964 resultados para clonal
Systemic mastocytoses represent neoplastic proliferations of mast cells. In about 20% of cases systemic mastocytoses are accompanied by clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders, most commonly myeloid neoplasms. A case of systemic mastocytosis carrying the characteristic mutation at codon 816 (D816V) in the KIT gene of mast cells, with two concurrent accompanying clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders, chronic myeloproliferative disease, unclassifiable and precursor B lymphoblastic leukaemia is documented. Both accompanying clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders carried the wild-type KIT gene, but had a novel t(13;13)(q12;q22) involving the FLT3 locus at 13q12. The chronic myeloproliferative disease, unclassifiable and the precursor B lymphoblastic leukaemia were cured by syngenous stem cell transplantation, but the systemic mastocytosis persisted for more than 10 years. The additional impact of molecular techniques on the correct diagnosis in haematological malignancies is highlighted, and evidence is provided that, apart from internal tandem duplications and mutations, FLT3 can be activated by translocations.
Práticas pouco adequadas de manejo têm ocasionado a compactação e a degradação da estrutura do solo. Identificar atributos que melhor representem essas alterações são relevantes na recuperação e na indicação de práticas para evitar danos na estrutura do solo. Objetivou-se avaliar o impacto de diferentes usos em atributos estruturais e hídricos de um Argissolo Vermelho. O estudo foi realizado no município de Butiá, na região fisiográfica da Serra do Sudeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico. As áreas analisadas corresponderam a: floresta antropizada constituída por espécies arbóreas e arbustivas (Floresta); pastagem com cinco anos de idade, com braquiária brizanta (Brachiaria brizantha) consorciada com pensacola (Paspalum lourai) e trevo (Trifolium sp.) (Pastagem); povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna com 20 anos de idade (Eucalipto 20); e plantio clonal de Eucalyptus saligna conduzido em segunda rotação, com 4,5 anos de idade (Eucalipto 4,5). Avaliaram-se nessas áreas a textura, a condutividade hidráulica, a porosidade, a densidade, o diâmetro médio ponderado de agregados (DMP), a curva de retenção de água, a distribuição do tamanho de poros e o parâmetro S, obtendo-se as seguintes conclusões: até a camada de 0,10 m na Pastagem, e 0,40 m no Eucalipto 4,5, os agregados foram formados pela ação da textura e matéria orgânica e pelo efeito compressivo, decorrente do pisoteio dos bovinos e da colheita do eucalipto. Conforme a profundidade aumentou, ocorreu redução do DMP de agregados, em razão da diminuição da matéria orgânica, e aumento do cascalho, especialmente para as áreas de Pastagem e Eucalipto 4,5, e ao menor efeito da compressão do solo. A textura e a matéria orgânica evidenciaram influência na agregação do solo e, mesmo em pequena proporção, o cascalho reduziu o DMP de agregados, pois sua baixa reatividade e seu maior diâmetro dificultaram a formação de agregados estáveis. Em relação aos atributos hídricos do solo, as áreas de Floresta e a Pastagem apresentaram maior disponibilidade de água, enquanto o maior parâmetro S está relacionado ao maior armazenamento de água.
Superantigens (SAg) are proteins of bacterial or viral origin able to activate T cells by forming a trimolecular complex with both MHC class II molecules and the T cell receptor (TCR), leading to clonal deletion of reactive T cells in the thymus. SAg interact with the TCR through the beta chain variable region (Vbeta), but the TCR alpha chain has been shown to have an influence on the T cell reactivity. We have investigated here the role of the TCR alpha chain in the modulation of T cell reactivity to Mtv-7 SAg by comparing the peripheral usage of Valpha2 in Vbeta6(+) (SAg-reactive) and Vbeta8.2(+) (SAg non-reactive) T cells, in either BALB/D2 (Mtv-7(+)) or BALB/c (Mtv-7(-)) mice. The results show, first, that pairing of Vbeta6 with certain Valpha2 family members prevents T cell deletion by Mtv-7 SAg. Second, there is a strikingly different distribution of the Valpha2 family members in CD4 and CD8 populations of Vbeta6 but not of Vbeta8.2 T cells, irrespective of the presence of Mtv-7 SAg. Third, the alpha chain may play a role in the overall stability of the TCR/SAg/MHC complex. Taken together, these results suggest that the Valpha domain contributes to the selective process by its role in the TCR reactivity to SAg/MHC class II complexes, most likely by influencing the orientation of the Vbeta domain in the TCR alphabeta heterodimer.
Background: The trithorax group (trxG) genes absent, small or homeotic discs 1 (ash1) and 2 (ash2) were isolated in a screen for mutants with abnormal imaginal discs. Mutations in either gene cause homeotic transformations but Hox genes are not their only targets. Although analysis of double mutants revealed that ash2 and ash1 mutations enhance each other's phenotypes, suggesting they are functionally related, it was shown that these proteins are subunits of distinct complexes.Results: The analysis of wing imaginal disc transcriptomes from ash2 and ash1 mutants showed that they are highly similar. Functional annotation of regulated genes using Gene Ontology allowed identification of severely affected groups of genes that could be correlated to the wing phenotypes observed. Comparison of the differentially expressed genes with those from other genome-wide analyses revealed similarities between ASH2 and Sin3A, suggesting a putative functional relationship. Coimmunoprecipitation studies and immunolocalization on polytene chromosomes demonstrated that ASH2 and Sin3A interact with HCF (host-cell factor). The results of nucleosome western blots and clonal analysis indicated that ASH2 is necessary for trimethylation of the Lys4 on histone 3 (H3K4).Conclusion: The similarity between the transcriptomes of ash2 and ash1 mutants supports a model in which the two genes act together to maintain stable states of transcription. Like in humans, both ASH2 and Sin3A bind HCF. Finally, the reduction of H3K4 trimethylation in ash2 mutants is the first evidence in Drosophila regarding the molecular function of this trxG gene.
The strength of interactions between T cell receptors and the peptide-major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) directly modulates T cell fitness, clonal expansion, and acquisition of effector properties. Here we show that asymmetric T cell division is an important mechanistic link between increased signal strength, effector differentiation, and the ability to induce tissue pathology. Recognition of pMHC above a threshold affinity drove responding T cells into asymmetric cell division. The ensuing proximal daughters underwent extensive division and differentiated into short-lived effector cells expressing the integrin VLA-4, allowing the activated T cell to infiltrate and mediate destruction of peripheral target tissues. In contrast, T cells activated by below-threshold antigens underwent symmetric division, leading to abortive clonal expansion and failure to fully differentiate into tissue-infiltrating effector cells. Antigen affinity and asymmetric division are important factors that regulate fate specification in CD8(+) T cells and predict the potential of a self-reactive T cell to mediate tissue pathology.
The superantigen (SAg) expressed by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has been shown to play an essential role in the course of the viral life cycle. In the present study, we describe a V beta 4-specific SAg encoded by a new exogenous MMTV carried by the SIM mouse strain. This is the first report of a viral or bacterial SAg reacting with mouse V beta 4+ T cells. Injection of MMTV(SIM) into adult BALB/c mice leads to a rapid and strong stimulation of V beta 4+ CD4+ T cells, followed by a slow deletion of these cells. Neonatal exposure to the virus also leads to a progressive deletion of V beta 4+ T cells. In contrast to other strong MMTV SAg, this new SAg requires the presence of major histocompatibility complex class II I-E molecules to be presented efficiently to T cells. Sequence analysis revealed a new predicted amino acid sequence in the C-terminal polymorphic region of this SAg. Furthermore, sequence comparisons to the most closely related SAg with different V beta specificities hint at the specific residues involved in the interaction with the T cell receptor.
T-cell negative selection, a process by which intrathymic immunological tolerance is induced, involves the apoptosis-mediated clonal deletion of potentially autoreactive T cells. Although different experimental approaches suggest that this process is triggered as the result of activation-mediated cell death, the signal transduction pathways underlying this process is not fully understood. In the present report we have used an in vitro system to analyze the cell activation and proliferation requirements for the deletion of viral superantigen (SAg)-reactive Vbeta8.1 T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic (TG) thymocytes. Our results indicate that in vitro negative selection of viral SAg-reactive CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes is dependent on thymocyte activation but does not require the proliferation of the negatively signaled thymocytes.
As expression of Cxs in cells of the immune system increases upon cellular activation, we investigated whether Cxs and especially CxHcs play a major role during T cell-mediated responses. In particular, we studied the expression of Cx43Hc following CD4(+) T cell stimulation using flow cytometry, real-time PCR, and Western blot analysis. We showed that expression of Cx43 and its phosphorylated isoforms increased in response to the engagement of CD3 and CD28. Cx43Hcs were found to be involved in sustaining proliferation of T cells, as assessed by cell cycle staining, thymidine incorporation assays, and CFSE analysis of cells exposed to mimetic peptide inhibitors of the plasma membrane Cx channels and antibodies generated to an extracellular region of Cx. The reduction of T cell proliferation mediated by Cx channel inhibitors suppressed cysteine uptake but not cytokine production. We conclude that upon antigen recognition, T cells require CxHc to sustain their clonal expansion.
Staphylococcus aureus is a major agent of bovine mastitis. The concomitant emergence of pig-associated methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in human carriage and infection requires a reexamination of the host range and specificity of human- and cow-associated S. aureus strains, something which has not been systematically studied previously. The genetic relatedness of 500 S. aureus isolates from bovine mastitis cases, 57 isolates from nasal carriage of farmers, and 133 isolates from nonfarmers was determined by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis and spa typing. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was conducted on a subset of isolates to match AFLP clusters with MLST clonal complexes (CCs). This data set allowed us to study host range and host specificity and to estimate the extent of bovine-to-human transmission. The genotype compositions of S. aureus isolates from farmers and nonfarmers were very similar, while the mastitis isolates were quite distinct. Overall, transmission was low, but specific genotypes did show increased cow-to-human transmission. Unexpectedly, more than one-third of mastitis isolates belonged to CC8, a lineage which has not been considered to be bovine mastitis associated, but it is well known from human carriage and infection (i.e., USA300). Despite the fact that we did detect some transmission of other genotypes from cows to farmers, no transmission of CC8 isolates to farmers was detected, except for one tentative case. This was despite the close genetic relatedness of mastitis CC8 strains to nonfarmer carriage strains. These results suggest that the emergence of the new bovine-adapted genotype was due to a recent host shift from humans to cows concurrent with a loss of the ability to colonize humans. More broadly, our results indicate that host specificity is a lineage-specific trait that can rapidly evolve.
Superantigens induce a vigorous immune response by stimulating T cells that express particular T-cell receptor V beta chains. Mouse mammary tumor virus is a milk-transmitted retrovirus that encodes such a superantigen. Paradoxically, as discussed by Werner Held and colleagues, the strong superantigen-induced immune response permits the survival of the virus via T-cell dependent clonal expansion of infected B cells.
In vivo effects of a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing a mouse mammary tumor virus superantigen.
Early after infection, the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) expresses a superantigen (SAg) at the surface of B lymphocytes. Interaction with the T-cell receptor Vbeta domain induces a polyclonal proliferative response of the SAg-reactive T cells. Stimulated T cells become anergic and are deleted from the T-cell repertoire. We have used a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding the MMTV(GR) SAg to dissect the effects of the retroviral SAg during an unrelated viral infection. Subcutaneous infection with this recombinant vaccinia virus induces a very rapid increase of Vbeta14 T cells in the draining lymph node. This stimulation does not require a large Plumber of infectious particles and is not strictly dependent on the expression of the major histocompatibility complex class II I-E molecule, as it is required after MMTV(GR) infection. In contrast to MMTV infection during which B cells are infected, we do not observe any clonal deletion of the reactive T cells following the initial stimulation phase. Our data show that contrary to the case with MMTV, macrophages but not B cells are the targets of infection by vaccinia virus in the lymph node, indicating the ability of these cells to present a retroviral SAg. The altered SAg expression in a different target cell observed during recombinant vaccinia virus infection therefore results in significant changes in the SAg response.
Rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell. Arg.] budgrafts of seven clones were evaluated on five contrasting sites in the plateau region of the São Paulo State, Brazil. The objective of this work was to study the phenotypic stability for girth growth. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications and seven treatments. Analysis of variance of girth at six-year plant growth indicated a highly significant clone x site interaction. Only linear sites and clone x site components of clone x year interaction were significant, indicating that the performance of clones over sites for this trait could be predicted. The clones GT 1 and PB 235 showed the greatest stability in relation to girth growth, with foreseen responses to change, introduced in the sites. The clones PB 235 and IAN 873 showed significative difference in relation to regression coefficient, representing clones with specific adaptability on favorable and unfavorable sites respectively. The clone GT 1 became the most promissory one in the study of stability and adaptability even showing low girth growth. Expected genetic gains from planting sites, along with estimates of clonal variance and repeatability of clonal means are generally greatest or close to the greatest when selection is done at the same site.
No Laboratório de Fisiologia do Desenvolvimento e Genética Vegetal do CCA-UFSC, nos anos de 1993 a 1996, foram testadas 24 combinações de tratamentos envolvendo dois genótipos de abacaxizeiro (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.), seis combinações dos fitorreguladores ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) e 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP), e os meios de cultura líquidos e geleificados, com o objetivo de estabelecer um protocolo regenerativo para a micropropagação do abacaxizeiro. A taxa de regeneração comportou-se de forma quadrática para a maioria das combinações testadas. O meio de cultura MS (Murashige & Skoog, 1962), líquido, adicionado de ANA (2,7 µM) e BAP (4,4 µM), proporcionou uma taxa média de regeneração de 19,7 brotos/explante. A magnitude do efeito genotípico exibido pelas cultivares utilizadas foi intermediária entre o efeito das combinações dos níveis de ANA e BAP (o maior) e o efeito da constituição física do meio de cultura. A melhor combinação de tratamentos foi testada em 17 acessos coletados no Estado de Santa Catarina, demonstrando-se a eficiência do protocolo regenerativo. A taxa média de regeneração foi de 15,3 brotos/explante, dos quais 40% apresentaram altura igual ou inferior a 3 cm. Brotos enraizados ou não, com altura igual ou superior a 3 cm, apresentaram valores médios de 95,5% de sobrevivência.
Immunogenicity of a long 20-mer NY-ESO-1f peptide vaccine was evaluated in a lung cancer patient TK-f01, immunized with the peptide with Picibanil OK-432 and Montanide ISA-51. We showed that internalization of the peptide was necessary to present CD8 T-cell epitopes on APC, contrasting with the direct presentation of the short epitope. CD8 T-cell responses restricted to all five HLA class I alleles were induced in the patient after the peptide vaccination. Clonal analysis showed that B*35:01 and B*52:01-restricted CD8 T-cell responses were the two dominant responses. The minimal epitopes recognized by A*24:02, B*35:01, B*52:01 and C*12:02-restricted CD8 T-cell clones were defined and peptide/HLA tetramers were produced. NY-ESO-1 91-101 on A*24:02, NY-ESO-1 92-102 on B*35:01, NY-ESO-1 96-104 on B*52:01 and NY-ESO-1 96-104 on C*12:02 were new epitopes first defined in this study. Identification of the A*24:02 epitope is highly relevant for studying the Japanese population because of its high expression frequency (60%). High affinity CD8 T-cells recognizing tumor cells naturally expressing the epitopes and matched HLA were induced at a significant level. The findings suggest the usefulness of a long 20-mer NY-ESO-1f peptide harboring multiple CD8 T-cell epitopes as an NY-ESO-1 vaccine. Characterization of CD8 T-cell responses in immunomonitoring using peptide/HLA tetramers revealed that multiple CD8 T-cell responses comprised the dominant response.
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar coeficientes de repetibilidade (r), comparar a eficiência das metodologias utilizadas no processo de estimação, e determinar o número de avaliações necessárias à seleção clonal de cajueiro-anão (Anacardium occidentale L.) precoce. As metodologias aplicadas para estimação do coeficiente de repetibilidade constaram da análise de variância, na qual o efeito temporário do ambiente é removido do erro (ANOVA); de análise dos componentes principais obtidos da matriz de correlações (CPCOR) e da matriz de variâncias e covariâncias fenotípicas (CPCOV); e da análise estrutural, com base no autovalor teórico da matriz de correlações ou correlação média (AECOR). Foram avaliados, em trinta clones, os caracteres altura da planta (AP), diâmetro da copa (DC) e produção de castanha (PC), durante cinco anos. Verificou-se que em relação aos caracteres AP e DC os valores de r variaram de 0,85 (ANOVA) a 0,96 (CPCOV). Quanto à produção, os valores de r foram de 0,51 (ANOVA) a 0,88 (CPCOV). Desta forma, constatou-se que o método de componentes principais utilizando a matriz de variâncias e covariâncias fenotípicas é mais eficiente para estimação do coeficiente de repetibilidade, sobretudo no que se refere ao carácter produção de castanha. Observou-se que são suficientes duas medições da AP e do DC, e três medições da PC no processo seletivo.