975 resultados para eterogiunzione silicio amorfo nanocristallino silicon oxynitride
Il presente lavoro di tesi propone uno studio approfondito di proprietà morfologiche e di trasporto di carica di film sottili di SiOxNy amorfi (a-SiOxNy) e nanocristallini (nc-SiOxNy), che trovano importanti applicazioni in celle fotovoltaiche ad eterogiunzione in silicio, ad alta efficienza. Lo studio è condotto mediante caratterizzazione elettrica e morfologica attraverso tecniche di microscopia a forza atomica (AFM). Sono stati studiati campioni di a-SiOxNy cresciuti con tecnica PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition), in cui è stata variata unicamente la distanza tra gli elettrodi durante la deposizione. Sono stati inoltre studiati campioni di nc-SiOxNy, cresciuti con PECVD con una differente percentuale di N2O come gas precursore e un differente tempo di annealing. In entrambi i casi si tratta di un materiale innovativo, le cui proprietà fisiche di base, nonostante le numerose applicazioni, sono ancora poco studiate. L'analisi morfologica, condotta mediante AFM e successiva analisi statistica delle immagini, ha permesso di determinare alcune proprietà morfologiche dei campioni. L’analisi statistica delle immagini è stata validata, dimostrandosi stabile e consistente per lo studio di queste strutture. Lo studio delle proprietà di trasporto è stato condotto mediante acquisizione di mappe di corrente con tecnica conductive-AFM. In questo modo si è ottenuta una mappa di conducibilità locale nanometrica, che permette di comprendere come avviene il trasporto nel materiale. L'analisi di questo materiale mediante tecniche AFM ha permesso di evidenziare che l'annealing produce nei materiali nanocristallini sia un clustering della struttura, sia un significativo aumento della conducibilità locale del materiale. Inoltre la distanza tra gli elettrodi in fase di deposizione ha un leggero effetto sulle dimensioni dei grani. È da notare inoltre che su questi campioni si sono osservate variazioni locali della conducibilità alla nanoscala. L’analisi delle proprietà dei materiali alla nanoscala ha contribuito alla comprensione più approfondita della morfologia e dei meccanismi di trasporto elettronico.
In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo studiato la relazione esistente tra la concentrazione di drogante in un wafer di silicio e l’energia superficiale del suo ossido nativo. La strumentazione utilizzata per la misura dell’energia superficiale è il tensiometro ottico, uno strumento semplice ma efficace per valutare le proprietà chimico-fisiche dell’interfaccia liquido-solido. Il tensiometro ottico misura l’angolo di contatto statico e dinamico. La misura dell’angolo statico ci ha permesso di valutare l’energia superficiale dell’ossido nativo attraverso il metodo di Owen-Wendt. Per valutare l’omogeneità chimica/fisica dell’ossido abbiamo invece misurato l’isteresi dell’angolo di contatto in configurazione dinamica. Le misure di angolo statico e dinamico sono state realizzate su 10 frammenti di wafer di silicio a concentrazione crescente da 10^13 a 10^19 atomi/cm^3 di entrambi i tipi di drogante (ossia di tipo p - boro - e di tipo n - fosforo -). E’ stato osservato che, per i substrati drogati con boro, l’energia superficiale presenta un picco corrispondente ad una concentrazione di circa 10^15 atomi/cm^3 nell’intervallo di concentrazione 2 · 10^13 − 1.6 · 10^16 atomi/cm^3. Mentre i campioni drogati con fosforo presentano un andamento dell’energia superficiale leggermente crescente al crescere della concentrazione di drogaggio nell’intervallo di concentrazione 6.5 · 10^14 − 1.5 · 10^19 atomi/cm^3. Questo risultato è stato correlato alla diffusione degli atomi di drogante nell’ossido che raggiunge l’interfaccia SiO2 − Aria. L’osservazione sperimentale che l’energia superficiale dell’ossido dipenda dalla concentrazione di drogante è avvalorata dal confronto fra la componente polare e dispersiva, in particolare la componente polare presenta lo stesso picco osservato nell’energia superficiale. Le impurità nell’ossido, determinate dagli atomi di drogante, conferiscono quindi polarità alla superficie aumentando l’energia superficiale totale. Dal confronto fra le misure dei campioni as received con le misure dell’ossido ricostruito dopo 7 e 21 giorni di esposizione all’aria, ricaviamo che gli atomi di drogante diffondono nel tempo e, in particolare, la polarità superficiale ritorna alle con- dizioni as recived dopo 21 giorni dalla rimozione dell’ossido. E’ stata simulata numericamente una goccia su una superficie, comprendendo come il picco osservato nell’energia superficiale corrisponde ad un minimo dell’energia di Gibbs per i campioni di tipo p. Infine, l’isteresi aumenta in valor medio per i campioni con ossido ricostruito rispetto ai campioni as recived, ad indicare una possibile variazione dell’omogeneità chimico-fisica delle superfici.
The primary goal of this work is related to the extension of an analytic electro-optical model. It will be used to describe single-junction crystalline silicon solar cells and a silicon/perovskite tandem solar cell in the presence of light-trapping in order to calculate efficiency limits for such a device. In particular, our tandem system is composed by crystalline silicon and a perovskite structure material: metilammoniumleadtriiodide (MALI). Perovskite are among the most convenient materials for photovoltaics thanks to their reduced cost and increasing efficiencies. Solar cell efficiencies of devices using these materials increased from 3.8% in 2009 to a certified 20.1% in 2014 making this the fastest-advancing solar technology to date. Moreover, texturization increases the amount of light which can be absorbed through an active layer. Using Green’s formalism it is possible to calculate the photogeneration rate of a single-layer structure with Lambertian light trapping analytically. In this work we go further: we study the optical coupling between the two cells in our tandem system in order to calculate the photogeneration rate of the whole structure. We also model the electronic part of such a device by considering the perovskite top cell as an ideal diode and solving the drift-diffusion equation with appropriate boundary conditions for the silicon bottom cell. We have a four terminal structure, so our tandem system is totally unconstrained. Then we calculate the efficiency limits of our tandem including several recombination mechanisms such as Auger, SRH and surface recombination. We focus also on the dependence of the results on the band gap of the perovskite and we calculare an optimal band gap to optimize the tandem efficiency. The whole work has been continuously supported by a numerical validation of out analytic model against Silvaco ATLAS which solves drift-diffusion equations using a finite elements method. Our goal is to develop a simpler and cheaper, but accurate model to study such devices.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è la fabbricazione di ossidi complessi aventi struttura perovskitica, per mezzo della tecnica Channel Spark Ablation (CSA). Più precisamente sono stati depositati film sottili di manganite (LSMO), SrTiO3 (STO) e NdGaO3 (NGO). Inoltre nel laboratorio ospite è stata effettuata la caratterizzazione elettrica e dielettrica (spettroscopia di impedenza), mentre per l'analisi strutturale e chimica ci si è avvalsi di collaborazioni. Sono stati fabbricati dispositivi LSMO/STO/Co e se ne è studiato il comportamento magnetoresistivo e la bistabilità elettrica a seconda del carattere epitassiale od amorfo dell'STO. I risultati più promettenti sono stati ottenuti con STO amorfo. Sono stati costruiti diversi set di condensatori nella configurazione Metallo/Isolante/Semiconduttore (MIS), con M=Au, I=STO o NGO ed S=Nb:STO, allo scopo di indagare la dipendenza delle proprietà dielettriche ed isolanti dai parametri di crescita. In particolare ci si è concentrati sulla temperatura di deposizione e, nel caso dei film di STO, anche sulla dipendenza della costante dielettrica dallo spessore del film. Come ci si aspettava, la costante dielettrica relativa dei film di STO (65 per un film spesso 40 nm e 175 per uno di 170 nm) si è rivelata maggiore di quella dei film di NGO per i quali abbiamo ottenuto un valore di 20, che coincide con il valore del bulk. Nonostante l'elevata capacità per unità di area ottenibile con l'STO, la costante dielettrica di questo materiale risulta fortemente dipendente dallo spessore del film. Un ulteriore aspetto critico relativo all'STO è dato dal livello di ossidazione del film: le vacanze di ossigeno, infatti, possono ridurre la resistività dell'STO (nominalmente molto elevata), ed aumentarne la corrente di perdita. Al contrario l'NGO è meno sensibile ai processi tecnologici e, allo stesso tempo, ha un valore di costante dielettrica più alto rispetto ad un tipico dielettrico come l'ossido di silicio.
The synthesis, radiolabeling, and initial evaluation of new silicon-fluoride acceptor (SiFA) derivatized octreotate derivatives is reported. So far, the main drawback of the SiFA technology for the synthesis of PET-radiotracers is the high lipophilicity of the resulting radiopharmaceutical. Consequently, we synthesized new SiFA-octreotate analogues derivatized with Fmoc-NH-PEG-COOH, Fmoc-Asn(Ac?AcNH-?-Glc)-OH, and SiFA-aldehyde (SIFA-A). The substances could be labeled in high yields (38 ± 4%) and specific activities between 29 and 56 GBq/?mol in short synthesis times of less than 30 min (e.o.b.). The in vitro evaluation of the synthesized conjugates displayed a sst2 receptor affinity (IC?? = 3.3 ± 0.3 nM) comparable to that of somatostatin-28. As a measure of lipophilicity of the conjugates, the log P(ow) was determined and found to be 0.96 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate and 1.23 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-Tyr³-octreotate, which is considerably lower than for SiFA-Tyr³-octreotate (log P(ow) = 1.59). The initial in vivo evaluation of [¹?F]SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate revealed a significant uptake of radiotracer in the tumor tissue of AR42J tumor-bearing nude mice of 7.7% ID/g tissue weight. These results show that the high lipophilicity of the SiFA moiety can be compensated by applying hydrophilic moieties. Using this approach, a tumor-affine SiFA-containing peptide could successfully be used for receptor imaging for the first time in this proof of concept study.
BACKGROUND: Recently, several cases of symptomatic and/or electrically detectable intracardiac inside-out abrasions in silicon-coated Riata® and Riata® ST leads have been described. However, the prevalence in asymptomatic patients with unremarkable implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) interrogation is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic and electrically undetectable intracardiac inside-out abrasion in silicon-coated Riata® and Riata® ST leads. METHODS: All 52 patients with an active silicone-coated Riata® and Riata® ST lead followed up in our outpatient clinic were scheduled for a premature ICD interrogation and a biplane chest radiograph. When an intracardiac inside-out abrasion was suspected, this finding was confirmed by fluoroscopy. RESULTS: Mean time since implantation was 71±18months. An intracardiac inside-out abrasion was confirmed by fluoroscopy in 6 patients (11.5%). Mean time from lead implantation to detection of intracardiac inside-out abrasion was 79±14months. In all patients with an intracardiac inside-out abrasion, ICD interrogation showed normal and stable electrical parameters. Retrospectively, in 4 of these 6 patients, a coronary angiography performed 25±18months before diagnosis of intracardiac inside-out abrasion already showed the defect. Despite undetected intracardiac inside-out abrasion, 2 of these 4 patients experienced adequate antitachycardia pacing and ICD-shocks. ICD leads were replaced in all 6 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of asymptomatic intracardiac inside-out abrasion in silicon-coated Riata® and Riata® ST leads is higher than 10% when assessed by fluoroscopy, and most intracardiac inside-out abrasions are not detectable by ICD interrogation.
BACKGROUND: Following vitrectomy for PVR-associated retinal detachment, placement of an encircling band, filling with silicone oil (SO) and successful retinal reattachment, a recurrence of PVR can develop. Retinal redetachment after SO removal is usually due to secondary or residual PVR. We wanted to ascertain whether the anatomical and functional outcomes of surgery in patients with a reattached retina and recurrent PVR can be improved by delaying the removal of SO. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 112 consecutive patients with PVR-associated retinal detachment who had undergone vitrectomy with SO filling, were monitored for at least 6 months after SO removal. Prior to SO removal, the retina posterior to the encircling band had to be completely reattached. Patients who developed PVR after SO filling were divided into two groups according to the duration of SO retention: 12 - 18 months (group 2: n = 48); > 18 months (group 3: n = 21). Individuals without PVR recurrence after SO filling and in whom the SO was consequently removed within 4 - 12 months served as control (group 1: n = 43). Anatomical success, intraocular pressure (IOP) and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) served as the primary clinical outcome parameters. RESULTS: Six months after SO removal, the anatomical success rates (86.3 %, 88.8 % and 84.6 %, in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; log rank = 0.794) and the BCVAs (p = 0.861) were comparable in the three groups. Mean IOP (p = 0.766), and the frequency of complications such as PVR recurrence (p = 0.936), bullous keratopathy (p = 0.981) and macular pucker (p = 0.943) were likewise similar. Patients in whom SO was retained for more than 18 months had the highest IOPs and required the heaviest dosage with anti-glaucoma drugs. CONCLUSIONS: In patients who develop a recurrence of PVR after vitrectomy and SO filling the surgeon can observe and treat retinal changes for up to 18 months without impairing the anatomical and functional outcomes. The retention of SO for more than 18 months does not improve the anatomical outcome. However, it can impair the functional outcome by precipitating the development of a persisting secondary glaucoma.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate observer performance in the detection of pneumothorax with cesium iodide and amorphous silicon flat-panel detector radiography (CsI/a-Si FDR) presented as 1K and 3K soft-copy images. Forty patients with and 40 patients without pneumothorax diagnosed on previous and subsequent digital storage phosphor radiography (SPR, gold standard) had follow-up chest radiographs with CsI/a-Si FDR. Four observers confirmed or excluded the diagnosis of pneumothorax according to a five-point scale first on the 1K soft-copy image and then with help of 3K zoom function (1K monitor). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed for each modality (1K and 3K). The area under the curve (AUC) values for each observer were 0.7815, 0.7779, 0.7946 and 0.7066 with 1K-matrix soft copies and 0.8123, 0.7997, 0.8078 and 0.7522 with 3K zoom. Overall detection of pneumothorax was better with 3K zoom. Differences between the two display methods were not statistically significant in 3 of 4 observers (p-values between 0.13 and 0.44; observer 4: p = 0.02). The detection of pneumothorax with 3K zoom is better than with 1K soft copy but not at a statistically significant level. Differences between both display methods may be subtle. Still, our results indicate that 3K zoom should be employed in clinical practice.
The GLAaS algorithm for pretreatment intensity modulation radiation therapy absolute dose verification based on the use of amorphous silicon detectors, as described in Nicolini et al. [G. Nicolini, A. Fogliata, E. Vanetti, A. Clivio, and L. Cozzi, Med. Phys. 33, 2839-2851 (2006)], was tested under a variety of experimental conditions to investigate its robustness, the possibility of using it in different clinics and its performance. GLAaS was therefore tested on a low-energy Varian Clinac (6 MV) equipped with an amorphous silicon Portal Vision PV-aS500 with electronic readout IAS2 and on a high-energy Clinac (6 and 15 MV) equipped with a PV-aS1000 and IAS3 electronics. Tests were performed for three calibration conditions: A: adding buildup on the top of the cassette such that SDD-SSD = d(max) and comparing measurements with corresponding doses computed at d(max), B: without adding any buildup on the top of the cassette and considering only the intrinsic water-equivalent thickness of the electronic portal imaging devices device (0.8 cm), and C: without adding any buildup on the top of the cassette but comparing measurements against doses computed at d(max). This procedure is similar to that usually applied when in vivo dosimetry is performed with solid state diodes without sufficient buildup material. Quantitatively, the gamma index (gamma), as described by Low et al. [D. A. Low, W. B. Harms, S. Mutic, and J. A. Purdy, Med. Phys. 25, 656-660 (1998)], was assessed. The gamma index was computed for a distance to agreement (DTA) of 3 mm. The dose difference deltaD was considered as 2%, 3%, and 4%. As a measure of the quality of results, the fraction of field area with gamma larger than 1 (%FA) was scored. Results over a set of 50 test samples (including fields from head and neck, breast, prostate, anal canal, and brain cases) and from the long-term routine usage, demonstrated the robustness and stability of GLAaS. In general, the mean values of %FA remain below 3% for deltaD equal or larger than 3%, while they are slightly larger for deltaD = 2% with %FA in the range from 3% to 8%. Since its introduction in routine practice, 1453 fields have been verified with GLAaS at the authors' institute (6 MV beam). Using a DTA of 3 mm and a deltaD of 4% the authors obtained %FA = 0.9 +/- 1.1 for the entire data set while, stratifying according to the dose calculation algorithm, they observed: %FA = 0.7 +/- 0.9 for fields computed with the analytical anisotropic algorithm and %FA = 2.4 +/- 1.3 for pencil-beam based fields with a statistically significant difference between the two groups. If data are stratified according to field splitting, they observed %FA = 0.8 +/- 1.0 for split fields and 1.0 +/- 1.2 for nonsplit fields without any significant difference.
With the development of micro systems, there is an increasing demand for integrable porous materials. In addition to those conventional applications, such as filtration, wicking, and insulating, many new micro devices, including micro reactors, sensors, actuators, and optical components, can benefit from porous materials. Conventional porous materials, such as ceramics and polymers, however, cannot meet the challenges posed by micro systems, due to their incompatibility with standard micro-fabrication processes. In an effort to produce porous materials that can be used in micro systems, porous silicon (PS) generated by anodization of single crystalline silicon has been investigated. In this work, the PS formation process has been extensively studied and characterized as a function of substrate type, crystal orientation, doping concentration, current density and surfactant concentration and type. Anodization conditions have been optimized for producing very thick porous silicon layers with uniform pore size, and for obtaining ideal pore morphologies. Three different types of porous silicon materials: meso porous silicon, macro porous silicon with straight pores, and macro porous silicon with tortuous pores, have been successfully produced. Regular pore arrays with controllable pore size in the range of 2µm to 6µm have been demonstrated as well. Localized PS formation has been achieved by using oxide/nitride/polysilicon stack as masking materials, which can withstand anodization in hydrofluoric acid up to twenty hours. A special etching cell with electrolytic liquid backside contact along with two process flows has been developed to enable the fabrication of thick macro porous silicon membranes with though wafer pores. For device assembly, Si-Au and In-Au bonding technologies have been developed. Very low bonding temperature (~200 degrees C) and thick/soft bonding layers (~6µm) have been achieved by In-Au bondi ng technology, which is able to compensate the potentially rough surface on the porous silicon sample without introducing significant thermal stress. The application of the porous silicon material in micro systems has been demonstrated in a micro gas chromatograph system by two indispensable components: an integrated vapor source and an inlet filter, wherein porous silicon performs the basic functions of porous media: wicking and filtration. By utilizing a macro porous silicon wick, the calibration vapor source was able to produce a uniform and repeatable vapor generation for n-decane with less than a 0.1% variation in 9 hours, and less than a 0.5% variation in rate over 7 days. With engineered porous silicon membranes the inlet filter was able to show a depth filtration with nearly 100% collection efficiency for particles larger than 0.3µm in diameter, a low pressure-drop of 523Pa at 20sccm flow rate, and a filter capacity of 500µg/cm2.