922 resultados para conteúdo de água do solo


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In Brazil, the upland rice Culture system is predominant, but its water supply depends of precipitation and its distribution. Sol-lie practices or disturbances on soil conditions may cause alterations that call be detected by microorganisms, which are quite sensitive. This experiment was developed to study microbiological alterations (microbial biomass carbon (MBC), released CO2 (C-CO2), metabolic quotient (qCO(2)) and mycorrhization), as well as alterations in soil fertility and productivity of upland rice, cultivated under different soil and water managements. Cultivar BRS Talento was used in the experiment. The experimental design was a completely randomized block design, with four replications, using three soil managements: no-tillage (NT), heavy disk + leveling disk harrowing (HL), and chisel plowing + leveling disk harrowing (CL), plus three water managements: no irrigation (WD0); water depth 1 (WD1), with irrigation at the reproductive and maturation periods; and water depth 2 (WD2), with irrigation throughout the rice cycle. Autochthones arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi proved to be sensitive to soil and water management. The NT presented the highest values for MO, Ca, SB and V% and the lowest for H+A1. This management, together with irrigation at the reproductive and maturation periods of BRS Talento cultivar, promoted goods results for crop yield and microbiology characteristics.


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Os modelos matemáticos preditivos da erosão do solo, como a Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (EUPS), são de muita valia no planejamento de uso agrícola da terra. Tal equação, desenvolvida para estimar as perdas médias anuais de solo esperadas em dado local, para determinado sistema de manejo, apresenta como variáveis os fatores erosividade da chuva (R), erodibilidade do solo (K), comprimento do declive (L), grau do declive (S), cobertura e manejo (C) e práticas conservacionistas de suporte (P). Com o objetivo de contribuir para o planejamento conservacionista de uso do solo local, foi estimado, de forma simplificada, o fator erosividade da chuva (R) da EUPS para o município de São Manuel (SP), para uma série pluviométrica contínua de 49 anos de dados de chuva diária. Além disso, foram também calculados o período de retorno, a freqüência de ocorrência dos índices de erosividade anuais e as quantidades máximas diárias das chuvas necessárias para o dimensionamento mais adequado de canais de terraços agrícolas em nível. O valor calculado do fator R foi de 7.487 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, esperado ocorrer no local, pelo menos, uma vez a cada 2,33 anos, com uma probabilidade de 42,92 %. Observou-se uma concentração de 81,48 % do valor total deste fator no semestre de outubro a março, indicando que, potencialmente, as maiores perdas anuais de solo por erosão são esperadas neste período. Os valores anuais do índice EI30, esperados para os períodos de retorno de 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100 anos, foram de 7.216, 8.675, 9.641, 10.568, 11.768 e 12.667 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, respectivamente. Com relação às quantidades máximas de chuva diária, para os mesmos períodos de retorno, os valores foram de 73, 98, 115, 131, 151 e 167 mm, respectivamente.


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This paper evaluates the presence of organochlorinated pesticides in the water supply system of the city of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Soil samples were collected in agricultural areas and water samples at several points of the water source (river) and the distribution net. The results of the analyses of the water from the source were compared with the Brazilian classification system for inland waters (CONAMA/86) and the results of analyses of treated water were compared with Brazilian standards for finished drinking water.


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Este trabalho, desenvolvido na Fazenda Experimental Edgárdia da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP, Botucatu, no ano agrícola de 1990/91, objetivou avaliar os efeitos de épocas de início da inundação do solo e da altura da lâmina de água sobre o desenvolvimento de plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.), cultivar IAC 242. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso; as parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições, corresponderam a três épocas de início da irrigação (15, 42 e 74 dias após a emergência das plantas) e as subparcelas, a três alturas de lâminas de água (5, 10 e 15 cm). Verificou-se que a produtividade de grãos não foi afetada pela altura da lâmina de água e que a utilização da lâmina de 15 em reduziu o perfilhamento, com conseqüente diminuição do número de colmos e de panículas por metro quadrado. O início da irrigação aos 74 dias reduziu a produtividade de grãos, em decorrência do menor número de espiguetas granadas por panícula. A época de início da irrigação mostrou-se mais importante para a produtividade de grãos do que a altura da lâmina de água para o cultivar.


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In this work the distribution was evaluated "in situ" of phosphorus (P), organic matter (MO), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), cation exchange capacity (CEC), aluminum (Al), sum of bases (S), base saturation (V) and pH of a soil cultivated with soybean and irrigated with swine wastewater in the 0, 25, 50 and 75% levels. The factorial scheme was constituted by the 20, 40 and 60 cm soil depths and four wastewater levels with five repetitions. The results showed that significant difference occurred only for P, K and CEC in the soil profile. However, in all parameters, the 60 cm soil depth showed that the concentrations levels are similar to before the aplication of treatments.


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This study evaluates the behavior of swine effluent for their effects on soil and the quality of the leachate. In the incubation of soil with effluent were used 48 units in total with experimental application rates of 0, 50, 100 and 150 m(3). ha(-1). The soil pH and leached after the application of different rates remained acid and the values of ammonia in the argisols (Pax; Ultisol) showed minor values than in the witness soil while at the nitosols the values increased due to the application rates. The cation exchange capacity increased with greater intensity in argisols. The carbon/nitrogen relation was low showing a rapid mineralization of organic waste. The values of nitrate in leachate and the first of the phosphorus nitosol were higher than in the argisols, depending on the rate of application.


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The coffee crop is expanding to new areas with not enough studies about its response to saline irrigation water. The initial growth of coffee plant was evaluated, in greenhouse at the Engineering Department of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), under different levels of irrigation water salinity. The completely randomized design was used with 6 treatments (S0 = 0.0 dS m -1, S1 = 0.6 dS m -1, S2 = 1.2 dS m -1, S3 = 1.8 dS m -1, S4 = 2.4 dS m -1 and S5 = 3.0 dS m -1) and 4 replications. The irrigation was accomplished according to soil water retention curve and resistance block reading, restoring the soil water content to its field capacity. It was verified that water salinity affected the plants characteristics significantly. The water salinity above 1.2 dS m -1 caused damage to plant development resulting, in some cases, in death of plants. The leaf area of plant was the variable most affected by salinity of irrigation water. By the end of the experiment, the soil was classified as saline-sodic.


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The Tanque Grande Reservoir is located at the Serra da Cantereira, Guarulhos (SP), and provides 3% of the municipal drinking water. In the last years, the urban zone has expanded towards the reservoir and has significantly altered the land use. In this work, water samples from three stations were monitored from August/2007 up to July/2008 in terms of the Water Quality Index (IQA) adopted by CETESB. The waters were usually classified in the band Good during the study period. Nevertheless, termotolerants coliforms, BOD and total phosphorus have exceeded the legal limits several times. Such occurrences may be related to the economical activities at the sub-watersheds in addition to changes in the land use of the surroundings of the reservoir.


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The Brazilian reservoirs have been under great anthropogenic pressure due to continued population growth, which in turn places great pressures on the environment. Given this issue, this study aimed to analyze the influence of land use on the quality and genotoxicity of water in the Itupararanga reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil. Water and sediment samples were analyzed for their quality, genotoxicity and benthic diversity, as well as their interrelationship with the landscape. The reservoir was found to be eutrophic in most sampling stations, and genetic al terations were found in radicular cells of exposed Allium cepa in some sampling stations, besides a low diversity of benthic organisms. Among the variables that most contributed to the genetic alterations and water quality are the presence of riparian vegetation, the bare soil and urban occupation. With the results obtained in this study it was concluded that the quality of water and sediment at the Itupararanga reservoir is compromised, requiring emergency managements to ensure the sustainability of water resources.


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Salt excess in soil and water used for irrigation can cause significant loss of production and growth in cultivated plants. Among some options for reduction of negative effects of salts to plants in cultivated areas, fermented bio fertilizer has been used to grow vegetables and fruit tree irrigated with saline water. The study aimed at evaluating the behavior of the noni plant to salinity of the irrigation water in substrate with and with no bio fertilizer. Treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with four replications, using a 5 × 2 factorial arrangement. Five levels of electrical conductivity of irrigation water (0.5, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 dS m-1) were used in substrates with and with no bio fertilizer. Parameters were evaluated as follows: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, shoot dry matter and water consumption. All evaluated variables were negatively affected by the increase in salt concentration of the irrigation water, but always with less intense effects in treatments with bio fertilizer.The bio fertilizer does not eliminate, but mitigates the negative effects of salts in noni plants.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)