996 resultados para custody - children


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Primary objective : To investigate the speed and accuracy of tongue movements exhibited by a sample of children with dysarthria following severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) during speech using electromagnetic articulography (EMA). Methods and procedures : Four children, aged between 12.75-17.17 years with dysarthria following TBI, were assessed using the AG-100 electromagnetic articulography system (Carstens Medizinelektronik). The movement trajectories of receiver coils affixed to each child's tongue were examined during consonant productions, together with a range of quantitative kinematic parameters. The children's results were individually compared against the mean values obtained by a group of eight control children (mean age of 14.67 years, SD 1.60). Main outcomes and results : All four TBI children were perceived to exhibit reduced rates of speech and increased word durations. Objective EMA analysis revealed that two of the TBI children exhibited significantly longer consonant durations compared to the control group, resulting from different underlying mechanisms relating to speed generation capabilities and distances travelled. The other two TBI children did not exhibit increased initial consonant movement durations, suggesting that the vowels and/or final consonants may have been contributing to the increased word durations. Conclusions and clinical implications : The finding of different underlying articulatory kinematic profiles has important implications for the treatment of speech rate disturbances in children with dysarthria following TBI.


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Abnormalities of calcium and vitamin D metabolism in cystic fibrosis (CF) are well documented. We tested the hypothesis that alterations in calcium metabolism are related to vitamin D deficiency, and that bone resorption is increased relative to accretion in patients with CF. Calcitropic hormones, electrolytes, osteocalcin (OC) and bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), (markers of bone mineralisation), urinary deoxypyridinoline [total (t) Dpd, a marker of bone resorption] and lumbar spine bone mineral density (LS BMD), expressed as a z-score, were measured in 149 (81 M) CF and 141 (61 M) control children aged 5.3-10.99 years, adolescents aged 11-17.99 years and adults aged 18-55.9 years. Data were analysed by multiple regression to adjust for age. In patients, FEV1% predicted and CRP (as disease severity markers), genotype and pancreatic status (PS) were recorded. The distribution of PTH differed between groups (P


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Sun exposure in childhood is I of the risk factors for developing skin cancer, yet little is known about levels of exposure at this age. This is particularly important in countries with high levels of ultraviolet radiation. (UVR) such as Australia. Among 49 children 3 to 5 years of age attending child care centers, UVR exposure was studied under 4 conditions in a repeated measures design; sunny days, cloudy days, teacher's instruction to stay in the shade, and a health professionals instruction to apply sunscreen. Three different data collection methods were employed: (a) completion of questionnaire or diary by parents and researcher, (b) polysulphone dosimeter readings, and (c) observational audits (video recording). Results of this study indicated that more than half the children had been sunburnt (pink or red) and more than a third had experienced painful sunburn (sore or tender) in the last summer. Most wore short sleeve shirts, short skirts or shorts and cap, that do not provide optimal levels of skin protection. However, sunscreen was applied to all exposed parts before the children went out to the playground. Over the period of I hr (9-10 a.m.) the average amount of time children spent in full sun was 22 min. On sunny days there was more variation across children in the amount of sun exposure received. While the potential amount of UVR exposure for young children during the hour they were outside on a sunny day was 1.45 MED (Minimum Erythemal Dose), they received on average 0.35 MED, which is an insufficient amount to result in an erythemal response on fair skin even without the use of sunscreen.


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A new questionnaire, the Maternal Mental State Input Inventory (MMSII) was created to measure mothers' preferences for introducing and elaborating on mental states in conversation with their young children. In two studies, the questionnaire was given to mothers of young children, and the children's theory of mind (ToM) development was assessed with standard tasks. In both studies, the questionnaire exhibited good internal reliability, and significant correlations emerged between mothers' self-reported preferences for elaborated, explanatory talk about the mental states and children's theory of mind performance. Further, mothers' conversational preferences, as measured by the MMSII, were the best predictors of children's theory of mind development when relevant control variables were included in the analyses. These results converge with naturalistic observational research that has demonstrated links between mothers' conversational styles and their children's theory of mind. They go further in suggesting that mothers' tendencies toward elaborated, explanatory talk about a range of mental states is particularly beneficial to children's theory of mind development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Despite widespread awareness that children with Down syndrome are particularly susceptible to hearing pathologies, the audiological status of students with Down syndrome in special schools is all too often unknown. Unfortunately, hearing screening for this population is unable to rely on standard, behavioural test batteries. To facilitate future improvements in screening protocols, this study investigated the results of tympanometry and transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) testing for a group of children with Down syndrome. Assessments were not conducted in the artificial context of a clinic or laboratory, but within the school environment. Outcomes are reported for 27 subjects with a mean age of 10 years 5 months (SD = 4;11). Tympanometry testing was failed in at least one ear by 41.7% of subjects, while a failure rate of 81.5% of subjects was observed for TEOAE testing. Therefore, it is concluded that immediate review of hearing screening programs for students with Down syndrome is highly advisable.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi discutir as interferências do acolhimento institucional e da educação escolar na constituição da subjetividade da criança que, por algum motivo, foi afastada da família e/ou responsável e se encontra sob tutela do Estado, aos cuidados de uma casa-lar, no município de Vila Velha. Para a leitura subjetiva das crianças que compuseram o cenário deste trabalho, a pesquisa ancorou-se na Perspectiva Histórico-Cultural do Desenvolvimento Humano, tendo como autores de base Lev Vigotski, Henri Wallon e Mikhail Bakhtin. A investigação ocorreu em dois espaços distintos: na “Casa-Lar Santa Cecília”, instituição que desenvolvia um programa de acolhimento institucional às crianças sob tutela pública; e numa escola de Ensino Fundamental, com crianças que estavam matriculadas no 3º ano. A metodologia utilizada nessa investigação foi o estudo de caso; trata-se, portanto, do estudo de caso de duas crianças sob tutela pública. Os procedimentos utilizados para o recolhimento do material empírico foram a observação participante e as entrevistas semiestruturadas com os profissionais do abrigo e da escola. O estudo teve enfoque em duas crianças – uma menina e um menino, ambos com dez anos de idade. O processo de destituição familiar e o acolhimento institucional sempre deixam marcas. Encontramos as marcas nas cicatrizes deixadas no corpo de Sofia em consequência dos maus-tratos; no seu silêncio, a dor por uma realidade vivida que não se desvanece. Nesse contexto, suas expectativas giravam em torno da adoção, de outro caminho, mas diferente do abrigamento. Deparamo-nos com a dor e a saudade, expressas por meio do choro, que Noah sentia de uma família que, ao longo do tempo, se foi desmembrando e se distanciando em decorrência da destituição familiar e da adoção dos irmãos; as dificuldades para elaborar esses acontecimentos e o sofrimento vivenciado diante do imenso vazio que se delineia com tantas perdas foram identificados nas manifestações de raiva, na intensificação da rispidez e da intolerância em relação, sobretudo, aos colegas de sala de aula. Por outro lado, a escola apresentou-se como um espaço significativo para essas duas crianças, que tinham, nessa instituição, a possibilidade de se constituir como alunos, da mesma forma que as outras crianças, e de vivenciar experiências no encontro com os outros que lhes traziam satisfação e, de certa forma, potencializavam o seu desenvolvimento. Encontramos indícios de ecos dos sentimentos dos outros na vida dessas crianças, bem como do impacto desses sentimentos na constituição subjetiva de cada uma delas; em outras palavras, o sentimento de pertencer a um grupo e de ter um lugar na vida de alguns membros da comunidade escolar, sobretudo, das outras crianças.


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Na sociedade atual é comum que os indivíduos sejam testemunhas em tribunal, por isso é necessário perceber se são capazes de compreender os termos legais usados frequentemente no sistema jurídico mas também perceber qual a representação social que possuem acerca da justiça. Contudo, investigada a compreensão da terminologia legal desde a década de 50, afirma-se que os indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias não conseguem compreender e definir adequadamente, mas, também os estudos da representação social da justiça, demonstram uma diversidade de representatividade por parte dos indivíduos, de acordo com os seus diferentes contextos sociais, as informações recebidas dos meios de comunicação, os seus ambientes familiares e, as diferentes relações estabelecidas com o objeto. Esta dissertação tem assim como objetivo geral saber a representação que os adultos têm sobre a justiça e qual o conhecimento que têm dela a partir das definições de um conjunto de termos legais usados frequentemente no sistema jurídico. Para isso realizaram-se entrevistas de resposta aberta com 40 adultos de ambos os sexos, com idade compreendida entre 19 e 72 anos, sendo estes progenitores, representantes legais ou detentores da guarda de facto de crianças e jovens sinalizados na Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens. O estudo é uma investigação qualitativa e engloba um estudo descrito. Este estudo demonstrou que os adultos não conseguem definir adequadamente todos os termos legais propostos, pelo que não possuem uma representação clara de justiça e dos seus intervenientes.


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Nutritional surveys (food consumption, clinical and biochemichal) were conducted in a small institution for homeless children. Results showed that only 30% of the children presented adequate calorie intake. Most of the children presented adequate protein intake, but almost half consumed less than 2/3 of the calcium RDA considered necessary. Food handling, processing, and distribution also proved inadequate and wastage, high. Skinfold measurement showed up one case of obesity. Furthermore, most of the children presented clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency, mostly skin lesions; while about half presented clinical signs of riboflavin deficiency. Biochemical data showed that 63.6% had deficient plasma levels of vitamin A, none showed abnormal results for riboflavin excretion, four showed packed blood cell volume below normal, and all had normal hemoglobin levels. Stool examinations revealed a high rate of pathogenic protozoa (Hymenolepis nana), in fact, one of the highest in Brazilian literature.


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During the second half of 1986 the health and nutritional status of 254 children aged up to six years was studied, as well as the socio-economic situation of their parents in two favelas (shantytowns) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The nutritional status of the children was characterized by stunting (Z-score: 20.1% < -2) but not by wasting (Z-score: 3.7% < -2). Consideration was also given to how far stunting was caused by high morbidity such as acute respiratory infections (point prevalence: 38.5%), diarrheal diseases (point prevalence: 11.5%) and parasitosis (point prevalence: 70.3%). Furthermore, anemia (point prevalence: 29.7%) appeared as another health problem. The most important determinant of anthropometric indices turned out to be the mother's schooling. From the present data it can be hypothesized that the nutritional status of the children was limited less by the lack of food than by their poor health status.