727 resultados para endodontic retreatment


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of bacterial biofilm on the external surface of the root apex in teeth with pulp necrosis, with and without radiographically visible periapical lesions, and in teeth with a vital pulp. Twenty-one teeth were extracted, eight with pulp necrosis and periapical lesions, eight with pulp necrosis without radiographically visible periapical lesions, and five with a vital pulp. The roots were sectioned, and the root apexes (+/- 3 mm) were processed for scanning electron microscope evaluation. The surface of the apical root was evaluated for the presence of microorganisms, root resorption, and biofilm. There were no microorganisms on the apical root surface of either teeth with pulp vitality or with pulp necrosis with no radiographically visible periapical lesions. Microorganisms were always present in teeth with pulp necrosis and radiographically visible periapical lesions. These included cocci, bacilli, and filaments and the presence of an apical biofilm. Apical biofilm is clinically important because microbial biofilms are inherently resistant to antimicrobial agents and cannot be removed by biomechanical preparation alone. This may cause failure of endodontic treatment as a consequence of persistent infection.


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Aim: To investigate pulp chamber penetration of bleaching agents in teeth following restorative procedures. Methodology: Bovine lateral incisors were sectioned 3 mm apical to the cemento-enamel junction and the coronal pulpal tissue was removed. Teeth were divided into six groups (n = 10): G1, G2 and G3 were not submitted to any restorative procedure, while G4, G5 and G6 were submitted to Class V preparations and restored with composite resin. Acetate buffer was placed in the pulp chamber and treatment agents were applied for 60 min at 37°C as follows: G1 and G4, immersion into distilled water; G2 and G5, 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) exposure; G3 and G6, 35% CP bleaching. The buffer solution was removed and transferred to a glass tube where leuco crystal violet and horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of the blue solution was determined spectrophotometrically at 596 nm. A standard curve made with known amounts of hydrogen peroxide was used to convert the optical density values of the coloured samples into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). Results: Amounts of hydrogen peroxide found in the pulp chamber of G2 and G5 specimens (0.1833 ± 0.2003 μg) were significantly lower (P = 0.001) when compared to G3 and G6 specimens (0.4604 ± 0.3981 μg). Restored teeth held significantly higher (P = 0.001) hydrogen peroxide concentrations in the pulp chamber than intact teeth. Conclusion: Higher concentrations of the bleaching agent produced higher levels of hydrogen peroxide in the pulp chamber, especially in restored teeth.


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After filling root canals, the healing process depends on the chemical composition or physical-chemical properties of the material used, among other factors. All root canal sealers, whether solid or plastic, are foreign matter for the body if they remain in permanent contact with apical and periapical tissues. As a result, the first organic reaction that occurs is an attempt to phagocytize the material. During phagocytosis, macrophages release a large number of cell mediators into the area, among which are cytokines that are essential in intercellular communication and in many physiological and pathophysiological processes. One of these cytokines is tumor necrosis factor-alfa (TNF-α), which acts through links to specific receptors on the cell membrane initiating a cascade of events leading to induction, activation, or inhibition of numerous cytokine-regulated genes in the cell nucleus. The release of TNF-α in a cell culture of mouse peritoneal macrophages incubated with three concentrations (25, 50, and 100 mg/ml) of two endodontic sealers was measured. The solutions containing the calcium hydroxide-based root canal sealer (Sealapex) released fewer units of TNF-α than solutions containing the zinc oxide and eugenol-based sealer (Endomethasone).


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Aim: To evaluate the release of calcium ions, pH and conductivity of a new experimental dental cement (EC) and to compare them with those of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA-Angelus). Methodology: Five samples of each cement were prepared using plastic tubes 1 mm in diameter and 10 mm long. Each sample was sealed in a test tube containing 10 mL deionized water which was analysed after 24, 48, 72, 96, 192, 240 and 360 h for pH, electrical conductivity and calcium release. The concentration of calcium ions was obtained through atomic absorption spectroscopy technique. The data were analysed statistically using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Student's test (t-test). Results: The pH of the storage solutions was not affected by the material and the interaction of material with time (P > 0.05). However, the time of immersion was significant (P < 0.01) for both materials. For the electric conductivity and calcium release, the interaction of material with time was statistically significant (P < 0.01), indicating that EC and MTA-Angelus did not behave in a similar manner. Conclusions: The experimental cement released calcium and increased the pH of the storage solutions in a similar manner to MTA-Angelus. However, EC showed significantly higher calcium release than commercial MTA-Angelus after 24 h. © 2005 International Endodontic Journal.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of coronal filling and apical perforation on the induction of periapical inflammation. Methodology: Fifty-eight root canals in the teeth of dogs were divided into four groups. Groups I and II: root canals were exposed for 180 days; groups III and IV: root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the access cavity filled for 53 days. The root apices of groups I and III were perforated after the coronal opening, whilst those of groups II and IV remained intact. Standard radiographs were taken before and after the experimental periods. Digital images of the radiographs were created and then analysed by three examiners. After induction of periapical inflammation, the root canal contents were collected using paper points. Microbiologic evaluation of the type of microorganism was carried out by culture in different growth media. The radiographic and microbiologic data were statistically analysed using ANOVA at a 5% significance level. Results: There were a greater total number of microorganisms in groups I and II (P < 0.05). The number of anaerobes was greater than the number of aerobes (P < 0.05). The size of the periapical radiolucencies were not significantly different between the experimental groups. Conclusions: The different methods analysed induced similar areas of periapical radiolucency in dogs with predominantly anaerobic bacteria. However, the time required for induction was less when the method with coronal filling was used. © 2005 International Endodontic Journal.


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Aim: To examine the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of regular and white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) ex vivo by the single-cell gel (comet) assay and trypan blue exclusion test, respectively. Methodology: Aliquots of 1 × 10 4 Chinese hamster ovary cells were incubated at 37°C for 3 h with grey and white forms of MTA at final concentrations ranging from 1 to 1000 μg mL -1. The negative control group was treated with vehicle control phosphate buffer solution for 3 h at 37°C and the positive control group was treated with methyl metasulfonate (at 1 μg mL -1) for 1 h at 37°C. After incubation, the cells were centrifuged at 180 g for 5 min and washed twice with fresh medium and resuspended with fresh medium. Each individual treatment was repeated three times consecutively to ensure reproducibility. Parameters from single-cell gel (comet) and cytotoxicity assays were assessed by the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test. Results: Neither compounds produced genotoxic effects with respect to the single-cell gel (comet) assay in all concentrations evaluated. In the same way, the dose-response relationships of all compounds tested at concentrations ranging from 1 to 1000 μg mL -1 on cell viability assessed by the trypan blue assay displayed no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) for either endodontic material. Conclusions: Regular (grey) and white MTA are not genotoxins and do not induce cellular death. © 2006 International Endodontic Journal.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of biomechanical preparation using different irrigating solutions. Seventy-eight root canals from premolars of four dogs were used. After experimental induction of periapical lesions, the root canals were prepared using the following solutions for irrigation: Group 1) 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); Group 2) 2% chlorhexidine (CHX); Group 3) saline solution and Group 4) control group with no biomechanical preparation. The microbiological evaluation of the root canals was performed by counting the colony forming units (CFUs) using different culture mediums. Two absorbent paper cones were used in each root canal in order to collect the microbiological samples before, and thirty days after the biomechanical preparation. The culture plates were incubated in aerobic, anaerobic and microaerophilic environment. Statistical evaluation was carried out using analysis of variance, Tukey and Student tests. The results demonstrated that there was reduction in the number of microorganisms in the NaOCl and CHX groups (p<0.05). There was greater effectiveness in the chlorhexidine group. The group that used saline solution and the control group presented an increased number of microorganisms. It can be concluded that the use of antimicrobial irrigating solutions during biomechanical preparation promotes the reduction of endodontic microbiota. However, a considerable number of microorganisms were still observed.


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One of the primary objectives of endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp necrosis is the elimination of microorganisms from the root canal system, as effectively as possible, especially in cases with chronic periapical lesions. AIM: The purpose of this study was to analyze the response of the periapical tissue of dogs' teeth with chronic periapical lesions to endodontic treatment performed with utilization of metronidazole, calcium hydroxide, and an association of both as root canal dressings. METHODOLOGY: Forty root canals were submitted to pulpectomy and the root canals were kept exposed to the oral environment for 6 months. Then, they were submitted to biomechanical preparation and divided into 4 study groups with 10 specimens: group I - no root canal dressing; group II - calcium hydroxide; group III - metronidazole; group IV - calcium hydroxide associated to metronidazole. After 15 days, the root canals were filled with Fill Canal sealer. After 90 days, the animals were killed and the especimens processed for histological analysis. RESULTS: Calcium hydroxide dressing provided a significantly better outcome compared to other experimental groups (α = 0.01). Also, the results of the association of metronidazole and calcium hydroxide were similar to those observed for the metronidazole group. The worst results were obtained by the no root canal dressing group. CONCLUSION: The use of metronidazole alone or associated with Calcium hydroxide, did not improve periapical healing when compared to Calcium hydroxide dressing.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the distribution of microorganisms in the root canal system (RCS) and periapical lesions of dogs' teeth after rotary instrumentation and placement of different calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]-based intracanal dressings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Chronic periapical lesions were experimentally induced in 80 premolar roots of four dogs. Instrumentation was undertaken using the ProFile rotary system and irrigation with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. The following Ca(OH) 2-based pastes were applied for 21 days: group 1 - Calen (n=18); group 2 - Calen+CPMC (n=20); group 3 - Ca(OH)2 p.a. + anaesthetic solution (n=16) and group 4 - Ca(OH)2 p.a.+ 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (n=18). Eight root canals without endodontic treatment constituted the control group. Histological sections were obtained and stained with Brown & Brenn staining technique to evaluate the presence of microorganisms in the main root canal, ramifications of the apical delta and secondary canals, apical cementoplasts, dentinal tubules, areas of cemental resorption and periapical lesions. The results were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney U test (p<0.05). RESULTS: The control group showed the highest prevalence of microorganisms in all sites evaluated. Gram-positive cocci, bacilli and filaments were the most frequent morphotypes. Similar microbial distribution patterns in the RCS and areas of cementum resorption were observed in all groups (p>0.05). The percentage of RCS sites containing microorganisms in groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and control were: 67.6%, 62.5%, 78.2%, 62.0% and 87.6%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the histomicrobiological analysis showed that the rotary instrumentation and the different calcium hydroxide pastes employed did not effectively eliminate the infection from the RCS and periapical lesions. However, several bacteria seen in the histological sections were probably dead or were inactivated by the biomechanical preparation and calcium hydroxide-based intracanal dressing.


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Aim: To present an additional case of intraosseous schawannoma involving the apical area in the mandibular alveolar bone mimicking an inflammatory periapical lesion. Summary: This article describes a case of schwannoma periapically located mimicking an inflammatory periapical lesion in the mandible of a 34-year-old female. Diagnostic and therapeutic problems can occur when this lesion is misinterpreted as being endodontic in origin. The diagnosis, radiograph, immunohistochemical aspects and treatment are also discussed. Key learning points: • Intraosseous schwannoma is a rare unilocular radiolucency that when located periapically could be misdiagnosed as an endodontic lesion and result in unnecessary root canal treatment. • The vitality of the pulp is an important test to exclude lesions of inflammatory origin. • Histological examination is important to establish the diagnosis of lesions in the periradicular region. © 2007 International Endodontic Journal.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of different trademarks and compositions of gutta-percha points and calcium hydroxide pastes used in endodontic therapy. The evaluated material consisted of gutta-percha points containing calcium hydroxide (Roeko™), gutta-percha points containing chlorhexidine (Roeko™), two convencional gutta-percha points (Endo Points™ and Roeko™) and two calcium hydroxide pastes (Calen™ and Calen/PMCC™). Antimicrobial tests included five species of microorganisms: Escherichia coli (ATCC10538), Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC12228), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC6538), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC27853), and Micrococcus luteus (ATCC9341). The Agar difusion method was employed. The plates were kept at room temperature for 2 h for prediffusion and then incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The triphenyltetrazolium chloride gel was added for optimization and the zones of inhibition were measured. Statistical evaluation was carried out using analysis of variance and Tukey Test. The obtained results showed that all microbial species used in the study were inhibited by the gutta-percha points containing chlorhexidine and by the calcium hydroxide pastes (Calen™ and Calen/ PMCC™), with similar results (p > 0.05). No antimicrobial activity was observed for the other groups. It was concluded that the gutta-percha points containing chlorhexidine presented antimicrobial activity, whereas the gutta-percha points containing calcium hydroxide did not.


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the thermoplasticity of conventional and thermoplastic gutta-percha and Resilon®, a polyester polymer-based material. Specimens with standardised dimensions were made from the following materials: conventional and thermoplastic gutta-percha (Dentsply), conventional and thermoplastic gutta-percha (Endopoints) and Resilon®. After 24 h, the specimens were placed in water at 70°C for 60 s, and thereafter positioned between two glass slabs. Each set was compressed by a 5-kg weight. Digital images of the specimens before and after compression were obtained and analysed. The thermoplasticity of each material was confirmed by the difference between final and initial areas of each sample. The data were analysed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at a 5% significance level. Resilon® had the highest thermoplasticity means (P < 0.05). Among the gutta-percha cones, Endopoints TP (thermoplastic) presented the highest thermoplasticity means and differed significantly from the other commercial brands (P < 0.05). Resilon® had good thermoplasticity, endorsing its use as a thermoplastic root canal filling material. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology.


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This paper describes the clinical courses of three cases with extra-oral sinus tract formation, from diagnosis and treatment to short-term follow-up and evaluation. All teeth involved had periradicular radiolucent areas noted on radiographic examination and extra-oral sinus tracts appearing on the chin with exudation and unpleasant aesthetic appearance. The adopted treatment protocol included treating the sinus tract surface simultaneously with the root canal therapy. After root canal shaping using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, calcium hydroxide-based pastes associated with different vehicles were inserted into the root canal for 4 months, and were changed monthly. All the sinus tracts healed in 7 to 10 days. The apical lesions were completely repaired in a maximum period of 24 months. The treatment adopted provided a complete healing of the periapical lesions in a short follow-up period. Surgical repair of the cutaneous sinus tract was therefore unnecessary. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology.


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The purpose of this report was to describe the case of an 18-month-old boy who was referred to the pediatric clinic of the School of Dentistry of Araçatuba, São Paulo State University, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, 3 days after sustaining severe trauma that led to the complete intrusion of the primary maxillary right lateral incisor, a crown fracture of the primary maxillary right central incisor without pulp involvement, and disruption of the superior labial frenum. Four months later, spontaneous re-eruption was observed in the intruded tooth and no endodontic intervention was necessary in either traumatized teeth. Four years after the trauma, a morphological change in the germ of the permanent successor was noted. Clinical follow-up and periodic radiographies are necessary after traumatic intrusion of primary teeth to monitor possible sequelae in the permanent successors.


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Aim: The present randomized, controlled prospective study evaluated the histomorphological response of human dental pulps capped with two grey mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) compounds. Methodology: Pulp exposures were performed on the occlusal floor of 40 human permanent pre-molars. The pulp was capped either with ProRoot (Dentsply) or MTA-Angelus (Angelus) and restored with zinc oxide eugenol cement. After 30 and 60 days, teeth were extracted and processed for histological examination and the effects on the pulp were scored. The data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Conover tests (α = 0.05). Results: In five out of the 40 teeth bacteria were present in pulp tissue. No significant difference was observed between the two materials (P > 0.05) in terms of overall histological features (hard tissue bridge, inflammatory response, giant cells and particles of capping materials). Overall, 94% and 88% of the specimens capped with MTA-Angelus and ProRoot, respectively, showed either total or partial hard tissue bridge formation (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Both commercial materials ProRoot (Dentsply) and MTA-Angelus (Angelus) produced similar responses in the pulp when used for pulp capping in intact, caries-free teeth. © 2009 International Endodontic Journal.