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This study examined the possible presence of malignant cells in ovarian cortex from patients with ovarian tumors after xenografting of the ovarian tissue into severe combined immunodeficiency mice. None of the mice presented symptoms of reintroduced malignancy nor did microscopic and immunohistochemical evaluation of the grafts raise any suspicion of residual malignant disease.
Recent claims of blood vessels extracted from dinosaur fossils challenge classical views of soft-tissue preservation. Alternatively, these structures may represent postdepositional,diagenetic biofilms that grew on vascular cavity surfaces within the fossil. Similar red, hollow, tube-shaped structures were recovered from well-preserved and poorly-preserved (abraded, desiccated, exposed) Upper Cretaceous dinosaur fossils in this study. Integration of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy was used to compare these vessel structures to the fossils from which they are derived. Vessel structures are typically 100-400 μm long, 0.5-1.5 μm thick, 10-40 μm in diameter and take on a wide range of straight, curved, andbranching morphologies. Interior surfaces vary from smooth to globular and typically contain spheres, rods, and fibrous structures (< 2 μm in diameter) incorporated into the surface. Exterior surfaces exhibit 2-μm-tall converging ridges, spaced 1-3 μm apart, that are sub-parallel to the long axis of the vessel structure. Fossil vascular cavities are typically coated with a smooth or grainy orange layer that shows a wide range of textures including smooth, globular, rough, ropy, and combinations thereof. Coatings tend to overlay secondary mineral crystals and framboids, confirming they are not primary structures of the fossil. For some cavity coatings, the surface that had been in contact with the bone exhibits a ridged texture, similar to that of vessel structures, having formed as a mold of the intravascular bone surface. Thus, vessel structures are interpreted as intact cavity coatings isolated after the fossil is demineralized. The presence of framboids and structures consistent in size and shape with bacteria cells, the abundance of iron in cavity coatings, and the growth of biofilms directly from the fossil that resemble respective cavity coatings support the hypothesis that vessel structures result from ironconsuming bacteria that form biofilms on the intravascular bone surfaces of fossil dinosaur bone. This also accounts for microstructures resembling osteocytes as some fossil lacunae are filled with the same iron oxide that comprises vessel structures andcoatings. Results of this study show that systematic, high-resolution SEM analyses of vertebrate fossils can provide improved insight on microtaphonomic processes, including the role of bacteria in diagenesis. These results conflict with earlier claims of dinosaurblood vessels and osteocytes.
Species with a wide geographical distribution are often composed of distinct subgroups which may be adapted to their local environment. European trout (Salmo trutta species complex) provide an example of such a complex consisting of several genetically and ecologically distinct forms. However, trout populations are strongly influenced by human activities, and it is unclear to what extent neutral and adaptive genetic differences have persisted. We sampled 30 Swiss trout populations from heterogeneous environments along replicated altitudinal gradients in three major European drainages. More than 850 individuals were genotyped at 18 microsatellite loci which included loci diagnostic for evolutionary lineages and candidate markers associated with temperature tolerance, reproductive timing and immune defence. We find that the phylogeographic structure of Swiss trout populations has not been completely erased by stocking. Distinct genetic clusters corresponding to the different drainages could be identified, although nonindigenous alleles were clearly present, especially in the two Mediterranean drainages. We also still detected neutral genetic differentiation within rivers which was often associated with the geographical distance between populations. Five loci showed evidence of divergent selection between populations with several drainage-specific patterns. Lineage-diagnostic markers, a marker linked to a quantitative trait locus for upper temperature tolerance in other salmonids and a marker linked to the major histocompatibility class I gene were implicated in local adaptation and some patterns were associated with altitude. In contrast, tentative evidence suggests a signal of balancing selection at a second immune relevant gene (TAP2). Our results confirm the persistence of both neutral and potentially adaptive genetic differences between trout populations in the face of massive human-mediated dispersal.
A high percentage of oesophageal adenocarcinomas show an aggressive clinical behaviour with a significant resistance to chemotherapy. Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) and glucose-regulated proteins (GRPs) are molecular chaperones that play an important role in tumour biology. Recently, novel therapeutic approaches targeting HSP90/GRP94 have been introduced for treating cancer. We performed a comprehensive investigation of HSP and GRP expression including HSP27, phosphorylated (p)-HSP27((Ser15)), p-HSP27((Ser78)), p-HSP27((Ser82)), HSP60, HSP70, HSP90, GRP78 and GRP94 in 92 primary resected oesophageal adenocarcinomas by using reverse phase protein arrays (RPPA), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR). Results were correlated with pathologic features and survival. HSP/GRP protein and mRNA expression was detected in all tumours at various levels. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering showed two distinct groups of tumours with specific protein expression patterns: The hallmark of the first group was a high expression of p-HSP27((Ser15, Ser78, Ser82)) and low expression of GRP78, GRP94 and HSP60. The second group showed the inverse pattern with low p-HSP27 and high GRP78, GRP94 and HSP60 expression. The clinical outcome for patients from the first group was significantly improved compared to patients from the second group, both in univariate analysis (p = 0.015) and multivariate analysis (p = 0.029). Interestingly, these two groups could not be distinguished by immunohistochemistry or qPCR analysis. In summary, two distinct and prognostic relevant HSP/GRP protein expression patterns in adenocarcinomas of the oesophagus were detected by RPPA. Our approach may be helpful for identifying candidates for specific HSP/GRP-targeted therapies.
A 15-year-old domestic shorthair cat was presented with severe haematuria, stranguria, anorexia and lethargy of 10 days' duration. Physical examination revealed a large painful urinary bladder and pain in the cranial abdomen. Abdominal ultrasound revealed severe generalised mural thickening of both the gall bladder and the urinary bladder. Lymphoma was diagnosed on cytology of urine sediment and fine-needle aspirates of the gall bladder. Despite a transitory clinical improvement and partial remission following chemotherapy, the cat was euthanased six weeks after initial presentation due to recurrent clinical signs. Post-mortem examination confirmed a B-cell lymphoma in the urinary bladder. This report is the first description of gall bladder and bladder lymphoma in a cat.
Rapid phenotypic diversification during biological invasions can either arise by adaptation to alternative environments or by adaptive phenotypic plasticity. Where experimental evidence for adaptive plasticity is common, support for evolutionary diversification is rare. Here, we performed a controlled laboratory experiment using full-sib crosses between ecologically divergent threespine stickleback populations to test for a genetic basis of adaptation. Our populations are from two very different habitats, lake and stream, of a recently invaded range in Switzerland and differ in ecologically relevant morphological traits. We found that in a lake-like food treatment lake fish grow faster than stream fish, resembling the difference among wild type individuals. In contrast, in a stream-like food treatment individuals from both populations grow similarly. Our experimental data suggest that genetically determined diversification has occurred within less than 140 years after the arrival of stickleback in our studied region.
Seismic evidence of up to 200 m lake-level change in Southern Patagonia since Marine Isotope Stage 4