1000 resultados para corredores florestais
As relações entre populações humanas e Unidades de Conservação no bioma Mata Atlântica são, muitas vezes, marcadas por conflitos que envolvem as diferentes percepções que as mesmas possuem sobre essas áreas. Entender como se manifestam tais relações constitui-se num desafio para a preservação da biodiversidade in situ nos seus ecossistemas remanescentes. No âmbito do Sistema de Unidades de Conservação brasileiro a realização desse trabalho em uma Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) justifica-se por esta categoria ser menos restritiva quanto ao uso da terra, o que possibilita uma maior ação do uso social sobre fragmentos florestais. A APA escolhida para o estudo de caso deve-se ao seu papel ecológico de conexão espacial no contexto da figura do Mosaico de UCs do Central Fluminense - RJ. Este trabalho objetiva entender como as práticas sociais mediadas pelas percepções ambientais dessas populações, estabelecidas em diferentes paisagens geográficas (rural, urbana e rururbana), matrizes de fragmentos florestais remanescentes, podem interferir no processo de sucessão ecológica dos mesmos. A partir de entrevistas de populações em quatro matrizes diferentes. Apreendem-se padrões de percepções de diferentes atores e suas possíveis resultantes para cenários de conflitos sociais nessa mediação de preservação da sucessão ecológica dos fragmentos florestais.
In the Atlantic forest biome, very fragmented and with high diversity of ecosystems, of species, and high endemism degree, the maintenance of the status of the biological diversity presupposes the recovery and conservation of the mosaic of existent fragments. In that context, the use of global functional indicators for the evaluation of the state of conservation of fragments, for the character of systemic synthesis that they act becomes interesting. In tropical forests ecosystems, the surface organic matter stock of the soil is one functional indicator of the decomposition subsystem and they are responsible in big measured by the maintenance and survival of the communities of those ecosystems group. The human action when fragmenting the forest ecosystems, as it substitutes the native forest for different forms of use of the soil, it creates different head offices that they exercise pressures differentiated on the fragment and, consequently, on the operation of the fundamental processes of the ecosystem that represents it. Thus, in the sense of understanding the state of functional conservation of fragments forest remainders of the Atlantic forest, in the extent of the Environmental Protection Area of Petrópolis - Rio de Janeiro, which interferes in the Mosaic of Units of Conservation of the Fluminense Central Atlantic forest and, in a larger scale still, in the Ecological Corridor of the Serra do Mar, in the present study the stock of organic matter of surface of four forest fragments in summer of 2008 and summer of 2009 are analyzed comparatively.
O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever características edáficas e a variabilidade espacial de atributos quimícos de solos em dois castanhais nativos no Estado do Acre. Um deles está no Projeto de Assentamento Agroextrativista (PAE) Chico Mendes (Cachoeira-380 ha) e o outro na Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes (Filipinas-420 ha).
Foram avaliadas espécies florestais nativas e exóticas em duas condições de plantio: a pleno sol e em faixas de enriquecimento de capoeira, a fim de gerar tecnologias para incorporação ao processo produtivo de áreas alteradas na região amazônica para minimizar a pressão do desmatamento sobre a floresta natural.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo sistematizar informações sobre espécies arbóreas e arborescentes nativas indicadas para restauração ecológica de formações florestais no bioma Pampa.
Os cânceres do colo de útero e de mama estão entre os mais comuns entre as mulheres. O câncer de mama é o segundo tipo mais frequente de câncer nas mulheres em todo o mundo e constitui-se na quarta causa de morte de mulheres por câncer no Brasil. Os dois tipos de câncer, contudo, têm chances altíssimas de cura quando descobertos em estágios iniciais. A prevenção dessas doenças está baseada no rastreamento da população feminina por meio da detecção precoce de lesões pré-cancerosas, por meio de exames citopatológicos e exames mamográficos. O projeto de intervenção foi desenvolvido junto à população feminina da Estratégia Saúde da Família Morada da área de saúde de Corredores, com o objetivo de promover melhoria das ações de prevenção e controle dos cânceres de colo de útero e de mama nesta UBS e aumentar a adesão ao exame citopatológico do colo do útero, mamografias e auto-exame das mamas, bem como sensibilizar os profissionais de saúde quanto à importância da realização do referidos exames; colaborar para a realização do diagnóstico precoce do câncer do colo do útero e de mama; promover ações de educação em saúde; aumentar a meta pactuada pelo município. As ações multidisciplinares foram desenvolvidas no ano de 2015, utilizando-se de estratégias para a realização dos exames, como horário ampliado na unidade de saúde, ampla divulgação e ações de educação em saúde. As mesmas resultaram em um aumento significativo no número de exames realizados com um aumento na cobertura de 26% (58) para 60% (130) de exames citopatológicos entre as mulheres de 25 a 64 anos e de 43% (47) para 70% (75) de exames mamográficos entre as mulheres de 50 a 69 anos. A intervenção possibilitou desenvolver programas de ações em saúde assim como prestar uma assistência integral à população feminina, de forma articulada com os demais membros da equipe da referida unidade de saúde com valorização da capacidade de auto cuidar-se.
Approximately 7.2% of the Atlantic rainforest remains in Brazil, with only 16% of this forest remaining in the State of Rio de Janeiro, all of it distributed in fragments. This forest fragmentation can produce biotic and abiotic differences between edges and the fragment interior. In this study, we compared the structure and richness of tree communities in three habitats - an anthropogenic edge (AE), a natural edge (NE) and the fragment interior (FI) - of a fragment of Atlantic forest in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (22°50'S and 42°28'W). One thousand and seventy-six trees with a diameter at breast height > 4.8 cm, belonging to 132 morphospecies and 39 families, were sampled in a total study area of 0.75 ha. NE had the greatest basal area and the trees in this habitat had the greatest diameter:height allometric coefficient, whereas AE had a lower richness and greater variation in the height of the first tree branch. Tree density, diameter, height and the proportion of standing dead trees did not differ among the habitats. There was marked heterogeneity among replicates within each habitat. These results indicate that the forest interior and the fragment edges (natural or anthropogenic) do not differ markedly considering the studied parameters. Other factors, such as the age from the edge, type of matrix and proximity of gaps, may play a more important role in plant community structure than the proximity from edges.
The objectives of this work was to estimate the number of soil subsamples considering the classical statistics and geostatistics and determine the spatial variability of soil fertility attributes of an Ultisol, with clay texture, in an area of regenerating natural vegetation in Alegre - ES. Soil samples were collected in a depth of 0.0-0.2 m, at the crossing points of a regular grid, comprising a total of 64 points located at 10 m-intervals. The area presented low fertility soil. Considering a variation of 5% around the mean in the classic statistics, it is necessary a larger number of samples in relation to geostatistics. All the chemical attributes showed moderate to high spatial dependence, except for the effective cation exchange capacity (CECe), which showed pure nugget effect. The spherical semivariogram model gave the best fit to the data. Isoline maps allowed visualizing the differentiated spatial distribution of the contents of soil chemical attributes.
The Orchidaceae is one of the largest flowering plants family and with a great importance to conservation. However, no survey on orchid flowers can be found in Mato Grosso do Sul. Thus, the objective of this work was to make a survey of the Orchidaceae species and of its ecology features in a riparian forest in a fragment of Floresta Estacional Semi-Decidual that belongs to the riparian forest of the Dourados River. The inventory was made by using a sweeping method for collection, and in addition to this the vertical and horizontal position of epiphytes were assessed on the hosts. For characterization of microclimate, it was used a thermohygrometer and luximeter. It was identified 17 species of 13 genera. Of the listed genera, the most abundant ones were: Acianthera, Macradenia and Capanemia. It was also noted a vertical and horizontal distribution of the Orchidaceae in relation to inverse gradient of water and light availability. Some species tended to be sensitive to height level categorization, whereas others seemed to occur with similar frequency along the host. In relation to the cardinal orientation, the apparent preferential response for south and east directions was associated to the low sampling effort and lower water availability, which could occur because the north face is opposed to the water body.
Remotely sensed imagery has been widely used for land use/cover classification thanks to the periodic data acquisition and the widespread use of digital image processing systems offering a wide range of classification algorithms. The aim of this work was to evaluate some of the most commonly used supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms under different landscape patterns found in Rondônia, including (1) areas of mid-size farms, (2) fish-bone settlements and (3) a gradient of forest and Cerrado (Brazilian savannah). Comparison with a reference map based on the kappa statistics resulted in good to superior indicators (best results - K-means: k=0.68; k=0.77; k=0.64 and MaxVer: k=0.71; k=0.89; k=0.70 respectively for three areas mentioned). Results show that choosing a specific algorithm requires to take into account both its capacity to discriminate among various spectral signatures under different landscape patterns as well as a cost/benefit analysis considering the different steps performed by the operator performing a land cover/use map. it is suggested that a more systematic assessment of several options of implementation of a specific project is needed prior to beginning a land use/cover mapping job.
Studies in several countries have shown the occurrence of forest transition, when forest cover increase overcomes the loss by deforestation. In Brazil, although deforestation is still higher than afforestation, this relationship may be inverse in some regions. Recent assessments suggest the tendency of the state of São Paulo towards forest transition. Aiming to analyze forest transition evidence and facilitate the use of existing information, we review data on native vegetation cover variation in São Paulo from four data sources (Instituto Florestal, SOS MataAtlântica/INPE, IBGE and CATI/IEA). Our results indicate that discrepancies among these assessments may be accounted by differences in methodologies and objectives. We highlight their common grounds and discuss possibilities to harmonize their information.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the horizontal and vertical structures of tree community in regeneration in a fragment of a secondary riparian forest at approximately 30 years of age and to identify the most abundant species in each fragment of the forest to determine the sucessional stage. An area of 800 m² was subdivided into 16 samples of 10 x 5 m and all individuals with DBH ≥ 1 cm were sampled and identified for the following analyzes: horizontal parameters (DR, FR, DoR, IVC and IVI), vertical parameters (PSR and RNR) and mixed parameters, from of value of increased importance index (IVIa). The survey measured 689 individuals, belonging to 38 families, 74 genus and 109 species. The total density was 8,614 individuals/ha. The index of Shannon´s diversity was 3.99 and the index of Pielou´s equability was 0.85. Tibouchina pulchra, Psychotria suterella and Endlicheria paniculata obtained high values of IVIa. Guarea macrophylla, Gomidesia anacardiaefolia, Xylopia langsdorffiana and Endlicheria paniculata achieved high values of RNT, indicating adequate natural regeneration in the plot. The initial secondary and umbrophylous species showed the highest ecological importance in this fragment of the forest, with the highest values of sociologic position and importance index. Furthermore, the presence of late secondary species in all layers suggest that the studied fragment is in intermediate succession degree.
Lianas are characteristic, abundant and ecologically important members of tropical forest but they have been neglected in floristics and phytossociological studies. This work presents a floristic survey of the lianas species at Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista (EENP), and a comparison of the list of species recorded in this work with those reported for other fragments of São Paulo state. The EENP (20º48'36'' S and 49º22'50'' W) is at 468 m of altitude and comprises an area of 168,43 ha, divided into three fragments of vegetation. Samples of lianas were collected in the interior and along the edges of the forest fragments. It was identified 105 species: 99 Magnoliopsida (60 genera and 22 families); six Liliopsida (three genera and three families). The richest families in species comprised 59% of the total of lianas sampled. The dendrogram of similarity showed a low similarity between the forest situated in the littoral (Atlantic Forest) and those located in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Some other authors, also analysing the similarity of forest of the interior and Atlantic Forest of São Paulo state, but considering only the trees reported similar result.
A revision of the Brazilian species of Lonchocarpus s. str. is presented. This study is based on field observation and an analysis of approximately 1,200 herbarium collections. Nine species are recognized, L. cultratus, L. hedyosmus, L. latifolius, L. macrocarpus, L. nitidus, L. pluvialis, L. sericeus, L. spiciflorus, and L. violaceus, which grow in forests and are usually associated with river banks. Lonchocarpus sericeus and L. cultratus have a wide distribution throughout Brazil, whereas L. hedyosmus, L. macrocarpus, L. spiciflorus, and L. latifolius are restricted to the Amazonian domain. Lonchocarpus pluvialis occurs in the Central-West (Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás) and Southeast (São Paulo) regions. Lonchocarpus violaceus is found in the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo, and is reported for the first time for Brazil. Identification keys, descriptions, and illustrations, in addition to information about habitat, geographic distribution and taxonomic and nomenclatural comments, are provided for the species. Four new synonyms and five lectotypifications are proposed.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física