976 resultados para combustion characteristic
This paper investigates the adequacy of current gas monitoring techniques to adequately detect spontaneous combustion in underground coalmines. Despite being in the 21st century spontaneous combustion continues to occur in underground coalmines sometimes being detected only at a very advanced stage. Control of the incident is often then very expensive and time consuming. The adequacy needs to be assessed not only from the point of view of the analysis technique be it tube bundle, gas chromatograph or real time sensor but also the number, location and sampling frequency of the monitoring locations. Recommendations are made to optimise monitoring processes and recognise limitations of current techniques.
Numerical modelling has been used to examine the relationship between the results of two commonly used methods of assessing the propensity of coal to spontaneous combustion, the R70 and Relative Ignition Temperature tests, and the likely behaviour in situ. The criticality of various parameters has been examined and a method of utilising critical self-heating parameters has been developed. This study shows that on their own, the laboratory test results do not provide a reliable guide to in situ behaviour but can be used in combination to considerably increase the ability to predict spontaneous combustion behaviour.
Traditionally, machine learning algorithms have been evaluated in applications where assumptions can be reliably made about class priors and/or misclassification costs. In this paper, we consider the case of imprecise environments, where little may be known about these factors and they may well vary significantly when the system is applied. Specifically, the use of precision-recall analysis is investigated and compared to the more well known performance measures such as error-rate and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC). We argue that while ROC analysis is invariant to variations in class priors, this invariance in fact hides an important factor of the evaluation in imprecise environments. Therefore, we develop a generalised precision-recall analysis methodology in which variation due to prior class probabilities is incorporated into a multi-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The increased sensitivity and reliability of this approach is demonstrated in a remote sensing application.
A mathematical model of a large coal-fired fluidized bed boiler for power generation is synthesised. The effect of variations in the main parameters of the model on variables such as the background carbon concentrations in the bed, and the transient response of heat evolution are studied. The mechanisms of solids mixing within the bed, combustion and the flow of heat to the boiler tubes are shown to result in a characteristic dynamic response, knowledge of which is essential for the proper control and regulation of a practical system.
The twin goals of low and efficient fuel use and minimum emissions are increasingly being addressed by research in both the motor and the catalyst industries of the world. This study was designed to attempt to investigate these goals. For diesel engine vehicles, this can be achieved by improving the efficiency of the fuel combustion in the combustion chamber. By having a suitable oxidation catalyst in the fuel one would expect the efficiency of the fuel combustion to be increased and fewer partial oxidation products to be formed. Also by placing a catalyst converter in the exhaust system partial oxidation products may be converted to more desirable final products. Finally, in this research the net catalytic effect of using an additive treated fuel and a blank ceramic monolith to trap the metal in the exhaust gases for potential use as catalytic converter was investigated. Suitable metal additives must yield a stable solution in the fuel tank. That is, they should not react with the air, water and rust that are always present. The research was targeted on the synthesis of hydrocarbon-soluble complexes that might exhibit unusually slow rates of ligand substitution. For materials containing metal ions, these properties are best met by using multi-dentate ligands that form neutral complexes. Metal complexes have been synthesised using acetylacetone derivatives, schiff base ligands and macrocyclic polyamine ligands, as potential pro-oxidant additives. Their thermal stabilities were also investigated using a differential thermal analysis instrument. The complexes were then investigated as potential additives for use in diesel fuel. The tests were conducted under controlled conditions using a diesel combustion bomb simulating the combustion process in the D.I. diesel engine, a test bed engine, and a vehicle engine.