959 resultados para eterogeneità, texture, analysis, CT, perfusionale, tumore
The aim of analogue model experiments in geology is to simulate structures in nature under specific imposed boundary conditions using materials whose rheological properties are similar to those of rocks in nature. In the late 1980s, X-ray computed tomography (CT) was first applied to the analysis of such models. In early studies only a limited number of cross-sectional slices could be recorded because of the time involved in CT data acquisition, the long cooling periods for the X-ray source and computational capacity. Technological improvements presently allow an almost unlimited number of closely spaced serial cross-sections to be acquired and calculated. Computer visualization software allows a full 3D analysis of every recorded stage. Such analyses are especially valuable when trying to understand complex geological structures, commonly with lateral changes in 3D geometry. Periodic acquisition of volumetric data sets in the course of the experiment makes it possible to carry out a 4D analysis of the model, i.e. 3D analysis through time. Examples are shown of 4D analysis of analogue models that tested the influence of lateral rheological changes on the structures obtained in contractional and extensional settings.
Twenty four core samples from CRP-1, seven from Quaternary strata (20-43.55 meters below sea floor or mbsf) and seventeen from early Miocene strata (43.55 to 147.69 mbsf), have been analysed for their grain-size distribution using standard sieve and Sedigraph techniques. The results are in good agreement with estimates of texture made as part of the visual core description for the 1 :20 core logs for CRP-1 (Cape Roberts Science Team, 1998). Interpretation of the analyses presented here takes into account the likely setting of the site in Quaternary times as it is today, with CRP-1 high on the landward flank of a well-defined submarine ridge rising several hundred metres above basins on either side. In contrast, seismic geometries for strata deposited in early Miocene times indicate a generally planar sea floor dipping gently seaward. Fossils from these strata indicate shallow water depths (< 100 m), indicating the possibility that waves and tidal currents may have influenced sea floor sediments. The sediments analysed here are considered in terms of 3 textural facies: diamict, mud (silt and clay) and sand. Most of the Quaternary section but only 30% of the early Miocene section is diamict, a poorly sorted mixture of sand and mud with scattered clasts, indicating little wave or current influence on its texture. Although not definitive, diamict textures and other features suggest that the sediment originated as basal glacial debris but has been subsequently modified by minor winnowing, consistent with the field interpretation of this facies as ice-proximal and distal glaciomarine sediment. Sediments deposited directly from glacier ice appear to be lacking. Mud facies sediments, which comprise only 10% of the Quaternary section but a third of the early Miocene section, were deposited below wave base and largely from suspension, and show features (described elsewhere in this volume) indicative of the influence of both glacial and sediment gravity flow processes. Sand facies sediments have a considerable proportion of mud, normally more than 20%, but a well-sorted fine-very fine sand fraction. In the context of the early Miocene coastal setting we interpret these sediments as shoreface sands close to wave base.
"Contract US AEC AT(11-1)2118."
We have employed an inverse engineering strategy based on quantitative proteome analysis to identify changes in intracellular protein abundance that correlate with increased specific recombinant monoclonal antibody production (qMab) by engineered murine myeloma (NSO) cells. Four homogeneous NSO cell lines differing in qMab were isolated from a pool of primary transfectants. The proteome of each stably transfected cell line was analyzed at mid-exponential growth phase by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and individual protein spot volume data derived from digitized gel images were compared statistically. To identify changes in protein abundance associated with qMab clatasets were screened for proteins that exhibited either a linear correlation with cell line qMab or a conserved change in abundance specific only to the cell line with highest qMab. Several proteins with altered abundance were identified by mass spectrometry. Proteins exhibiting a significant increase in abundance with increasing qMab included molecular chaperones known to interact directly with nascent immunoglobulins during their folding and assembly (e.g., BiP, endoplasmin, protein disulfide isomerase). 2D-PAGE analysis showed that in all cell lines Mab light chain was more abundant than heavy chain, indicating that this is a likely prerequisite for efficient Mab production. In summary, these data reveal both the adaptive responses and molecular mechanisms enabling mammalian cells in culture to achieve high-level recombinant monoclonal antibody production. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Mineralogical analysis is often used to assess the liberation properties of particles. A direct method of estimating liberation is to actually break particles and then directly obtain liberation information from applying mineralogical analysis to each size-class of the product. Another technique is to artificially apply random breakage to the feed particle sections to estimate the resultant distribution of product particle sections. This technique provides a useful alternative estimation method. Because this technique is applied to particle sections, the actual liberation properties for particles can only be estimated by applying stereological correction. A recent stereological technique has been developed that allows the discrepancy between the linear intercept composition distribution and the particle section composition distribution to be used as guide for estimating the particle composition distribution. The paper will show results validating this new technique using numerical simulation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article reports the use of simple beam and finite-element models to investigate the relationship between rostral shape and biomechanical performance in living crocodilians under a range of loading conditions. Load cases corresponded to simple biting, lateral head shaking, and twist feeding behaviors. The six specimens were chosen to reflect, as far as possible, the full range of rostral shape in living crocodilians: a juvenile Caiman crocodilus, subadult Alligator mississippiensis and Crocodylus johnstoni, and adult Caiman crocodilus, Melanosuchus niger, and Paleosuchus palpebrosus. The simple beam models were generated using morphometric landmarks from each specimen. Three of the finite-element models, the A. mississippiensis, juvenile Caiman crocodilus, and the Crocodylus johnstoni, were based on CT scan data from respective specimens, but these data were not available for the other models and so these-the adult Caiman crocodilus, M. niger, and P. palpebrosus-were generated by morphing the juvenile Caiman crocodilus mesh with reference to three-dimensional linear distance measured from specimens. Comparison of the mechanical performance of the six finite-element models essentially matched results of the simple beam models: relatively tall skulls performed best under vertical loading and tall and wide skulls performed best under torsional loading. The widely held assumption that the platyrostral (dorsoventrally flattened) crocodilian skull is optimized for torsional loading was not supported by either simple beam theory models or finite-element modeling. Rather than being purely optimized against loads encountered while subduing and processing food, the shape of the crocodilian rostrum may be significantly affected by the hydrodynamic constraints of catching agile aquatic prey. This observation has important implications for our understanding of biomechanics in crocodilians and other aquatic reptiles.
Dimethylsulfide (DMS) dehydrogenase catalyses the oxidation of DMS to dimethylsulfoxide. The purified enzyme has three subunits of Mr = 94, 38 and 32 kDa and has an optical spectrum dominated by a b-type cytochrome. The metal ion and nucleotide analysis revealed 0.5 g-atom Mo, 9.8 g-atom Fe and 1.96 mol GMP per tool of enzyme. Taken together, these data indicate that DMS dehydrogenase contains a bis(MGD)Mo cofactor. A comparison of the Nterminal amino acid sequence of DMS dehydrogenase revealed that the Mo-containing ct-subunit was most closely related to the c~-subunits of nitrate reductase (NarG) and selenate reductase (SerA). Similarly, the [~-subunit of DMS dehydrogenase was most closely related to the [3-subunits of nitrate reductase (NarH) and selenate reductase (SerB). Variable temperature X-band EPR spectra (120-2K) of 'as isolated' DMS dehydrogenase showed resonances arising from multiple redox centres, Mo(V), [3Fe-4S] +, [4Fe-4S] ÷. A pH dependent EPR study of the Mo(V) centre in lH20 and 2H20 reveals the presence of three Mo(V) species in equilibrium, Mo(V)-OH2, Mo(V)-X and Mo(V)-OH. Between pH6 and 8.2 the dominant species is Mo(V)-OH2 and Mo(V)-X is a minor component. X is probably the anion, chloride. Comparison of the rhombicity and anisotropy parameters for the Mo(V) species in DMS dehydrogenase with other Mo(V) centres in metalloproteins showed that it was most similar to the low pH nitrite spectrum of E. coli nitrate reductase (NarGHI). The spin Hamiltonian parameters (2.0158, 1.8870, 1.8620) for the [4Fe-4S] + cluster suggests the presence of histidine (N) coordination to iron in this cluster. It is suggested that this unusual [Fe-S] cluster may be associated with a histidine-cysteine rich sequence at the N-terminus of the ct-subunit of DMS dehydrogenase.
Este trabalho investiga a cobertura de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CT&I) nos telejornais brasileiros de canal aberto, no horário nobre (das 19h15 às 22h), para verificar a função educativa da mídia na abordagem de assuntos de CT&I. O corpus desta pesquisa compõe-se de um recorte dos seguintes telejornais: Jornal da Band, Jornal Nacional, Jornal da Record, Jornal da Cultura e SBT Brasil. A proposta foi avaliar, comparativamente, as matérias jornalísticas que tratam especificamente de CT&I, em relação ao formato, à linguagem e aos conteúdos de cada um dos programas estudados. Este trabalho empregou a metodologia de Análise de Discurso de linha Francesa (AD). Esta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, também englobou um Estudo de Recepção sobre as reportagens selecionadas. O procedimento utilizado para isso foi o de Grupos Focais. Dessa forma, buscou-se analisar o processo de Comunicação que envolve as matérias telejornalísticas de CT&I das mensagens à recepção. Este estudo verificou que CT&I é um assunto presente nos telejornais brasileiros mesmo quando ocorrem fatos imprevisíveis (de outras editorias) que influenciam significativamente a cobertura dos noticiários televisivos. Constatou também que não há, entre os telejornais selecionados, um padrão de aprofundamento e contextualização dos assuntos CT&I, mas que a abordagem varia até dentro de uma única edição. As emissoras, mesmo reconhecendo a importância de CT&I, ainda oscilam entre uma abordagem contextualizada e a simples descrição do fato principal. A linguagem empregada pelos telejornais para o tratamento de assuntos de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação é, predominantemente, clara e simples. No entanto, foi possível verificar algumas nuances, com o uso de termos específicos da linguagem científica sem que a matéria oferecesse qualquer explicação sobre tais conceitos. A experiência dos Grupos Focais revelou que os telespectadores não são passivos em relação aos conteúdos científicos dos programas telejornalísticos. De modo geral, o público se interessa por CT&I e sabe avaliar qualitativamente as matérias. Analisar como as matérias sobre CT&I produzem sentidos e qual a contribuição que estas podem dar à Compreensão Pública da Ciência possibilitou reflexões relevantes sobre as limitações e os potenciais da televisão e das mensagens veiculadas, assim como o interesse e a visão crítica a respeito dos assuntos de CT&I.(AU)
The local image representation produced by early stages of visual analysis is uninformative regarding spatially extensive textures and surfaces. We know little about the cortical algorithm used to combine local information over space, and still less about the area over which it can operate. But such operations are vital to support perception of real-world objects and scenes. Here, we deploy a novel reverse-correlation technique to measure the extent of spatial pooling for target regions of different areas placed either in the central visual field, or more peripherally. Stimuli were large arrays of micropatterns, with their contrasts perturbed individually on an interval-by-interval basis. By comparing trial-by-trial observer responses with the predictions of computational models, we show that substantial regions (up to 13 carrier cycles) of a stimulus can be monitored in parallel by summing contrast over area. This summing strategy is very different from the more widely assumed signal selection strategy (a MAX operation), and suggests that neural mechanisms representing extensive visual textures can be recruited by attention. We also demonstrate that template resolution is much less precise in the parafovea than in the fovea, consistent with recent accounts of crowding. © 2014 The Authors.
This study extends a previous research concerning intervertebral motion registration by means of 2D dynamic fluoroscopy to obtain a more comprehensive 3D description of vertebral kinematics. The problem of estimating the 3D rigid pose of a CT volume of a vertebra from its 2D X-ray fluoroscopy projection is addressed. 2D-3D registration is obtained maximising a measure of similarity between Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs (obtained from the CT volume) and real fluoroscopic projection. X-ray energy correction was performed. To assess the method a calibration model was realised a sheep dry vertebra was rigidly fixed to a frame of reference including metallic markers. Accurate measurement of 3D orientation was obtained via single-camera calibration of the markers and held as true 3D vertebra position; then, vertebra 3D pose was estimated and results compared. Error analysis revealed accuracy of the order of 0.1 degree for the rotation angles of about 1mm for displacements parallel to the fluoroscopic plane, and of order of 10mm for the orthogonal displacement. © 2010 P. Bifulco et al.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62-04, 62H30, 62J20
Tra le patologie ossee attualmente riconosciute, l’osteoporosi ricopre il ruolo di protagonista data le sua diffusione globale e la multifattorialità delle cause che ne provocano la comparsa. Essa è caratterizzata da una diminuzione quantitativa della massa ossea e da alterazioni qualitative della micro-architettura del tessuto osseo con conseguente aumento della fragilità di quest’ultimo e relativo rischio di frattura. In campo medico-scientifico l’imaging con raggi X, in particolare quello tomografico, da decenni offre un ottimo supporto per la caratterizzazione ossea; nello specifico la microtomografia, definita attualmente come “gold-standard” data la sua elevata risoluzione spaziale, fornisce preziose indicazioni sulla struttura trabecolare e corticale del tessuto. Tuttavia la micro-CT è applicabile solo in-vitro, per cui l’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è quello di verificare se e in che modo una diversa metodica di imaging, quale la cone-beam CT (applicabile invece in-vivo), possa fornire analoghi risultati, pur essendo caratterizzata da risoluzioni spaziali più basse. L’elaborazione delle immagini tomografiche, finalizzata all’analisi dei più importanti parametri morfostrutturali del tessuto osseo, prevede la segmentazione delle stesse con la definizione di una soglia ad hoc. I risultati ottenuti nel corso della tesi, svolta presso il Laboratorio di Tecnologia Medica dell’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli di Bologna, mostrano una buona correlazione tra le due metodiche quando si analizzano campioni definiti “ideali”, poiché caratterizzati da piccole porzioni di tessuto osseo di un solo tipo (trabecolare o corticale), incluso in PMMA, e si utilizza una soglia fissa per la segmentazione delle immagini. Diversamente, in casi “reali” (vertebre umane scansionate in aria) la stessa correlazione non è definita e in particolare è da escludere l’utilizzo di una soglia fissa per la segmentazione delle immagini.
We present results of an inorganic geochemical pore water and sediment study conducted on Quaternary sediments from the western Arctic Ocean. The sediment cores were recovered in 2008 from the southern Mendeleev Ridge during RV Polarstern Expedition ARK-XXIII/3. With respect to sediment sources and depositional processes, peaks in Ca/Al, Mg/Al, Sr/Al and Sr/Mg indicate enhanced input of both ice-rafted (mainly dolomite) and biogenic carbonate during deglacial warming phases. Distinct and repetitive brown layers enriched in Mn (oxyhydr)oxides occur mostly in association with these carbonate-rich intervals. For the first time, we show that the brown layers are also consistently enriched in scavenged trace metals Co, Cu, Mo and Ni. The bioturbation patterns of the brown layers, specifically well-defined brown burrows into the underlying sediments, support formation close to the sediment-water interface. The Mn and trace metal enrichments were probably initiated under warmer climate conditions. Both river runoff and melting sea ice delivered trace metals to the Arctic Ocean, but also enhanced seasonal productivity and organic matter export to the sea floor. As Mn (oxyhydr)oxides and scavenged trace metals were deposited at the sea floor, a co-occurring organic matter "pulse" triggered intense diagenetic Mn cycling at the sediment-water interface. These processes resulted in the formation of Mn and trace metal enrichments, but almost complete organic matter degradation. As warmer conditions ceased, reduced riverine runoff and/or a solid sea ice cover terminated the input of riverine trace metal and fresh organic matter, and greyish-yellowish sediments poor in Mn and trace metals were deposited. Oxygen depletion of Arctic bottom waters as potential cause for the lack of Mn enrichments during glacial intervals is highly improbable. While the original composition and texture of the brown layers resulted from specific climatic conditions (including transient Mn redox cycling at the sediment-water interface), pore water data show that early diagenetic Mn redistribution is still affecting the organic-poor sediments in several meters depth. Given persistent steady state diagenetic conditions, purely authigenic Mn-rich brown layers may form, while others may completely vanish. The degree of diagenetic Mn redistribution largely depends on the depositional environment within the Arctic Ocean, the availability of Mn and organic matter, and seems to be recorded by the Co/Mo ratios of single Mn-rich layers. We conclude that brown Arctic sediment layers are not necessarily synchronous features, and correlating them across different parts of the Arctic Ocean without additional age control is not recommended.
The advent of the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) necessitates the development of a powerful framework for the analysis of radio measurements of cosmic ray air showers. As AERA performs "radio-hybrid" measurements of air shower radio emission in coincidence with the surface particle detectors and fluorescence telescopes of the Pierre Auger Observatory, the radio analysis functionality had to be incorporated in the existing hybrid analysis solutions for fluorescence and surface detector data. This goal has been achieved in a natural way by extending the existing Auger Offline software framework with radio functionality. In this article, we lay out the design, highlights and features of the radio extension implemented in the Auger Offline framework. Its functionality has achieved a high degree of sophistication and offers advanced features such as vectorial reconstruction of the electric field, advanced signal processing algorithms, a transparent and efficient handling of FFTs, a very detailed simulation of detector effects, and the read-in of multiple data formats including data from various radio simulation codes. The source code of this radio functionality can be made available to interested parties on request. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.