993 resultados para expert service
14 principles of best practice for Service Delivery: An Interculturally Competent Approach to Meeting the Needs of Victims/Survivors of Gender-based Violence Click here to download PDF 390kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
 Report of the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector Download this document (PDF 4.77mb) Alternatively, there is a lower resolution version available (PDF 2.31mb) Related Documents Resource Allocation, Financing and Sustainability in Health Care Evidence for the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector (Volume I) – PDF, 4.25mbAlternatively, a Lower Resolution version is available – PDF, 2.23mb Resource Allocation, Financing and Sustainability in Health Care Evidence for the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector (Volume II) – PDF 4.87mbAlternatively, a Lower Resolution version is available – PDF, 2.65mb Presentation by Professor, Frances Ruane Director , ESRI and Chair of the Expert Group. PDF 235KB Presentation by Professor Charles Normand, a member of the Expert Group. PDF 32KB
1. Summary of Main Progress Achieved in the Six Month Period April 2011 to September 2011 ICT services and Accounts/Finance services are being provided by the Department to the new Department of Children and Youth Affairs on an ongoing basis.A Special Delivery Unit, as provided for in the Programme for Government, is currently being established.A survey of all staff workloads is currently underway to verify that all staff are appropriately deployed and utilised. Â Click here to download PDF 46KB
In order to inform the work of the Value for Money (VFM) Review of Disability Services, an Expert Reference Group was established comprising representatives from the DoH and HSE, disability agencies and representative groups. The Group conducted an extensive policy review and its Report is here. In essence, it proposes a reframing of disability services towards a model of individualised supports, underpinned by mainstreaming of all public services. Â Click here to download PDF 1.67MB Â
Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) – Departmental Progress Report – May 2011. Click here to download PDF 106KB
Public Service Agreement 2010 – 2014 (Croke Park Agreement): Departmental Action Plan Click here to download PDF 33KB
Public Service Agreement – Health Sector Progress Report and Savings – May 2011 Click here to download PDF 4.69MB
Public Service Agreement – Health Sector Progress Report – October 2011 Click here to download PDF 7.66MB
Non-Commercial State Agencies – Public Service Agreement Progress Report – October 2011 Click here to download PDF 35KB
Facilitation Process Concerning the Difficulties in Implementing A Vision For Change in the South Tipperary and Carlow Kilkenny Catchment Area Mental Health Service Click here to download PDF 4.27MB
Most life science processes involve, at the atomic scale, recognition between two molecules. The prediction of such interactions at the molecular level, by so-called docking software, is a non-trivial task. Docking programs have a wide range of applications ranging from protein engineering to drug design. This article presents SwissDock, a web server dedicated to the docking of small molecules on target proteins. It is based on the EADock DSS engine, combined with setup scripts for curating common problems and for preparing both the target protein and the ligand input files. An efficient Ajax/HTML interface was designed and implemented so that scientists can easily submit dockings and retrieve the predicted complexes. For automated docking tasks, a programmatic SOAP interface has been set up and template programs can be downloaded in Perl, Python and PHP. The web site also provides an access to a database of manually curated complexes, based on the Ligand Protein Database. A wiki and a forum are available to the community to promote interactions between users. The SwissDock web site is available online at http://www.swissdock.ch. We believe it constitutes a step toward generalizing the use of docking tools beyond the traditional molecular modeling community.
Introduction: L'utilisation de marqueurs de l'inflammation comme la CRP pour le diagnostic, le pronostic et le suivi lors de pneumonie acquise dans la communauté (PAC) est une méthode rapide et bon marché. Cependant son utilité reste controversée etles avis d'expert divergent. Au CHUV, la CRP est dosée systématiquement chez les patients hospitalisés avec une PAC. L'objectif de ce travail est double: 1) effectuer une revue systématique de la littérature; 2) mieux comprendre l'usage et la perception de l'utilité clinique de la CRP en analysant la pratique des médecins du CHUV. Méthode: Nous avons envoyé un questionnaire par email à 2 reprises à tous les médecins assistants et chefs de clinique du service de médecine interne (SMI) et du centre interdisciplinaire des urgences (CIU) du CHUV. Les questions portaient sur la pratique clinique et sur la perception de l'utilité de la CRP dans le diagnostic, le pronostic et le suivi de patients hospitalisés pour une PAC. Résultats: Les résultats de la revue systématique sont présentés et analysés en intégrant les réponses issues du questionnaire. Nous avons reçu 53 réponses sur les 125 questionnaires envoyés. 62% des médecins interrogés demandent un dosage de la CRP dans >90% des cas lors d'une suspicion de PAC basée sur la clinique contre 45% si en plus la radiologie parle en faveur d'une PAC. 75% des médecins répètent ce dosage 1 à 4 fois durant le suivi. La raison principale évoquée est la suspicion d'une évolution défavorable et, plus rarement, la présence de comorbidités. Quand on questionne les médecins sur l'utilité de la CRP,on observe que seulement 30% pensent que la CRP est utile pour le diagnostic de PAC et 28% pour exclure une PAC lors de suspicion clinique. De même, 25% des médecins pensent qu'elle est utile dans le suivi des patients et 9% pour évaluer le pronostic de la PAC. On ne trouve pas d'association entre le niveau de formation et l'usage ou l'appréciation de l'utilité de la CRP. Conclusion: Les médecins assistants et les chefs de clinique du SMI et du CIU du CHUV dosent très souvent la CRP chez les patients hospitalisés pour une PAC. Leur motivation n'est ni liée à l'éventuelle valeur diagnostique de cet examen biologique,ni à son hypothétique valeur pour le pronostic et le suivi.
In December 2009 the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) heard a case brought by three women in respect of the alleged breach of their rights under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention) in regard to abortion in Ireland (the A, B and C v Ireland case). Â Click here to download PDF 929kb
This revised Action Plan is designed to support the delivery of the HSEâ?Ts 2012 National Service Plan by facilitating the fast-tracking of measures required to deliver essential health and personal social services across the country within the context of further reductions in funding and staff numbers. The implementation of the National Service Plan, approved by the Minister for Health on 13 January 2012, represents a major challenge to the health services and comes at a time of major reform of the public health system.  Click here to download PDF 161kb
Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan 2012 Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan (Jan 2012) PDF 54kb Integrated Departmental and Agencies Action Plan (Oct 2012) PDF 194kb Â