, we injected fast spiking and pyramidal (PYR) neurons in vitro with long-lasting episodes of step-like and noisy, in-vivo-like current. Several processes shaped the time course of the instantaneous spike frequency, which could be reduced to a small number (1-4) of phenomenological mechanisms, either reducing (adapting) or increasing (facilitating) the neuron's firing rate over time. The different adaptation/facilitation processes cover a wide range of time scales, ranging from initial adaptation (<10 ms, PYR neurons only), to fast adaptation (<300 ms), early facilitation (0.5-1 s, PYR only), and slow (or late) adaptation (order of seconds). These processes are characterized by broad distributions of their magnitudes and time constants across cells, showing that multiple time scales are at play in cortical neurons, even in response to stationary stimuli and in the presence of input fluctuations. These processes might be part of a cascade of processes responsible for the power-law behavior of adaptation observed in several preparations, and may have far-reaching computational consequences that have been recently described.