636 resultados para elected


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The Martha Thomas Fitzgerald Papers consist of biographical data, correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, memoranda, reports, and photographs (of particular interest are the many photographs of rural S.C. school houses in the 1920s). The collection pertains to Mrs. Fitzgerald’s work with the South Carolina Department of Education, the South Carolina House of Representatives, and her work with various civic organizations such as the Altrusa Club, the League of Women Voters, the Daughters of American Colonists, United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), Business and Professional Women’s Club (BPW), Delta Kappa Gamma, South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Salvation Army. There is also information on the Status of Women Commission Council on Aging, agriculture, Queens College, University of South Carolina, Winthrop University, Columbia University, public health, South Carolina history, City of Columbia, South Carolina, and Richland County, South Carolina. Correspondents include Strom Thurmond and three letters from John F. Kennedy when he was senator. Mrs. Fitzgerald was the first woman elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in a general election.


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Dean Gleeson earned a doctorate from the University of California, Irvine in developmental and cell biology in 1979, and has been a member of the Boulder faculty since 1981. He is a professor in the Department of Integrative Physiology, and maintains a research laboratory that has trained numerous undergraduates and 20 graduate students and postdoctoral associates. He earned Boulder campus Student Office of Alumni Relations (SOAR) teaching-honors in 1985. He has published over 100 articles and abstracts on his studies of muscle carbohydrate metabolism and the metabolic consequences of muscle fatigue in animals, and he is an elected fellow of the AAAS. He served as Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs on the Boulder campus from 1997-2001, and has served as dean of the College since 2001.


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This man who grew up on an irrigated farm near North Platte was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering in 1984 for invention and development of aerial-spray systems and harvesting systems, the only Nebraskan elected to that esteemed academy. Six patents are based on his research.


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What a pleasure it is to take part in welcoming you to this Fourth Annual Symposium in Virology. Such a tremendous program lies ahead! And how pleased and proud we are that this year's symposium is a special tribute to our colleague Dr. James Van Etten, Professor of Plant Pathology in our Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, who last-year was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences.


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Park Service Thwarts Cat Allies, by Marilyn Davis, Native Species Network, Bodega Bay, California Jim Miller Elected VP of Wildlife Society ADC Aerial Hunting Accident Kills 2 Obituary: Carl R. Gustavson HSUS Former Employee File Lawsuits Rats Shut Down Internet at Stanford Call for Papers: A Symposium on Mammal Trapping August 1997 in Edmonton, Alberta Fur in Cyberspace: The Fur Institute of Canada announces it has established a site on the World Wide Web, at the following address: http://www.fur.ca. Book Review: Beaver and Otter: Open Water Techniques, by Charles Dobbins 1992. Beaver Pond Publishing and Printing, P.O. Box 224, Greenville, Pennsyulvania, 16125. 114 pages. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians: Resolution on Management of Feral Cats Use of Zinc Phosphide for Marmot Control, by Mark Collinge, NADCA Northern Rockies Region Director, USDA-APHIS-ADC Cat Colony Ordinance Adopted by Santa Clara County, California


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Suburban wildlife management issues are generating heated debate between citizen organizations, elected public officials, and state wildlife management agencies. Decisions are being made by town and county officials which directly impact or supersede state authority for managing resident wildlife. As an example, I will focus this discussion on the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), management controversy at Durand Eastman Park, in the greater Rochester metropolitan area, New York.


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This research investigates the factors related to the discontinuity of the treatment of tuberculosis in Rio Branco-Acre. To the fulfillment of this research, a contribution to ethnography has been adopted, for the successful apprehension of the reality to be studied. The research has been developed in two mapping steps: on the first, a search for information on the SINAN (System of National Injuries Notification - Sistema de Notificacao de Agravos Nacionais) and on the Municipal Coordination of the Tuberculosis Program databases was taken; the second aimed to record facts from the observation of the care given on a health care unit, which serves assistance to tuberculosis carriers in treatment, and the interviews of the elected subjects. On the analysis of the observations, narrative and interview collection, it was observed that the professionals of health services label some people as auspicious to discontinue the treatment and don't consider the different ways of life on the approach of their patients, complicating the formation of the bond and favoring the discontinuity. It was also identified people treating for tuberculosis that had many ways of dealing with the limitations generated by the disease, such as restrictions for the work, among others, and people that discontinued the treatment took in consideration their system of beliefs and values, as well as the perception of health/disease, due to the feeling of cure when the treatment was interrupted.


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Background: Cutaneous lesions by Pythium insidiosum infection are commonly observed in horses, especially in those living at flooded environments. Equine pythiosis is characterized by the development of tumoral masses that are frequently located at distal limbs, ventral abdomen, thorax, breast and face. The lesions are usually granulomatous, serosanguineous and ulcerated, most often destroyed by self-mutilation due to the intense pruritus. The proposed treatment includes surgical excision followed by antifungal drugs administration, which can be done systemically or topically. Amphotericin B and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in association has been successfully used for cutaneous pythiosis topical treatment due to the DMSO property to carry any substance through plasmatic membranes. Case: The present report concerns a 12-year-old mixed breed gelding presenting with self-mutilation of a tumoral mass located at the left flank. The owners reported that the horse had initially presented a small wound that had evolved to a 20-cm in diameter mass in 4 weeks. Tissue samples were collected, processed and stained by the Gomori's methenamine silver (GMS) method. The histopathological analysis revealed Pythium insidiosum hyphae in a granulomatous tissue, especially located at peripheral region, where kunkers were present. Surgical excision of the mass followed by cauterization was indicated as initial treatment, and due to financial reasons, the owners elected only the topical antifungal therapy to control the fungus infection after surgery. Flunixin meglumine was also administrated for five days aiming the control of pain and inflammation. The wound was cleaned with povidone-iodine solution and rinsed with a solution containing, 50 mg, of amphotericin B in 10 mL of sterile water and 10 mL of DMSO. This procedure was carried Out twice a day. The wound healed fast due to an excellent centripetal epithelialization. and the horse was discharged after 64 days showing only 5% of the initial wound area. The owner reported by telephone the complete healing and hair growth 10 days after discharge. Discussion: Despite the atypical location of the tumoral lesion described at the present report, the history and clinical manifestations, especially the intense pruritus, showed similarity with other characteristic reports of equine cutaneous pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the histopathological examination showing hyphae structures, as described to be evidences of the presence of Pythium insidiosum in the tissue. The surgical procedure was the first step to provide remission of clinical signs, and one day after surgery the pruritus desapeared. After excision of the granulomatous tissue and cauterization, daily topical administration of amphotericin B associated with DMSO was effective in destroying the infectious agent, as observed by the excellent epithelization. A pink granulation tissue grew up providing an ideal surface for epithelial migration and the healing process progressed quickly. Centripetal epithelialization reduced the wound area until 3% of the initial area in 64 days of treatment, when the remaining wound was found almost completely healed and covered with hair. At the present report, the horse presenting pythiosis was only topically treated. The recommended therapy using amphotericin B and DMSO solution was effective, economically viable and low risk, considering that the systemic antifungal therapy usually suggested is expensive and extremely nephrotoxic. The atypical location of the lesion on the left flank shows that any anatomical region can be affected by the fungus, since the conditions for its development were present.


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Studies of electoral fraud tend to focus their analyses only on the pre-electoral or electoral phases. By examining the Brazilian First Republic (1889-1930), this article shifts the focus to a later phase, discussing a particular type of electoral fraud that has been little explored by the literature, namely, that perpetrated by the legislatures themselves during the process of giving final approval to election results. The Brazilian case is interesting because of a practice known as degola ('beheading') whereby electoral results were altered when Congress decided on which deputies to certify as duly elected. This has come to be seen as a widespread and standard practice in this period. However, this article shows that this final phase of rubber-stamping or overturning election results was important not because of the number of degolas, which was actually much lower than the literature would have us believe, but chiefly because of their strategic use during moments of political uncertainty. It argues that the congressional certification of electoral results was deployed as a key tool in ensuring the political stability of the Republican regime in the absence of an electoral court.


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[ES] Canarias es una de las regiones españolas que registra mayores niveles de abstención en las diferentes consultas electorales. Este comportamiento puede explicarse por razones de diverso tipo, pero sin duda, la falta de confianza en los cargos públicos electos y en las instituciones es uno de los factores de mayor peso. Con este fin, en la presente comunicación se expone resumidamente una reciente experiencia realizada en Canarias por el Grupo de Investigación en Geografía Social y Económica de la ULPGC consistente en situar las diferentes respuestas que dio una muestra de ciudadanos residentes en las Islas a una encuesta de opinión confeccionada al efecto sobre el grado de confianza que le inspiran las instituciones oficiales. A su vez, los opinantes fueron desagregados por islas, comarcas y municipios, poniéndose en evidencia la enorme pluralidad y complejidad que es capaz de albergar una sociedad moderna como la canaria. 


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Per Viollet-le-Duc lo “stile” «è la manifestazione di un ideale fondato su un principio» dove per principio si intende il principio d’ordine della struttura, quest’ultimo deve rispondere direttamente alla Legge dell’”unità” che deve essere sempre rispettata nell’ideazione dell’opera architettonica. A partire da questo nodo centrale del pensiero viollettiano, la presente ricerca si è posta come obiettivo quello dell’esplorazione dei legami fra teoria e prassi nell’opera di Viollet-le-Duc, nei quali lo “stile” ricorre come un "fil rouge" costante, presentandosi come una possibile inedita chiave di lettura di questa figura protagonista della storia del restauro e dell’architettura dell’Ottocento. Il lavoro di ricerca si é dunque concentrato su una nuova lettura dei documenti sia editi che inediti, oltre che su un’accurata ricognizione bibliografica e documentaria, e sullo studio diretto delle architetture. La ricerca archivistica si é dedicata in particolare sull’analisi sistematica dei disegni originali di progetto e delle relazioni tecniche delle opere di Viollet-le- Duc. A partire da questa prima ricognizione, sono stati selezionati due casi- studio ritenuti particolarmente significativi nell’ambito della tematica scelta: il progetto di restauro della chiesa della Madeleine a Vézelay (1840-1859) e il progetto della Maison Milon in rue Douai a Parigi (1857-1860). Attraverso il parallelo lavoro di analisi dei casi-studio e degli scritti di Viollet- le-Duc, si è cercato di verificare le possibili corrispondenze tra teoria e prassi operativa: confrontando i progetti sia con le opere teoriche, sia con la concreta testimonianza degli edifici realizzati.


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Zusammenfassung: Primo Levis 1975 publiziertes Buch Il sistema periodico (Das periodische System, deutsch 1986) wurde 2006 bei einer Befragung des Imperial College in London zum „best science book ever“ gekürt. Zweifellos gehört Levis Buch zu den berühmtesten literarischen Werken mit chemischem Inhalt. Wohl jeder Chemiker kennt es oder hat schon davon gehört. Es gliedert sich in 21 Element-Erzählungen, die berühmteste von diesen ist die letzte, die vom Kohlenstoff handelt. Im Folgenden versuche ich, den Nachweis zu führen, dass diese Geschichte eine Vorlage hatte, nämlich die Erzählung ‚Lebensgeschichte eines Kohlenstoffatoms‘ von Hermann Römpp, die 1946 als Kosmos-Bändchen bei Franckh erschien. Hermann Römpp, der während des ‚Dritten Reiches‘ die antisemitischen und eugenischen Maßnahmen der Nationalsozialisten in einigen Schriften gepriesen und gerechtfertigt hatte, publizierte die Geschichte als einzige seines Oeuvres nicht unter eigenem Namen, sondern unter dem Pseudonym „Dr. Helmut Schmid“. rnDer Nachweis, dass Römpps Geschichte eine Vorlage für Levi war, soll eine vertiefte Lektüre von Levis Erzählung ermöglichen.


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This study examines the effect of democratization on a key education reform across three Mexican states. Previous scholarship has found a positive effect of electoral competition on social spending, as leaders seek to improve their reelection prospects by delivering services to voters. However, the evidence presented here indicates that more money has not meant better educational outcomes in Mexico. Rather, new and vulnerable elected leaders are especially susceptible to the demands of powerful interest groups at the expense of accountability to constituents. In this case, the dominant teachers' union has used its leverage to exact greater control over the country's resource-rich merit pay program for teachers. It has exploited this control to increase salaries and decrease standards for advancement up the remuneration ladder. The evidence suggests that increased electoral competition has led to the empowerment of entrenched interests rather than voters, with an overall negative effect on education.


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Bulgaria, Albania and Romania are all parliamentary republics with a president as head of state. Although the Albanian president is elected by Parliament, he is arguably the strongest of the three, both in terms of the powers allowed by the provisional constitution and of Mr. Berisha's political practice. The constitutional reform underway in the country will however change the status quo. In Bulgaria and Romania the presidents are elected directly by popular vote, but their powers are relatively small as compared to the democratic legitimisation implied by direct elections. Actual presidential powers should however be assessed with caution as some of them are set by law or interpretations of constitutional texts, rather than by the constitutions themselves. There is also variation in the degree to which the presidents in office have exploited their constitutional powers or taken their role as non-aligned political brokers seriously. Mr. Berisha, in particular, was in control of party politics throughout his presidency and was one of the most polarising influences on public opinion. The excessive political polarisation in all three countries has however its own logic and power. Thus Mr. Zhelev invariably supported the emergence of a political centre in Bulgaria, but this did not succeed and the policy was as damaging to his political career as the fight with would-be centrists was to Berisha's. Political practice in all three countries seems to need a presidential figure. This adds flexibility to a situation governed by hostile and mutually suspicious parties, stuck parliaments and weak or inexperienced governments. The presidents also command considerable influence on public opinion. Public opinion in Bulgaria, for example, largely supports the idea of greater power for the president, in contrast with the opinions of constitutionalists and other law-makers in the country. Under the legacy of the past, the people have a love-hate relationship with such paternalist figures. Presidents personalise politics in the public mind, but they can also become scapegoats for political failures.


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Montana Governor Forrest Anderson was perhaps the most experienced and qualified person ever to be elected as Governor of Montana. Having previously served as a county attorney, a member of the legislature, a Supreme Court Justice, and twelve years as Attorney General, Anderson roared to a large victory in 1968 over the Incumbent GOP Governor Tim Babcock. Though the progressive change period in Montana began a few years earlier, Anderson’s 1968 win catapulted progressive policy-making into the mainstream of Montana political and governmental affairs. He used his unique skills and leadership to craftily architect the reorganization of the executive branch which had been kept weak since statehood so that the peoples’ government would not be able to challenge corporations who so dominated Montana. Anderson, whose “Pay More, What For?” campaign slogan strongly separated him from Tim Babcock and the GOP on the sales tax issue, not only beat back the regressive sales tax in the 1968 election, but oversaw its demise at the polls in 1971, shaping politics in Montana for decades to come. Anderson also was a strong proponent of the concept of a new Montana Constitution and contributed strategically to its calling and passage. Anderson served only one term as Governor for health reasons, but made those four years a launch pad for progressive politics and government in Montana. In this film, Alec Hansen, Special Assistant to Governor Anderson, provides an insider’s perspective as he reflects on the unique way in which Governor Anderson got things done at this critical period “In the Crucible of Change.” Alec Hansen is best known in Montana political and governmental circles as the long-time chief of the Montana League of Cities and Towns, but he cut his teeth in public service with Governor Forrest Anderson. Alec was born in Butte in 1941, attended local schools graduating from Butte High in 1959. After several years working as a miner and warehouseman for the Anaconda Company in Butte, he attended UM and graduated in History and Political Science in 1966. He joined the U.S. Navy and served with amphibious forces in Vietnam. After discharge from the Navy in 1968, he worked as a news and sports reporter for The Montana Standard in Butte until in September of 1969 he joined Governor Anderson as a Special Assistant focused on press, communications and speech-writing. Alec has noted that drafts were turned into pure Forrest Anderson remarks by the man himself. He learned at the knee of “The Fox” for the rest of Anderson’s term and continued with Governor Tom Judge for two years before returning to Butte to work for the Anaconda Company as the Director of Communications for Montana operations. In 1978, after Anaconda was acquired by the Atlantic Richfield Company, Alec went to work in February for U.S. Senator Paul Hatfield in Washington D.C., leaving after Hatfield’s primary election loss in June 1978. He went back to work for Gov. Judge, remaining until the end of 1980. In 1981 Alec worked as a contract lobbyist and news and sports reporter for the Associated Press in Helena. In 1982, the Montana League of Cities and Towns hired him as Executive Director, a position he held until retirement in 2014. Alec and his wife Colleen, are the parents of two grown children, with one grandson.